私たちのチャンネルは、嵐とKing & Princeに関する最新ニュースで常に更新されています。
Johnny’s is active in various fields such as movies, dramas, news programs and sports programs. Among them, who is considered to be good at the “location” that is broadcast on variety shows?
Therefore, this time, we conducted a survey to find out who Johnny’s celebrities are good at filming for programs, and made a ranking.
Johnny’s idols who laugh, are sometimes moved, and show us various scenery with a bright and positive appearance. The politeness of not forgetting to say hello and thank you to the people who helped you on location is also attractive.
Where did you rank Johnny’s talent who you think is the best on location?


#嵐#大野智#二宮 和也#松本潤#相葉雅紀#櫻井翔#ARASHI#Storm#氷川きよし#平野紫耀#岸優太#永瀬廉#高橋海人#神宮寺勇太#King&Prince

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