Every morning , on my way to work, I see an old man , blasting radio music from the early 2000s, dancing outside his shop and not giving a damm in the world.

In the brief moment where I'm smiling at that wholesome moment, I think that can be considered as happiness. Even if it's only happiness in the moment.

We can't be constantly happy.I think being content about your overall situation is the closest you can get.

Chasing happiness is like chasing the end of the rainbow, it's a search that will tire you down. Sometimes, you need to stop and admire the view instead.

The sun might be hot, but at least its up.

Im thristy but at least i have access to clean water anytime I want.

I'm bored , but at least I have the Internet to keep me company.

Even if the rest of the day is crap, all I need is a chapter of a manga I'm reading to instantly make me forget everything else that happen during the day , even if it's just for a moment.

In that brief moment , I felt happiness.

And I think that's enough for the day.


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