



” Mikako Tabe is too shy? Mitsuko Baisho and Jun Kaname interrupt: “”Your voice is too small!””. Preview of completion ceremony of movie “”Miss Granny”” 1.

Actress Mikako Tabe appeared at the preview on completion ceremony of the movie “”Miss Granny”” (directed by Nobuo Mizuta, to be premiered on April 1st) in which she plays the main role, held in Tokyo on February 22nd. At the event, there was also the attendance of her co-casts, including Mitsuko Baisho, Jun Kaname, Takumi Kitamura, Kotaro Shiga and Satomi Kobayashi.

Having “one role performed by two people” with Baisho, Tabe felt very uneasy and said: “”There is no scene in which I co-played with Baisho, but we had some scenes on the same day. She always struck up conversations with me and cared about me, but I was shy and only replied “yes, it true”, and felt very sorry.


  1. 多部未華子さんは、とても共演に大事にされる方だと聞きました。
    聡明な方で、常識のないマスコミの方も 諭すような対応をされて好感をもちます。向上心も高く、いろいろな作品も観ているようですね。

  2. じろう役のしがこうたろうさんも、

  3. Mikako Tabe Is a beautiful actress and I would love to see her in a movie. I see quite a few lovely young actresses that could win fans in the US. It would be wonderful for us non-Japanese speakers to see subtitles and appreciate the actors and actresses that we see in commercials and short clips.

  4. もちろん多部ちゃん目当てで見にきましたけど、名優・志賀廣太郎さんの生前の元気なお姿が見れてよかったでした。本当に驚き、残念です。とても素晴らしい貴重なバイプレイヤーを失ったことは、日本映画界にとり、非常に大きな損失であると思います。お疲れ様でした。

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