A Job is still a Job regardless of what your occupation is, I'm sure most, if not all of us had or is feeling the same way about our Jobs at one point of time or another.

The difference is that, we can quit our Jobs when we are at our breaking point, without having to worry about millions of people's opinion and backlash.

I think it's really admirable how sakura seeks for self-improvement, that she's willing to go back to the starting point even though she was at the top.

All of that, to become a better version of herself.

It's really not easy, anxiety is a real thing.

Even though, she might not be able to feel it right now. She's constantly improving and she hasn't stopped improving.

She might be feeling that she hasn't improved at all, because of the negative comments or looks that are drowning her right now.

Regardless of what anyone says, I hope she would come to know that, she is getting better. It might be hard for her to see it now.

But, I know that, one day, she'll be able to look back and be proud of the work she had done.

I have a lot of respect for her, and I just hope things would go well for her.

It's not easy, but she makes it look easy.

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