1. Fumie didn't make any big mistakes, but I don't think her skating fit the music much. She seemed tense and as if she was in a hurry or something. Her spins were sliding too much and everything lacked lyricism. Just hope she does better in her FP. Also, she should stop changing coaches every year. She used to have a great style of her own, but that 's gone! I thought her programs were too Morozoff last season, but that was much better than today.

  2. Glad to see her skate w/o major errors! Unfortunately, though, I don't think this type of music works well with her dynamic and unconventional technique. This music just accentuates what she doesn't have–which are fluid, flowing and long lines. I really want her to do well, but…well, I don't know…

  3. I love Fumie so much… she skates like COP never happened and I love that. She's the only current skater with that old-school stroking around the rink… love it!

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