
– We are… – Believe it or not! – Hey guys, it’s Pocchi. – And Michiko! Welcome to the Happilife Channel. We have a really exciting news to share with you. Although, it’s obvious from the video title. – We are… – Believe it or not! We are pleased to announce that… Ready, set… We’re going to have a baby! We didn’t decide on our phrase! What’s it gonna be? – "We are expecting?" – "Going to have a baby?" Your version? We are expecting! So many people have been waiting for this moment. We received a lot of encouraging words from everyone. It’s been two and a half years since we’ve announced this journey. So we’re excited that we’re finally making this announcement. I hope you’re as excited as we are. Right. I think you’re all wondering who’s pregnant, right? That’s the burning question. Initially, I was going through the treatment. We were posting update videos once every year. It was to avoid the assumption that we gave up on the process and having people worry about us. Did we tell them about your treatment? – Did we? – I guess we did. I initially started by myself, but at one point we decided to go through the process together. So we both had the chance to get pregnant. However, the one who got pregnant is… Believe it or not! It is! (Michiko’s pregnant ♥) It’s me. What’s up, you guys? She has a bun in the oven. There’s been rumors that I got pregnant. Right. I’ve gotten so many thoughtful words, which I really appreciated. It was sweet of you all to congratulate me like that. But it makes me wonder… Is it my body type? It’s rude to assume, you know. After we made that announcement, the general question we got was, "Did you get pregnant?" Nobody asked me that. Everybody was asking you. You weren’t under treatment back then. If not, I made the announcement. Nevertheless, everyone assumed you were pregnant. Since we didn’t say much up to this point, it was difficult not to make assumptions. From today, please celebrate Michiko’s pregnancy. I appreciate the assumption, though. You sure? The hormone imbalance and stress contributed to my weight gain. I added 10 kg since I started my treatment. So I was sure people were gonna ask me. But not even once. Is it my clothes? I’m currently making prenatal visits. I look the least pregnant out of everyone. Generally, everybody’s wearing a flowy dress. They’re also wearing colors like this. Nobody’s wearing black. It’s usually a muted color like beige. They also have loose hairstyles. I always slick back my hair into a tight bun. Because of how we present ourselves, most people generalize that Pocchi got pregnant. But I broke that stereotype. I surprised everyone and overcame the generalization. When we announced that we were going to have a baby as a same-sex couple, there were different reactions. We received a lot of criticism too. That made us consider not sharing our pregnancy publicly, but we had people who were supportive and looked out for us. We also wanted to convey a message for same-sex couples on the same journey. Since we already announced about our journey publicly, we thought it would be best to tell you the end result. But one thing to keep in mind. We have other information, such as the details about how we conceived. We won’t be disclosing that here. We’ve made that exclusive to our paid membership platform. It gets complicated to share everything on a platform that’s open to anybody. So I hope you understand that. She’s currently in her second trimester. It’ll be six months by the time you’re watching this video. Although her symptoms are stable at the moment, she is still at a vulnerable stage, due to her hormone levels. I understand there will be different opinions about our pregnancy, but please be kind and send us nice comments. Including our future videos. We have a lot of vlogs covering our treatment and earlier pregnancy symptoms, so please look forward to that. Since I couldn’t be as active as I used to be, we couldn’t post videos so frequently. It was obvious, right? We’re sorry we kept you out of the loop. We appreciate your patience. We received a lot of DMs checking up on us. Some even assumed we broke up. Rather than keeping it a secret to our supporters, we thought it was best to make an official announcement. If not, we would have had to completely stopped filming to hide my belly. Or maybe only Pocchi will be on camera. – I’ll just disappear. – That’ll make it seem more like a breakup. Or just zoom in from the chest up. We’ll only be filming super close-up videos. They’d be like, "You’re too close to the camera!" To avoid that, we decided to let you all know. We’re announcing this a lot later than we intended to. Anyways, we are very pleased to share this information with you all. Her symptoms weren’t too heavy, so she was able to do things here and there. But obviously, she had to take it easy on her job. We also couldn’t go out as actively as we used. So about our posting schedules. Since Michiko’s still pregnant and we’re welcoming a baby soon, we won’t be posting as frequently as we used to. But we won’t quit YouTube, or break up… You don’t know that! Anything could happen. I hope you’ll still look forward to our content. It contradicts what we said earlier, but our next video will be a trip vlog. I still can’t be too comfortable, considering how long it took for me to get here. I feel compelled to rest if I’m feeling slightly out of the ordinary. Now that I’m in my second trimester, I feel less burdened. But I’m still unsure. There might be opinions from viewers who’s already experienced pregnancy, but please go easy on us. We still don’t know the baby’s gender. So it’d be fun if you could try guessing it. I’m sure whoever’s watching up to this point is our longtime supporters, but my guess is that this video will invite new viewers. And if all they’re gonna say is, "Oh, the less feminine one’s pregnant?" then they can go ahead and shut up. I also thought about my necklace. If I wore this in front of newcomers it might attract comments like, "Is that a dog collar?" "You look feisty." – Who cares! – I want to weed out the trolls! Also, don’t you dare say things like "The sweeter-looking one didn’t get pregnant?" This video is officially troll-proofed. There’s something we never disclosed. How we got pregnant as a same-sex couple. We’re not going to dive into the details about the technical procedures, but we received a donor sperm. We’ve become friends with the donor through this process. Through his support, we were able to conceive a baby. There was an option of using a sperm bank, but we chose this procedure. Here’s the reason why. Some families choose not to have any father figures, and we’re not against that structure by any means. When we were planning this whole process, we thought it’d be best for our kid to have a father figure. It will be one less thing for them to worry about. We thought about using an overseas sperm bank, but the donor would most likely be a total stranger and a non-Japanese speaker. I’m sure there will be a time when our kid will want to know about their father. Instead of creating a situation where we can’t explain or have them meet each other, we wanted to bring in someone who will be close to our family. It’s something that we’ve had in mind from the beginning. Our donor has already been participating in our family gatherings. He also went to the shrine with us to pray for a safe labor and delivery. We brought in someone who would become close to our family. I think there will be different reactions to our family structure. Not all family structures are the same and inviting a father figure is what we’ve decided on. Many people have told us how it’s cruel for our kid to not have a dad. There might even be families that don’t like the concept of a dad. What is a "dad" anyway? What’s the role of a "mom" and "dad"? Does giving birth define the role? If then, what is the dad’s role? The same goes for moms too. Let’s forget the traditional family structure. It might be unusual to have two moms and one dad. Some people might not consider the donor as a dad. But that’s who we’ll see him as. Since the donor is the father of our kid, we want to treat him as equally as important. We don’t know if that kind of family structure exists, but this is how we chose to shape our family. So hopefully this could be insightful for those of you who are in a similar situation. We’re happy for the most part, but we’re anxious about the things after the baby’s born. Do we look happy, by the way? – We can’t tell ourselves. – Let me explain what happened. We were live-streaming on our paid membership platform. And somebody asked us if we were actually happy. I guess we didn’t look excited? To their eyes, we looked coolheaded. I was thinking about why we were channeling that energy to them. It’s because I still can’t believe it myself. I’m still in disbelief that there’s a baby inside of me. I’m happy since it took me so long to be pregnant, but I’m also bracing myself for anything that could happen. That’s true. Since I have that feeling so strong in me, I may not have looked overly excited. Could people get the impression that I’m actually not pregnant? I hope not. I doubt it. Not after all we’ve explained today. We’re happy of course, but we’re also a bit anxious. We can’t be too careful. I’m sorry guys. I’m sure you’ll all support us no matter what. On top of that, I’m also anticipating the future. Like, what kind of lifestyle should we structure around this baby? How should we plan our future? I’m also thinking about the government and kindergarten paperwork already. We’re looking at our situation pragmatically and feeling the pressure. That’s where our mind is at. – We’re happy. – Right. No doubt about that. We’re just trying to paint the bigger picture. Both our families are happy. Right, they all know about this of course. Everyone’s in a happy spirit. So, from now on we’ll be a family of three and a dog. – A family of four. – Apparently, the baby can already hear us! We’ll do our best as a family of four. We ask you all for your continued support! That was our happy announcement to you all. If you liked this video, please like and subscribe. Comment too! Also, check out our socials from the description box below. Bye-bye! Thank you so much for watching! (English subtitles by Yuka) Did we cover everything? – I guess so. – Did I say that I was pregnant? I think so… If not, we still got it in the title so we’re good. It’s been a hot minute. Haven’t done this pinky thing in a while. My bye-bye voice was so squeaky. – Hope it’s okay. – Today is Dali’s birthday. Right, it’s his birthday. He turned three. We didn’t say that in the main part of the video. Didn’t want to infodump you. That was tough. Filming YouTube videos is tough. It’s only been recording for 28 minutes. – We usually average for an hour. – Right, and we start panicking. Wait, the battery’s low! I guess we managed our time well today. Thank goodness. Goodnight everyone. Have a good one.

#同性カップル #レズビアン #妊娠 #妊活 #報告

​⁠ ​⁠@kimamanihappilife
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2016年 交際スタート
2019年 結婚
2021年 パートナーシップ宣誓交付





Thank you for watching with English Subtitle.

English subtitles by Yuka

Production Music by https://www.epidemicsound.com/music/featured/


  1. お体も赤ちゃんができる準備をしていたんですね😊


  2. お子様にもお母様方にも今後困難なことがあるかもしれませんが、お2人なら絶対乗り越えられると思いました。幸せな家庭を祝福です🕊

  3. おめでとうございます🎉

  4. 初めて拝見させていただきました。おめでとうございます(*´ω`*)

  5. おめでとうございます🎉

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