YOJIMBO now streaming on FilmStruck – www.filmstruck.com

The incomparable Toshiro Mifune stars in Akira Kurosawa’s visually stunning and darkly comic Yojimbo. To rid a terror-stricken village of corruption, wily masterless samurai Sanjuro turns a range war between two evil clans to his own advantage. Remade twice, by Sergio Leone and Walter Hill, this exhilarating genre-twister remains one of the most influential and entertaining films of all time.

Akira Kurosawa

1961, 1h 50m, Adventure
Cast: Takashi Shimura, Toshiro Mifune, Eijiro Tono, Kamatari Fujiwara

Theme: Tatsuya Nakadai on Five Japanese Masters


  1. I want to like these films. The stories aren't bad and cinematography is excellent but the acting is so corny and terrible it's laughable.

  2. I have to admit, Kurosawa movies are much better if I don't listen to the dialogues. Visually, they are mesmerising, but his dialogues leave much to be desired. I had to tune the sound down to not distract myself from the visual.

  3. Dear Diary August 23rd 2022 after watching color movies for a while now and only seeing one B&W movie Scarface 1932 I decided to see Akira Kurosawa’s yojimbo because last month or so I saw his other film seven samurai and also because I saw the dollars trilogy and I liked it and because this movie was inspired cough cough ripped off by Sergio Leone’s and he made for a few dollars more a great western adaptation of this film and anyway everything in this movie is PERFECT EVERYTHING THANK YOU AKIRA KUROSAWA!!!! For making my NEW second favorite film in 1961.

  4. I don't know the movie, so maybe it makes some sense that I don't understand, but:

    HOLY shite, that dude with the drums looks like a escaped lunatic from some assyilum. His face, his facial expression, his random drumming and walking/hopping… it all seems so random and unpredictable… batsit crazy…

    And then when I thought "wow, what is wrong with this guy?" he suddenly draws a sword and kills some random guy in a hut… why?

    This guy seemed seriously messed up…

  5. どのシーンでも必ず1つの構図に2つ以上の情報が入っているから、観客が飽きないし、画が立体的になる効果もある。



  6. 三十郎が座頭市と互角とは納得出来ない❗言いたくないが目の見える三十郎が目の見えない座頭市に実力が互角でも見えるだけ上の筈,互角の筈がない❗。

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