#madonna #facemorph #transformation

Neste vídeo, mostramos a transformação da cantora, compositora, dançarina e atriz americana Louise Veronica Ciccone, conhecida como Madonna e “Rainha do Pop”, a partir do ano de 1958, ano de seu nascimento, até 2023, data de publicação deste vídeo.

In this video, we show the transformation of the American singer, composer, dancer and actress Louise Veronica Ciccone, known as Madonna and “Queen of the Pop”, since of the year 1958, when she was born, until 2023, when this video was published.


  1. If she would have left shit alone she would've aged gracefully but nooooo she's like a swollen meth addict. I don't understand getting rid of the eyebrows that's what gave her the youthful appearance.

  2. She should of stopped well before 2020 I mean that was bad enough but WHY go even further she looks so plastic. Madonna you were ageing ok girl no need for the massive transformation it looks awful. But I still like your music & you have balls still getting out there touring.

  3. If looks are a sign of the times then I definitely want to go back to the 80s! Nothing has ever felt normal since then! Life in America was at its peak in the 1980s!

  4. Fácil julgar… envelhecer sendo a rainha do pop não deve ser fácil, os julgamentos que eu (pessoa comum) sofro a cerca do envelhecimento são insanos, imagino pra ela… eu esperava dela outro comportamento diante dos procedimentos estéticos, porém a compreendo. Envelhecer não é um processo fácil, ainda mais sob os holofotes.

  5. Beautiful work!……can u pleasegrace me with how and what software or app u used to make this? Thank u…it’s something I want to create for me my beautiful mother…….have a blessed day.

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