たどんとちくわ Tadon to Chikuwa [1998]
Director: 市川準 Jun Ichikawa
Hiroyuki Sanada 真田広之 as Asami

This arthouse film is definitely nothing that I expected, and while I definitely have my own ideas of what it’s “really” about, I generally feel that with a film like this, it is important for a viewer to come to their own conclusions about what it means to them… Just go with it. LOL Seriously interesting and beautifully creative. Love this film.


  1. 驚くほど美しいビデオ投稿😱。あなたvはとても良いクリエイターです👍🌹💯。それはいいですね😍。 真田さんはとてもハンサムでかっこいいです。 💘

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