Lovely Devils (1982) – Kumiko Akiyoshi coming to her senses.

Ryoko, who is staying in Vienna, gets into a fight with her boyfriend and as he leaves she mutters “I wish you’d die.” Immediately afterwards, her boyfriend gets into a traffic accident and actually dies. Ryoko believes that her words caused him to die and goes into a state of mental confusion. (At the same time, Ryoko’s elder sister also dies in a mysterious accident during her own wedding in Japan.) Three years later, Ryoko is in a mental institution in Japan. When she starts to act violently, her doctor rushes to her and tells her, “You didn’t kill him. It was an accident.” Hearing the doctor’s words, Ryoko comes out of her delirium and regains her senses. She is also relieved to see Koji (Ryoko’s deceased sister’s husband and thus Ryoko’s brother-in-law) who has come with the doctor. Finally, the day has come when she is to be discharged from the institution. The doctor tells Koji, “She will never be suicidal again. However, she lost two loved ones in a row, her big sister and her boyfriend. She needs a little more time and attention from those around her to recover from the emotional pain. I’m counting on you, Koji-kun!” Kawaii Akuma (or “Lovely Devils”) is a 1982 horror-tinged suspense film directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi. It was originally broadcast in Japan as a two-hour television drama on “The Tuesday Suspense Theatre” and later screened in cinemas.「可愛い悪魔」- 正気を取り戻す秋吉久美子。他の出演者:渡辺裕之、峰岸徹。監督:大林宣彦。

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