Fourteen-year-old teen idols Tackey & Tsubasa/タッキー&翼 (Hideaki Takizawa/(滝沢 秀明, and Tsubasa Imai/今井翼) appear on the first episode of Japanese TV show ‘I Love Johnny’s Jr.’ in April 1996.

This rare video footage was salvaged and painstakingly converted from an old VHS tape recorded by my wife’s friend, both crazy fans of Johnny’s Jr., from the live TV show broadcast in Tokyo, Japan sometime in April 1996. Video Copyright © Johnny & Associates, Inc. and respective owners.

Current J-pop stars Tackey & Tsubasa were top “Juniors” in Johnny & Associates, Inc. (株式会社ジャニーズ事務所), a talent agency that specializes in male teen idols led by Johnny Hiromu Kitagawa (ジャニー喜多川). The duo started as backdancers for better known teen idols in their label such as KinKi Kids when both were just 13 years old.

Japanese pop duo KinKi Kids, comprising of Koichi Domoto (堂本 光一) and Tsuyoshi Domoto ((堂本 剛), made a guest appearance on the show. They also celebrated Tsuyoshi’s 17th birthday on the show. KinKi Kids hold the Guinness World Records for having the most number of consecutive No.1 singles since debut.


  1. 復活版8時だJ見てたら、昔こんな番組あったよな!!!って急に思い出して見に来た(*´∀`)

  2. 剛君のこの頃の癖のない歌い方が好き。剛君は変に強弱つけたり表現しようとしなくても表現力が元々備わってる人だから普通に歌う方が歌の良さを一番引き出せて良いと思う。

  3. 金田一と銀狼懐かしい

  4. 大野くんもいる!!!みんなかっわいい~♥♥♥

  5. KinKi、ジュニアとそんなに変わらないはずなのにすごい貫禄だな。

  6. キンキ好きですが、タッキーが怪談ドラマで出てきた時、衝撃をうけたのを覚えています、こんな美少年いるんだと。

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