Daigo Umehara
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Nemo Twitter:https://twitter.com/GOOD_NEMO

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  1. He says you can turtle in this game, and you should do it when your Drive Gauge is low. But that means you need to play keep away, not actually block, because if you block you will get broken in a couple of hits. I don't really agree this is a game where you can play defensive, like let's say GO1 style where you wear your opponent down by blocking, because you lose meter by blocking.

  2. 時間経過やら前歩きの合計距離やらで条件を満たした側のゲージ消費が1回分免除される状態になるけど、使う前にガードとかしたら状態が解けるルールにして、いかに先手を取って無料ダッシュやら無料インパクトを回転させるかが重要なシステムにするとか?

  3. バーンアウト中、現状だと無理して攻めたり切り返したりするより

  4. ウメちゃんレベルになるとわかんないけどさ、少なくとも俺は攻められるとわやくちゃになってぐっちゃぐちゃにされるけどな。


  5. ガン攻めだけが楽しいならAEユンも楽しかったはずだしな

  6. I really am surprised by Daigo's opinions in yhis regard.
    Everything he says screams Guilty Gear.
    How much offense do you need Sheesh

  7. 攻め攻めのゲームになると思ったら攻めにもリスクがあって結局ちょうどよかったってだけな気もするけどなぁ

  8. Jesus met Daigo! Daigo was smokin weed. He said to Jesus: Dude, you want some of this? Jesus: No, thanks. Daigo: Cmon, take it! Jesus: No, thanks! Daigo: Cmon dude, its good stuff! Jesus: Alright! After Jesus smoked a joint he said to Daigo: Do you know who I am boy? Daigo: No! Jesus: I am Jesus Christ! Daigo: Yo dude, I told you its good stuff!😂😂😂

  9. バーンアウト中の復帰までの長さを半分くらいにしてほしいのと、下がるといつまでもゲージ回復しないようにしてほしいな

  10. 不満は性能強化系のキャラが多い事くらいかなー

  11. ケンとかキャミィととかの強キャラの入れ替えが強いから、攻めてきたところを引っ掛けて画面端みたいな、待ちが強めなのはある気がする

  12. My wife hates playing Catan with me because I love getting development cards. I don't actually play aggressively to win, i just enjoy seeing what I pull. It's a fun time seeing what kind of luck I have. But i usually end up with a pretty good army of knights and steal lots of her resources. It usually extends the game a lot longer than it needs to be if i had just put those resources into building my cities and settlements though.

  13. ウメさんとかプロレベルとはまた少し感覚は違うのかもだけど、

  14. インパクトが悪さしてるよね

  15. Turtling definitely is still effective, I think more should be done to punish that style like giving a drive regeneration penalty for chronically walking back just like there is a bonus for walking forward. Sure it would nerf charge characters or defensive ones but they can compensate in other ways by giving them other buffs.

    And also I feel like because Daigo uses Ken he doesn't nearly feel the sting of the corner because he side switches so easy and takes them to the corner with one hit. If they're going to make the corner that oppressive, it shouldn't be that easy to take them to the corner.

  16. 攻めっぱなしが強いゲームだと、初心者が初狩りで心折れちゃうから、これぐらいの塩梅で丁度よかったと思うわ。せっかくモダンってシステム作って、新規にもある程度アピールできてるんだから、格ゲーオタク向きの調整にするべきじゃない。

  17. マノンに関しては増やされるっきりじゃなくて相手する側が減らせる選択肢があったらいいなと思う。

  18. I'm honestly extremely scared of updates to this game. The game to me is just about perfect in terms of its balance and system. Any fundamental changes, any new characters, could easily break the game's balance in a way that could ruin the game. I just don't want a situation where we look at Vanilla SF6 as the BEST version of the game years down the line. This is why I don't like Season updates. It messes with the game's experience and you can never get accustomed to a game long enough before it becomes something totally different in a few months down the line. People think this can only be a good thing, but we have seen the reverse transpire just as much, if not more, than it being for the best in the long run

  19. スト5はPC版の反応速度を想定した作りではなかったでしょうね。6はPS版でも遅延低減設定があり、調整の軸足はPCバージョン寄りにある気はする。

  20. カプコンがタイトルの今後を賭けていろいろ仕掛けまくってるから盛り上がってるように見えてるけど、正直結局いつもの知識量が豊富なおじさんが強い2D格ゲーなのは変わらないなとは思った

  21. マノンが投げられたらメダル失えはまだ分かるけど、ホンダが手をついたら一発でKOにしろって意見はひどすぎるw

  22. ウメちゃんが前々からつまらないと言ってた待ちが強いゲームとはちょっと違くない?

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