A Manofriend’s Inspiration: treasures of a memorable journey ~ ♪♫
… dedicated to all ManoFriends (^^,)

— (Best viewed in HD) —

Most of us have heard the news about Erina’s graduation from Hello! Project this February. As a Manofriend, I am both sad and glad when I heard the news … an unusual mixture of emotions. I am happy that she is now ready and more matured to face greater challenges in life as she continues her journey reaching her dreams. Nevertheless, I am sad that she will be leaving H!P — it’s where she had grown, lived, improved and had been molded into what she is today. Indeed, it will be a nostalgic farewell as she leaves H!P, but on a brighter side, a fresh new path that awaits … a new road that she will be taking as she continues her journey through life. =)

With this, I decided to make a tribute for her — a video to thank her for being a wonderful inspiration to me and to all Manofriends around the world. Featuring the song that touches her heart when she sings it “My Days For you” ~ I wish everyone will continue to support her as she enters a new chapter of tomorrow. ^_^

– pinoymanofriend

Video Sources:
– Ongaku Gatas First Concert Tour 2008
– Mano Erina 1st Concert Tour 2009 ~ “Introduction” Hajimete no Kandou
– Hello! Project Summer Concert 2010
– Mano Erina Concert Tour 2011 ~ Hatachi no Otome 801 Days
– Hello! Project 2012 Winter Hello Pro Tengoku ~Funky-chan~
– Up To Date ~ Special DVD
– Mano Days ~ Making DVD

Read more about Erina’s grduation from Kawaii Girl Japan website:
Japanese – http://www.kawaii-girl.jp/feature/22299
English – http://www.kawaii-girl.jp/feature/22299?lang=en

Featured Song: My Days For you

I have uploaded English-subbed versions of “My Days For You”, here:
Live version – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g5guFa2DPw
Music Video – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsygRrTsX5I

Disclaimer: The original contents used in this video are copyrighted to their rightful owners. If this video defies any law/policy, please delete this as appropriate. Thanks.

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ありがとうございます。~ Arigatou gozaimasu.
Thank you so much. ~ Maraming salamat po.

– pinoymanofriend º(ö,)º


  1. This is awesome! I actually cried is some parts of it, mainly with the clips at the 1 minute mark of her from Ongaku Gatas. Those were emotional.
    I gotta admit, if you we're going to try to show this to her for her graduation from H!P, I bet she would be honored to see it! This tribute of yours and my picture tribute of her could make the perfect team up!
    And btw, if you want to see my picture tribute to her, just look up "Erina Mano Tribute: Version MEGA" on deviantART, and you'll see it! 😀

  2. Thanks! I appreciate the feedback. The main theme of the tribute is actually showing her progression through her major solo career. It shows this with the top row of pictures of her from 2009, the middle with pictures from 2010, the bottom row of pictures from 2011, and then the big picture on the left is her currently. I just hope one day Erina Mano sees it. That would make my day! 😀

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