Still 10 years old, ‘Moe’ is a big challenge for the parents: Not only she surpasses them in reasoning skills, she seems more mature and confident than her parents, in particular her poor father, Ryo. This makes her interactions with the parents funny in an unusual manner. Needless to say, Makita Aju shows her great acting skills in the very young age with this semi-kid semi-adult-like role.
The scenes are from the first episode.

The Drama Series: Going My Home (2012): ‘Ryota’, ‘Abe’, and ‘Moe’ make a lovely & warm little family, however some recent developments including Ryota’s problems in his workplace, as well as the increasing popularity of ‘Sae’, a TV chef, have been causing some distance between the couple, and at the same time, between the two and their super-smart kid, ‘Moe’. The 10-episode series by the famous and acclaimed director, Koreeda Hirokazu, depicts how the family slowly fill the distance.

For More Information, See:


  1. 今、共演中の毎田暖乃さんが才能を発揮し大注目されていますが、蒔田彩珠さん自身も凄い才能を持った子役だった事をみんなは知ってるのでしょうか(笑)。
    ((( ;゚Д゚)))ガクガクブルブル

  2. 当時、あおいちゃんが好きでドラマ観てましたがあじゅちゃんの演技に釘付けでこの時から大ファンです!いまではとっても素敵になってとっても嬉しいです😆

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