The GACKT Iceberg

[Music] speech spee [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello everyone today I will be discussing an iceberg on gek probably the most notable Japanese singer of all time he was a vocalist of Maly Meer a visual K Band which at this point I talk about quite a lot on this channel then in 1999 he started a solo career and just like that he became Japan’s biggest rock star I don’t know what else I can say here in the intro I mean if you’re into Japanese music it will be pretty impossible that you haven’t heard about geed I might have been a bit harsh on him in my previous videos I I even call him a schizophrenic at one point but I don’t hate the guy or anything this Iceberg was made by Emmy at geology on Twitter if you’re into g go check out her profile she also sent me what’s basically an essay explaining every single entry on this Iceberg which made my life a lot easier most of what I say will either be paraphrasing or reading directly from the document she provided once again check out her profile and also thank you to haani for supporting me on patreon and uh by the way a Content warning as noted in emy’s talk some topics discussed here will be NSFW and will include mentions of sa if you’re not okay with this I would suggest skipping the entries that have some to do with all [Music] this as mentioned in the intro G is a singer however he also acted in a few f films he was nominated best actor at the Japanese Academy Awards for his role in 2019 comedy fly me to saitama GS as of yet unbroken winning streak on the New Year’s special of the gyin Kus check show has earned him a reputation of certified First Rate celebrity sometimes people use it to mock him when he does something [Music] stupid gek claims to know the basics of most instruments he started classical training when he was three initially he was a drummer he can also play piano syn guitar shamian violin and brass instruments G is one of the major sex symbols of the Japanese entertainment industry of the 21st century his looks have been described as nigan a manifestation of fictional Aesthetics from manga anime and games in the real world people have also been fascinated by historicism and Devotion to [Music] perfectionism de was the name of G’s second official fan club starting October 1st 2013 the fan club’s name was changed to G and lovers despite this the overseas F base still stubbornly sticks to deers guchi is G’s official mask character despite this sounding like a name for some weird sexual practice G job used to G job used to refer to a circle of people connected to gek including but not limited to band members and dance crew gek considers them to be his family ogat taken was one of gek senior coers in the 2007 historical drama furin Kazan he passed away after a battle with cancer in 2008 which he hid while filming get dependent on him for acting advice and credits him with teaching him how to be more open and positive person the song My Father’s Day is dedicated to him these are names of dogs and a cat that g owns or has owned in the past Japanese is G’s native language and he is fluent in English Mandarin Korean and know some French mostly pickup lines despite his claims in a certain interview he does not speak Okinawan sh yourart was a donation project started by G within days of the 2011 tohoku earthquake and tsunami to deliver emergency supplies to the affected areas he personally mobilized fans and friends in Japan and outside of it to organize donation events and send messages of support the F race were donated to the Japanese Red Cross G has been a voice actor in various media including anime video games and Japanese dubs of Life action movies G holds the record for the largest number of oricon top 10 ranking CD releases as a Japanese male solo artist G lent his likeness and voice to the Final Fantasy 7 character Genesis rodos in the games Crisis Core and D of serverus he also provided the official theme song Redemption for D of cus camoi gako is a Japanese Vocaloid A singing voice synthesizer distributed as gak po initially released in July 2008 his voice is provided by G after its release a contest was held on streaming site Nik n the two best original G po song Creations will be released as a single with the real G on vocals the track episode do0 was selected by G as the winner with paranoid doll as the runner up since the early 2000s G has been engaging in many side Ventures as had realized that the era of selling physical records was coming to an end he eagerly invest in upand cominging Technologies and trends for example in 2017 he was the first Japanese artist to release their discography on the iTunes Store he was also running a business reselling Japanese flip funds to other Asian countries G is an a pocker player he achieved top placements in multiple International pocker tournaments and his earnings in prize money amount to over $600,000 us he invites fellow players to practice at his house once a week G held a one of man only life under the moniker of yellow Fried Chickens in 2010 he toured intimate Life House venues in Japan and Europe This evolved into a full-fledged band which featured new members such as Luna is drummer sha and a twin vocalist John underdown of Fate they released an album mostly written by garist Yo and takumi this was the beginning of G’s partnership with takumi who gradually took over arranging duties on gex solo work from chachamaru and then became deeply involved as a producer as well as a part of gex management team I’ve made an entire 20 minutes long video on this topic basically in the90s G was a member of Maly smer one of the OG visual K bands the exact reasons for why he left the band aren’t publicly known there’s little to know information about this and over the years malice Meer members and G gave conflicting reports about how it all went down if you’re interested in this topic just check out my video cya Academy is a fictional school with a student council president that looks a lot like G I’m not really sure what’s going on here gek plays the mobile version of player unknowns Battlegrounds there is a core group of players that he plays with some of them have published gameplay with gek on YouTube according to G his vocal rent spends over 4 and a half octaves following his Hiatus and struggle with theonia in 2021 and 2022 G came back with an extended vocal [Music] range Bing guy is a haen slash game released for PS2 featuring sword master La Wong a character with gex’s likeness and voice created with motion capture Baku is an indie movie featuring gft alongside the Josh hernet Demi Moore Woody Harrison and Ron Perman G was present at its screening at the Toronto International Film Festival dancers in kitty costumes are a staple of G life shows they are meant to contrast the intense mod of the opening act G signature look is a red Tabby G has own several Lamborghini Avent models in various colors G lost orange and purple he owns bags chairs cars clothing and all kinds of accessories in this colors G has kept multiple official blogs on different websites including the now defun Community website for fan club members G and where G band members staff and even fans had their own block G is an a fan of the anime gandam to the point where he can recite entire scenes from it while imitating the character’s voices he met tomini yoshioki the creator of the series multiple times provided songs for the theatrical Zeta Gman movies and was special guest on stage at the initial reveal of the first odba Gman statue this tatsuya is a professional G impersonator frequently mistaken for the real deal egist Platinum by channel is G signature perfume he wears copious amounts of it every day G is surrounded by mostly foreign bodyguards wherever he goes He jokingly said that rather than protecting him the bodyguards are meant to protect other people from his own sometimes inflammatory temper hell ball is a staple of G’s training regime it involves repeatedly dropping a medicine ball which weighs 9 kg on a person’s ABS he subjects his band members dancers and stuff to it it looks rather painful but is so effective that people have volunteered or back to join [Music] G played the Son Goku era warlord wugi Kenshin in the 2007 historical drama furin Kazan at first he was sped out by traditional media in viewers for being too effeminate to play such a significant historical figure but his Ardent and Soulful portrayal as well as his androgenous appearance became a huge hit once the drama heard he was even invited to appear as Kenshin in the procession and battle re enactment at the annual Kenshin Festival in joetsu it used to be a small local Festival but hundreds of thousands of people blocked the small town from all over the country to see gags during his many appearances following the first time in 2007 oshiro gako is G’s legal name it was officially confirmed by him on December 26 2017 when he became involved as an investor with cryptocurrency project spindle fingering tutorial refers to a video tutorial on G’s YouTube channel finally veiled as an excise this came to be after a porn star named Gand appeared as a guest on G’s weekly nikoniko streaming program and offered to judge G’s technique apparently he was so good at it that he received the golden star of approval [Music] G used the RO Magnum to refer to his penis on a variety music show utaban in 2001 he is he instantly regretted it and his fans T him about it to this day G started taekwon door in 2007 in only two years he acquired the black belt which means he is the record holder in Japan for achieving this in the shortest amount of time he is currently a second 10 and still regularly practices with world champions in the dojo at his house some fans think that there is still beef between G and Mana the guitarist of M smer and currently mad MOA the fact is they didn’t keep in touch for a while but as of now they are on speaking terms and have met on multiple occasions I also talk about this in my why did g leave Mal Meer video contrary to popular theories that we will talk about later G gets along well with yoski the drummer of X Japan G likes to recall stories with him yosiki and alcohol on variety shows G signature look has him wearing Shades everywhere including indoors some people think he wears them just to look cool but he actually needs them because his siid are very sensitive to light people have made many body pillows of GE including one that is a life-size version of an existing cell phone strap and perhaps most famously a pillow with a strippable jacket unveiling shirtless G G wants to obtain a license to fly a helicopter he has been taking flying lessons in kagoshima prector for many years G was the youngest of the five malis muser members Japanese musicians rarely reveal their ages and for some reason most people assumed that he was older members of the visual Cas scene including those senior to him in experience and age approach K using respectful language G claimed to be a vampire born in 1540 his real year of birth 1973 was unknown until November 5th 2009 in March 2015 G threw a party at his house in Tokyo and NABA which is a hot poot was on the menu G liked spicy NABA so he brought copious amounts of red peppers as stopping for the guests photos of G carrying in the plates taken from various angles some of them showing during Grace traum Shia in the background looking like he wants to Disappear by different guest go on Western visual cave fan Cycles every once in a while Moon project or Moon Saga refers to several G solo Works including albums movies and stage plays that are thematically linked exploring human nature Through The Eyes of supernatural creatures and such as vampires each iteration has its place in a historical timeline that Tak the setting from K era Japan to Medieval Europe and onto Asia in the near future starting in 2000 gek has been a regular appearing on variety music show utaban hosted by comedian ishibashi Takaki and Nakai masiro this is where G’s dead pen Talent started to unfold themselves the matter of fact and almost stent way in which he recounts his experience shopping for pork Bell meat and how particular he is about it at the local supermarket let ishibashi to refer to him as the pork Berry aristocrat fore [Music] spee K’s field was a band that g was the vocalist of before Mal Meer the band was active around kioto and also featured later G chob members yo and ren around the time G single PS I was released a dating scam of the same name became available for download the story featured a character named G who is in a band has a disabled sister and the playable character is his childhood friend Dark Side inhabitant was an accessory Line featuring collaborations between G and various Smiths named after the group of characters on the same name in gex W project l in G’s autobiography DED gaku he describes how when swimming offshore on Okinawa he nearly drowned and saw his life up until that point Flash before him he found a strength to keep swimming after he recalled that he hadn’t had sex in months G used to wear tight leather pants but since 2015 he has almost exclusively worn customade pants with a dropped crotch the motivation for this was he wanted more spes for his uh for his Magnum yes he has them I’m not going to talk about this G’s curated image also shows in the way he speaks Japanese has various forms for the personal pronoun I and the way people refer to themselves is impacted by their personal identity when he was still with malice Meer G used the masculine Boulder AA but very shortly after going solo he switched to the softer and more neutral Boku to create a gap with his image to the average Japanese person gak looks like what one will call a typical Aura user so this perceived Gap is what charms people I absolutely hate the fact that this is the second time I have to talk about this on this channel but basically G made a video for his CED boot camp series on YouTube in which he shows us how to train our PPS to make them stronger and grow that’s it downtown is Japan’s most famous comedic Duo consisting of Hamada masatoshi and Matsumoto hitoshi they have been a staple of variety TV for over 20 years G has been consistently featured as a guest on their programs ever since he started his solo career and they are known to be very fond of him [Music] in high school G had a teacher who would hit him a lot apparently corporal punishment was common in Japanese schools back then it was bent in all settings in 2020 anyways back to G he and a few of his friends lifted the teacher’s car and mounted it against the wall of the school parking lot this story is sometimes brought up in interviews I just imagine the friends being the guys from Mar me G used to post selfies of himself in just a towel often after showering on his Instagram there’s a video of gek chugging a whole Battle of tequila in just one minute at his birthday party G has commented on the video saying stop telling me to stop I have regretted this enough sorry I’m a [ __ ] the video inspired people to record videos trying to outdo him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] spe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fans have speculated that G and yoshiki of X Japan don’t get along due to their different work ethic the rumors started due to their super Group performing only one live show which I’ll talk about later as was said in the previous episode gek and yosiki actually get along quite well gek made his Twitter account in December 2010 he started actively using it in the month of the earthquake in March 2011 today he has over 1 million followers some of his post are honestly just what you would expect from him height is the vocalist of L and seal while writing the story for his vampire film titled Moon Child G had hide in mind for the character named K G insisted that the movie wouldn’t work without Hyde so he was given the task of trying to convince hey to star in it when Hyde was invited to G’s house to read the script the room was so dark that he had to read it while holding a cigarette lighter I couldn’t find an answer for why there was no light in the room in flam to saitama there is a kiss scene between G and his co-star yuk isaya the scene was added upon on G’s suggestion gek spends about 70% of his time in koala lumur the capital of Malaysia his house stands in a gated community in the city outskirts it is a 1700 square miles modern Bellin Villa with a half basement level guys basically I’m now standing in front of G’s house um J-pop singer and uh this is in Malaysia this is a very um close and a very small uh neighborhood and uh the security is very tight here and there’s lots of expects who are staying here so this is the this is where Mr gex or g s staying here on the comedy show utaban G got to deal out punishment to the house in the form of a flick to the forehead to demonstrate how powerful it is a glass bottle was put in front of him and his finger was armed with a join rank for protection the battle was shattered yeah kiss Mark was G’s first fan club it was established in the spring of 1999 when he started his solo career it went defunct after he broke with his management at the time this entry is related to something we’ll discuss in the next year the company that was running G’s shortly first fan club kissmark released a GE figure that was actually just squal Leon hot as for who school is I’ll talk about it in a moment G has an older sister who has has been involved with his work as an artist behind the scenes from the beginning of his career according to G she is a badass and has gone through several marriages they have lived together for a long time in multiple locations which led to gag becoming a father figure to her child Maya is a daughter of G’s older sister she has appeared on the blaga and some of the game center videos which we’ll talk about later more recently has been responsible for the content related to G dogs on gangs F Club service G loves to eat bread but only allows himself to do it when he’s in friends after eating his first bread in yes in 2018 he commented when I started my solo project I decided not to take any carbs and 1 meal a day only when I come to friends I’m allowed to eat breads it’s a tiny happy but I’m so happy I haven’t have arise for 20 years though while promoting the single episode zero originally made using the Vocaloid gakupo gak performed the song on TV while dressed as a Gothic version of gakupo G has rid horses for many occasions including festivals movie drama roles and even during his concerts he likes to go out writing in his free time G is known for changing his hairstyle quite a lot and he has tried just about anything his look during the diabo story in 2005 featured cornrows leading into long [Music] extensions skin was a rock super group started by G yoshiki sugiso and Miami in 2007 they held one INF famously troubled geek at the Anime Expo in 2007 with G job basis juken as a support member all B activity was suddenly stopped without any information following their debut show the word chibio translated to Middle second syndrome is a term used to describe team with grandio delusions who desperately want to stand out and who have convinced themselves that they have hidden knowledge or secret powers G blames his infant PTI sense of humor and love for perverted jokes on it when G was unable to find an appropriate size humidifier for his bedroom he made the ceiling to floor waterfold there instead as mentioned in the previous episode G’s datee of birth was unknown until it was publicly revealed in 2012 however G claims that he never had any intention of hiding it in fact the DAT July 4th 1973 appeared on gags gravestone ible in the opening and ending video with the sixth day and the seventh Night concert in 2004 G has an Infamous firm handshake comedians on TV like to overreact to the handshake with bone crushing sound effects added in post the top page of the fan club community site Gand featured the theme Parish layout leading to you to a different section of the site the central feature was the G Castle which led to things like G’s block the lights would be on when he was online sha the drummer of Duran gray is a quiet and introverted type of person he admires g a lot he went to a party hosted by G during the party G was confused by shena’s quiet demeanor and thought that Shena didn’t enjoy himself at all and must not like him however as it turned out sha described the event as the best time of his life G his collabor ated with Japanese credit card company Oro which issued cards with a G design another infamous thing about G is this inflammatory temper he has mellowed a bit in recent years and vow to stop raising his voice when getting into an argument even G’s dog inner had a block on the old community site inner served as the spokes dog for an Environ inner served as the spokes dog inner served as a sports dog for an environmental preservation organization as he was a very environmentally conscious dog he even had his own online game made in flashh underland was a subscription site that offered GED content such as wallpapers and emoji that could be used on Japanese flip phones the service was discontinued when most Japanese people had switched to using smartphones a few years later G will start another subscription service called G phone which offered similar perks as well as access to Advanced ticket sales Game Center or just Game Center is a lenty series of Let’s Play videos which involve G playing all kinds of games with friends or staff members sometimes joining in [Music] during the 2000s G was a poster boy of the Tako Yuri Beauty Clinic he was featured in commercials magazines and promotional events [Music] [Applause] [Music] as you know by now before G started a solo career he was a member of the visual K Band M SM there G said that his motivations for getting into the visual K industry were related to the fact that he viewed it as a purely Japanese phenomenon that had potential to become popular in overseas markets this led to people accusing him of using malice Meer as a stepping stone and the scard in the band was it became clear that he could reach stardom on his own in 2021 a tblo shukan Buon published an article about the story of a married woman cheating on her husband with G according to the article the 35-year-old woman was a fan of G and she sent him a birthday message on Instagram G and her started talking and eventually they met in real life to have sex twice the woman’s husband accused G of shuttering their ordinary married life gek has not denied the story only saying that he wouldn’t do it if he knew she was married my personal theory is that the story is true but g wasn’t aware the woman was married and when the husband found out about it he thought they could use the situation to get money out of gek Woody har son and gek got along well on the set of buaku when the movie was screened at the Toronto International Film Festival fans couldn’t help but noticed Harrison’s eyes were drifting southwards each time he was standing near GED the platinum blonde hairstyle GED head in 1999 in the vanilla era is uncannily similar to The Final Fantasy 7 character Cloud remember when I mentioned the company releasing GED figures that were actually figures of squall well Squall is a character from Final Fantasy 8 that GED claims was modeled after him the designers of the game had not confirmed this and instead insisted that Squall is based on River Phoenix n [Music] people like to point out the visual similarities between G and kibutsuji muan from Demon Slayer G played into this when a video of him singing a cover of the song homura while dress as musan went live on his YouTube channel just after Halloween the video became a viral hit and G is now consistently on people’s list for actors to play muan in a live action adaptation for basically as long as he has been in the public eye G had conventionally pretty th but perhaps because he was serious about the career overseas or perhaps just because he wanted to he got too implants around the same time he got his F nose uh more on that later Young G had a tendency of getting off on the wrong foot with people and and sugizo is no exception when at an event where both G and sugizo were playing gek heard that someone from sugizo’s Camp had been mean to someone in his Camp G went to speak his mind leading to an argument in su’s dressing room years later when skin happened G was apprehensive because he thought that sugizo hated him he asked M he to mediate but he refused du to sigo being his senior and that would be awkward so when G went to meet Sugo himself it turned out that sugizo had brush off the incident and acted like it never [Music] happened this entrance refer to how the shape of G’s nose has been changing over the years his first nose is the one he had in M Meer when he started a solo career he got his second nose and he has his F no since 2006 one of G’s business ventures involved him buying a mountain in japanes alss and the skin Resort built on it multiple than club events have been organized there it decided that the resort business was not for him due to the seasonal nature and sold the resort before he immigrated to Malaysia in 2014 g stylized his artist name in all cops when he celebrated his 10th anniversary as a solo artist in 2009 some fans have a clear preference for the era that preceded it or the era that came after G and height are fans in real life but G statements about the other have long L fans to speculate that his feelings are of a romantic nature perhaps most famously Gat has said that he will marry height if he was a woman in June 2021 G and height performed on backto back dates at the same venue in Osaka G invited Heyde to have some tea but Heyde refused saying that he wanted to focus on his concert so I guess is playing hard to get people watching the Moon movies starting G and hide couldn’t have but noticed the homoerotic undertones in the relationship between the two characters I guess you can compare it to less St and Lou in Interview with the Vampire in 2012 G’s personal management agency was hit by T tax authorities as part of a larger investigation into the company that was managing his artist activities at the time officials visited gak’s home in Tokyo to take possession of documents and devices and the media wasted no time printing headlines calling G attex evader revealing the location of his home to the public in the meantime G was not allowed to say or explain anything while the investigation was ongoing but neither him nor his agency were found to have committed any crimes I have a question oh okay sure are you with the tax collector’s office or something do I look like a tax collector okay next yeah I’m not going to don’t worry that’s not the reason why I brought the cameras it’s okay okab saturo is assumed to be g’s old legal name it remains in old records from the schools he attended as a child oshiro is his mother’s maiden name and he is said to have first change his name to oshiro satoru after his parents divorced and later changes his first name to mat the fonetic rting of his artist name g visits the great site and family home of Kami Maly M drummer who he was very close to twice a year on kami’s day of birth and day of death he has shared photos and videos of him doing so and after fans went looking for the sight themselves against the family’s wishes someone to blame G for revealing the location nothing G has ever shown can in fact be used to deduce the location unless you live in the neighborhood or were already familiar for heay so it is defense responsibility to refrain from going there even if they know the location [Music] in photos and videos taken in G’s house numerous tumblers containing who knows what kind of concussion are never far away G was born left-handed but was forcibly corrupted to right with his right hand in school and is now pretty much ambidextrous when applying eyeliner he uses his right hand on the right eye and his left hand on the left eye yep G sleeps naked G falls in love with people regardless of their gender during his late teens and early 20s he was in relationships with both men and women but his says that he has ultimately come to physically prefer woman according to research 97% of Japanese people age 10 to 17 know who GE is GE likes kissing a lot and he is know to kiss his friends in 2012 tblo Friday published photo taken of G and singer iconic now known as itomi Yumi while on a date when asked about the relationship during a press conference for his stage play G said that they hadn’t discuss whether they were officially a couple or not and he would ask her next time they were in bed [Music] [Music] this entry refers to a fanfic titled elegant Gothic Lolita murder that you can find on Archive of Our Own after a day of modeling Mana walks into a bar where he gets approached by a creepy guy who mistakes him for a woman and is trying to hit on him when Mana reveals to him that he is a man the guy gets violent and eventually gets curb stomped by Mana and as it turns out the creepy guy’s name is o oshiro gako in the next chapter Mana meets Kami who decides to assist Mana in his hobby of killing men they then kill CO’s former roommate but drunk CLA stumbles into the the murder scene so they kidnapped him they spend the night at mana’s apartment and CLA starts acting strange and pink in a corner and stuff like that and they get approached by a neighbor who introduces himself as Yuki and this is where the story ends Kami was the member of M Meer that GE was closes with and they frequently hang out in private this naturally led to people writing fanfix about them and even publishing do jinii manga and I’ll be honest I had absolutely no idea that there is a m Meer manga according to G visual okay bands would get together to play paintball G and junji sakuma did not meet on friendly basis after a paintball match with several bands they ended up fighting in the parking lot in 2006 Juni joined gek job as his drummer and they remained on very friendly terms this refers to a video on G’s YouTube channel in which he reads all a perverted version of the Japanese folklore momotaro while quote moaning like a bottom oh Jesus in 2018 G announced that he will be participating as an investor in new crypto currency project spindle and became a part of the pr effort to get other people to buy in right after going on live the currency plummet as they all do living a lot of Biers feeling like they had been deceived and until this very day hold G Sol responsible for the debacle which is why the Valuta came to be known as gcoin a lot of cleaning up probably happened behind the scenes but the fact that gak never issued an official statement following the debacle means that tabloids keep turning out articles every time he does something and the so-called victims keep leaving nasty comments in the Japanese St of the movie Kong Skull Island G vo the leader of the Expedition team played by Tom hstone [Music] [Music] G sometimes falls asleep during parties that he HS with more than 100 attendants G has shared a photo of his pants with the crotch part rip du to chafing too much while on horse back yo is G’s the longest no acquaintance Haven met during their teenage years when G was still primarily a drummer when their B’s vocals dropped out it in fact was y who found G the vocals almost by accident when GE half jokingly suggested he will step in as vocalist y took a fence at him apparently making light of the test and this is what sparred the ever competitive G to want to prove that his metal two people that are into shiping y mellow d to F personality looks like the perfect fog and eord to g the document provided by Emmy doesn’t explain the context behind this entry and I wasn’t able to find anything about it but based on the title I assume this is a pickup line that g had use at some point so it goes like this he says that he is lost then he gets asked where would you like to go and he responds with to your heart I mean that’s that’s pretty cute I think in 2013 a tabloid run an article detailing G’s alleged sexual assault of a woman working at a house bar two years before the woman had been trying to blackmail him and was looking for a tabloid that would run a story exposing him the story is largely dismissed by the industry and the police denies having received a formal complaint from her G and his management responded with a defamation lawsuit and fix quickly settled down after that John underdown served as a twin vocalist in yellow Fried Chickens it was hard to deny he get chemistry Ked both on and off stage despite their relatively short teer together the on stage F service and the fact that they seem to get along really well spurred an explosion of funfix and fun art featuring the Two G loves rice the main staple of the Japanese diet however he completely swore of eating rice when he started a solo career the reason being his beli that in order to become successful he had to leave one thing he left behind the moment when he asks someone to cook him some rice will be the moment when he feels that he’s going to [Music] die Jordy was the company managing gex artist activities in the late 2000s to early 2010s this period so G reach New Heights with his largest scale tour today being Rim at reminiscence 2 but also new laws the biggest one being the tax investigation scandal in 2012 G relationship with Jordy had soured for reasons such as them not being supportive of his initiative to help out victims of the Great tohoku Earthquake but they also owed him a large amount of compensation for his artist activities as mention mentioned in tax investigation G broke ties with Jordy not long before the company came under investigation and Jordy was found guilty of embezzlement G is proficient in a variety of martial arts but Taekwondo is his main passion he has jokingly said that if he wants to hurt someone he will kick rather than punch pontiak trans and Firebird was gex’s dream card that he had purchased with his first paycheck after going solo he later action it off for charity including the previously mentioned Firebird cars previously owned by GE appear at car dealers or on the road quite frequently one notable car is the Lamborghini that he customized in gold and has his signature on the hood [Music] [Music] G injured his knee while on Tor with his stage play secrets of yoshitsuna chapter 2 turnning his Lings according to his most recent statements his knes have improved through stem cell treatments due to his knee issues G has been seen using super fancy walking canes Japanese netizens like to claim that g is still able to appear on TV even with all his his quote Scandal baggage because he is dotted on by Hamada masatoshi and Matsumoto hitoshi if you remember previous episode these are the people behind the comedy group known as downtown who are two of the most powerful figures in the Japanese entertainment world gek has frequently shared photos of himself on a drip gek tended to get up cloes with the people in front rows during the tours with yellow Fried Chickens and for mon his arms and legs were in scratches but a particularly deep one has left a faint scar G has another noticeable scar near his belly button but its Origins is unknown as mentioned in the previous episode GE enjoys kissing his friends however Kami of Maly Mizer rejected his kiss G’s y appearances on the gay noin kakaka check New Year special have made G so nervous that he developed circular B spots on his head some Western Gamers have claimed that g is to blame for the fact that Final Fantasy 7 games like priz score and D of servers have not been ported to other consoles by square inex among reasons cited is spare Enix not having full ownership to the character Genesis rapsodos and GED blocking them from using it Square en not wanted to play royalties to greedy G as if he needs their money another alleged reason is G’s relationship with spir in his having sour due to all his quote [Music] [Music] scandals G runs a real estate agency together with his business partner in quala lumur Malaysia the paparazzi photos allegedly taken while filming a Dango commercial with naked GS steeping out of the glass box are widely assumed to be F or to shove a body double instead of the real G IID surgery is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures in Japan during his early years G had a more pronounced double eyelid a lot of photos were taken from an angle that emphasized the curve around 2004 G change Styles and photos featuring a head on glare became more common G has had several surgeries to try and combat his deteriorating eyesight get is one of masturbating preferring to go out and find a partner when he’s in the mood from a young age G has enjoyed disassembling and then reassembling items such as smartphones laptops and even pianos takesi is get’s current drummer and besides appearing in various videos on gex official channel has joined him on numerous trips to Malta in 2020 in 2021 often serving as a cameraman on videos that were shot there during this time G came up with the nickname chin gek had a bad motorcycle accident when he was young after a period of Reckless motorcycle riding according to Tablo the tax investigation revealed that g is paying child support to a woman and child living in Canada [Music] [Music] [Music] this photo of G is from his high school graduation album according to the dblo that published it he was Infamous for always standing under angle when having his photo taken during an average party G opens 30 bottles of tequila G takes 17 kinds of supplements every day [Music] G has a business profile on LinkedIn he describes himself as a visual casinger actor Creator investor and entrepreneur his profile appears to be inactive since 2017 this is G’s old email address no longer in use deers was the biggest Community devoted to G on life joural in the mid 2000s when he was 20 gate was briefly married to a Korean woman 10 years his senior according to him she was the one who insisted and he didn’t care for the concept of marriage so he just agreed they separated three months later when it became clear that marriage didn’t solve the issues they had gek tends to talk about himself or rather the artist Persona the way Bruce Wayne talks about Batman an ideal a concept that is always fre steps ahead of him G has devoted himself to pushing his limits to remain as close to his ideal as possible for as long as he is physically able to in 1999 G hosted a radio show because that’s what artists did back then it was infamously sley and included G responding to letters received from people with all maners of embarrassing problems one of the most meable moments involve teenager kiru Shaw a huge geed fan ding in other demoner space alien show and forting on command so fore [Laughter] [Laughter] besides the aention selling of flip phones G has also sold Japanese wagu meat overseas when GE was 19 and working as a hor and dealer in a casino he met a business man who inspired him to find a purpose in life that being music so yeah whoever this guy was he’s the reason gag got to where he is now and I tried looking for any reports as to who this guy might have been but it seems like nobody has ever stepped out to confirm that yes I was the guy who made GED G and R was a sub brand of fast retail store dazy featuring G and Roland a famous former host turned entrepreneur you were as producers it imploded shortly after it was announced when it was found out that Dai had copied designs of already existing clothing and it became clear that G and Roland were more like figureheads with very limited influence on the designs Roland who issued a quick heartfelt apology and move on from the debacle received praise for the way he handled it and got away from the B and skate G sent handwritten letters of apology to everyone who had placed orders and released a video in which he explained he would continue to work with dazy to hopefully fix the issues with the company and receiv received a barash of abusive comments for not apologizing publicly and showing enough humility as is the expection in Japanese culture G owns a huge swimming pool and even though he dips in it he doesn’t really swim he has had several near-death experiences while swimming in the sea as mentioned in I think the first uh episode where he was saved by Drowning because he just started thinking about sex in the early 2000s G run a column in the magazine Jose josin which was later compiled into an autobiography jih Haku in it he talks in detail for the first time about his childhood including a traumatic new experience that left him able to see things that should not be there whatever that means another passage from G’s childhood that was originally revealed in jaaku after collapsing from an unknown ailment which the doctors thought to be an infectious disease G was quarantine in the children’s world of a hospital the lyrics to the malice Miser song Bryce are based on this experience [Music] [Music] foree [Music] foree spee [Music] [Music] oh G you didn’t and G Army are two communities on life journal that are dedicated to G back in the day you were either a member of the former or the letter not both as of the writing of the script both communities have been inactive since 2017 yo reportedly was married before the diving in 2014 after his divorce he married food and lifestyle blogger Sakura inana and they had a son often referred to fans by Mino in 2014 a tabloid flash published an article in which a woman claiming to be Yo’s ex-wife revealed that yo had been guest ghost writer for many years yo published a statement refuting the claim saying that the 500,000 Yen per song stated in the article covered arranging duties only and would never be enough to compensate for actual songwriting G publicly supported his friend G believes that the skill of Seduction and acquiring fans go hand in hand when he first came to Tokyo to join malism he struggled financially so to develop his Charisma he approached women in the ik Kubo West exit Park his goal was to find people who would support him financially as a bing artist and play sex was only a part of it he’s still in contact with many of those people early in his solo career G lost his [ __ ] and completely destroyed a green room in the NHK Japan Broadcasting Corporation Studio building he was henceforth banned from appearing on the channel but was absolved when he was C as Uki kin in fing kasan G has lost interest in ever Maring questioning the Merit of it when asked if he would marry as a proof of Love G said my actions will be the proof of that when gex’s private home was hit by a tax investigation its location was revealed to the public as stab jump on the incident the at first Glimpse and assuming multiple story building making it hard to believe there is a bedroom with a huge waterfall located on the basement level is located in Tokyo’s sat Gaa world one of G’s homes outside of Japan is located in the Philippines not much is known about it besides that it’s located near water and G likes to take his friends out on boats or jet skis this refers to the converted parking lot of an apartment building that g Liv in during the first half of the 2000s most of it is made up of a single room and it has a shooting range in 23 even though he has moved multiple times it still seems to be under his or his company’s ownership and the listing for it has appeared online G is a middle child with an older sister and a younger brother unlike the older sister the younger brother is rarely mentioned G was born on Okinawa and has rukan lineage but he himself has admitted that due to having only spent a short period there as a child up to around Elementary age his connection is not as deep as that of other Island natives school records show that he has spent most of his childhood living in sha prefecture which explains why his first band was active around Kyoto some Skeptics like to claim that g emphasizes his okina roots or even fake them because Okinawa is a cooler place to be from Shiga is to Kyoto what saitama is to Tokyo so G’s apparent relinquishing of this part part of his childhood could be triggering an inferiority complex in the people of shika he is often compared to nishikawa takanori born in Shiga who is openly proud of his roots casino dealer is one of the night life jobs that gek work as a young adult gek had restricted access to many things as a small child he was not allowed to watch TV and could only listen to classical music and traditional an music with Frederick shopen being his biggest influence on his future music his father beat him physically and his mother once threatened him with a kitchen knife and he brought home his girlfriend this is an alleged photo of G when he was a kid the earliest appearance of it online that I could find is a 2008 blog post in Spanish [Music] host is another one of The Nightlife jobs get work as a young adult eye witnesses on the internet say that he was active in the Entertainment District in Kyoto under the alas Shuka he has not discussed it much but did reveal that he was sexually assaulted by an older male coww Walker while drunk alluding to the inherent risk of of hospitality work that involves consuming lots of alcohol people who claim to be former classmates of G in high school describe him as an introverted and melancholic loner who didn’t fit in and who never approach girls G is a self-proclaimed the Reus and eats out every day in order to force himself to leave his home and socialize when attending a promotional event commemorating the release of the first Deadpool movie in Japan G commented that he really like the pegging scene gate has lamented the fact that he does not derive any pleasure from having his nipples simulated and claims to be jealous of those that do anal Co is a name used to refer to his [ __ ] maybe like once G has casual talk about his enjoyment of anal stimulation hide once gifted g a whip for his birth birthday it’s still displayed in the G’s house in Tokyo in the latter half of 1998 after finishing promotional work for the single release of Le with malice Meer G all but disappeared from the public eye in January of the following year it was announced that he had parted ways with the band and in April he finally made his first public appearance now as a Sol artist rather than having truly gone missing G reconnected with with his old bandmates and went to Los Angeles to record his first record the miserable EP gate left the restaurant and was C by Paparazzi while waiting for his car to pick him up a very odd thing for him to be doing on his own as he is usually accompanied by staff and or security when out in public in Japan G once asked his fans to get the Japanese word for poop trending on Twitter and when they actually did it he was disgusted at sexy gek is G’s telegram account g h ties specifically removing them and the marks that they leave on people’s bodies he also hates underwear for the same reason he hates tights he frequently goes Commando in private G finds feather light touching highly stimulating gate has confessed to being attracted to specific types of voices get is quoted as having said this during an MC monologue once with the way I look people may think I’m gay but they’re wrong I’m by with multiple exclamation marks four is the number of romantic relationships that g has had in his entire life he does have a large number of friends with benefits and claims that the number of people he has done the thing with would land him in a spot in Japan’s top five gate has confessed to like him to watch and to be watched to be more specific he enjoys others seeing how good he is at pleasing his partner G also likes having the thing in public places some of the crazier locations include behind a sign board in a shopping street the passage connecting two train cars and on the roof of the sunshine 60 building in Tokyo’s ik Kubo District G is extremely sex positive and has confessed to having had sessions that lasted for hours in his youth but he has taken to focusing on his partner’s pleasure rather than his own due to his orgasms being over in the blink of an eye more on this later unfortunately G is fascinated with the elusive art of squirting and is envious of people that can do it g does not sober up after an orgasm and claims to have been able to go for hours when he was younger gex’s ejaculate volume is 3 ml for those of you who are curious the normal volume varies from 1.5 to 5 ml 20 cm is the size of G’s penis according to data from 2008 corroborated by him on a recent stream where he said that he had used to measure it by comparing it to the distance between the tip of his pump and little finger when he spread his hand which is exactly 20 cm 64 is G’s preferred condom size not commonly available in Japan the woman who accused G of sexual assaul in her that I talked about in the previous episode claimed that his Wii had been embedded with Beats a common practice among the Korean Mafia tabloids in Japan Harbor anti- zichi sentiments making G who publicly speaks positively about Korea has friends there and speaks Korean and has been married to a Korean woman at one time a favorite Target of theirs g focalizes a lot during sex and prefers partners that do so too in a 2018 interview G took another shot explaining his M departure from M Meer according to him the Power Balance in the band had gone already over time as he took on more of a leader and mediator role and in the creative process and he was more deeply involved with a lot of songs than that song credit L on gift was never particular about claiming songwriting credits because he was mindful of these Dynamics between band members but would not relent on Leal this caused an irreparable Rift between him and the others and became the Catalyst of his later departure G loves having sex with multiple people and various gender [Music] mixes and with that we have finally finished covering the GE Iceberg this was actually such a right I personally knew a little to none of these topics before starting the series Once CE again massive thanks to Emy for making the iberg and providing explanation for everything thank you to haani for supporting me on patreon I hope you all enjoy the series as much as I did thank you for watching and goodbye [Music] [Music] spe [Music] together [Music]

Hello everyone. This is the entire “The GACKT Iceberg” series packed into a single video with removed intros and outros. Thank you all for watching.
Iceberg made by:
Shoutout to Haitani for being my Patron.

0:00 Intro
2:40 Tier 1
7:15 Tier 2
14:57 Tier 3
23:24 Tier 4
30:38 Tier 5
39:40 Tier 6
45:29 Tier 7
53:17 Tier 8
57:26 Tier 9
1:04:47 Tier 10
1:09:53 Tier 11
1:14:00 Tier 12
1:17:02 Outro


  1. Hey, this is just all of my videos on the Gackt iceberg packed together. If you've already seen all of them individually, there's no need to watch this one. I'm uploading this for people who'd want to watch the whole thing in a single video in the future.

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