Daigo is amazed at how strong Ryu is after 30 years.【SUB】

Daigo is amazed at how strong Ryu is after 30 years.【SUB】

يا رجل، قتال ريو أمر صعب حقًا. بجد. لم أر مثل هذا Ryu القوي منذ 30 عامًا تقريبًا. أنا نوع من أريد استخدامه. أريد استخدام ريو أيضًا. ياس من الصعب للغاية مواجهة ريو هذه المرة. ربما يكون ريو قويًا، أليس كذلك؟ إنه أمر صعب حقًا، حتى عندما أستخدم أكوما. لكنني أعتقد أنه أمر جيد جدًا. أنا أحب ريو. قف! هادوكين قوي حقًا! Hadoken هو OP على محمل الجد. انها قوية جدا. يشعر ريو بالقوة حقًا. إنه شعور صعب للغاية عند اللعب ضد ريو. لقد أصبح أقوى حقاً.. آه… ولكن ربما يكون Shoryuken الخاص بـ Ryu ضعيفًا؟ لا، على محمل الجد، ريو صعب. حقًا.

Daigo live stream:https://www.twitch.tv/daigothebeastv
Daigo Twitter:@daigothebeast

If you’re interested, you can watch the player’s feed directly from the link above, and subscribe to his feed and Twitter account!
#sf6 #Daigo #Ryu


  1. Low key, after playing with akuma for a while, i think his health should be like others.

    Well yes he has a lot of great tools like air fire ball and dive kick, but both can be easily countered

    About the "big damage" part, i really didnt feel the damage. Ya you can see daigo do the combo and delete a chunk of his health, but ryu can do the same with less moves.

    Um, slightly buff akuma?

  2. So at 2:40 you can hear him buffer the stick on his grab oki attempt. Was he buffering a DP in case the opponent jumped instead? Or was it like a similar option select type of deal.

    I have never been good an option selects but the concept of buffering a DP while grabbing seems doable.

  3. Ryus links are insane and I feel like it is impossible to tell where his hitboxes are because they're so disjointed.

    Dude is punching my ass through fireballs.

  4. Ryu players in 6 are absolutely unhinged. They do the most random bs, fish with donkey kick, and only fight 1 round win or lose lol. I don’t get it lol. I actually have more respect for Ken players because they’ll actually play out the set.

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