Chen Kaige’s 2005 Chinese film, Wu Ji (The Promise) 無極, is an amazing fantasy film. It’s absolutely beautiful, the acting is great and the story was incredibly enjoyable. 真田広之さん was wonderful as General Guangming, and I have watched many times. Luckily, this film is actually relatively easy to get in the US. I hope you enjoy as much as I do. I did not include the ending in my video in case anyone hasn’t seen it. Although it’s an older film, I didn’t want to spoil anyone’s enjoyment.

The song is 荒野を駆けて performed, of course, by Mr. Sanada.

Thank you so much for watching, and thank you to everyone involved in the making of the film, especially Mr. Sanada for his impressive work in acting, and also in learning Chinese for the role.


  1. Love that movie he played that selfish arrogant @sh… person so well that i wanted to slap his face, at the end of the movie i felt so sorry for him because he payed the price for his attitude. Through his haracter of course he was both arrogant and sexy ( especially when he gets emotional) !!!!!

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