A tribute to one of Akira Kurosawa’s masterpieces, a challenging movie supported by an impeccable cast, led by a spectacular Toshiro Mifune and the always perfect Isuzu Yamada.


  1. 看完这个视频,我更确定这是黑泽明最有艺术性、最纯粹的电影。每一帧都是精致的完美的

  2. Here is his words :"At the final ceremony, the prize was awarded to the film "Red Beard" … The audience gasped and froze. In a gray – black robe, with a fan tucked into his belt, a man of striking masculine beauty stepped onto the stage of the Palace of Congresses: his very posture, step, every movement were full of strength and dignity"

  3. I remember watching this movie as a kid and I was terrified by the scene where the lady washed her hand over and over because she could see the blood she had spilled and screaming "It won't wash off" over and over.

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