The Ingrid Bergman Scandal

in 1950 ingred bergman’s affair with Italian director Roberto rosolini enraged America so much she ended up exiled they were both married with children but Bergman wound up pregnant with rosalini’s child which added fuel to the fire when the affair became public knowledge her fans sent her the most vile hate maal and somehow even the US government got involved Senator Edwin C Johnson spoke about her in Congress calling her a powerful influence for evil people boycotted rosalini’s film stroi which Bergman starden and she wasn’t allowed to be a guest on the Ed Elan show her good reputation was destroyed and work for her in Hollywood dried up in the wake of this Scandal Bergman spent a good chunk of the 1950s making films in Europe and she didn’t see her daughter Pia for seven years she later commented people saw me in Jon of Arc and declared me a saint I’m not I’m just a woman another human being it wasn’t until 1956 that she made a huge comeback with her role in Anastasia even bringing home an Oscar for best actress

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  1. If you are an actress who makes money for the studios, a multitude of so-called sins will be forgiven. Moral relativism. More concerning should have been her nazi sympathizer ideology.

  2. Horrible details never knew she was publicly destroyed pretty extreme and they called her evil everyone in Hollywood has affairs hers produced a baby well that’s what sex does it creates babies in those days birth control was what? Yeah right men make me sick they walk away and the women are left to raise child alone and reputations ruined .. never has been fair she risked everything when you hear this you kinda understand why morality and social norms have flown out the window an about-face!
    I loved her as an actress I loved her accent she was so down to earth and real .. her daughter is beautiful like her ..

  3. It’s all about peoples they can put anything on pedestal and renounces all in blink of an eye ! Humans are the most dangerous being on Earth

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