日本はまだ知らない 魚介で作る飲み物【ブイヤベース】

Salut! Hello everyone, I’m the chef George Today, We will cook something we received so many requests on You are right, it’s the bouillabaisse On this note, I got excited, And went to the nearby fish market I bough these fish as is, focusing on root fish But fillets are perfectly fine to use Honestly, you can use the fillet from any grocery stores You don’t necessarily have to prepare the same one as I did For shellfish, I purchased mussels But again, You can substitute this with manila calm There are places that sells mussels and that don’t If you are using the musseles, There’s something called reeled thread, so break that thread And wash off the dirt on the shell I bought scallops with skin, but peeled scallops are fine I’m sure it can be difficult to get this nearby So you don’t necessarily have to use it But if there’s scallops in it, it gives off the rich taste So I do recommend using it I wanted to fry the shrimp with the shells on to get the full flavour Eventually, we will peel it when eating, so we will just make a cut and remove only the flaps Many might wonder what bouillabaisse is This is a specialty of Marseille, France It’s a French hot pot of Local seafood stewed with aromatic vegetables It has its roots in the local fishermen’s tradition of using unsold fish or fish with many bones It is said to have originated as a stew of those unsold fish The origin of the word "bouillabaisse" is "bouillir" meaning to stew And "abaisser" from the meaning of to weaken or to lower. So together they mean to keep stewing. This is one of several theories, so I hope you can use it as a reference. Nowadays, it is seasoned with spices such as saffron, fennel, rosemary, dill, and other herbs, to be stewed with tomatoes In the old days, however, it was cooked in a pot with salt and olive oil It was as simple as that So I think the original form is pretty close to the Italian dish, aqua-pazza I have the impression that "aqua-pazza" has become very popular in the YouTube in recent years In the culinary world, the two are so close that the difference between is often debated So what difference does it really make? Aquapazza is more of a dish that makes use of the ingredients as they are Whereas, the bouillabaisse uses a lot of herbs, and besides fish, shrimp and crabs Both often use tomatoes, but In contrast to aqua-pazza, where the fish is steamed and the tomatoes still retain their shape after cooking In bouillabaisse, the fish and tomatoes are simmered thoroughly and the tomatoes are dissolved in the broth I would say they look and taste very different. It’s hard to say, because there are many different ideas depending on the chef, But aqua-pazza is a steamed fish dish and bouillabaisse is a soup dish I’m going to make a bouillabaisse, which is a bit more time-consuming It would take a little bit of time to do it exactly like I do And I’m sure there are those who would like to simplify it a little more I hope you will use it only as a reference and arrange it accordingly First, sauté the aromatic vegetables and combine them with the tomatoes Make the source base I sliced the onion as well as carrots and celery into thin strips Once the sauce race is finished, remove from heat and chill In the meantime, I sprinkle salt on the fish and lightly brown it in a pan But I forgot to make a slit in the skin I’ve got a little bit of an ugly flip-flop shape But I’m the one eating it So it’s alright Right? Add the shrimp right away Bake it fragrantly to bring out the aroma of the shrimp At this stage, be careful not to burn the fish That goes the same for fish, too When the fish and shrimp are heated through, pull them out of the pan with the scallops and mussels The sauce base we just made We will marinate with this An hour or two of this marinating time is sufficient The goal here is To blend well the aroma of the savoury vegetables and the fish flavour In the meantime, we have time to make sauce rouille Spicy sauce with garlic, chilli peppers, egg yolks and olive oil It takes a little time and effort, but it is an indispensable sauce for bouillabaisse A bouillabaisse without rouille is just a bouillabaisse It is like coffee without the creep and It is like a bird without wings It is like a field without a scarecrow After boiling potatoes in salted water, add egg yolks and mix well When it is thoroughly mixed, add a little olive oil to it Almost like making mayonnaise The potatoes in it don’t make it very easy to separate like when making mayonnaise But I recommend adding olives oil a little at a time until you get used to it Tasty Then, after the fish has marinated in the refrigerator and fully absorbed the flavours, transfer it to the frying pan Put the hard-to-cook fish first Then stretch it with water along with the sauce base Cognac and Pernod would be great for flavouring If you don’t have a Pernod in your home You can use the spice, octagon Add bay leaves to enhance the overall flavor Depending on the size of the fish, you can cover and cook it for 5 to 10 minutes Then add the mussels, scallops and shrimp and cook again Adding the shellfish and shrimp broth gives the soup an instant boost of umami And adds depth to the flavours This one can be cooked for 5 to 10 minutes to fully develop the flavour After that, pull it up first to prevent it from overcooking and becoming dry Normally, the dish is now complete and can be served as is This time, in order to make it more visually appealing We will use the savoury vegetables used in the sauce After cooking it down by about two-thirds to concentrate the flavour A little olive oil is added for a light finish This thickens it This is usually done with flour or butter Tasty We will dress it up The fish that have been pulled up are deveined from the bones and served with the heads and shells of the prawns removed as well The finishing touch is the sauce you just backed up, the soup We will pour a generous amount of soup over the top Bon appetit Wow This is insane Very tasty It’s filled with the flavour of sea Good octagonal aroma Best with Pernod This sauce is so good I am laughing When you add rouille, it becomes thicker and tastes different It’s an accent Yum! The Louille is always good This is not fair I want to go to the sea This concludes one of the typical French dishes, bouillabaisse The recipe is linked in the summary section for your interest Please follow my Twitter, and Instagram page, too See you soon in the next video Aviant








●クールで切れ味抜群の包丁【和 NAGOMI】シリーズ<三星刃物>








●使い手をイケメンにする鍋3点セット<フィスラー >


●パスタにしか使わない IH対応のアルミパン<北陸アルミニウム>



●万能ミキサー バーミックス

●無駄にカッコいいペティナイフ<恵比寿刃 hana>

●小型で有能な業務用真空パック器 <Food shield JP290>





#ブイヤベース #魚料理 #本格


  1. 作っている時はクールなイケメンのシェフなのに食べはじめたら元気なアンちゃんになるのが好きです

  2. 初めて動画見ました、芸術ですね。素人ですが、料理がしたくなりました。お酒好きなのにペルノ知らなくて、調べてみます。

  3. 今度ブイヤベースを作ろうと思っているのですが

  4. ジャガイモが温かいうちに卵黄を混ぜると思うのですが、すぐに食べない場合は冷蔵保存すれば大丈夫でしょうか?翌日でも大丈夫ですか?また、冷えたルイユをブイヤベースに入れるしかないでしょうか?ルイユを温めるわけにはいかないですよね?ご教授ください

  5. 素人で初めて作りましたが、多分(?)美味しく出来ました!


  6. Chef私はもう若いころから何回もbouiillabaisse を作ってますが、chefのていねいさに感動しました.2週間まえからchefのyoutubeを12こ見てこれが1番食べたいですね.2日かかるかと思いますがこれは作りたいです。ポテトを入れたrouxも始めて.ありがとう。

  7. クリープを入れないコーヒーをジョージさんの世代で知っているとは思わなかった。

  8. 作りました! ソースルイユは必須ですね。味が化けます。

  9. Hi! I love to cook and I love to watch your videos. I don't understand Japanese, but I've understood that you mentioned sharingan and Hatake Kakashi:) what was the context?

  10. キッチンが機能的で、道具の配置や取り出しの所作も城さんのセンスを感じさせます。ミニチュアガンダムが見届けてくれてるので安心ですね(笑)煮込みすぎないのが重要なんですね(笑)参考にさせてくださいね。

  11. なんでもそーなんだけど、結局その料理に最適な材料へのアクセスが無い時は違う物が出来上がりがちなのよね。

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