“Mic Drop” is such a song that suits Jin, I had to make a fanvideo on it ! ^^ Jin had such a hard time with Haters, Paparazzis, Newspapers and Shitty Reports of Medias back in the days that I can only admire him for staying so strong and pursuing his dream no matter what poeple said or thought about him. I will keep on following his work and achievments no matter what his next projects are. I really wish him all the best in the world and wish he found happiness in his music. Please keep on supporting our dear Akanishi Jin by following him on social medias, purshasing his CDs, goods & DVDs and by Following his NO GOOD TV episodes !

I hope you liked this Akanishi Tribute and video anyway, please let me know what you thought of it ! ^^ More videos are coming soon~

Take care xxx

PS : I make absolutely NO MONEY with my videos. I only make them for fan’s entertainement :). All credits go to GO GOOD RECORDS & JIN AKANISHI!


「NO GOOD TV」 Youtube Channel

「N/A」YouTube Channel

「JIN AKANISHI」YouTube Channel

JIN AKANISHI: https://www.instagram.com/jinstagram_…

JIN AKANISHI: https://www.twitter.com/Jin_Akanishi

JIN AKANISHI: http://www.jinakanishi.com

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LUNAAKAME VIDEOS : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKtWfIfClMNBGrRuwlHA8KA/videos

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