Muhomatsu no issho (AKA The Life of Matsu the Untamed) (1943) (English Subtitles)

AKA 無法松の一生

Directed by Hiroshi Inagaki (稲垣浩)
Written by Mansaku Itami (伊丹万作) and Shunsaku Iwashita (岩下俊作)

Tsumasaburō “Bantsuma” Bandō (阪東妻三郎), Keiko Sonoi (園井恵子), Yasushi Nagata (永田靖), Kamon Kawamura (川村禾門), Hiroyuki Nagato (長門裕之), Ryūnosuke Tsukigata (月形龍之介), Kyōji Sugi (杉狂児)

This simple human-interest/love story belies the cinematic triumph of its creation. Although shown in 1981 at Japan House in New York, the film dates from 1943 and so was obviously first released in Japan during WWII. Its director, Hiroshi Inagaki remade the same story in 1958 with Toshiro Mifune in the starring role. In both versions of the story, somewhat less sentimental in the first try, the setting is the early 20th c. An unlettered but inwardly noble rickshaw man (Tsumasaburo Bando) has his heart-strings pulled by a little boy whose father, Captain Yoshioka, has been killed in the line of duty. As Muhomatsu (the rickshaw man) gradually assumes the role of surrogate father to the child, he begins to fall in love with the mother (Keiko Sonoi). The mother, however, is far above the illiterate Muhomatsu and their disparate social status offers no encouragement for the realization of his deepest feelings.


  1. Great men are those who give of themselves without expecting any reward, or recognition, a wonderful movie about a honorable man and way of life which no longer exist, sadly…

  2. A lovely film! Finally glad to have seen this!! Never seen a Hiroshi Inagaki film and I am excited to see his Musashino trilogy soon at my local cinema! ^^

  3. Wow what an emotional ride that was.. Matsu was the man.. Nippon Masterpiece.. Bandō Sama was something else, Top Shelf

    Never knew this was the original version of Rickshaw Man w/Mifune Sama until now!!

  4. 1943年の阪東妻三郎(田村正和の父)の主演映画ですね。アップして下さり、誠に有難うございます。m(_ _"m)

  5. I read that 10mins of this film were censored by the Japanese gov during the war, and another 8 mins by the occupation forces post-war. The missing 18 mins were never found.

  6. 有名なので、子供の頃から機会あるごとに観てましたが、終わった余韻が長く胸を打つ稲垣監督の映画ですね。

  7. So glad to see this film. So different from other films of the war era. There is a sentimental goodness to this film which could and should be a message for the current hateful divided world.

  8. 完璧な撮影・演出に最高の演技。人の心に訴えるドラマ。これが本当の映画というものだ。

  9. 園井恵子はヒロシマで巡業中に被爆してなくなった。唯一の出演したこの映画こそ反戦映画なのだ。身を持って戦争の悲惨を伝えるのが真の芸術の運命だと思う。

  10. 無法松の独り暮らしの家に園井恵子が訪ねて来て、あわてて阪妻が似顔絵を隠すシーンはアメリカの「ジャイアンツ」で石油を掘るジェームス・ディーンの小屋にエリザベス・テイラーが訪ねて来て写真を隠す場面に引用された。ジェームス・ディーンは無法松(おそらく三船敏郎版だと思うが)の真似をした歴史は若い世代は知っておいて欲しい。

  11. 昭和18年の映画で、この時30歳の園井さんの綺麗な声、演技の上手さ、板妻の渋さや豪快な演技上手い。

  12. 狭義には無法松の朴訥とした思慕と無償の思いだろうが、その範囲を超えて、人間と言うものの切なさ儚なさ、愛しさを描いた傑作だろう。

  13. 子どものときにテレビで視た三船バージョンでは無法松の叶わない恋心を表現していたように思うが。

  14. 結城重蔵







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