Ep 6: Fushiguro has a realization! Watch JUJUTSU KAISEN on Crunchyroll! https://got.cr/Watch-JJK6

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  1. I like how fast-paced this series is and how it assumes the viewers are smart, Naruto would have 10 episodes dedicated to Fushiguro figuring out new uses for his shadow curse and then a full-episode flashback in the middle of the fight against Hanami explaining how he came up with the idea to hide weapons in his shadow, instead this series just gives you a glimpse of Fushiguro phasing through a shadow and then he summons a sword out of nothing and you're supossed to piece it together.

  2. No coz why did he have to go for a whole dialogue and a mental monologue about wanting to have free hands while bringing weapons to a fight when he can literally summon a frog or another animal to carry his weapons the moment he needs to freely use his hands

  3. I wish this show did a better job at explaining how Fushiguro's powers work. I get that he summons beasts (10) from his shadow but how does it work?
    Does he have to go and capture them?
    Can he create them from nothing?
    Were they sealed within him from birth and he has to tame them?
    I know that he can’t revives the ones that die but can he potentially gain a new one of the same type?
    What is the Bottomless well and what makes it different than the other creatures?

    These are the questions the keep me up at night.

  4. it was so weird to me how he could do that out of nowhere, but with things can come out of his shadow that why cant something go in right? took me a while to figure that

  5. If this dude can phase through his shadow, then why hasn't he tried to make it so his entire body can, and essentially become invincible? Maybe that's not how the technique works, but you'd think the thought would at least cross his mind at some point.

  6. Don't get why Fushigoro was so confused about defeating special grades, thought he knew he can create special grades himself..? And some other wins in the movie 0

  7. There really are some down sides to him not being raised by the Zenin, I can almost guarantee you that Megumi is not the first person to think of using the ten shadows like this. The benefit of having an inherited techniques is basically a user manual from other users but Megumi doesn't get that. Gojo probably knows some stuff as he is a member of one of the three great clans and they all have info on the others but just like with hollow purple there is probably secret techniques that only Zenin clan members know about.

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