A tribute to the great japanese actor Toshiro Mifune and to Gabriel Fauré’s haunting music.


  1. Refined and Confident. What all Asian men should aspire to be. Drop the video games, anime and K-pop. Start watching old school Bruce Lee, Mifune films and learn how to woo women.

  2. Now I understand my Mom and grandma saying Mifune this, Mifune that. Our fascination with manly asian men goes way back, long before doramas and BTS! LOL! That look at 1:07 omg…

  3. He was so great to fall into every heart no matter which nation, sex, age. He was the best engine to allow the world falling in japanese cinema discovering how incredibly strong and delighfull it is.

  4. Unos actores realmente maravillosos, que hacen gala de un profesionalismo
    que nos permite disfrutar del cine, desde años sigo a Toshiro y nunca me desepciono.
    Muchas gracias por vuestro esfuerzo!!!

  5. Once Mifune found his trademark scowl, it could take paint off a wall at twenty paces. Make men quiver with terror. And women go weak in the knees. Any questions?

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