What Does the Father Want? Oshi no Ko

Quite a few things have been confirmed since I last talked about Oshi no Ko, some minor, some major, but the reveals centred around the “father” take the spotlight. We’ve got a name, a face, and lots of interesting information, but still a few looming questions.

What does the father want? What’s his goal? Who is he? What role does the supernatural play here?
Why is Kindaichi Toshirou so suspicious?
Let’s dig deeper and shed some light on these questions.

00:00 Confirmations & New Information
02:40 Lalalie Life
05:37 Black-Starry-Eyes
08:32 Was He Reincarnated?
09:53 What Does He Want?

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  1. Hikaru being reincarnated actually does play a part though.
    if he was reincarnated with those black eyes…
    one sec let me explain
    im only basing this off of what you gave me.
    Hikaru's reincarnation changes something as it plays in to the deity/supernatural aspect.
    We know that Ruby had a terrible life and wanted to be reincarnated, what if Hikaru wanted to be able to live another life free of something or someone, or he wanted to be able to kill.
    if that's true, that would mean a deity reincarnated him and granted his wish of another life so long as kills Amatarasu users
    maybe it's Tsukiyomi's revenge or a way for him to get his lovers' attention.
    but i think Hikaru is in the service of Tsukiyomi, him realising it or not doesnt matter.
    if aqua is able to slap ruby's innocence back into her, she maybe favored by Amaterasu.
    meaning she becomes a target
    this probably why her getting Amaterasu eyes is unlikely.
    rubt cannot be killed
    not yet
    akane or kana will definetly die
    anyone favored by Amaterasu is a victim of Tsukiyomi
    but where does that put aqua and ruby?
    aka akasaka is an amazing author

  2. I’m not liking aquas ominous line that goes something like “I planned it this was so ruby could keep loving this world without me” I don’t remember the exact line but it makes me think aquas plan will lead to his own demise somehow.

  3. I'm betting its just the dude is simply straight up sociopath/psychopath…

    With just the very few dialogues we have of him, its the behaviour of a very insecure person that loves to put down others they deem higher than themselves for their own joy.

    I can't get myself on board with the japanese gods being literally involved because most japanese storytelling style usually handles themes superficially and isnt being unironic.
    If the japanese gods theory is somehow true, its way too loosely connected to hikaru or aqua and ruby other than them trying to get miyako to not do something that will screw up ai's career.

    The supernatural stuff like the reincarnation and the crow girl(?) that lit up Ruby's dark motivations can be a conjecture that she simply want's to punish hikaru not because he's some incarnate of a god or malicious divine being, dark japanese stories with karma or some revenge plot always have sinners and punisher or gatekeepers of hell literally visiting them as a core setting.(i can vaguely remember few, but i cant remember the names, sorry that i can't provide some titles)

    I know hikaru being just simple psychopath seems anti-climatic to many, but my question to that is why do we really need to create more nuances or some reason to understand the dude? he crossed the line several times, he could've simply dip n' dashed the first women and Ai but he came back and kill them later for whatever reason other than him being spiteful. Him quiting at the age of 16 and having clear patterns of targetting very successful or determined actresses/idols shows enough hint where it is going. Him being just simple messed up person doesn't degrade the story.

    I agree with all that is said in this video except for hikaru driven by supernatural motives or being involved in some conflicts relating to mythological beings.

    Its gonna be sad that Akane(or possibly kana for being the most innocent character in this series) will be the next victim, so that would be fan the flames in Aqua, and when it does happen, i dont want this mofo having excuses and i want Aqua to be satisfied.

  4. Just a random thought from a very sane fan but wouldn’t it be funny if reincarnation could also send you to the past

  5. It is an interesting thing the fact that the white roses are a way to "mark" those he wants to kill. Those flowers were seen for the first time when Ai was stabbed (they were carried by the stalker), teh second time was when Hikaru brought these roses at teh cemetery back then, and then the last time we saw those flowers when Akane sees them.
    But there is one time that is truly worrying : The TRUE first time when we see these flowers is during the first time we saw Kana, during her interview at Chapter 6.In the first case of the first page,you can see whites roses at the right….

  6. I temporarily dropped this manga until it's finished. Cbb to read in the lines, it's just not enjoyable. Thanks for disecting it!

  7. I think he wanted revenge on the women that ruined his career, which then morphed into killing women with drive to be successful in the industry.

    Thinking from the pov of a child that's been groomed and taken advantage of, I suppose having a child through an adult woman, someone that had more power and authority over him, was rather traumatic. Then, Ai also having a child of his and going ahead with the pregnancy, could be a reminder of the lack of consent he suffered when his first child was conceived. The existence of those children might've taken away his joy for acting all together. Thus, he decided to take revenge on the women that ruined it- and he ended up liking it. Taking away the light in their eyes the same way his dreams were.

    I might be completely wrong and maybe he was bad from the start, but I just feel icky at the prospect of an 11 y/o being a masterplan psycopath that got his teacher pregnant for supernatural shenanigans. Although at this point, who knows…

    Also, would you say that Taiki could symbolize Susanoo-no-Mikoto? The way he behaves reminds me of the way that deity is often described. And he's the third sibling in the mythos as well.

    Great video!

  8. Fun fact white flowers in japan means purity and grief and most commonly found at funerals. Something to give extra meaning to the stalker presenting them to Ai, he was basically calling her pure and announcing her death. White roses also have the meaning of Devotion and silence so Aqua's father, if we go by his theory, was sending the meaning that he was devoted to silencing Ai.

  9. Odd thought but since you bring up science aspect allot of people get science degree for motion arts example the technical side to acting film audio computer even under the arts the degree its still science degree.

  10. What if aqua catches hikaru, and instead of killing him he takes him to the grave of ai and digs up ai's grave and then does some kind of ritual with the help of the crow girl and brings back ai by sacrificing hikaru

  11. Theory: what if people who get reincarnated are the people who died while having regrets feeling that they didn't fulfill their lifes because if we look at it both ruby and aqua didn't feel like they fulfilled their previous lifes and they got reincarnated and if that's the case ai will be reincarnated as well

  12. I can't help but feel that Hikaru is merely another red herring. The more I read more I feel like there is too much pulling out to having him as a suspect. But at the same time there is no real confirmation that it was Hikaru or that Hikaru was the only third party that knew about Ai. It feels way too obvious to be true. There is also the fact the main story only started around chapter 80, which makes me think ghere is still a long road to go. I don't think Aqua's current plan is going to succeed.

  13. I do agree that Toshirou is suspicious! I might be wrong because I haven't re-read completely in a while, but looking back to some pages, it felt perfectly placed so he could talk little to nothing about Kamiki — but it also grants a reason to why he would keep quiet about Kamiki's existence towards Aqua, I think?

    The fact that he raised Himekawa, as an actor (and perhaps a little alike to what Aqua and the Director's relationship is) could influence a lot on him not telling directly anything about Kamiki. Himekawa was five, but he's pretty much aware he "disliked his father" (who probably murdered his mother) and stuck to the artistic name of Himekawa, from his mother. Kamiki, at the time of spilling the info or at least pulling some strings on the incident of Airi Himekawa's death, was probably 16, yes? Ai was already pregnant by that time and they'd already taken their distance. At that very same year, Kamiki had just retired from the company.
    Perhaps Toshirou knew something was weird. Because after all, Kamiki was abused a year after his entrance at the company… like some people have said, he was a newie. Whether Airi Himekawa's personality was weird like that to use her status there to take advantage of the rookies in general, or wether this was a one time situation, having Toshirou who – as a founding member – was working close to the members, could end up realizing something weird happened. He probably acted as if it was nothing, and thus cornering himself when Kamiki finally moves things around and causes the tragedy of Himekawa's parents suicide. He probably deducted it had something to do with him or at least suspected a little when Kamiki retired from acting, but kept moving on and maybe even took Himekawa under his wing, since he could've felt guilty. Now that he's attached to him, I'd assume he wouldn't want to explain him how he could've been a child born out of infidelity and abuse, whose biological parent may or may not had something to do with his parents suicide. (Like, his "father" is a murderer already, his mother is also scum… give him a break.)

    Turning a blind eye to Aqua's looks makes sense, way much more since their conversation was the 3 together. Also… If a remember correctly he gave a whole speech about how he "liked people who felt broken" and knew about "people who only acted imitating, as if they could feel nothing themselves". But in the end, the desire of (something-something) emotions was "the real deal". He could've had his eye set on Hikaru for the same reasons, perhaps? Idk.

    Edit: I re-read a little more, and Kamiki was probably older when Himekawa's parents died, since the "suicide incident" happened the same year she was having talks about performing in the dome (since Kamiki was 15 and Ai 16 when Ai was already pregnant, if Ai was 19 years old at the time, Kamiki probably was 17 for incoming reasons I'll dig deeper on this). So it was about two years after Kamiki left the company – but I'd argue saying began moving in this as soon as he retired. Himekawa was probably born when Kamiki was already 12, and Himekawa was 5 when his parents died. I'd say begging a plan at 16 – when you've left the company, it having a strike when he's 17 and soon enough after you've finally made your first tragedy happen. Anyways, I don't think waiting had much relevance to Kamiki and it's just how things turned out, since he himself went along Ai's murderer in their first visit to the hospital. Probably Goro's death drove them away? I've been searching so much my brain hurts, save me.

  14. I really love this theory just because it would be absolutely bonkers to find out that Ai really did have a lot of secrets that not even the people closest to her knew about. Was she the abused and the abuser due to her own problems within the industry?
    I’m also wondering if Aqua=Tsukuyomi and Ruby=Amaterasu, then who is Susanoo? I want to say it’s Kana because her full name basically means “strong horse” which could be an allusion to the horse Susanoo rides…but it’s just a theory. It would fit right in with the themes in the series about how celebrities are overworked (work horse, get it lol) etc though. Even the OP has a scene where it’s hinted at that Kana is the third deity.
    Ai herself seems to be an allusion to Princess Kaguya as Gorou means “the fifth son” and in the myth she’s pursued by five suitors. Very interesting stuff!

  15. He studies science and has a group, me, well obviously he either gonna experiment with eyes or … he is trying to get rid of evidence using science degree… Imagine this, a kid that is a genius finds or looks for a way at least of how to pickle eyes, he comes takes a while but needs to return to having deceptive eyes… He therefore is conflicted and forced for some unknown reason to keep doing what he was doing… As for the reason for which he wanted to have children, as an experiment… He wanted to have an experiment, maybe Ruby is so cute that somehow she is the only white stared child which he can bear to see.It's not like if her eyes turned off. There are also some people I'd like to point out, there are people whose eyes are flat colored, the guy you are suspecting of something and the nurse san. If the nurse san isn't the kid of baking powder then she might have been an accomplice to the stalker or a person who was done a favor. How could a single guy, a stalker, move a body across a forest alone, too far from a car to not leave a drip…. Hospital bed. take one, or rather an ambulance cot
    The illegal organ donation anyone?
    Then acid in bio waste or…
    Really, just chop off the parts, send them to the right departments during day which you know the person collecting doesn't care and boom, body parts as surgery waste. It clearly is either buried too dang deep or maybe not there. Also, could it be that the eyes are proportionate to the amount of suffering?

    Also, the group, perfect way to find star eyed victims. Also, accomplices, people who recognize the signs and are like revenge even if it comes from someone like him…. since the entretainment industry is dark.

  16. it’s probably because airi did it with him forcefully which caused him to hate women and also lose his will to live but when he met ai he found a new obsession to manipulate women and end their life when they see them have the eyes he had when he was young. this then led to him killing them which in a way that by killing them, his life would finally feel like it has its meaning again

  17. I'm still very curious ast why ai went thru soo much trouble to keep the fathers identity a secret hell she used a pay phone to contact him .

  18. The interesting thing about kamiki hikaru is he hardly ever seems to actually physically hurt someone, he rather manipulates people into situations where they cause it themselves. He told the stalker of Ai's information so he would kill ai and gorou, he might've manipulated taiki's mother and her husband to do a double suicide, and that latest actress he probably didn't push her off the edge rather he led her to a dangerous part of a cliff and didn't do anything when she slipped and fell.

    I also believe the theory that kamiki was SA'd, because oshinoko tackles a lot of real life stuff that happens in the entertainment industry and child stars being assaulted by older stars or other people involved in the industry isn't anything new. We already saw that case with Melt who was implied to have been abused by an older women but considering taiki himekawa's age it's highly likely kamiki was either 9 or 10 years old when he first become a star, so he could've been a literal child who was raped.

    And irl a lot of childstars who experience those type of situations grow up and become really controversial and messed up adults some becoming abusive to their significant others, others drug abusing and others violating the law or some just become messed up in the head.
    Maybe that's what happened to kamiki he was abused by an older woman so that warped his mind to think the way he does

  19. Ame no Uzume no Mikoto was also mentioned as having a shrine in the area of the hospital and could be the source of inspiration and ambition to the young actresses.

  20. I just noticed something that Aira has "ai" and "ra" in her name and ai has "ai" in her name like Aira and yura also "ra" in her name like Aira I think one of the future victim will surely have ai, ir, ra or yu in their name on the amounts of serial killer documentaries watched and how many book analytics I have done I have observed that serial killers often like to connect their victim by name and authors also like to do the same thing they also hides hints in their characters names

  21. Spoilers!!!!!!

    Currently in the manga, both Aqua and Ruby have black stars in both eyes and i have a theory on how they both will come to the light side again.
    Ruby got her black stars when she realised that the doctor is dead and is killed by the same person as Ai. So i think she will gain her white stars back after she finds out that Aqua is the doctor.
    Same for Aqua, he was so obsessed with Ai partly because he wanted to watch over her as he couldn't do the same for Sarina. So realising that her little sister is that same Sarina living her dream of becoming an idol is more than enough to bring him back to the light side.

  22. please do some more oshi no ko theory videos !! your the only good content channel doing long form serious research videos on this series and it deserves it ! I am so deep down the oshi no ko rabbit hole I need more discussion.

  23. I feel like Hikaru Kamiki will be proven to be a true hate sink. Even more so if he also happens to be someone who reincarnated.

    He is evil from birth and enjoys the power of playing God by showering someone else with happiness before gleefully arranging to have that happiness taken away from them. If Ai was someone who did not know love but wanted to love in the purest sense, HK might be someone who knew love, but wanted no part of it unless it provides him a way to satisfy his sadistic tendencies.

  24. I may sound dumb but I'm actually glad Aqua went back on his path for revenge when a character turns dark there's always this moment where someone or something brings them back but Aqua is deadset on killing "that person" even if he goes to hell for his actions.

    Shows how much he loved Ai and wants the man who killed her dead.

    This manga really made me dive deeper and deeper in the rabbit hole because now I too want Hikaru dead.

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