1. She is not ready for a celebration tour. She needs to hit the gym. Stay away from TikTok. Les fries 🍟 and more exercise. Stop appearances at places. Just be mysterious. it's more attractive. In my opinion.🤷

  2. She’s a 64 year old woman give her a break for being human, even if she doesn’t look it, she still is. —last thing we need is treat someone like we did Michael Jackson again (about his looks etc)

  3. Leave Madonna Alone people stop criticizing her over her face she has life too like u all human being she’s doing whatever she wants in her life it’s her choice not yours

  4. I admire how brave she is. Its takes a lot of confidence to step out and know 50 percent of the people on social media are going to drag you for living your life how you choose to live it. Whats sad is that alot of the people criticizing her women and gays. How ironic

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