[MULTI SUB]后宫动画【穿越成王妃,我挺着孕肚满山跑】儿子竟然追着陌生女人喊娘亲?这是怎么回事?!#沙雕 #小说 #爽文 #沙雕轻漫

The bride .. finish Xiao Lingyue, the eldest lady of the Xiao family, is infatuated with King Yi Exploit. The means are calculated to become his princess Yi But on the day of the wedding. Wake up again It is the rebirth of a modern medical and drug family A strange sensation ignited from within She realizes it’s not. react Isn’t the original owner 1 for? Rather, it is for bloodletting to reduce the effect of the drug and keep the king at the door No orders from me No one is allowed to come in Xiao Lingyue, you dare to compete on the day of this king’s wedding, I want to go to see the king of the pavilion so much The king will send you back to the west now This pure egg Do you really want to live and like me? Xiao Lingyue’s eyes darkened for a while Take a breath Find the right acupuncture points Zhan Beihan was instantly pointed Stiffened Fall to the ground Xiao Lingyue, you dare to sneak attack this king What a guts It’s hilarious You’re going to send me back to the West Why can’t I sneak up on you You’re a big lady of waste Where did you learn the method of pointing? I advise you to save some effort I haven’t solved this point There’s no way you’re going to rush away in your life The words are not finished yet Xiao Lingyue frowned This body has no internal force The effect of the medicine in the body is almost overwhelmed If you don’t understand I’m about to be overjoyed It’s up to him for now What do you want Have you not? Xiao Lingyue, you are presumptuous Why are you so loud? I’m just polite to ask Ask you first I’m a man with a habit of cleanliness I don’t like the dirty stuff that others have used Ben King Shrimp has taken you What are you angry about? If I hadn’t been hit by my sister? Can it be cheaper for you We’re all married anyway We’re going to do something on our wedding night Isn’t it a matter of course to take things for granted? You dare to touch this king I just touched the text You shout a little louder Let all the people of your royal palace come in and watch Little baby, you obey me Uncle, I will take care of you He was clearly full of humiliation and resistance The body is honestly uncontrollable A night of love Bone-eating pleasure When the man wakes up The daring woman was gone What was left was a letter of resignation I, Xiao Lingyue The husband fights the northern cold Because of the discord between the husband and wife Therefore this book Hugh was written After that, one and two wide Each has nothing to do Take this as proof Xiao Lingyue, you’d better pray that you don’t fall into the hands of this king A quarter of an hour later Countless soldiers poured out Seal off all the gates of the capital Something big is wrong The dragon scale guards are all dispatched You don’t know yet, man I heard that Princess Yi just entered the door yesterday Mysteriously disappeared in the morning He also left a letter of resignation Said to Hugh His Royal Highness King Yi is mad Do not hesitate to mobilize the dragon scale guard Dig three feet into the ground to catch Xiao Lingyue back Xiao Lingyue is not. 7 Ning Xi will not marry His Royal Highness King Yi Could it be because of His Royal Highness King Yi. Not really For a while, all kinds of outrageous rumors flew all over the sky Xiao Lingyue stood in a hidden place The corners of the mouth twitched Isn’t it just one night? As for such a stirring up of the people Obviously, he himself didn’t want to marry me I also deliberately wrote a letter of resignation to clear up the relationship He actually blocked the entire capital Send the Dragonscale Guard to get me Stinky men don’t recognize people when they lift their pants Luckily, I was prepared You want to catch me for the rest of my life Xiao Lingyue is not only a modern medical drug family He is also a major general of the enemy country Nanyan Famous Seven Kingdoms Relive two lives It’s nothing to be a mere transfiguration 9 months later With a big belly Xiao Lingyue, who was still being chased by soldiers, ran all over the mountain Grief and indignation What the hell has been going on for so long Why are you still arresting me Stop, don’t run The woman is pregnant for nine months, but she is in good shape Chased by soldiers, running all over the mountain I’m not stupid If you don’t run, you’ll be caught After a few dodges Xiao Lingyue skillfully shook off the pursuers Take refuge in a hidden cave 9 months in a row The announcement of the catch on her never stopped I wanted to take refuge in a foreign country But I didn’t expect this pregnancy to be twins Now the physical fitness is too poor There are still too many toxins left in the body The losses are severe If it weren’t for my medical skills I’m afraid I won’t be able to live now When I am distressed A crampy ache came from my abdomen The two children seem to be unable to wait At this moment At the foot of the hill gathered a group of soldiers who captured him His Royal Highness King Yi As for the people, the whole mountain has been surrounded Long Linwei was doing a quick search You mean, no one has found it until now Please forgive the king Xiao Lingyue’s body is agile Light work first-class And he seems to know the rules of the Dragonscale Guard’s movements Repeatedly escaped His subordinates are sending more manpower Be sure to capture her alive You said she knew martial arts Yes, Your Highness It is impossible for Xiao Lingyue to be from the General’s Mansion One of the well-known scrap wood Not even a rabbit dared to do it How can it be martial arts But this is what hundreds of soldiers saw with their own eyes The subordinates did not dare to lie There is one more thing The subordinates also just knew According to the soldier to report Xiao Lingyue was on the run The abdomen is rounded Suspected pregnant It’s awesome No wonder she was running Pass the order down Do everything you can to arrest Xiao Lingyue Even if it’s three feet into the ground and he shall dig her up for the king Yes, sir Report! An anomaly was found in the cave to the south After two hours of labor pain Xiao Lingyue gave birth to twins safely My brother is in good health The cry was loud The younger brother was visibly weaker Suddenly, there was a strange noise outside the entrance of the cave Long and sweet to fight the temperament of the North Cold Long and sweet It is bound to chase to the end Long and sweet You can’t always take two. 000000 Long and sweet Hide everywhere Long and sweet Somehow had to be found to cut off his mind completely Long and sweet There is it in the cave of the prince. Long and sweet Judging by the traces Long and sweet Xiao Lingyue may have been born prematurely Long and sweet What about children Long and sweet Didn’t find it Long and sweet It should have been taken away by her Long and sweet Give me a careful search Xiao Lingyue designed to lead the northern cold to the cliff But he only held his newborn brother in his arms Xiao Lingyue, what do you want to do Stop me You dare to go one step further I’m going to jump right from here now Long and sweet You want to. I don’t care if you believe it or not I never thought to calculate you all along Zhanbei replied with a cold smile The woman in front of him disgusted him to the core I’m poisoned Time is running out Even if you don’t believe it anymore I don’t have to lie to you No matter how many grievances there are between you and me But the child is innocent He is your flesh and blood Pro. former I ask you for only one thing to raise him well Don’t let anyone bully him Have you said enough There is not much time for the body to be poisonous You’re too embarrassed to fool me A cunning woman like you What is the fork playing this time? This king warns you Don’t ask for any tricks Immediately restrained If it falls into his hands I’m afraid it’s not as good as it. Don’t even think about keeping the two children safe There must be a painful trade-off It seems that this is the only way to go I know you don’t believe it But this time it’s true As soon as the words fell Xiao Lingyue threw her brother in her arms to Zhan Beihan Jump off the cliff without hesitation Zhan Bei stood stiffly in place It seems to feel the departure of my mother The brother in his arms suddenly burst into tears Half an hour later Xiao Lingyue with a scar Holding another weak brother Struggled out of the mountains and forests No one knew she was pregnant with twins That’s all she can do in order to take the child away and fly away Completely cut off with him Newlywed prince and princess. Doooo Nine months later, twins were unexpectedly born Turn around and jump off a cliff for the sake of the child Five years have passed There was a wounded man lying on the ground The woman next to her cried out in despair Help, is there anyone who can help us? A carriage came to a slow stop Down came a woman with a veil on her head Mother My mother went to see it and came back It’s windy outside You stay here Don’t come out Good mother Who are you? Something in trouble I am Shen Wan, the third lady of Nanyang Hou Mansion It was my personal guard who was wounded Just encountered on the road. To protect me He was badly wounded Ask the girl to save him Nanyang Hou Mansion But it just so happened that wasn’t my stepmother’s maiden home? The man was seriously injured Already unconscious Just some skin trauma Excessive blood loss leads to coma Miss Three don’t worry Excuse me, you are Hey, hey, hey, I’m a doctor One of these two vials is for external use One for internal use It won’t be long He will wake up Thank you girl for saving your life You are the concubine of the Shen family Raised in the countryside since childhood Where are the personal guards to protect you? Girl, you know me I don’t know it, but I’ve heard of it It seems that Miss Shen’s body has been weak since she was a child Carrying it again. 0000000 Fostered in the countryside since childhood Never returned to the capital As soon as the words fell Shen Wan suddenly knelt on the ground I just lied He’s not my bodyguard Rather, it is my future husband My father suddenly asked me to go back to Beijing and marry Gaomen I didn’t expect my aunt to be vicious And send someone halfway.. We You tell me what to do Beg the girl to let us go Don’t tell anyone about seeing us You want to go away with him, fly away and elope But it will ruin your reputation The father doted on his wife and destroyed An The aunt is ruthless again I can’t fight at all I just want to be able to live a plain life with Fu Lang Xiao Lingyue’s heart moved This time back to Beijing Just lacks an upright identity You are willing to give up your identity as the daughter of the Shen family Do you grow old with him incognito? Yes, I do Okay, I can help you Replace you to return to Nanyang Hou Mansion Deal with those tiger and wolf relatives for you But from now on You are no longer the daughter of the Shen family Just a civilian Would you still like it But we look different And this obvious birthmark on my face How are you going to replace me? Don’t worry As long as you don’t self-inflict identity I promise that the Shen family will not bother you again Shen Wan nodded in agreement Give the jade pendant and letter that represents the identity to Xiao Lingyue Long and sweet Pick up the man and walk away Have you seen enough Don’t come out again Long and sweet Poisonous insects in the grass can be deadly Hmph, you scare me Long and sweet Xiao Lingyue was stunned The boy in front of him is simply a miniature version of Zhan Beihan Long and sweet It’s exactly the same as Beibei He was the other child I was forced to leave behind Sweet The Li Sheng brothers of the North North He grew up Long and sweet He grew up Long and sweet You’ve been staring at me for what you’re doing Could it be that the master is too handsome and fascinates you Who taught you to speak that At a young age, you know that you are fascinated by girls Long and sweet I’ll tell you the truth Long and sweet Am I not handsome? Okay, handsome young master So what are you doing in the wilderness alone? How come no one is following you I don’t want them to follow." Long and sweet I ran away from home Why run away from home Is your daddy treating you badly? Ah, how do you know my daddy Do you know him? I guess At this time, a soft and glutinous voice came Long and sweet Mother, who are you talking to? Who is he? Xiao Lingyue didn’t know how to explain it for a while He was the child of his mother’s coincidental encounter I don’t know what it’s called My name is Xiao Hanhan The little cold shivered the cold of the northern cold How did he call the child such a name? Isn’t it awkward Your name is Beibei Southeast, north, west, north It’s your mother Are you also from Beijing? It’s not that he talks so much Like a mosquito buzzing Okay, are you going to the capital? My home is in the capital Shall I take you there? Didn’t you say you were going to run away from home If you don’t go, you can’t find it anyway What are you looking for? I’m looking for my mother’s father Said that he ran away with someone else Don’t want me anymore I wanted to ask him if it was true Zhan Beihan, you bastard Such a smear in front of my children Da! Shen Wan, where do you want to run? Come out and get beaten Shen Wan is the third lady of Nanyang Houfu is also Xiao Lingyue’s new identity now Where did the young people dare to shout in front of the master The strong men in front of them didn’t pay attention to the cold at all The eldest brother is her I’m going to be my mother This ugly monster can quite run We’ve got it Give it all to me Take her back to receive the reward If you dare to move us, let’s try Master let you walk around without eating You were found by Aunt Hua How much silver she has given you Now that we know our purpose Then you should be happy Let my brother see you and cut you down So that everyone can save snacks That’s a good idea It would be better for you to take the initiative to give your head It saves me peace of mind From time to time, everyone goes up together Xiao Lingyue’s body method is flexible However, this gang of bandit brothers is too vegetable Sichuan It was wiped out in an instant She, she actually knows martial arts It’s amazing, my mother is the most powerful Taking advantage of Xiao Lingyue’s inattention Big Brother Bandit wants to run away The cold blows the whistle hard In the next second, a black figure fell from the sky The bandit boss was subdued in this way See Shizi Yeqi did a good job and was very handsome The prince has won the award Doesn’t it mean that a person runs away from home It turned out that he had a secret guard with him No wonder they are so bold Dare to pick the bandit boss I didn’t say I was alone His name is Night Seven It’s a good brother from childhood to adulthood Night Seven: He is the mother of my younger brother whom I just recognized Called, my surname is Shen Miss Shen Miss Shen Live Mother, you’re not hurt I want to hug I want to hug too Subordinates can hold the son It’s not for you to hug You’re amazing Better than all the women I’ve ever met It’s okay for you to be my mother? The prince can’t talk nonsense I didn’t talk nonsense I also want a super awesome mother You can’t be my mother? No, why I can give you half of Daddy I don’t want to I’m not unfamiliar with your daddy Don’t try to rob my mother You give me half of it I’ll give you half of Daddy’s In this way, we all have a father and a mother You also have a good brother like me I’ll protect you Who scarcely you protected It’s enough for me to have a mother Mother, let’s go I’ll go with you Listening to the quarrel of the two children ¥ Xiao Lingyue’s heart was funny and warm Where are you going? The prince has explained You can’t go too far from the capital I knew that I was going back to the capital with my mother and brother Don’t worry Now Yeqi is even more worried So soon I started calling my mother Xiao Lingyue felt Ye Qi’s distrust I am from Nanyang Houfu Later, you can come to the Hou Mansion to pick him up Nanyang Houfu is not the top in the capital But it’s also a good place Then Miss Lao bothered About a quarter of an hour later Rajah What happened to the son? Yeqi didn’t dare to hide anything I told you the ins and outs of the future You’re saying that the little cub recognized a mother himself And so he followed the strange woman Actually, it’s not unfamiliar! She is from the Nanyang Hou Mansion So what’s the matter with him calling someone a mother When the prince is in danger It was Miss Shen who came to the rescue Shizi thinks she is very powerful So it’s not productive Send those people to the Ministry of Punishment for interrogation I’d like to see who has the guts to do this Dare to touch the son of this king The main hall of Nanyang Hou Mansion The old marquis smiled and sat on the main seat Today is his 60th birthday Master Hou brought his wife and young lady to pay tribute to the old man’s birthday The son wished his father happiness like the long waters of the East China Sea Shoubi Nanshan Immortal Pine I wish the old man a long and healthy life You are all filial people Get up The old marquis glanced at several granddaughters Why don’t you see the three girls Didn’t someone already send someone to pick her up? Why hasn’t it arrived yet Although Shen Wan was abandoned in the countryside But after all, it’s a concubine and there is a marriage contract My father’s son sent someone to pick her up in half a month It may be that there was a delay on the way The old man forgives the concubine Listen to the next person Shen Wan is used to being free in the countryside I don’t want to go back to the Hou Mansion We sent someone to pick it up She actually ran away secretly That’s true It’s too unusual A girl who has not been out of the cabinet should be well-behaved and chaste It’s really the temperament of a wild girl in the countryside Grandfather, don’t be angry The third sister is disobedient Take it back and discipline it well Don’t you still have us My granddaughter wishes you a long and healthy life Have a happy birthday Sweet words coaxed the old marquis to smile This is the well-behaved appearance that my Shen family’s daughter should have Wait for Shen Wan to come back You must discipline yourselves Don’t let her take care of the country girl’s bad habits Take it to Fuchu Teach other sisters badly The son obeyed the teachings Aunt Hua smiled But I was very proud in my heart Shen Wan’s girl probably reported to the underworld Discipline makes her… ‘s mother-in-law is well disciplined Oh no, sir The third lady dragged a.. Broke in Xiao Lingyue dragged the bandit boss to the main hall Nanyang Hou and Aunt Hua’s faces became ugly Who are you Dare to trespass on our Hou Mansion Doesn’t my father recognize me? I’m Shen Wan raised in the countryside Xiao Lingyue took off her veil Revealing an ugly birthmark on the face This Miss Shen San is too ugly I heard that he has a marriage contract with the little marquis of Zhenbei Hou Mansion Poor little marquis Who’s to say it isn’t You’ll come back when you come back Why drag a. person Today is the old man’s 60th birthday Didn’t you do it on purpose? Father, he’s not. person Bandit boss You look up Is there anyone here that you are familiar with? It was her, I remember it very well He said that he was Mrs. Houfu Four days ago, he spent a thousand taels of silver in a ruined temple outside the city You want me to do it for you. Alone Take it afterwards and go to receive the reward Run off at the mouth I’ve never met you Whose dictation are you listening to? It’s a matter of mouth Shen Wan, what are you doing? Father, you should ask Aunt Hua I just arrived in Beijing today was blocked by a group of bandit brothers They said that they were ordered by Aunt Hua Come and get my head I had to capture them alive Bring it back and confront your aunt face to face A full house of guests is not a fool either Who the hell is lying You can see it below Sir, I was wronged I have no grievances with Miss Three She was raised in the countryside again Why do I have to do it. For the marriage of the third lady I remember you saying it yourself You have a grudge against Miss Three’s biological mother In case she marries into the high gate Learn the truth will take revenge on you Nanyang Hou looked at Aunt Hua in disbelief At this time, Jin Zhaoyin received a report Arrived with a detachment of soldiers I’m going to take away the bandit boss You can’t take this person away, Lord Zhao He is a member of the Shen family Only our Shen family is qualified to dispose of it Master Shen, you have to be responsible when you speak Nanyang Hou insisted that the bandit boss was the Shen family The person who came will be Nanyang Hou Shen Zhijiang Aunt Fahrenheit took it for me Pass the order down The Nanyang Hou Mansion was immediately closed You are allowed to enter but not to go out All guarded -moment The originally festive Nanyang Hou Mansion was about to come to a catastrophe Prince. Yi Wang. Xiangwang. Cheng Wang. Hurried to the scene After some checking Finally, the truth is revealed Aunt Hua’s face turned pale It’s already unstable. 00000 It’s already unstable. ooo0o0000 Mothers are more expensive than children No more accountability But also received the most severe punishment Chuan Hongu ordered Fahrenheit Lifetime The Marquis of Nanyang cannot make him his wife The heirs born are also not allowed to inherit the title of Marquis of Nanyang The birthday feast officially began The grandfather forgave his granddaughter for living a hard life in the countryside No expensive gifts were prepared There’s only one birthday gift I can think of Please don’t dislike it That’s your filial piety Naturally, I will not dislike it You say what it will be How would I know Zhan Beihan really didn’t want to pay attention to the inexplicable prince My brother Grandfather, please see my birthday gift I saw two little guys walking in front of the old marquis together Many courtiers who had seen the cold showed a frightened expression This is the first time my son’s grandfather has met I’m afraid it’s a little unfamiliar I was married five years ago The daughter of the absurd and dignified marquis There is no matchmaking and no hiring Marry someone else Now that the children have been brought back And what about your husband He did When I went up the mountain to collect medicine, I accidentally slipped off the cliff The old marquis was almost angry. Raise your hand to teach Xiao Lingyue a lesson Hanhan and Beibei stood up at the same time The gentleman does not move his hands You’re an old man What kind of ability is it to bully my mother Don’t call it that This is my mother You are my brother Your mother is my mother I gave my father to my mother as a husband Let’s see who dares to bully her in the future Mother said a lot· I don’t want you to be much How bad is your dad Is it dead? The old does not go, and the new does not come It’s time to have a new dad The phrase Han Han is not used here The old marquis’s eyes widened This child looks too much like His Royal Highness King Yiwang Zhan Beihan’s anger was sprinkled directly on Xiao Lingyue’s head Miss Shen San What kind of ecstasy soup did you pour into the king’s son? Jing dared to coax him to recognize you as a mother His Royal Highness King Yi Talking is about the brain slander me without any evidence It’s unfair His Royal Highness King Yi Because your words caused my mother’s reputation to be damaged Do you have to bear this responsibility? My mother has never provoked your son It’s your son who wants to haunt us I don’t like it very much Please take him back quickly Don’t always try to rob someone else’s mother I hate him You guys Han Han froze in place Beibei’s words were like a sharp sword Pierced hard in his heart It’s me who wants to recognize my mother Why should you doubt her? I don’t want you to be my dad anymore Find someone else to be your son Han Han ran out of the banquet hall angrily His mother was not allowed to chase him I don’t want to see him I hate his dad even more The two sons had a quarrel I ran away crying She is not allowed to chase What can I do? It’s a rush to wait online The face of the Hou Mansion has been lost by you The housekeeper took the mother and son down The old marquis’s birthday banquet was in vain He hated Shen Wan’s mother and son Ordered the butler to settle the man in the newly renovated Jade Building Uninformed hillbilly I’ve never seen such a luxurious yard in my life The butler’s contempt and disdain But it didn’t escape Xiao Lingyue’s eyes The housekeeper’s little master is weak Clothes should be made of the best fabrics Ferret fox balls or something, two more sets If there’s something missing I’ll ask you The housekeeper didn’t forget to take a mouthful of old phlegm before leaving What is it A country widow I really think of myself as a daughter Mother, are we going to live here in the future? Beibei doesn’t like the Shen family People who don’t like it here are intrigued Even a subordinate doesn’t take us seriously It’s far worse than our country Shrewd! Let’s be patient for a moment Wait for my mother to find all the medicinal materials for you We’ll leave here and go home In Xiao Lingyue’s heart The most sorry is Beibei Xiao Lingyue in her previous life was given a variety of times. Serendipity The residual poison left in the body is absorbed by Beibei As a result, he has been sick since he was a child Nowadays, only the capital can find the medicinal herbs you need My mother’s cold looks exactly like me They are all about the same age and height And his mother’s attitude towards him is very fond of him What is his relationship with me? My mother knows that you are the smartest So I don’t want to hide it from you Hanhan, she is indeed her mother’s child And your brother You are twin brothers So it looks exactly the same For some reason You have been separated since childhood This chance encounter The mother was also surprised Han Han and I are brothers Then his father is actually my father Right, I want to know What is the relationship between my mother and His Royal Highness King Yi Xiao Lingyue was ready to explain to him The truth of the matter Suddenly, I heard movement outside the door It turned out that Han Han heard that they lived here And he came Why don’t you come into the house when you come? What to do while standing outside I’m afraid that Beibei will be angry when he sees me Hanhan Beibei doesn’t blame you He was also angry at the time I’ll apologize to you on his behalf No way It’s all my dad who is bad He’s just going too far I’d be angry if it had changed Although Han Han is in the palace, he is favored But the heart is really good What did you hear I didn’t hear anything There is only the sound of talking But I don’t hear clearly, I swear Hanhan is a clingy spirit Look at Beibei is no longer angry Immediately smiled He really likes Beibei North North Why do you want to take medicine Is it sick? Beibei is weak It needs to be recuperated slowly Usually except for taking medicine It also has to be accompanied by acupuncture My father’s storehouse had a lot of precious herbs I’ll go get it for Beibei Anyway, it was gnawed by rats It might as well be used on Beibei Xiao Lingyue smiled bitterly This guy is afraid that he won’t be able to send out good things How could there be rats in the treasury of the royal palace Hanhan, you have to keep it a secret about me pretending to be Shen Wan No one can say Including your daddy I promise to keep my mouth shut Birthday banquet Zhanbei had a cold face Big brother knows you’re in a bad mood I’ve told you a long time ago that you want to communicate well with Hanhan You just don’t listen He also learned from you Learn from me Then I didn’t teach her to run after women I don’t even want my dad anymore You know that he likes Miss Shen San He also questioned others in front of so many people Ill-intentioned Can Han Han not be angry? He understands something The woman was rhetorical He’s stupid. Chasing people and shouting mothers The old face of this king has been lost by him So you’re angry because you’re too embarrassed Still worried about the cold. My eldest brother seemed very happy to see my jokes That’s of course It’s been a long time since anyone has been mad at you like this Don’t blame Big Brother for not reminding you Tomorrow is the day when the cold enters the palace to greet his father If you don’t get him back quickly I won’t speak for you then At this time, the guards sent out to find people came back quietly The prince has found it But Shizi stole into the backyard It is inconvenient for subordinates to follow up You go to the housekeeper of the Hou Mansion to pass on the words of the palace Let her arrange or the maid to go to the backyard Bring out the son He must have gone to find Miss Shen San Long and sweet It’s Your Highness You don’t make Han Han angry Be careful that he seeks to sue his father At that time, he urged you to marry Hanhan’s stepmother The side concubine Han Han in your house has always disliked it Let’s talk about our Northern Qin Kingdom There is no rule that a woman cannot remarry if she is widowed Long and sweet It’s a big deal that you marry Miss Shen San home Long and sweet It’s also good to be a concubine Just her face lest they stain the eyes of this king The housekeeper arranged for Mama Li to come to the Jade Building to pick up people There was a sudden knock on the door Woke up two little ones who had just fallen asleep Good guy, just a subordinate of the Hou Mansion Dare.. Dare to Compete.. Xoo. Without the consent of the young lady. boooo Ordered by the cold cold.. Booo .. Run back to the yard Who knows that Li doesn’t have a long memory As soon as you see people…. of crying The slave maid was ordered by the prince to pick up the little maid I didn’t expect the third lady to stop more The slave and maid did not persuade a few more words She put the slave … And she took the slave and the maidservant. Xiao Shizi is in her… Unexpectedly.. He even wanted to take slaves and maidservants. Your Excellency, you must be the master of the slaves Mama Li is doing things for the prince Miss Shen San will put you. It was clearly a slap in the face of the prince I will tell His Royal Highness the Crown Prince truthfully You don’t have to panic too much Just wait here Mama Li was secretly happy in her heart It would be better for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to punish her heavily Look at how arrogant she will be in the future The guards truthfully relayed Lee’s tragic experience I heard that my son did not want to come back Zhan Beihan was furious That Shen Wan didn’t have a good heart at the beginning Big brother, think about it carefully Han Han has always been protected by secret guards Ever ran away from home and encountered danger The river just happened to save him You won’t doubt that this Shen Wan is The king did not suspect her for no reason There are so many doubts A woman who has been widowed for many years Living in the countryside with children Life is poor Make up for it yourself, the platform doesn’t say And she can also do martial arts Defeat a dozen of them on your own. The skill is definitely not weak So to put it mildly G Hongu really has to be checked Such as the Seven Kingdoms today The only ones who can compete with my Northern Qin are Southern Yan and Eastern Qi The draft of the previous year had not been discovered in time by this king Nanyanguo’s. It has long been placed by the side of his father The father ordered no more drafts Also for this reason Zhan Beihan is proficient in the art of war and tactics He is a master of martial arts again The Six Nations were eager to get rid of him as soon as possible But there is nothing to be done Since 5 years ago The only weakness around Zhan Beihan appeared That’s the cold It doesn’t matter who Shen Wan is There are you and Hongu here The cold is not dangerous Wait for the birthday feast to end Let’s talk to the old marquis about this again Xiao Lingyue was coaxing the cold of her temper Completely unknowing I have become.. of the suspecting target My mother doesn’t need to persuade me anymore I’m not going back You’re just like that, make up for it yourself He has a bad temper Domineering and stubborn Still self-righteous Send him only to believe the one with a full belly. of ugly women Who is the woman you are talking about Listen to the butler When I was a little over a year old Daddy took her home Although it is a side concubine But she was in charge of everything From time to time, I use some means that are not on the table Make up for it yourself, the platform won’t let you say it At every turn, he looks like he wants to cry And set rules for me Say I don’t know how to learn Willful and stubborn Lost the face of the palace Every time Daddy would just believe what she said Xiao Lingyue was distressed The child who gave birth to himself desperately Competing is cocooned like this Although the cold is in the palace, the food is brocade and jade But he was not happy If you don’t want to go back, you won’t go back It’s okay to stay with your mother Beibei is usually stuffy alone You two can be companions For the first time, she confessed to Han Han the title of mother Really, that’s great Mother, you don’t drive me away When did I catch up with you Stay as long as you like Then I’m going to sleep with my mother today No way How old are you? I also want to sleep with my mother You don’t hurt Then I’ll sleep with you We’re all boys anyway It’s all right, I don’t After the birthday feast A large crowd of people came to the Emerald Building The two Highnesses are here There is a long way to go I don’t know what the two of you have to do Shen Wan, you are so bold Don’t hurry up and ask the son to come out When he wants to come out, he will naturally come out If you don’t want to come out, why force him Maybe there’s someone he doesn’t want to meet I don’t want to come out What is grandfather doing in such a hurry Is this the man this woman is talking about? Hmph, it’s her… Han Han refused to leave Now there is still a face to beat You’re too bold Jing dared to teach His Royal Highness the Crown Prince a lesson What the hell do you want to do? Grandfather was talking about Lee If I’m not mistaken King Yi is the son of the world I don’t care about my own son Instead, let others worry about it I’m afraid it’s a dignified prince bit high weight It doesn’t matter if there is one more or less son Now the teachers are moving to pick up people One is to scare whom What are you The son of this king When it’s your turn to point fingers It’s not my turn to say anything But as a father The biological son would rather follow the stranger I don’t want to look at you more Shouldn’t His Royal Highness King Yi reflect on himself? Your own father has failed too much Presumptuous Shen Wan That’s what you can say The family is unfortunate Are you crazy? Why don’t you hurry up and kneel down and confess your sins to the two highnesses What right do you have to speak in the place of the king’s son? accuse the king of not being a good father Do you think you deserve it? The two men went toe-to-toe The momentum is comparable It’s quite a bit of a tough stance The maids in the room were hugging and crying I don’t know, I think Aunt Hua is gone Cry what to cry about My aunt is still lying here The third lady is so ruthless I know that my master is pregnant has been out of force It almost hurt the master This is the child that the old man has been looking forward to If something goes wrong with Fahrenheit and the child in the belly I will not be spared Daddy’s words are very true Shen Wan clearly doesn’t want her aunt..·· Such a person stays in the house It will be a future one. It’s better to kick her out as soon as possible It’s not easy to get her out The old man specially sent someone to pick her up It was for her marriage contract with the Hou Mansion in Zhenbei Daddy will wait and see The news that Shen Wan was widowed and still had a child spread At that time, the Zhenbei Hou Mansion will definitely send someone to the door to withdraw from the marriage Once there is no separation, Yong adds Grandfather would never keep her again That’s when it happened Mama Li ran in crying Get on your knees directly The second young lady has been serving her aunt for so many years He has always been loyal Now I am bullied like this by the third lady You and your aunt must make decisions for me A slave It’s just a lot of rough work for many years I thought I had a face I don’t think it’s ridiculous to speak Mama Li, I also want to make decisions for you But you know the situation now wants Shen Wan to pay the price I have a solution It’s up to you to take risks The second lady has something to say As long as Shen Wan can be driven out of the Hou Mansion Even if you go up the knife mountain and go down to the sea of fire The old slave is not resigned Miss Shen San Han Han is the only son of King Yi He is also the imperial grandson of the Northern Qin State Honorable status If you want to go your own way I’m afraid it will affect the entire Nanyang Hou Mansion You shall not bully him Han Han walked to Xiao Lingyue’s side with an aggrieved face If I don’t go back Both the father and the uncle will ask the guilty mother I don’t want to be bullied Xiao Lingyue’s heart felt like it was pinched after hearing this It’s uncomfortable and distressing Obviously so well-behaved So thoughtful Why is Zhan Beihan so harsh on him Is it really disgusted with him? Is it because I gave birth to the child? Yiwang Mansion Concubine Xie Yurui waited in the courtyard for a long time The prince is back You can’t be so willful in the future Running away from home at every turn What to do in case of any danger I don’t care about you when I’m in danger It’s not your turn to preach I also have good intentions You’re young Not sensible in case you meet a bad person The cold was stimulated and almost got angry Because of Daddy’s presence Walked into the house without saying a word Lord, you are tired of the day The concubine has already asked people to prepare hot water The prince might as well go take a bath first Have you forgotten who you are? This king has said it There is no need to call yourself a concubine Don’t forget how your side concubine came to be Do you need this king to remind you? Lord Wang, me Back then, I ate dim sum by mistake Poisoned on the spot Dying You’re nothing more than a miscellaneous slave to sin Take the initiative to donate family medicine Saved Hanhan’s life You didn’t ask for anything I just ask my father to let you stay in King Yi’s mansion Take care of the son to grow up This will exempt you from being a slave I will give you the concubine We have no real name You are also not qualified to arrange my food, clothing, housing and transportation Lord Wang, please don’t say it Take a good look at who you are What to do and what not to do Remember that the son of the world is the son of the world after all You’re a slave of sin in the palace It’s not your turn to discipline him Xie Yurui’s face was full of tears Weakly sat on the ground Subconsciously touching your lower abdomen If I can be with the prince smoothly and have an heir What is he Zhan Jingrui (Hanhan Daimyo). A little cub whose birth mother is unknown You must not obediently give up the position of the son of the world You must find a way to get rid of the station Jingrui Sooner or later, there will be opportunities According to the subordinates to investigate Shen Wan’s body and martial arts are very suspicious There is the taste of Nanyan’s side Oh, you can see that, too It seems that the king did not wronged her Zhan Beihan thought of Shen Wan’s eyes Her eyes looked like the man’s Seems to have seen it somewhere Find out everything about Shen Wan for this king There must not be a single omission Including whether there have been Nanyan people around her He had a hunch This woman has a lot of secrets in her Suddenly there was a bulletin outside the study The prince is not good The side concubine sent someone over said that Xiao Shizi made a fuss in the warehouse Please also ask the prince to go over and have a look The entire Yiwang Mansion The only person who can suppress the world’s nonsense There is only the battle of the northern cold You go down first Feel free to report any news to this king In a huge storeroom Han Han stood alone in the corner Yashichi was in front of him Lord, you can count it on Help me The prince said that he was going to gag me What the hell happened to the housekeeper The prince and the little prince took people to the treasury to look for medicinal materials Said it was to give it away Then the side concubine came Ask who the son wants to give it to The prince ignored her The side concubine asked the maid Caiyun to stop her I don’t know what the results were Caiyun knocked over the medicinal herbs of the prince In a fit of rage, the prince called the secret guard And then it was like this I also want to care about him I just asked a few more words I didn’t expect the prince to call the secret guard and want to gag me You talk nonsense It was your maid who deliberately knocked over my herbs He also went up and stepped on two feet A mouth full of yin and yang weirdness I just let Yeqi do it When the prince speaks, he must talk about evidence So many people saw it Woo woo, I know the son doesn’t like me On the bright side, it was my maid Actually, they just wanted to punch me in the face Looking at the cold reddened eyes The anger of the war against North Korea is gradually dissipating The Dark Guard is there to protect you It’s not for you to bully I’m not bullying They were bullying me It was only at night that Seven stood up to protect me In the eyes of Zhan Beihan Xie Yurui was a little cautious of her own But it’s good for the cold Tossed for a day He didn’t want to pursue it either Such a trifle You don’t have to worry about it Let’s go down and rest first The king will tell him Xie Yurui was very unwilling But under the nose of the prince He couldn’t hurt a single hair of the cold You go to the storeroom to look for medicinal herbs It’s for Shen Wan You can guess if you don’t say it, this king She’s very good at coaxing people It wasn’t my mother who asked me to send it I offered to give it to him Concubine Side has taken care of you for so many years Even if you’re deliberately messing around She doesn’t care I didn’t see you call her a mother What is so good about Shen Wan Han Han didn’t want to refute In Daddy’s heart He always had trouble with that woman Even if it is explained Daddy won’t listen either What are you doing in the Ten Thousand Medicine Building? Miss Ben buys royal honey every month How dare you tell me it’s sold out I’m sorry It’s really out of stock this month They were all bought by a girl Who bought it It’s the girl at the door Wow! What an ugly woman Whisper, be quiet Don’t be heard Can I go to the checkout? Ok Ok You go this way Hold it It’s that you bought all the royal honey Count the total amount of silver I’m in a hurry Miss Ben asks you something How dare you ignore me Who’s the ugly monster calling Call you, of course Hey, hey, hey It turned out to be the ugly monster calling me Is there something wrong with you You dare to ask me This girl It’s not polite to be a dignitary Say goodbye, please It is rude to dignitaries It’s polite to be ugly and ugly Miss Xiao Er is really as kind as ever You know me Xiao Rulan is the second lady of the Xiao family Notoriously hypocritical From the lotus Xiao Lingyue’s half-sister Did you buy the royal honey? Take it out That’s mine Miss Yu’s brain is a good thing Remember to bring it with you next time you go out You dare to scold me for having no brains The fish was so angry that he took out his whip and was about to pull it I saw Xiao Lingyue’s figure flickering A kick flew him out Smashed on the street Yin’er how is you Brother Xiangwang, Yin’er was bullied It hurts to fall You have to get justice for Yin’er King Xiang is not a simple person In the whole capital, there is a girl with a little bit of beauty There is nothing he does not recognize Who hit you Male and female female Yu Yin’er is a well-known little pepper in the Beijing girl’s show Even she dared to fight Could it be another hot beauty hahaha I have seen His Royal Highness King Xiang Miss Xiao Er is also there It’s a coincidence King Xiang’s romantic tune Honorable status Yu Yin’er is not the only one who loves it Even Xiao Rulan admires him Brother Xiangwang The man who hit me was inside Not only did she rob me of my queen honey Hungry Rock was also exported to me You have to teach her a hard lesson If that were the case This king will be the Lord for you Let’s see who’s doing that King Xiang’s eyes widened Xiao Lingyue, who walked out of it, frightened him Isn’t this the Shen family’s dominatrix? Brother Xiangwang It was this woman who bullied me Teach her a hard lesson Miss Yu can’t talk nonsense Is this king the kind of man who deceives others? Hmph, what are you talking about Didn’t you say you wanted justice for me? I’m not I’m not Don’t talk nonsense What kind of justice? I can’t beat this dominatrix for a fart You’ve always been the most painful And it’s not me fooling around this time It was this ugly monster who provoked me first Whatever you have to do for me, teach him a lesson Did you say enough was enough? Go to the side of the quarrel Don’t get in my way What kind of attitude do you have? Yin’er looks at the face of this king Just think today is a misunderstanding Don’t worry Forget it What a misunderstanding He did it all to me That’s when you first made a move on Miss Shen He fought back You actually helped him speak Which side the hell are you? What do you mean His Royal Highness the Great Beauty Xiang King Why are you arguing here? Xiao Lingyue looked for prestige There was a tingling in my head The image belonging to the original owner rushed into his mind Xiao Xuan was the only person in the entire Xiao family who was good to him But he is also the one who reads her Miss Shen looked like she had seen it somewhere We do see it It turns out that Xiao Gongzi is still thinking about me What an honor Xiao Rulan heard this Hurry up and get in the middle of the two looked at Xiao Lingyue vigilantly Miss Shen, don’t be kidding My eldest brother has always been clean Not close to women How can I have seen you Don’t ruin my big brother’s reputation Even if you look ugly, you dare to think about it My eldest brother, I advise you still Worry-free Please, figure it out It was your eldest brother who first said that he was familiar with me Your Xiao family is really If your eldest brother really doesn’t get close to women How did Yunzhi like it back then? You, how do you know You know Turkey tail What is your relationship with him? Yunzhi is pregnant with your child by your mother. So many years Don’t you know the truth Hmph, as for your Xiao family, there are many lies We’ll see Xiao Xuan suddenly grabbed Xiao Lingyue one by one Be prepared to ask the truth of the matter In a crowded crowd A horse galloped in Third brother, this is really a coincidence How did you come here What are you doing here Not seen for a day There is no shortage of men around you Does this have anything to do with His Royal Highness King Yi? I’m an idler Isn’t it okay to go out for a walk? Your Highness You are usually busy with military affairs I didn’t even have time to take care of my own son I have time to care about others Han Han wants to see you and this king go to King Yi’s mansion I have to go back to the Nanyang Marquis Mansion I can’t go now Reason: My son is sick You have to hurry home and decoct the medicine to take care of him I haven’t had time to go out in the last few days Case This king will go back to the Nanyang Marquis Mansion with you Second brother, it’s okay for you to be idle Let’s go with this king Before leaving, Xiao Lingyue glanced back at Xiao Xuan If you really want to know It’s better to look it up yourself But when you know the whole truth Instead, you will regret it Sometimes people are kept in the dark and used as a pawn It’s not necessarily a happy thing Xiao Xuan wanted to ask again was tightly held by Xiao Rulan Pedestrians just walked to the Emerald Building I saw that the door was crowded with people There was the sound of angry scolding and the sound of things being broken My face hurts Come and save me By this time, the house was in shambles There were a few maids kneeling on the ground Qingluo is also among them Shen Yuting’s face was full of . Sit aside You also know to come back and see the good son you raised What did you do to Yuting Mother Beibei, what’s going on After the mother went out Shen Yuting broke in aggressively With a maid… Qingluo You want to hurt me with boiling water again I took advantage of her not paying attention I sprinkled her face with the powder my mother gave me watched Shen Yuting get hurt Marquis Shen is going to catch me drunk indiscriminately I can only use medicinal powder to precede them This was delayed until the mother returned King Xiang, who was standing outside the door, heard it I can’t help but give a thumbs up This little bit is calm and calm when it encounters this kind of thing It also calms the narration process It’s not easy If it’s cold His little temper has long since exploded Let’s see Beibei, you’re doing a great job In case of physical weakness You can also use Fen to protect yourself My mother was very satisfied Shen Wan, do you still have my father in your eyes? Your son has made such a great mistake You even praise him for a good job I’m really Father heard it too What my son did was just to protect himself If it weren’t for Shen Yuting’s ill intentions to break into the Jade Building I want to call my son with boiling water As for his disfigurement It’s obviously self-inflicted He, I just heard he was sick I kindly came to visit him He just used it? Fen hurt my gray face Shen Yuting was excited Exposed to being caught. Dripping cheeks I’m so ugly Who is eavesdropping outside Don’t hurry up and get me in Shen Zhijiang thought that he was a subordinate in the house who loved to chew the root of his tongue I didn’t expect it to be King Yi He Xiangwang walked in one after another His Royal Highness King Xiang The lower officials did not know that the two highnesses were coming Offended I also ask for forgiveness from the two Highnesses Hou Ye Shen didn’t need to panic This time I came just to send the third lady home I didn’t expect to encounter such a major event in the house Marquis Shen doesn’t mind this king listening The lower officials did not dare Shen Zhijiang was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat How dare you say anything that you mind His Royal Highness King Xiang Yuting suffered a lot of grievances today by Doesn’t His Royal Highness feel sorry for Yuting? He also asked His Royal Highness to administer justice for Yuting Why are so many women asking me to uphold justice recently? Do I look like justice? The second lady is really good at laughing This is a family affair of your Houfu It is not the turn of this king to take care of it If it was Shen Hou, he couldn’t deal with it You can also report to the official and let Jing Zhaoyin solve it King Xiang values women’s beauty the most I can get in touch with him Entirely because he has a beautiful face Now the face is ruined Shen Yuting hated Shen Wan’s mother and son Shen Wan, you are guilty I don’t know Thou hast instructed thy son to use it. Your sister So. PL 0000- You still say that you do not know sin It’s simply incorrigible Is my father old and confused? It was Shen Yuting who had bad intentions and was the first to do the black My son is just fighting back Where is the fault Since you can’t tell what the truth is It just so happened that King Yi and King Xiang were there You can be fair, and I’ll judge it This king is willing to do justice Come, and let the king see how much you are capable of Xiao Lingyue looked at Shen Yuting, who was panicked You just said that you were kind enough to visit Beibei But he used medicinal powder. face So how did Beibei hurt you with medicated powder? Both Highnesses were in attendance You’d better answer truthfully I just walked in the door And your son sprinkled it on my face with medicinal powder Full of nonsense Shen Yuting, you don’t even use your brains when you lie The gate is more than ten meters away from the bed in the north of the north How precisely he sprinkles the powder on your face I, I remember wrong Not just entered The door was for me to walk to the bed / Draw the curtains He just sprinkled the powder on me Then why are you burned again? You go to your bedside to visit Beibei What do you want to do with freshly boiled hot water? I’ll tell you that You carry a teapot close to the bed Beibei has discovered your conspiracy For self-preservation Sprinkle the powder when you fold the curtains of your bed You receive a fright Drop the teapot on the ground That’s when I got hurt Xiao Linyue’s every sentence is a pit Just waiting for him to jump in stupidly It turns out that you lied all along The thief shouted to catch the thief This king has really opened his eyes His Royal Highness That’s not true You listen to me King Xiang was born in the royal family I’ve seen a lot of the harem’s ruthless calculations I hate scheming women the most Get out of here His Royal Highness King Yi I’m sorry, I’ll get out right away Shen Zhijiang trembled with fright Roll out of the room with his subordinates as if fleeing for their lives Mother, why are they here? Little don’t you welcome us Hanhan was injured Noisy and refused to take the medicine Weeping in the palace to see you What’s going on How could he get hurt Tantrums jumped off the roof Severe bruising all over the body I must see you. But Beibei can’t leave people I don’t feel comfortable handing it over to someone else There is no shortage of courtyards in the palace that can live in people You take him with you Whether it’s a doctor or a medicinal herb This king can find it for you Take it away and say no Who wants you to fake good intentions There was a muffled sound Seeing this, Xie Yurui pretended to fall to the ground That’s when it happened Zhan Beihan walked in Xie Yurui immediately got up and threw herself into his arms Lord Wang, you’re finally back Really scared just now. I did I didn’t expect Xiao Lingyue to see this kind of scene as soon as she entered the door Han Han on the bed turned pale She was really distressed Hanhan, how are you? Mother, I miss you so much They all bullied me Don’t cry, let your mother see where you hurt Who is this girl, Lord Wang? Xie Yurui’s jealous eyes made people shudder You are my prince’s side concubine I don’t know who the girl is The status of the prince is noble The title of mother is not something that can be taken casually It turned out to be a side concubine Mother, it’s rude to me I’ve heard Han Han mention you The son is still young I don’t know how to discern people’s hearts There was a slight misunderstanding about me But it doesn’t matter This concubine is her elder No matter what she says I don’t even care about it Xiao Lingyue finally realized the grievances suffered by Han Han There is such one… Empress Who can not be upset The side concubine is really good at talking It’s as if Han Han did something wrong that makes people angry It seems that you need to be tolerant and forgiving So you’ve always been a good person Han Han is a wicked person, right? Listen to Xiao Lingyue say this Zhan Beihan also realized The true meaning of Xie Yurui’s words I certainly didn’t mean that How can you have this understanding Hanhan has been praising you Say you think more And do a lot of it It’s especially weekdays See you today Only then did I know that she was not wrong at all The girl really won the prize Lord, where did you meet this girl? So sharp-toothed Why don’t you say a word to the concubine? What about the medicine of the prince It’s all here Xiao Lingyue recognized Ye Qi There was a one-sided relationship Long and sweet There was a one-sided relationship Long and sweet Listen to your daddy say you from the tree Long and sweet Fall down on it Long and sweet The injury was severe Long and sweet My mother gave you medicine You obediently endure it So much hurt back Don’t you hurt Long and sweet It doesn’t hurt Long and sweet Long and sweet It’s true Long and sweet Well, it’s actually just a little bit of pain Long and sweet Or north-north Long and sweet You help me hoo Long and sweet I heard that Huhu doesn’t hurt anymore This is to coax the little ones you also believe Long and sweet Aren’t we just kids? Long and sweet Why not Long and sweet Long and sweet I’m not going to give you a call Miss Shen, can’t you start lightly? The status of the prince is noble If you don’t take the medicine Just don’t mess around In case the injury is aggravated Can you afford it? But no one in the room paid any attention to him Does it hurt It just hurts a little bit I’m not afraid of a manly man Miss Shen, this concubine is talking to you Are you deaf? At night, please prepare a basin of hot water Clean towels and bandages I’ll wipe him clean and get the medicine It’s Miss Shen Xie Yurui was so angry that she was about to explode Zhan Beihan glared at him If you don’t understand, shut up and don’t speak No one takes you for a dumb person Did the prince say something wrong about the concubine? Zhan Beihan didn’t bother to explain to him I can’t help but get bored with him The princess’s concubine went out Go back to your own yard Xie Yurui understands Zhan Beihan’s temper Don’t dare to stay The wolf fox returned to his yard People go to find out who that Anren is How did you know the master? Tell me as soon as you find out It’s the master You’d better not rob the prince with me Otherwise, I will make sure you will not be able to recover Xiao Lingyue returned to the house with the medicine Zhan Beihan has left Only Yeqi and Qingluo are waiting for them After Qingluo, you can follow me with peace of mind As long as there is a day when I am No one will dare to bully you I listen to Miss Three Qingluo’s brain is tendoned As long as Xiao Lingyue commanded it He will follow strictly meanwhile Xie Yurui walked in with a few people Why is the prince not in the house There is something going on with the princess Just left I’ll come back to see Shizi later Xiao Lingyue noticed that following behind her was the Nanyang Hou Mansion chamberlain How are you here Look at my memory Miss Shen, this housekeeper is here to find you Three Misses The people from the Hou Mansion in Zhenbei came to the door today to withdraw from the marriage The old marquis asked you to go home immediately What can I do The marriage was made by the two families themselves No one asked me if I agreed Now I want to get out of the marriage Why do you have to see my father? Just say yes I don’t have time to go back right now This is a divorce How could he be so calm Don’t you feel ashamed? Is the third lady really not going back? If the lord blames it The small ones won’t help you with the consequences Whatever you want Miss Shen, let’s go back After all, someone wants to divorce you What can the parties do if they do not come forward I didn’t expect Concubine Fang to be a warm-hearted person So like to take care of other people’s family affairs If you want to go I don’t mind either Yiwang’s Mansion is heavily controlled The housekeeper can come in It is clearly Xie Yurui’s masterpiece Want to see me laugh and pretended to be a good person Is Miss Shen joking? Now the Hou Mansion of Zhenbei knows about your ugly matter Specially to divorce you What does it have to do with this side concubine? I kindly advise you to go back I don’t want Nanyang Hou Mansion to lose its reputation because of you Don’t get me wrong I’m so ugly Why don’t I know On the contrary, you know first Is there anyone in the capital who doesn’t know you Miss Shen is in the countryside. In the end, it did. also took his son back to his parents’ house to eat and drink for nothing Put the etiquette and righteousness.. It’s all gone You are a concubine who came in through the side door There is neither beauty nor employment Where did you get the face to feel that you are superior? I don’t bother to talk to you You have to inch in Run in front of me to show off Shen Wan, you are so bold Someone will give me this.. Grab it .. His hands and feet The guards outside heard the order Immediately rushed in You dare to try it I am the side concubine of the palace Shizi also saw how disrespectful this woman was to me Why, what I said didn’t work? I didn’t see it I saw that you were going to beat him with your hands You you nonsense I’m going to go to the prince to judge What is to find this king? Lord, please help me The prince wants to help Miss Shen get rid of me A room full of people Except for Xiao Lingyue All of them had weak legs Get on your knees What’s going on The Nanyang Hou Mansion sent someone to pick up Miss Shen said that the Hou Mansion in Zhenbei came to withdraw from the marriage I just persuaded him to go back He even mocked me for being just a concubine Not qualified to talk to him I can’t get angry I just want to give him some color Who knew that Shizijing called the guards You’re going to do something to me I’m really scared, sir This reversal of the black self must be the light of the language art He played to the fullest It seems to be true The meaning is completely different Is he usually like that? yes, crying at every turn It’s as if everyone is bullying him It’s amazing It’s the first time I’ve seen such thick skin The thief shouted to catch the thief and bite back Crying is more pitiful than the victim I’m starting to feel sorry for him How he mocked you He said I was a concubine who came in from the small door Isn’t that true And who called the guards in? Back to the prince The humble post just heard the order of the side concubine I brought people in Lord he is not only. I You also want to teach me a lesson I was scared and called the guards Han Han was injured and still lying in bed And you are his adoptive mother But for a little thing Over here. You didn’t take the cold to heart Xie Yurui was confused by Shen Wan but ignore this I was able to stay in the palace It’s all because the prince believes it He treats Han Han sincerely No, the prince I’ve been thinking about his injuries This time, I came to visit the son Get out right away Xie Yurui trembled with fright Hurry up and leave with the maid You’re going to go back and get married I’m still sick if I don’t go to Beibei Han Han was injured again I’m going to keep watch over them all these days Not going anywhere You are not afraid that the Hou Mansion of Zhenbei will withdraw from the marriage Ruined your reputation I’m a widow What do you want? Can it be eaten as a meal? Butler, go back and tell my father I’ll be home in three days Zhenbei Houfu over there Let him see for himself It is small by all means to bring a word In order to make the two children happy Xiao Lingyue found a stove and kitchen utensils Get ready to show off What is the mother going to do deliciously It should be hot pot What is hot pot A very magical food My mother does it every winter Exceptionally delicious Really, I really want to eat it Zhan Beihan entered the door I saw three people sitting at the dinner table It’s full of dishes There was a small pot on the stove What are you eating? Hot pot, do you have anything to do Ben Wang just stopped by to see what hot pot is I want to eat it too That’s when it happened The maid Caiyun knelt on the ground as soon as she entered the door The prince begs you to take a look at the side concubine The mother prayed for the blessing of the son I accidentally contracted a chill Reluctance to hire a doctor Now he is unconscious Caiyun kept kowtowing If you don’t invite the prince I’m afraid the mother will blame His Royal Highness King Yi Let’s go check it out People come prepared If you don’t go He.. Over here None of us can eat Why bother, mother I don’t want to eat it Have you eaten enough? Can’t eat.. It’s okay He.. his Let’s just not look at it The hot pot made by my mother is not eaten every day There is no need to affect the mood of such people Zhan Beihan’s heart ignited a nameless fire It is not good to come to serve the clouds Drag it down and fight twenty The prince doesn’t want it Xiao Lingyue didn’t expect Zhan Beihan to deal with it like this 20 zhang and half a life are gone Go and deliver a letter to the old marquis of Nanyang said that the king wanted to keep Shen Wan’s mother and son for a few more days Let him find a suitable reason Don’t be noticed by Shen Wan It’s Your Highness Before finding out Shen Wan’s true identity Zhan Beihan does not intend to Let him go for three days, and it will soon pass The cold wounds have also healed Mother, can’t you stay longer? I can’t bear to go back Han Han’s mother can’t bear you But this is the Prince’s Mansion after all It was fine for me to stay with Beibei for a few days It’s not very convenient to live for a long time What’s inconvenient Beibei and I are both in the capital It wasn’t far away If you miss us Feel free to come and play with us Why don’t you stay for two more days? It can be done for three days and five days Don’t make a fuss, you’ll have a chance to meet in the future Zhan Beihan sat on the side and watched the play He knew that Shen Wan’s mother and son would not be able to leave at all No need to keep it Miss Shen, the prince The housekeeper of the Hou Mansion of Nanyang asked to see him said that there was something urgent to find Miss Shen The third lady knows On the orders of the lord Please don’t go back to the house for the time being Yesterday, the second lady led someone to smash the Jade Building The house is being repaired For the sake of the two young ladies to no longer have conflicts The old man asked the third lady to avoid outside for a while Why did Shen Yuting have the face to smash my yard My father was worried that I would do something to him That’s why I don’t want to go back The mother stayed in the palace for a few more days I’ll go back when the yard is repaired These silver tickets are compensation from the master First wronged Miss Three You can also stay at a guesthouse or somewhere else These days he stayed in the palace There are dissatisfactions Not really It was very comfortable The room is big and respectful The two children were also very happy to be around Case It doesn’t hurt to stay longer Is this trying to keep me? Hanhan likes you After saying that, he left directly The housekeeper saw that the task was completed He also retired immediately obviously cares about his son But he refused to admit it It’s really tsundere Shen Wan’s mother and son stayed The most unhappy person is Xie Yurui Shen Wan looks like you’re ugly Or a person What a kindness Thinking appeared in front of the prince I am not afraid of staining the eyes of the prince You’re embarrassed to stand in front of me I’m embarrassed to stand in front of the prince You don’t have to play with your lips and tongue here You’d better put away your bad thoughts Dare. Rajah I’ll let you Do you know what it is Tu Baozi doesn’t even recognize gems There are some things you think are priceless gems But in my eyes, it’s just a stone on a rotten street Instead of coming to warn me It’s better to guard your gems Don’t take people for thieves at every turn Do you understand? Xie Yurui understood Shen Wan’s hint I just think this woman is a monster Unexpectedly, he was not moved by the battle against the Northern Cold Shen Wan really said so That’s all the subordinates heard After the side concubine left Shen Wan also left How did Ye Yi Shen Wan check it carefully The information found by Ye Yijiang is 1510 The woman showed it from the beginning She is not Shen Wan at all The real Shen Wan is only seventeen this year But the child was 5 years old No one has discovered such a glaring flaw It’s ridiculous What the hell is she What does it have to do with Nanyan Zhan Beihan really wanted to find out about it The Nanyan spies I caught last time used her as bait Find a way to reveal it to Shen Wan See how she reacts There was a lot of trouble in the palace garden. Is what you say true? But more than one person heard it Every midnight There was a scream The guards on patrol last night also heard it It’s so scary that I don’t even dare to leave this garden Two maids whispered The face was full of fear and unease What are you talking about? The slave maid had seen Miss Shen Get up, you just said that this palace garden is noisy Tell me more about it I won’t tell anyone else Trouble. This kind of thing is more taboo But Shen Wan is a distinguished guest of the palace The two maids were terrified The slave and maid also listened to the servants of the night watch In the garden to the west of the palace In the middle of the night, there would be screams When the patrol went to check I couldn’t see anyone There was also some strange dragging on the grass. The steward ordered us not to go near the garden in the middle of the night Xiao Lingyue vaguely guessed what was going on I didn’t follow up In the middle of the night, Xiao Lingyue came to the garden in the west Listen to the descriptions of the two maids Screaming again Han is yes. It’s not a fuss at all. It’s the secret dungeon of King Yi’s mansion hidden here If I’m not mistaken Nanyan’s people are being held in a secret prison Xiao Lingyue never expected it He has already walked into the trap designed by Zhan Beihan There was only one person in the entire prison has been tossed to the point of electricity Are you from Nanyan? No see for years Is Mrs. Wei’s cough getting better? Who are you How do you know that Mrs. Wei has a cough disease Now the old lady’s health is still healthy Everything is fine with the old lady There is the crown prince and princess to take care of Old injuries have been healed Who is the crown princess The third lady of the Crown Princess Wei family Don’t you know How is this possible It’s absolutely impossible Why not The crown prince got married 5 years ago The people of Nanyan know it Who are you Got married 5 years ago How is this possible Miss Wei Jiasan Wei Shaorong is myself I was personally gagged by Prince Murong Ye 5 years ago How could it be possible to marry him Who are you The Southern Yan people are still the Northern Qin people This place should not be stayed for long I can’t save you now There will be a chance to come to your rescue in the future You can’t stay in the dark prison for too long In case it is discovered It’s really indestructible Xiao Lingyue immediately quickened her pace Since it’s here Why rush to go Shen Wan Xiao Lingyue’s heart was shocked Subconsciously, I want to run away But it was the big hand of the war Beihan.. Hold In an instant, the tooth marks on the shoulders were faintly visible Tooth marks on his shoulders Zhan Beihan recalled the wedding night 5 years ago He bit hard and deep Could it be that this woman is Xiao Lingyue How can it be He’s not already. It’s now From the moment the battle of the North Han appeared Xiao Lingyue had already given up struggling Tooth marks on your shoulders who bitten them His Royal Highness King Yi What do you want to know Who the hell are you? Who do you think I should be? This king wants you to speak with your own mouth Who are you Xiao Lingyue couldn’t say this question clearly Because he has too many identities And all are fatal enough identities Zhan Beihan, are you investigating me behind your back? You’re suspicious Isn’t it right for this king to investigate you? Unknown origin and pretended to be a member of the Shen family No matter how you look at it, it’s not a good thing With your temperament Don’t check it out I’m afraid I’ll never feel at ease Hmph, the birthmark on your face is fake Why pretend to be Shen Wan Where did the real Shen Wan go Isn’t it because you’ve killed you? Shen Wan decided to put his identity aside Elope with the person you like It just so happens that I need an identity too By the way, he went back to the Shen family lest the Shen family trouble him in the future You’re honest enough Impostor in Northern Qin can. Thou shalt not fear that this king will punish thee Just now and far There was a sound of footsteps Then there was the grinding of clothes and the sound of talking Sister Axiu Brother thinks. You’ve got it Let my brother do it.. under Brother Zhuang, be quiet It’s not good if someone hears it It’s more late in the middle of the night Who will come to this garden It is said that it is noisy in the middle of the night. No one will bother us Hurry up, brother, can’t wait The people in your palace are quite interesting Running to the trouble in the middle of the night. Date in the garden That’s a lot of guts Let’s go quietly Don’t disturb them Zhan Beihan disagreed The two men argued louder and louder What was that Is there anyone Sister Axiu You stay here I’ll go take a look By the bright moonlight The man saw it at a glance There were two figures leaning against each other on the grass Take a closer look It’s actually his own prince The next day The news of the prince’s private meeting with the woman spread throughout the palace This news is really fake There is really a woman in the palace who dares to do this. Rajah A lot of people are talking Even the details I’m afraid it’s true Zhan Beihan would rather eat outside than touch her Xie Yurui is very unwilling to be a mother The slave felt that Shen Wan in the palace was not leaving Very suspicious Miss Shen is so laid-back I saw that the concubine was coming I don’t know how to get up and salute It’s you coming to me again What’s the matter? I’m here to congratulate you Your business with the prince It spread all over the house It won’t be long can enter the palace with a little Jiaoyi Replace me with a sister What nonsense are you talking about Shen Wan, I underestimate you I thought you looked ugly At least it’s a safe one I didn’t expect you to be so ignorant Dare to be in the garden.. Rajah Now he is pretending to be so innocent Xiao Lingyue felt funny after hearing it It’s obviously a pair of subordinates all made Zhan Beihan bear the blame However, in this case, the side concubine should go to His Royal Highness King Yi for a private meeting This kind of thing can’t be slapped in the face Maybe not me.. he It’s that he has a crush on me What kind of eyes would the prince look at you, an ugly bastard I don’t pee on myself How embarrassing That’s hard to say He really took a fancy to my face I advise you to hurry up and ask Otherwise it will be me again. Several times Maybe you’re going to marry me as a princess You think I don’t dare to go, do you? Shen Wan, you wait for me I’ll see how long you can be arrogant In the evening Qingluo came back from outside with a pale face Miss, I saw the housekeeper of the palace just now Gather all the subordinates After a reprimand Not only put a few subordinates. and drove them out of the house Kill chickens and make monkeys This trick is really clever The rules of this Yi Wangfu are terrible The slave saw with her own eyes that their mouths were full of them. It’s scary When are we going back to the Hou Mansion? It’s almost time to go back to tomorrow Why go back Isn’t my mother happy to live here? cause There is no special reason We have been living in the palace for more than half a month Presumably over there in the Hou Mansion It should also be fixed It’s time to go back Lai is in the palace and does not leave He who will be gossiped about She needs to find a solution for Beibei in the capital… of medicines It’s not very convenient to live in Yiwangfu all the time But he can’t say I don’t want to say it either Is my mother willing to part with me? Han Han obediently When the time comes, my mother will come to see you again The mother refused to stay Then take me to the Hou Mansion with you No, you can be honest with this king Don’t go anywhere Shen Wan, you have to be able to convince Han Han Feel free to go After Zhan Beihan finished speaking, he left without looking back Dumped the pot directly at him Don’t make a fuss Be obedient We’ll see each other again Really, Beibei You promise not to leave me alone I promise I will never leave you behind In this way, the cold was easily coaxed Children really still have to rely on children to communicate The mother and son left Yiwang’s Mansion smoothly that day Is my mother Hanhan really my brother? After that, will you leave the capital with Hanhan? Xiao Lingyue didn’t know how to answer Zhan Beihan didn’t allow him to take Han Han away If the identity is revealed On the contrary, even Beibei will be snatched away together He didn’t recognize his mother I don’t know who I am Is it because his mother doesn’t want him to know? You have been separated from Han Han since childhood There is a last resort I don’t want King Yi to find out You’re also worried that he’s going to snatch you away I can’t take good care of you I’m not going to leave my mother No matter who it is I can’t snatch you away from my mother The reason that my mother said was unavoidable Did King Yi hurt his mother? How did you come up with this He has a side concubine Flower heart carrot So That’s why you keep refusing to call him Daddy I don’t want to call him I’m not unusual Problems between me and him Not a simple side concubine It will be impossible to say for a while But these are adults Don’t think about it as a child Just save some effort and take care of your body Xiao Lingyue returned to the Hou Mansion I haven’t had time to sit down yet Shen Zhijiang rushed in angrily with his family Something you still know to come back Father, I just came back You just scolded Here’s why What the hell did you give Yuting Do you know how she spent this time? He dared to do it to my son I didn’t directly… It’s already merciful Your sister is still lying in a hospital bed If you still have a little conscience Just take out the antidote Don’t toast Don’t eat, eat and drink Toasts are not uncommon But this punishes alcohol Few people dared to let me eat it in a day Father wanted to try Don’t talk about Shen Yuting’s to Beibei.. thinking is Shen Zhijiang’s current attitude I also want to ask him for an antidote It’s a dream What do you have to do to hand over the antidote? If you want an antidote, you can also do it I have three conditions First, I want Qingluo. One and the second beat Qingluo’s subordinates Self-fan. 0006 third Let Shen Yuting personally apologize to my son I will rely on you for the first two conditions But Yuting is your own sister You actually let your sister Apologize to your son, who is a few years old You’re in. Him An apology is. finish That’s when he bullied my son Why don’t you think it’s very important to bully the small Shen Wan, you Zongzi. There is no remorse yet Talking about cousin. How kind you are Uncle, since he doesn’t know how to do it Leave it to me Xiao Lingyue looked for prestige It turned out to be Xiao Jun, the fourth young master of the Xiao family Xiao Xuan’s own brother was holding the accessories and aiming them at him Why do you want to do it with me I don’t bully. Xiao Jun listened The anger was even more intense, and the long sword stabbed towards Xiao Lingyue’s heart Shen Zhijiang was extremely excited As long as Xiao Jun can take down Shen Wan I have my own way of getting the antidote from him You can also take a breath of fun Who knows a blink of an eye Xiao Lingyue easily restrained Xiao Jun Moment of truth The second old marquis led people to surround the entire courtyard Shen Wan, you are so ruthless in doing things presumptuously First.. Your own sister and wounded your cousin Do you have to make the Shen family uneasy to be happy? "Grandfather was serious I’ve always been kind to people Anyone as long as they don’t commit a crime against me Naturally, I won’t take the initiative to provoke Whether it is Shen Zhijiang, Shen Yuting or Xiao Jun The old marquis didn’t want to talk to him What’s going on I have a lot of numbers in my heart Now the important thing is to get the antidote to heal the granddaughter’s face Your father didn’t do a good job of this But Yuting is your sister after all You should also stop in moderation Let’s take out the antidote Grandfather said yes I also have no intention of embarrassing Shen Yuting As long as he comes and apologizes to my son Naturally, I would give him the antidote Do you have to be like this? If you do something wrong, you should pay the price Unless he apologizes Otherwise I am not obligated to help him He said goodbye I agreed for Yuting Shen Wan, you attach great importance to your son He is my son Of course, I take a fancy to Shen Zhijiang I really didn’t expect it Shen Yuting will not hesitate to agree to apologize We have fulfilled the first two conditions you mentioned Can you let Yuting say it now? Okay, since my father can’t wait Then apologize quickly I haven’t eaten with Beibei yet Shen Yuting was reluctant But I also know that now is not the time to be willful I can only endure it.. advance What happened to the third sister before was that I didn’t do it right I apologize to you Hope you wait You. It’s my son I should make amends to my son Ha ha Imu did something wrong Apologize to you I hope you can forgive Im once Beibei wants to forgive or not It’s up to you to do it yourself Forget it, since my son said forget it Then forget it This is the end of the matter After speaking, he took out a small medicine and put it on the table Daddy, he’s like this to me I’m not reconciled Now is not the time to pursue this Hurry up and heal the wound on your face In a few days, it will be the birth of the first queen The old man said As long as your face injury is healed I’ll take you with me this time Emperor Zhaoming had a deep affection for the former empress It is the birthday of the festival every year A grand worship ceremony will be held at Xiangguoji Temple His Royal Highness King Xiang will also go then You have to take advantage of the opportunity The daughter understood The birthday of the first empress Shen Wan is a concubine He had to go and so on to find an opportunity Gotta him! Avenge today’s revenge The day before the first queen died Everyone arrives at Sangkokuji Temple Incense and kowtow to the first queen in turn It’s a coincidence But when it was his turn Three sticks of incense broke and fell to the ground It’s not that I cut off this incense myself It’s not me, it’s really not me He broke it himself = Why did Master Kuhai cut off the incense for no reason in front of the spirit Amitabha For the sake of the queen’s mother I also ask Your Majesty to give her another chance Since the master opened his mouth to intercede I’ll give you another chance Thank you, Your Majesty However, the more scared Shen Yuting became, the more nervous she became I accidentally knocked over the burning candle on the table The flames spread instantly Help, it’s on fire Help me Quickly protect the spiritual position That’s when it happened The crown princess rushed into the flames Hold on to the spiritual seat The next second it was surrounded by fire The fire was finally extinguished Everyone fell to their knees in fright The crown princess suffered severe burns He was sent to the side hall Master of the Bitter Sea I would like to tell me why the incense was broken before my spirit The breaking of incense before the spirit means that the person who makes the incense has a disrespectful heart The souls of the dead are reluctant to accept its incense Disrespectful I see After speaking, he motioned to the Taishi to retreat with many disciples Your Majesty spares your life I didn’t disrespect the Queen It’s all her, it’s definitely Shen Wan. You are Shen Wan This person accuses you… Disaster What do you have to say Back to His Majesty’s courtiers did not. You deliberately pushed you when you were talking nonsense I want you to bump into the spirit of the first queen Hold a grudge when you find out So you use the same method to harm me Why are you so hearty. I stand with my grandfather and father It’s 3 meters away from you Everybody looked at how I pushed you No, it isn’t You must have used some other method Xiao Lingyue just broke the incense in her hand with dark energy It didn’t hurt her to hit the queen’s spiritual position Shen Yuting, the daughter of the Shen family, was disrespectful in front of the queen’s spirit The Imperial Front is out of order There is no sign of repentance After returning to Beijing, he entered the prison and gave poisoned wine Shen Yuting was stunned The expression is blank Nanyang Hou Shen Zhijiang The goddaughter is not good with immediate effect The Marquis of Nanyang won the title Shen Zhijiang officially lowered the three grades to do the same No one thought of it The glory passed down from the ancestors All destroyed in the hands of a maiden His Majesty’s imperial physicians asked the little monk to come and inquire There can be female dependents in the temple who are proficient in medical skills The crown princess was injured on her body It is inconvenient for the doctors to take a closer look Xiao Lingyue knelt quietly on the ground Keep a low profile as much as possible and cause less trouble His father, Shen Wan, was proficient in medical skills You can let her try Seriously The emperor’s grandfather and aunt’s medical skills are good She will definitely be able to cure the imperial aunt Shen Wanzhen ordered you to assist the imperial doctor in taking care of the crown princess If only you could take care of the Crown Princess’s injuries I will not hold you accountable If not The two crimes will be punished together I will not be spared The courtiers answered Thank you, Your Majesty, Long In the wing, the crown princess was lying on the bed There were a few imperial doctors standing beside him The prince stood by the bedside Wen’er My father sent a woman who knew how to treat you to give you medicine I don’t know what this girl is called The courtier Shen Wan has Miss Lao Shen Your Highness, it’s enough for Miss Shen to take care of it here You go out first Hongu is here to accompany you The concubine was injured on the body I’m only afraid of indecency when I take the medicine Your Highness should avoid it You were injured to save your mother’s spiritual position This palace is your husband How can you dislike your injuries His Royal Highness the Prince Let’s go outside and wait The woman is pleased Even if it’s a couple The crown princess is also unwilling to show her ugliness in front of you If you really feel sorry for her Just be considerate of her feelings Well, Hongu is waiting outside I’ll leave it to Miss Shen here After the prince turned to leave There were only two women left in the house Crown Princess, I’ll check your pulse again lest the doctor miss something Then bother you Has the crown princess ever had a miscarriage? I had a miscarriage two years ago The deficit in the body has not been replenished It has become a stubborn disease Miss Shen came out as soon as she took the pulse The medical skills are really brilliant Xiao Lingyue not only saw that she had a miscarriage And it is . caused His Royal Highness the Crown Prince cares so much about the Crown Princess’s body Haven’t you thought of any other way? In the past two years, His Royal Highness has been looking for famous doctors among the people But the result is all the same In addition to recuperating slowly There is no other way Tianyi Pavilion flying pigeon biography said The guest who sought medical treatment on behalf of someone Nine times out of ten, he is the crown prince The symptoms are exactly the same Affordability Tianyi Pavilion can be called.. prescriptions There must be enough. I didn’t expect the patient to be the crown princess meanwhile Outside the wing Beibei’s mask was taken off by Zhan Beihan It’s a completely different face from Hanhan Wow, Beibei is so beautiful How did you grow like this I was born like this Any questions Zhan Beihan can’t say where there is a problem It’s just that my intuition is wrong You don’t look like your mother at all The first time I met my mother She looks a lot like Beibei It’s beautiful You’re not right It’s not like my mother I look like my mother Yes, yes, yes, it’s very good-looking Before coming to Sangkokuji Temple Xiao Lingyue customized this mask as thin as a cicada’s wings He no longer has to worry about Beibei revealing his identity Entrance to the hospital A pair of guards is holding a man with a knife I am the son of the Hou Mansion in Zhenbei My name is Chu Yuanqi The Marquis of Zhenbei is me more I’m here to find Shen Wan to get out of the marriage The old marquis was so angry. Suddenly squirted The old marquis was so angry…. Suddenly squirted The old man was so angry… Suddenly squirted Alone and fainted in the wing A man fainted alone in the wing You are Shen Wan’s mother .. They all have two sons It’s embarrassing not to withdraw from the marriage She also wants to marry me as a wife Don’t get me wrong This is the little prince of King Yi’s mansion Please also refrain from talking nonsense How could the prince of King Yi’s mansion call Shen Wan his mother I like to call him mother What’s your business Ran out of nowhere to accuse my mother Is there a hat bing The prince is the little marquis of the Hou Mansion in Zhenbei came to find Miss Shen to withdraw from the marriage I didn’t make the marriage What is the use of you looking for me? As long as the Shen family agrees I’m totally fine Xiao Lingyue thought that what she said was clear enough Chu Yuanqi was furious I sent fire to the door seven or eight times The Shen family says you’re not there every time You must come forward in person to withdraw from the marriage It is to treat our Zhenbei Hou Mansion as… I finally caught you getting out of the marriage today The day must be retreated I really don’t know about it The Shen family didn’t tell me about the marriage contract either I didn’t take it seriously Now that you’ve got it Then get out of the marriage The Shen family accepted a family heirloom jade bracelet from us as a token Since you have agreed to withdraw from the marriage The jade bracelet should be returned to me It was passed down to his daughter-in-law by the Zhenbei Hou Mansion Such a valuable thing Do you think the Shen family will hand it over to me? The Shen family said that the jade bracelet is on you You’d better hand it over Otherwise, don’t blame me for being unkind My mother said that if there is no, there is no If he likes me Give him all that is in the treasury of the emperor’s grandfather Who scarce your broken bracelets My mother is obviously willing to withdraw from the marriage The Shen family said that my mother did not agree Willful denial Trouble the little marquis to use his brain Who the hell is lying This question Chu Yuanqi has always known It was the Shen family who was using Shen Wan as an excuse Rely on not getting married Jing Ran is the Shen family lying But they insisted that the jade bracelet was on my mother’s own obvious Treat you as one Chu Yuanqi was speechless Serious doubts about their own IQ That’s it I’m still worried that my mother will have to marry you You’re not as smart as Beibei Someone hahaha You two are waiting here My mother went to my grandfather to get the jade bracelet Withdraw from the marriage as soon as possible Save yourself the trouble later Mother, go quickly Beibei and I will wait for you to come back The mother herself has a marriage contract It’s always a nuisance It’s better to solve it sooner I am a dignified prince of Beihou Mansion Honorable status What flows what How many rich daughters want to marry me You actually call me a nuisance The old marquis never expected it Shen Wan actually brought the little marquis to find him in person Forgive me, old marquis My father said he wouldn’t take the family heirloom jade bracelet back He will sue His Majesty Let Your Majesty take the title of. Xooooooo. Let’s go down…. There is no way for the younger generation The old marquis knows The divorce cannot be postponed again The Shen family had just angered His Majesty In case another case is accused I’m afraid it’s a disaster + a disaster The old man remembered that the jade bracelet was stored in the Shen family’s treasury I didn’t bring it to Xiangguoji Temple this time When I return to Beijing The old man must send someone to the house The old marquis has always been full of promises The junior went back to say goodbye to his father Chu Yuanqi just walked on the front foot The old marquis showed his face for treatment You’re eating inside and out knew that the Shen family was in a big disaster Strong in-law support is required If you really divorce the Hou Mansion of Zhenbei You know what will happen to the Shen family When did the Shen family treat me as a relative What does this have to do with me My grandfather instructed my father to use me as a shield I carried it all If I really eat inside and out It is time to let the Zhenbei Hou Mansion go to sue Let Your Majesty take a good look How is the Shen family… The old marquis was so angry…. Suddenly squirted A man fainted alone in the wing No one to take care of it No one cares Xiao Lingyue just came back The two little ones couldn’t wait to ask their mothers Did you find that jade bracelet? Did the marriage contract be dissolved? The jade bracelet was placed in the Shen family’s treasury When you return to Beijing, you can get out of the marriage if you find the jade bracelet I don’t think my mother’s family seems to be willing to get out of the marriage also used his mother as an excuse There will be no more accidents in this divorce Don’t worry The Shen family is now unable to protect itself Even if there is any idea He doesn’t have the ability to do that anymore That’s good If the Shen family repeatedly obstructs his mother’s withdrawal from the marriage Be sure to tell me Tell you what to do I can pull Daddy over There’s a town of him Those people in the Shen family didn’t dare to say anything You’re pretty good at calling Your dad is still in town Is this the rhythm of Zhan Beihan as a town house divine beast (mispronounced). What does it matter Isn’t Daddy just used it for it, hehehe Xiao Lingyue couldn’t cry or laugh After dinner So he took them for a walk in the yard Wasn’t the princess cold very good to you before Yes, Daddy is busy with military affairs Often away from the house My grandfather took me to the palace It was Huang Bo’s mother who took care of me Treat me like your own That you know Did the crown princess lose her baby two years ago? I listened to the ladies of the palace talking Said Aunt Huang was been. I lost my baby During that time, Uncle Huang was in a bad mood A side concubine He also sent a lot of eunuchs and palace maids who served him Since then Aunt Huang’s health is getting worse and worse Is there a way for my mother to cure Aunt Huang’s body? I’m not sure either But you can try Great, Uncle Huang will definitely be very grateful to his mother Xiao Lingyue decided to make a move It’s all because the crown princess loves the cold Whether the crown princess can be cured or not must be studied first Don’t tell anyone about this yet Hanhan wants to keep it secret for her mother Mother rest assured Hanhan is very well-behaved Definitely won’t say it Xiao Lingyue planned to write a reply letter to Tianyi Pavilion Take this order Although such an operation is more troublesome But they don’t reveal their identity After whistling The messenger hummingbird cultivated by Tianyi Pavilion has not appeared for a long time That’s when it happened A strange smell came This smell is tung oil Contains highly toxic With the night breeze blowing The smell of tung oil is getting stronger and stronger The temple was on fire Come on, people, go out of the water Xiao Lingyue suddenly felt bad Hurry back to the room and wake up the two children North North, Cold Wake up and go out with me Something is not right Zhan Beihan didn’t know what news he received Descending the mountain with the Dragonscale Guard Xiao Lingyue instantly understood This is the transfer of the tiger from the mountain The most important thing at the moment is to protect the two children first At this point, a group of Assassins burst out of the water The soldiers are divided into two ways It can be seen that they are all elite masters Mother, are these people assassins? Whom they will assassinate? It should be your imperial grandfather and imperial uncle They came prepared I don’t know how many people are still hiding It’s not safe here Let’s leave first What about the emperor’s grandfather and uncle They were all guarded by the Praetorian Army It’s going to be fine Suddenly, a seriously wounded janissary fell not far away It’s about to fail He kept shouting His Majesty was assassinated, escorted However, inside the mourning hall Emperor Zhaoming has been killed His face was ominously purple It’s clear that it is. meanwhile A black-clad assassin raises a broadsword was about to slash at Emperor Zhaoming Your Majesty, are you alright? Why are you Xue Hai? Commander Xue and the rest of the forbidden army were all stopped at the door Outside was the poisonous smoke of the Assassins The Praetorian Army suffered heavy casualties What about the Prince? The whereabouts of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess are currently unknown I guess I escaped His Majesty has been poisoned Now the toxin has spread I want to save my life The poison must be forced out immediately Are you sure you’ll save my life? I have confidence Let’s get started Tonight’s one. It’s for me It is also possible that the prince will be involved I can’t now. Otherwise, the dragons are leaderless Northern Qin is about to be completely messed up Xiao Lingyue took out a pill and sent it to Emperor Zhaoming’s mouth This is a pill to protect the heart Although it cannot be detoxified However, it can slow down the spread of toxins Good for time Emperor Zhaoming I didn’t take it immediately Instead, he asked rhetorically Do you know why I believe you? The courtiers don’t know It’s because of the cold Xiao Lingyue was stunned for a moment when she heard this I’ve heard of you, Shen Wan Han Han said that he liked you very much And let you be his mother He even begged me to marry you and King Yi Let you be his mother in a dignified manner I think it’s someone who can make Han Han trust so much There will be no bad intentions Emperor Zhaoming coughed and almost choked Xiao Lingyue saw this Hurriedly shoved the pill into his mouth He began to heal and detoxify His Royal Highness can believe that the courtiers never thought of clinging to King Yi Compared to the position of Princess Yi The courtiers preferred the little prince I can’t wait to take him home and raise him by myself Emperor Zhaoming lost. plethora How to get out now is the biggest headache When you are in a difficult situation Xue Hai jumped in from the roof with the forbidden army But Xiao Lingyue still felt uneasy There’s an assassin for help. people The north is cold Xiao Lingyue flew away It was he who was too negligent Han Han is the only son of King Yi He is also the favorite grandson of Emperor Zhaoming Those Assassins would not spare the North Cold, are you around? Xiao Lingyue was so anxious that she didn’t care about whether she would startle the snake Suddenly, there was a faint response from Beibei Is a mother’s mother’s mother’s mother I am here North North is The voice of the north came from this well Is Hanhan with you? The cold is not there I’m so scared of my mother Illuminated by the moonlight Xiao Lingyue smoothly brought Beibei back to the ground How did you fall into the well There are no injuries on the body Where did the cold go Is he okay The mother’s cold is dangerous He lured the Assassins away Go and save him You can rest assured My mother must bring Han Han back safely Let’s go back to the main hall first What to do when you go back to the main hall Aren’t we going to save the cold? Han Han was taken away by the Assassins It is estimated that it is not in Xiangguoji Temple now Blindly looking for fear will miss the time Before His Majesty was assassinated, I deliberately left two alive Go back and try the first trial It is possible to know where they are hiding Emperor Zhaoming learned that Han Han had been assassinated. make somebody’s blood boil Hanhan trusts you so much And always by your side It’s so chaotic tonight You have a good son to protect yourself Han Han was taken away How do you have the face to make me believe in you again Xiao Lingyue didn’t explain much Instead, he followed the Forbidden Army to interrogate the whereabouts of the Assassin Hanhan Hanhan and I have been together The mother is to save His Majesty entrusted us to the protection of the Forbidden Army The mother was not partial The cold and the cold are all in danger to protect me Your Majesty can’t be so wronged Why should Hanhan protect you? Don’t hesitate to risk yourself I don’t know I’ll ask him again when he’s back safely Your Majesty.. are two monks Two Assassins have been captured alive After interrogation, their joint location was at Broken Dragon Slope I’ll go first There was such a big movement in the temple Presumably, King Yi is already on his way back Wait until he arrives His Majesty informed him of the situation Come and answer me Case You have to be careful There are quite a few in this kid I’ll let the doctor take care of it Time is urgent Xiao Lingyue didn’t want to waste time Hurriedly left the main hall Zhao Yi, who are you interrogating? Less than a quarter of an hour Did the Assassin relent? Don’t dare to deceive Your Majesty It was tried by Miss Shen herself Those two Assassins… Nor confession Miss Shen used a dagger Put their arms. The two monks were frightened Just give it all the answers Emperor Zhaoming did not speak Close your eyes and ponder Shen Wan’s various actions are really inconsistent with his identity One can’t help but be suspicious His Highness His Royal Highness King Yi has returned Zhanbei walked into the main hall in the cold wind and dust Emperor Zhaoming will be assassinated tonight And the cold was taken away The situation has been said again I leave the Dragonscale Guard to my father Half went looking for the eldest brother and sister-in-law Half remained with his father I’ll go there myself This is the most appropriate approach Prepare for another Assassin attack Crown Prince of Emperor Zhaoming The crown princess has no room for error That Shen Wan did have a lot of problems I know you’ve always been suspicious of him But if he hadn’t made a move tonight I’m afraid I’m already dead What does the Emperor want to say I just want to tell you As for how to deal with this It’s up to you to do it yourself Zhan Beihan nodded Walk out of the main hall With him, no one is allowed to be in danger Kung Fu in the blink of an eye There were only 5 Assassins. In the hands of Zhan Beihan Suddenly, an Assassin shouted in terror It was King Qin Yi of the North who chased after him The second commander is running away All the Assassins stood in their way Prevent Zhan Beihan from approaching And the second commander is crazy to escape One accidentally fell into the grass Xiao Lingyue almost laughed out of a pig cry I’ve never seen a leader so shitty Han Han has no injuries on his body It’s uncomfortable I knew that my mother was the best Will definitely come to my rescue I’m here with your dad to save you How about the North North Is he okay He’s with your grandfather now It’s safe That’s good Han Han though was assassinated. walk There wasn’t much fear in my heart What is more worried is Beibei who is hiding in a dry well There was also a leader who ran away This king went to chase You follow Protect yourself from the cold Zhan Beihan chose this sentence He quickly chased after him Your dad still cares about you Well, my father also trusts my mother Ah, where did you see that If Daddy doesn’t believe his mother’s words They won’t leave me to my mother to chase the assassins herself He wasn’t afraid that his mother would take me away At this time, the Assassin leader and several surviving Assassins are all blocked in front of the cliff surrender willingly Ben King can make you. Gotta hurry He really can. person Join… Don’t say any of this hypocrisy Come up is to let you. 00000 Look at the wolf fox unbearable assassins A cold face full of schadenfreude Weren’t you arrogant just now? Also want to. I I’ll just say you don’t have the skills It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the North Cold Who are you haha Old acquaintances But I haven’t seen him for five years Can’t you even hear my voice? It’s really a noble person who forgets things This king doesn’t have the familiarity of you This man is so strange Obviously, he refused to identify himself Wrap yourself in a rice dumpling But blame others for not recognizing it Hanhan, do you know what this kind of behavior is called? What’s it called? It’s called self-inflicted affection Self-righteous is a personal cow seven things As a result, others didn’t take him seriously at all That’s why I became angry It turned into hate There are still such people You. Woman shut up for me Han Han was immediately unhappy Who are you scolding? Did my mother name you? Less self-inflicted here The leader of the mother’s relatives heard this The face is incredible looked at Zhan Beihan looked at Xiao Lingyue again Hahahaha Mother’s war against North Korea You actually married such an ugly woman as a princess Isn’t there something wrong with this man’s brain? Inexplicably laughing like this Maybe Xiao Lingyue knew that this leader would be wrong mistakenly thought that he and Zhan North Korea were husband and wife Back in the day King Yi and my cousin dressed as a man Private for life Join.. I don’t care about it I thought you had a lot of affection I didn’t expect it to be just 5 years King Yi not only married an ugly monster And a son It’s so funny Wei Shaorong is now the crown princess of Nanyan His Royal Highness King Yi But remember Xiao Lingyue couldn’t have imagined it It’s a place to meet your former loved ones Nanyan Wei’s house It is a family of hairpins and cherry blossoms that have been inherited for hundreds of years The rules are strict in the clan It is one of the top court families in Nanyan The person in front of him called Wei Shaorong his cousin Who the hell is he Is it all over? What does Nanyan’s crown princess have to do with this king Irrelevant, I heard about it five years ago You once wanted to marry her, didn’t you? Southern Yan and Northern Qin for many years. You are a prince of Northern Qin actually wanted to marry the daughter of Nan Yanwei’s family I don’t know what’s going on in your head When was this happening Long and sweet I don’t know at all Long and sweet Dao Zhan Beihan glanced up at Xiao Lingyue Long and sweet Seems to sense that his mood is not quite right Long and sweet At the beginning of the year five years ago Long and sweet At the beginning, he wanted to marry my third sister as a concubine Long and sweet Xiao Lingyue suddenly felt Long and sweet Everything I knew was overturned Long and sweet 5 years ago and the beginning of the year Long and sweet I have already torn my face with Murong Ye Long and sweet .. In the Wai Family Annex Long and sweet I don’t know what’s going on in the court Long and sweet King Tang Yi was rejected by my third sister in public Long and sweet He doesn’t look down on you at all Long and sweet After refusing to be with a kiss Long and sweet immediately agreed to the marriage of His Royal Highness the Prince Long and sweet Now she is already the princess of Nanyan Long and sweet Zhan Beihan was not provoked by the leader Long and sweet On the contrary, Xiao Lingyue was not calm Whether it is fighting North Korea or Murong Ye Or Wei Shaorong back then These things are all about them alone What do you count in the middle I can’t even mention my name. Is it your turn to make a big splash here The general of the defeated army who hides his head and tail Knives under ants You don’t deserve to carry shoes for North Korea Where did the face come from to laugh at him here North Korea has no patience to listen to it anymore Refuse to be caught That’s subject to it. Long and sweet Behold Long and sweet One of the Assassins took out an object and threw it at the ground Long and sweet Plumes of smoke rose from the cliffs Long and sweet When the smoke clears Long Hu Zhan Beihan was lying beside him. 0000000 And the hateful leader is gone The prince’s subordinates are late Please forgive the king Let’s get up Ye Qi walked in front of Han Han Squat with your knees bent The subordinates received the signal from the prince Very anxious And he came with the great chief Failed to protect the son It is a dereliction of duty on the part of subordinates It’s okay, and I can’t blame you for that Xiangguoji Temple does not allow secret guards to follow It’s not your fault Night Seven is not only a personal guard of the cold and cold It is a knife in the hands of the owner Because all year round. .. Deep Therefore, the secret guards are not allowed to step into Xiangguo Temple The crown prince and the crown princess have found it Enjoy the prince back Bao Jing was found The two Highnesses met. time He was rescued by an elderly monk in the temple The two highnesses were hidden in the scripture pavilion This was the way to avoid the Assassins. Case There is no need to lose time Go back to Xiangguo Temple first and then discuss Shen Zhijiang and Shen Yuting were frightened See Xiao Lingyue Immediately come forward and stop him Shen Wan My father was so anxious to stop me What is the so-called? I’ve heard people say that His Majesty was assassinated last night It was you who saved Your Majesty Father asked what the purpose of this was That daddy knows that he wronged you before Daddy knows that you have always been well-behaved and filial Now the Shen family is in great trouble You’ve done a great job of saving the car It’s a godsend As long as you talk to Your Majesty I hope he will forgive the Shen family Let the Shen family restore the title Your Majesty will definitely agree Take my credit in exchange for the Shen family’s title What’s in it for me? My father spoke better than he sang If the Shen family falls You’re a woman’s home With another child What kind of good life can you live in the capital? No one is protecting you No one has your back Anyone can oppress you Think about it yourself The so-called family patronage It’s a complete joke You just don’t think about it I’m grateful Even if our mother and son don’t have the Shen family Can also live…. life A night of tossing Xiao Lingyue was really too lazy to meddle with their affairs Turn around and walk towards the wing Shen Wan, don’t go We’ll talk about it when you come back It’s called Qian, it’s called Be quiet for me. What the crown princess is pregnant How is this possible Shen Wan, the daughter of the Shen family, made a meritorious contribution to escorting last night I am rewarded for meritorious deeds Shen Wan was specially named the county lord of Anping Oh, I want to be the lord of Erpin County Another mansion in Beijing was given A palace card You can enter and exit the palace gate freely After returning to Beijing When you enter the palace, the treasury chooses your own rewards Xiao Lingyue froze in place I didn’t react for a long time The county lord is the second grade Second only to the county lord Dare to ask His Majesty about the county lord King Yi has ever known? What do I have to do with you about the reward for meritorious deeds and King Yi? Xiao Lingyue remembered Zhan Beihan’s various doubts about herself If only he had known that he had been made a county lord What will be the reaction? Your Majesty I don’t know what the situation is with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess When the mother and the royal aunt were rescued Pulse diagnosis by the Tai Doctor The royal aunt has a baby in her belly What the crown princess is pregnant How is this possible With the bottom of his body There is also residual toxic residue It is impossible to conceive a child I remember that you know how to heal I just happened to have a baby Experienced Would you like to go to the Crown Princess’s side to take care of you? The courtiers are willing It just so happened that I was going to see the Imperial Aunt too I’ll take my mother with me The mother and son came to the wing where the crown princess lived He was stopped by the dragon scale guard who was guarding The Imperial Aunt had just encountered an Assassin Now I’m pregnant with a baby again Uncle Huang was worried about his safety So I asked my father to transfer the dragon scale guard The crown princess is not in good health I haven’t had children for so many years This baby is male or female will be the first son of the crown prince And it’s still a concubine First-time father My mother can understand His Royal Highness The crown princess invited the prince and Miss Shen in Aunt Huang, my mother and I have come to see you How do you feel physically It’s better, no It’s already much better Seeing that Miss Shen was safe and sound It’s just wonderful Last night’s assassination Many family members of officials have been killed Not even a chance to escape It’s serious It is a great blessing that the crown princess and Her Royal Highness are safe and sound I heard that the crown princess was a blessing in disguise That’s good news The crown princess’s cheeks flushed slightly He looked at Han Han with disgust You said it The emperor’s grandfather said that his mother knew medical skills I gave birth to another child That’s why she came over to take care of the imperial aunt You two go outside for a while The mother and the crown princess talked Xiao Lingyue kicked the two children out Some words are not easy for children to hear Miss Shen won’t lie to you Although I have been pregnant with a child before But in the end there is less experience In this palace His Royal Highness the Crown Prince also did not have a biological mother to help him I want to find someone I can trust to ask for experience It’s all difficult Fortunately, Miss Shen is here Your Majesty asked me to take care of the Crown Princess I do have some apprehensions in my heart Can the princess let me take the pulse first? A moment later Xiao Lingyue couldn’t believe it But this is indeed a slippery vein This kind of pulse Not when I drugged the crown princess yesterday Now there is What’s wrong with Shen Wan Could it be.. There’s something wrong There is no need to worry about the crown princess Judging from the pulse There seems to be some symptoms of lack of qi and blood Is it hurt? What did the doctor say? The doctor said that the child was too young The veins are somewhat shallow It is necessary to lie down and nurse the fetus Didn’t say anything else The crown princess is pregnant Since it’s not a miracle from heaven That can only be artificially made Crown Princess May I ask you a question? What’s the problem Miss Shen said it directly The crown princess should know it in her heart Your physical condition It is impossible to get pregnant Now the kid came suddenly I’m a little curious Is it something that the crown princess did? You’re trying to ask me if I’ve used it. The way I’m just from a doctor’s point of view I want to know more about the situation of the crown princess I’ll tell you the truth I do use it Over some prescriptions Where did the prescriptions used by the crown princess come from? I can’t remember the specifics But most of it didn’t work for me Xiao Lingyue was skeptical In the prescription used by the crown princess It’s highly likely that they got in People who use this prescription The body will suffer a lot of damage Finally deficit loss. Shen Wan, you suddenly asked about this This is a prescription I’ve taken Does it have an impact on the child? Don’t be nervous, I didn’t mean that Your pulse is now stable Just keep it well I’m sure it’s going to be fine Zhan Beihan and the crown prince are brothers looked at the back of the mother and son who were far away A breath of room lit up between his eyebrows The eldest brother had better not let him get too close to the imperial sister-in-law Shen Wan is full of suspicions You mean he’s going to hurt your sister-in-law Not really His father sent him to take care of his sister-in-law If something happens He can’t get rid of it Shen Wan is a smart person We will not do such things that are harmful to others Case Why do you doubt him? He has confessed it to the king He is not the real Shen Wan So who is he This king also wants to know Zhan Beihan has always had a suspicion in his heart Never mentioned it to anyone Big brother do you think that woman is really. It’s now Who do you say Xiao Lingyue jumped off the cliff back then The king personally led people to search at the bottom of the cliff for half a month Don’t say yes. trace Not even a single corner of the torn garment It was as if he had disappeared into thin air Even if Xiao Lingyue really didn’t. That’s so many years down You must have been looking for him secretly Why have there been no clues? If he really has the ability to do it incognito It never happened again You’ll never find him again He’s true in the end. Or fake. What is the difference between the text Why should you care about the truth or the fake? This makes perfect sense Zhan Beihan was speechless at all costs Xiao Lingyue is Hanhan’s biological mother after all I know you’ve been… he But for the sake of the cold face Whether he is alive or not. Just let him go Zhanbei laughed coldly No one in this world dared to tease him like this Leave him alone, he’d better be real. finish If the king finds that he is still alive This king will let him know Daddy, help me I’m Yuting It’s your favorite daughter After Shen Yuting returned to Beijing, she was going to go to prison The old marquis’s face was pale This loser thing caused our Shen family to lose their title How can he still have the face to beg us to save him Shen Zhijiang used all his strength Spit hard Who’s your daddy? The two escorted forbidden soldiers were stunned It’s not about this second lady Is she the most favored daughter of the Shen family? Shen Zhijiang is a father If you don’t save people, forget it How can you return this attitude You’re the one I wish I hadn’t given birth to such a thing as you I knew you were such a thing I was born at the beginning I should have been. I should have been. ooo0o Shen Zhijiang regretted not being at the beginning If it weren’t for Shen Yuting I am still the high-flying Nanyang Hou That’s right The Father has long said it Don’t be too arrogant about this kind of thing You don’t listen Now it’s time to taste the consequences What are you doing here? Xiao Lingyue looked at Shen Yuting crying and making trouble There is no sympathy in my heart Fall to this end It’s all up to her The old marquis stood in place There was a pang of colic in the heart Look at the symptoms as typical of a heart attack Xiao Lingyue wanted to kindly remind her Now you’re satisfied The Shen family theory has fallen to this point You’ve finally got your wish What does this have to do with me Isn’t it the evil fruit of their own sowing? The strength is here to blame me It’s better to think about the Shen family’s future way out Now Sangkokuji Temple is in a mess The ritual process that had been scheduled was stopped Emperor Zhaoming decided to return to Beijing ahead of schedule Mother, can I ride in your carriage? Why? Doesn’t Hanhan have his own exclusive carriage? Daddy is definitely riding a horse I was so bored in a carriage by myself Not even a single person to speak It’s not that there is still a night seven With you It’s okay to talk to him What’s the point of talking to him Always: A son It’s like a wooden man It’s not fun at all I want to ride in a carriage with my mother and Beibei I’m afraid not Your dad won’t agree The carriage of King Yi’s mansion Immediately after Emperor Zhaoming’s imperial car And it has the dual protection of the dragon scale guard and the forbidden army Besides, the Shen family’s carriage It is not as wide and comfortable as the carriage of King Yi’s mansion Mother and Beibei can come to my carriage My carriage is big enough anyway It is definitely more comfortable than the Shen family’s carriage looked at the pitiful expression of the little guy with a crying face Xiao Lingyue was a little soft-hearted Or let Beibei do it with you I’m not going to go Hanhan, you are coquettish and cute here again Although Zhan Beihan has been guarding against him But there is no ill will towards Hanhan It is also not forbidden for two children to play together There are no outsiders here If you have anything to tell me, tell me directly Where did you learn your medical skills? Who to learn from Self-taught There is no teacher, no way That’s what you asked me for What about your son? by your son.. finish He is now in the same carriage as Hanhan The royal car has already set off Didn’t you go to the carriage and take a look? This king has always wanted to ask you a question Since you are not Shen Wan herself But there are other pros! I am an orphan No father and no mother There are no other loved ones There was once a husband We don’t have the right personalities And they were separated Beibei is his child Now it’s mine The king was very curious Where is your ex-husband, who is sacred? I would marry a woman like you I’m afraid it’s a previous life. Retribution Xiao Lingyue was suddenly unconvinced What’s wrong with a woman like me Be in shape I can get to the hall Got the kitchen Beat the Assassins Fightable.. What’s wrong You don’t know my ex-husband The eye is smaller than the tip of a needle Offend her a little can hold grudges for the next life Relying on Zhan Beihan, he couldn’t understand who she was complaining about The more you talk, the more energetic it gets As a result, joy and sorrow are born Said that he slipped his mouth Later we quarreled a lot I don’t think I can live this day Simply leave the book on paper Wandering the world with children You have written a letter of resignation You divorced your husband Yes, I divorced him What’s wrong His Royal Highness King Yi came to me on purpose Could it be that he is interested in my ex-husband’s affairs Of course not I don’t know why In the subconscious of Zhan Beihan Xiao Lingyue doesn’t seem to have a so-called husband You shouldn’t marry someone Now that you are separated But the North is in his blood How will you be allowed to take the child away His Royal Highness King Yi My ex-husband didn’t have any thrones to inherit He didn’t have feelings for me in the first place Naturally, I don’t care about the children I have born Since he has no feelings for you Why do you want to get married again? Because I adore him He will not marry if he is stalked He was so entangled by me that he had no choice but to marry me As a result, after marriage, we found that we were not suitable So it was separated It’s as simple as that How long do you have to ask You don’t have a mother’s home and divorced from her husband’s house What to live on with children Live by your skills What does His Royal Highness King Yi want to ask? Can you stop going around these bends? Your son is a boutique from head to toe Another cloak is enough for ordinary people to eat and drink for a few years It’s up to you At this moment, Xiao Lingyue understood Why did Zhan Beihan ask him from the beginning Where did the healer come from Such details Someone else wouldn’t think much about it at all What is the relationship between you and Tianyi Pavilion? How does he know about my relationship with Tianyi Pavilion It’s only been a day Wasn’t he busy tracking down the Assassins? Why did it suddenly find out on my head? No wonder I came here on purpose Ask a bunch of inexplicable questions It turns out that the real killer is here You thought this king would do it for those boring things Specially came to you That’s when it happened Zhan Beihan took out a roll of extremely familiar light yarn Isn’t this the secret letter I am going to send to Tianyi Pavilion? How could it fall into the hands of Zhan Beihan You don’t want to say you don’t know this thing How can you be sure this thing is mine Is my name written on it Tianyi Pavilion is out of secrecy measures There is no identity and name on the light yarn After the Father was rescued last night When Xue Hai led the march to count the clues I accidentally found this roll of light yarn I want to say that it has nothing to do with Tianyi Pavilion, do you believe it? What do you think This light gauze is written on the disease It is the same as the crown princess’s illness The king asked the imperial doctor Two prescriptions on this light veil For the crown princess, it can be described as tailor-made Even the dosage of each herb is exactly right In the past two days, you have just been ordered to take care of the crown princess And you know how to heal Well, count you on I threw in the towel So you do have something to do with Tianyi Pavilion It’s just a partnership Haven’t you always wondered what I could do to feed my son? Cooperate with Tianyige Enough for our mother and son. What a cooperative law There are guests looking for Tianyi Pavilion Then they will send me a message I just need to give a prescription for the disease You can get paid Do you want to guess who the customers of this business are It’s the crown prince That’s right, that’s what I thought I work with Tianyige Just to earn.. For me and Beibei to live with And to the prince couple There is no ill will towards Northern Qin I also really want to heal the crown princess’s body If that’s what you think Why do you hide and don’t dare to see people? It is also necessary to pass on the prescription through Tianyi Pavilion Can’t you say it openly? His Royal Highness King Yi Everyone has secrets they don’t want to reveal No matter what All you have to do is know that I don’t mean anything malicious I’ve finished asking what I should have asked Is there anything else that His Royal Highness King Yi has to do? On the way back to Beijing, you will pass through Tiger Wolf Mountain This king plans to go to Tiger Wolf Mountain in person… How many people you plan to take with you How much You’re one Xiao Lingyue was stunned for a moment Finally reacted You mean to go to Tiger Wolf Mountain this time Don’t bring your own dragon scale guard but you want me to go with you Isn’t that Shen Wan? How to ride the same horse with His Royal Highness King Yi Could it be that the rumors in the capital are true? Isn’t this Miss Shen? No wonder the third brother refused to accompany his father It turned out to be a beautiful woman with an appointment His Royal Highness King Yi is going to Tiger Wolf Mountain at night I need to explain it to the kids Otherwise, they will be worried Go ahead There is a lot of space inside the carriage The two little ones are sitting cross-legged Fiddling with the chessboard on the table Kita said it was too boring in the car You don’t want to listen to me Just teach me how to play chess What are you going down here? Go is still backgammon You’re really elm head I’ve been teaching for so long and still won’t It’s too hard for me to learn If you don’t play, I know you’re so stupid I won’t waste any time teaching you It’s clear that you didn’t teach it well What did you say Hey, nothing Why did my mother come over when she was free? Tonight, my mother and mother are going out with your father to do more errands I don’t know when I’ll be back Beibei, you will follow Han Han into the palace together Until your mother comes back to pick you up Is it related to yesterday’s Assassins? Xiao Lingyue did not deliberately hide it briefly explained the situation in Tiger Wolf Mountain It’s too dangerous Daddy will go and forget it himself Why take your mother on an adventure Can my mother not go? The Assassins came from the Second Commander of Southern Yan It’s someone from Nanyanwei’s family again This matter must be investigated My mother promised you that there would be no danger I will come back safely Hanhan: During this time, you have to take care of Beibei I don’t want him to take care of it I’ll tell your daddy Before we come back Kitaku will stay with you at the palace It’s safest that way Beibei entered the palace for the first time You need to take care of the cold Mother rest assured I’ll definitely take care of Beibei No one can bully her Han Han was deeply favored by Emperor Zhaoming With her protection Beibei will basically not suffer any grievances Zhan Beihan and Xiao Lingyue are both martial arts practitioners Night vision is better than the average person At this time The bandits inside the house are gathering to eat, drink and be merry It’s rare to be so happy today It’s a pity that the eldest brother didn’t come Otherwise, we brothers would be alive together Do you think Big Brother is idle Nothing to do all day Just thinking about it. Big brother has been busy lately I haven’t seen my big brother in a few days What the hell is he up to? I heard that I took over a big business The eldest brother attaches great importance to it Be personally responsible Really fake What the hell is big business It’s big business Of course, you can’t just tell someone In case the news leaks out was discovered None of us have any good fruit to eat meanwhile A group of women who have been tortured to the point of being inhuman Walked out of the house with his head down We keep up with the women Especially the cook lady who took the lead Look at the way she looks Should have been in the cottage for a while Maybe you know something Zhan Beihan nodded agreed The two followed silently Are these houses just detaining? place Not a single guard .. Absolutely all women There was a woman lying on the haystack It’s the chef just now We are the ones sent to investigate the situation The package is preparing to eradicate this Are you one of the people they have captured? Can you tell us about the situation here I don’t care about this side at all. .· So many people The court didn’t care You’re lying to me Zhan Beihan took out the token of the Alien Palace Dangled in front of the woman See clearly It is engraved with an official seal This should prove who we are The woman looked up at Xiao Lingyue Tears hung on her red and swollen cheeks My family is all. finish Long and sweet Those.. I think I’m old Long and sweet Ben thought about me But I heard that I was a cook Just let me stay and cook for them That’s how far I have lived You’ve seen those… of the chieftain They live on top of a hill I’ve only seen it once Are you sure that the leader of the cottage lives on the top of the mountain? And the men and children who disappeared Do you know their whereabouts? Long and sweet Late one night Long and sweet I saw a lot of people tied together Long and sweet Drove them up the hill Long and sweet He never came down again Long and sweet Thank you for telling me this Long and sweet The two of them used light power to go straight to the top of the mountain Long and sweet The road has been found until now Long and sweet There has never been a cottage with Nanyan.. evidence Suddenly, Xiao Lingyue’s pupils constricted Long and sweet The scene in front of them was beyond the imagination of the two of them Long and sweet It was a whole semi-open vein What do we do now It’s all rambling Their leader is not there Long and sweet Big brother is here Long and sweet Why did the eldest brother come over today with free time How is it today How many goods were dug up Long and sweet Everything works fine But not many goods are out Only more than 300 pounds So little.. The number of people is not enough Big brother if you’re in a hurry The brothers immediately descended the mountain Go and catch another group of people No need to call the brothers over All goods in one place No need to dig anymore The south side is urging for goods Today, all the goods are out Xiao Lingyue had a bad premonition Suddenly I don’t dig it and all the people together Combine these…. Not a single one is left Why does he have to open up so much? Could it be that I heard some kind of wind? Be prepared to run ahead of time Now this is the case There is only one best way Capture the thief and capture the king first Since they’re all here I didn’t dare to come out to see the king Hahahaha King Yi has a big breath It’s already a turtle in an urn Dare to be so arrogant The person who spoke was none other than the second commander who had jumped off the cliff and fled Standing next to him should be the so-called Grand Commander We expected you to come A net of heaven and earth was laid out here in advance Fight the northern cold Today next year will be your taboo Defeated The front foot fled like a rat crossing the street Now it’s arrogant I’m not afraid of people laughing off their big teeth You this.. If it weren’t for you How could the plan of Xiangguoji fail I have to ask for you today. Young Master Wei Zhai Calm down Our goal is to fight the northern cold This weird and special timbre made Xiao Lingyue’s face change instantly This quirky voice He had heard it many times by Murong Ye’s side What’s wrong Shen Wan Don’t underestimate the enemy This guy is different from Wei Zhai’s straw bale You know who he is Zhan Beihan was seriously injured, and Su Lingyue dug him out Zhan Beihan was seriously injured, and Su Xiao Lingyue dug him out with his bare hands Finally crawled out of the collapsed mine You’re going to jump down and find me for something Make it like this How can I save you? At that time, Zhan Beihan would not be injured if he turned around and left But he took the initiative to jump down to rescue Xiao Lingyue Now it’s all right Wei Zhai ran away Ram Qian didn’t catch it either A bunch of worthless men in black He also made himself bruised all over his body You’re a big loser, you know Forget the battle before you saved me once Even if we tie it out I’ll bring you back safely Suddenly, there was a sparse sound of rolling rubble who It turned out to be you How did you survive You suddenly fight I was so frightened that I hid in a corner and didn’t dare to move Suddenly, there was a loud bang I was knocked out by a rock Woke up and found out It took a long time to dig under the rocks before it came out A helpless one However, he only suffered a few skin injuries Even the little boy she was protecting It was only a brief coma Who the hell are you? How was it caught on the mine You don’t look like ordinary people in the neighborhood either My name is Meng Wenhao It was the maritime merchant of the Eastern Qi Dynasty I haven’t had time to enter the capital yet been Almost lost his life Xiao Lingyue saw that what he said had a beginning and an end There is nothing wrong with the logic Qin Li believed it for seven or eight points At this time, the three surviving men in black came with knives Stop a short distance away Standing beside him was Ram Qian He hasn’t yet. King Yi has put so much effort into it Just went to your half-life took advantage of King Yi’s serious injuries and fell into a coma A few of you went up to him together As soon as the words fell The two men in black swung their knives and slashed at Xiao Lingyue Ram Qian never thought of it Even if Zhanbei is seriously injured and unconscious The rest of Xiao Lingyue is not easy to deal with Who the hell are you? Don’t you even want your own life to protect him? I don’t bother you with my life You’d better be blessed I really sympathize with you Wrong payment in vain King Yi is obsessed with our Nanyan crown princess I didn’t expect Mr. Ram to be the same as the woman in the backyard Likes to chew the root of the tongue I’m not afraid to flash my tongue As far as I know Wei Shaorong was already 5 years ago. Isn’t it? Ram’s pupils constricted stared at Xiao Lingyue At the same time, Zhan Beihan quietly opened his eyes It’s ridiculous Who gave you the guts to say that we are the crown princess. finish Murong Ye sent you to Northern Qin What does he mean You know it better than anyone else Is it fun to make a fool of yourself Ram Qian heard this He coughed up violently. Who are you Who do you think I am If people don’t know Unless it’s gone Ram Humility You don’t really think you’ve done the good things WEI Shaorong. No one knows Murong Hao, if it’s really so good. You wouldn’t end up where you are today What do you know How could the prince abandon me? Everything I do is for Nanyan For the sake of Nanyan, I want to.. Wei Shaorong Isn’t it your own… The ram is humble But his heart is very fragile Just say a few words and be in a hurry Spit out a big mouthful. Since you sent it to the door sincerely Then I will be merciful and spare your life How about it obediently Moment of truth The man in black grabbed the ram Qian Run away Xiao Lingyue did not rush to chase it Ram Qian won’t live long Your husband is awake Who are you His name is Meng Wenhao It was the maritime merchant of the Eastern Qi Dynasty Your injuries are not light I’ve bandaged it How does it feel now It feels okay There are some mobility issues You have skin injuries to your shoulders and back There are also some dark wounds on the internal organs But fortunately, it didn’t hurt the vital point It’s good to raise more How is it now The entire mine collapsed Those men in black That’s pretty much it The remaining one had just run away with the ram I’m not sure if they have a backhand So didn’t chase it Now there are only four of us living in the entire mine Meng Wenhao originally wanted to help keep vigil As a result, as soon as my eyes were closed, I fell asleep He even snored suddenly Zhan Beihan bit Xiao Lingyue’s lip Meng Wenhao was so frightened that he didn’t dare to breathe Zhan Beihan, do you know who I am? High fever in North Korea Confusion I can’t even tell the difference between people The king knows It’s you Xiao Lingyue This king has a lot of battles with you You.. Yes The bite is so hard Xiao Lingyue turned around Meng Wenhao, who happened to be opposite the bonfire, stared wide-eyed I didn’t see anything I didn’t mean to Meng Wenhao couldn’t wait to find a hole to get into I just wanted to secretly open my eyes Look at them.. It’s over, no Who knew that it would be hit by Miss Shen It’s embarrassing and embarrassing Not much The Dragon Scale Guard stationed 10 miles near Tiger Wolf Mountain and the Great Leader of the Dark Guard, who arrived in a hurry Xiao Lingyue told what happened in the mine I see Miss Shen has anything else to add? What do you mean without you That is true When I was examining the wound of the prince just now found that the corner of the prince’s mouth was bitten Still streaming. Please also ask Miss Shen to solve her doubts Xiao Lingyue subconsciously covered her lips Angry I don’t know He had a high fever and was confused Bite yourself The carriage traveled all the way Go to King Yi’s Mansion Beibei’s face is simply a miniature version of Xiao Lingyue Now Shen Wan has always been disguised But he has an old wound on his shoulder that I had bitten back then The little guy with him with him She looks exactly like the woman back then I’m going to see what this woman wants to hide What is this A piece of fabric that is almost the size of a palm He kept studying it in his hand Zhan Beihan suddenly remembered something The base of the ear is faintly hot Wow, it’s so comfortable to take a hot bath Xiao Lingyue never expected it Zhan Beihan would hide quietly in the dark and watch him Feed my clothes too Can someone help me bring my clothes in When footsteps sounded Xiao Lingyue realized that something was wrong The footsteps were of a man Who is fighting the North Cold, is it you? It’s the king, and it’s the clothes you want Then Zhan Beihan smelled the light aroma emanating from his body There seemed to be a cluster of flames burning under his eyes What do you want me to do? His Royal Highness King Yi The Imperial Doctor has just arrived The king asked them to examine your wounds Do you have rouge gouache in your house? Lend me a favor How can this king have rouge gouache What do you want to do with this Cover up with makeup I will enter the palace to pick up Beibei later Can’t let him see I’m hurt Wang Ye’s famous fat powder shop in Beijing It is far away from the palace The fat powder usually used by the side concubines in the house The quality is also excellent If Miss Shen doesn’t mind You can borrow it from the side concubine No need Xiao Lingyue didn’t want to use it Side concubine things I guess she didn’t want to borrow it Maybe it’s another nuisance Why not Uncle Zhou, you go to the side concubine’s courtyard and bring the makeup The old slave will go Uncle Zhou took the order of the prince Hurried to the courtyard where the concubine lived Side concubine Niangniang The old slave was ordered by the prince I would like to borrow something from you What is it Your makeup The prince usually doesn’t use rouge gouache What to borrow my makeup For which bearded girl There is no princess in Yiniang’s house The prince doesn’t care Which woman to use I’m afraid that I am not qualified to manage more That’s too damning Xie Yurui’s face changed instantly But it can’t be refuted Side concubine Niangniang The prince is still there Wait, please don’t lose time Give the makeup to the old slave If the prince doesn’t return at night, forget it I can bear to bring a woman back from outside And now they’re even stealing my makeup Give it to that Hu girl Isn’t that a slap in the face in public? Xie Yurui is not a fuel-efficient lamp It didn’t take long for an idea Since it is the order of the prince I naturally comply Steward Zhou waits I’m going to get the curtain Xie Yurui dripped the dark red potion into the powder box A fishy smell permeated the air 。 Dare to rob me Lord Wang, I’ll let you have your life to rob you of your life Niangniang, this medicine will be used.. target Do you really want to do that? Shut up, you know it, I know it Don’t say it Take it out and give it to Steward Zhou Xiao Lingyue opened the box Suddenly, I smelled a faint fishy smell This thing is poisonous what Uncle Zhou’s face changed Hurriedly knelt down Wang Ye Mingjian The old slave got the makeup and hurried back Absolutely never opened and touched anything inside Uncle Zhou is an old man in the palace He has always been loyal Zhan Beihan can trust him Uncle Zhou, you get up first You just touched it It smelled wrong Don’t forget what I do Sell it out in front of me It’s really a class axe Zhou Bo Did he say anything when he gave you makeup? The old slave did not dare to lie The side concubine was extremely reluctant at that time But because of the prince’s order Don’t dare not listen In the end, I took it out Zhan Beihan, you watched me take it What do you want to say Your side concubine is for me. What are you going to do with this? Call the Imperial Doctor in Soon, three imperial doctors walked into the house with the medical box You check this thing together See what’s wrong The three of them took turns to take it in their hands and look at it carefully Sniffed it again Back to the prince, the smell of this house is different Rong Weichen checked with a silver needle Under the eyes of everyone The silver needle quickly turned jet black Ominous luster Oops, Lord The silver needles are blackened It’s also highly poisonous Can you find out what kind of poison it is? Wechen is incompetent Please forgive the king If only I knew the ingredients for this poison Can you determine what kind of poison this is? But we don’t even know what poison is And how to know his formula The Sanming Imperial Doctor looked at Xiao Lingyue in surprise No one believed that he was so powerful I saw Xiao Lingyue close her eyes and empty her mind Snake gallbladder flower liver melt edge tripterygium wilfordii purple red beads There is also bone-piercing grass You’ve seen this recipe, this If you have something to say, say it The king wants to see it In this Imperial Palace Who would dare to play this trickery Back to the prince According to the secret medicine in the palace recorded by the Tai Hospital This poisonous aroma is called Lady Jealousy It is said to have been developed by a palace physician during the period of the first emperor Specialized.. Harem concubines Since the thing belongs to the side concubine Just call someone over and ask Xiao Lingyue admits that she is not a kind person But someone wanted to kill him There has to be an explanation Xie Yurui entered the door I saw Zhan Beihan standing in the main seat His eyes were full of excitement and joy Rush to him Where did you go last night, my lord? They waited for you all night in the palace I’m worried Xie Yurui saw Xiao Lingyue on the side Stunned, his eyes widened It was your prince who brought back the Hu sister, and it was you The prince is really a blessing Married a virtuous and intelligent side concubine Shen Wan, you said What exactly are you using? Lord I warned you last time You don’t do that. The prince is entangled behind his back Enough you shut up for me The concubine can recognize the things on the table The stuff is mine Lord Wang, what are you asking for? Is something wrong? Wang Ye Weichen checked repeatedly There are a total of 5 things that are determined to be poisonous It is all bile fat gouache that is placed on top of makeup Makeup is yours The noodle stuff is also yours This king makes it for you to recognize You also admit it yourself What else do you have to explain Master Mingjian I was wronged This makeup β the rouge gouache inside It’s all my usual stuff How could I have poisoned my own stuff That side concubine means I instigated King Yi to take the makeup from you Then take the opportunity to put it in the rouge gouache. Deliberately.. Here you go Oh, isn’t it Xie Yurui made up her mind I want to throw this black pot to Xiao Lingyue Shen Wan, you are so bold Dare to ask for such a trick in front of the prince It doesn’t matter if people are ugly The heart is still so… Jingran wants to be dirty again. I I advise you to get acquainted Admit it early lest they be subjected to. Suffering Does the prince still want to be tried? If you don’t want to check it, forget it Don’t delay me to pick up the two children at the palace Lord Wang, look at his attitude This king will give you one last chance Where the hell did this poison come from? Stuff is yours If there is no reasonable explanation Then don’t blame this king for being ruthless Zhan Beihan realized Xie Yurui in front of him It’s no longer the little sin slave it used to be Over time Not only has he clashed with Han Han many times It even affected their father-son relationship I really don’t know anything, lord It’s Shen Wan’s one…. It’s mine Since you are sure that you have been framed This king believes in you for a while Someone came to take someone to search the courtyard of the side concubine Don’t let go of any clues This king will definitely find out about this matter The prince spared his life What are you going to do, prince Since you don’t know Then ask the people around you Pull it out and fight until they’re willing to tell the truth Please, Lord For their sake, they have served me for so many years Spare their lives They really don’t know anything Lord Wang, you don’t want to be .. finish Xiao Lingyue was really stunned Unexpectedly Zhan Beihan will send someone to search Xie Yurui’s residence and torture the maid beside him I didn’t say anything Don’t take a bite of 000 Splash dirty water on me at every turn So unqualified You must believe me, lord I was really Shen Wan.. target Are you being framed We’ll find out later The chief guard was just about to leave Zhan Beihan inadvertently saw the fingerless prints that were clearly visible on his face Wait what’s going on on your face Hit by whom Lord, listen to my explanation It was he who treated me disrespectfully first Speak out to me I couldn’t get angry I didn’t mean to I don’t know how to change the lines How many times have I said it back and forth It’s not too boring Ji Qing, tell me what’s going on The prince was humble and did not disrespect the side concubine Zhang Yuan, Li Hu, and Chen Zhiyuan can all testify They’re all your men Of course listen to you. I What do you mean The king’s men are all rubbish They are united to despise you Xie Yurui slapped Ji Qing in the face first and bites back to slander each other is undoubtedly guilty of the taboo of fighting the northern cold You’d better tell the truth Wait for the king to find evidence You know what the end is Ji Qing You personally led someone to thoroughly search the courtyard of the concubine Commanded by humility Lord, I really didn’t lie That Ji Qing He was disrespectful to me The attitude is very bad I just hit him The prince sent him to search Will definitely be looking Something deliberately framed me It’s not a coincidence There was a rush of powerful footsteps It’s Ji Qing who is back The prince forcibly found this thing in the courtyard Xie Yuruiwen’s face turned pale It’s as if I’m fainting at any moment It just so happens that the Imperial Doctor is here If you wait for the concubine to faint Trouble the imperial doctor to give her two injections Sober and sober An imperial physician took the black medicine bottle Sniff it The smell in this bottle It smells exactly the same as the doped in rouge Xie Yurui shivered all over I don’t have the heart to put on a seductive and seductive posture anymore Except for pill bottles There’s another thing in the box What is it Lord Wang, this is a kind of strong and superb incense After igniting can make people Difficulty in self-control It is usually used by the women in the flower building The room was full of people who were afraid to speak I didn’t dare to look at Zhan Beihan’s face I’m a mother Actually put the flower building… Something to use I brought it to the palace This is what to take Zhan Beihan Dedication to position Do you want to cook raw rice and cook ripe rice? Hahahahahahaha This king really doesn’t know You have the ability and the ambition to do so No, it’s not like that Lord, listen to my explanation It’s not my thing I don’t know how they came about At this moment Xie Yurui’s mind was clearer than ever He realized he had to find someone to take the blame Otherwise, he is decided Xie Yurui, do you think this king is easy to deceive Lord, you have to believe me I’ve always had a maid take care of my room Even if it’s something hidden That’s not what I did I know It must be Caiyun, who is secretly hiding in my room He wanted to hurt me Someone came and brought the clouds in Don’t wait for Caiyun to say anything Xie Yurui couldn’t wait to start planting Cloud Why would you do such a thing Steal a few scents in my room Why betray me Empress You have served me for so many years Am I not good enough for you Your father, mother, brothers and sisters in the family Which one is not for you to take care of Hurry up and make it clear to the prince Those are the ones you kept in my room, aren’t they? Caiyun is the longest-serving maid by Xie Yurui’s side I understood the hints and threats of the master at once The prince is all made by slaves and maids alone It has nothing to do with the mother You heard me, my lord It’s all made of colorful clouds It has nothing to do with me It’s your brain that’s getting water Or are we blind What the hell is going on Don’t you know who you can’t see? You shut up Xie Yurui at this time I was so panicked that I didn’t even have basic reason Bite like a madman The prince thought that the prince was seriously ill back then It was I who took care of him all night No matter what the prince does to me I am sincere to the Son As long as the prince and the prince are well Even if it costs me my life I didn’t hesitate All the things were done by the slave and maid alone Ask the prince for mercy The slave didn’t dare anymore If the prince doesn’t believe me again I’m willing to. Proof of innocence Xie Yurui’s life-saving grace to Han Han Zhan Beihan has always remembered But who’s lying now? She also knew it in her heart Since Caiyun took the initiative to admit that he did it Possession.. others Sin is unforgivable Drag the clouds down.. As for you, you will return it to the palace from now on The housekeeping in the backyard was taken down by Uncle Zhou Xiao Lingyue’s heart burned with inexplicable anger sang such a big play Delayed for so long That’s how it turned out His Royal Highness King Yi Sacrifice a maid Keep your side concubine By the way, you can gag me Kill two birds with one stone You’re having a really good time Speak well Don’t be weird It’s yours How the palace decides is also your business I won’t sing with you here I’m going to pick up my son What are you angry about Isn’t this king already disposed of? You continue to sing your big play This girl will not be accompanied The prince has another stilt for this poison Aunt Huang, Beibei and I have come to see you Why did you two little ones think to come and see me? It’s the cold that worries about your injuries So I came to visit The royal aunt also has a baby in her belly Why do other people’s bellies be so big And the royal aunt’s belly is still the same as before Don’t you feel very crowded when the baby lives in it? The words are not finished yet Mama Ji walked in with a bowl of fetal medicine Don’t drink it from the crown princess What’s wrong with Beibei Beibei’s sense of smell has always been very sensitive In addition, since childhood, the decoction does not leave the mouth Particularly sensitive to various drug odors This little boy Please do not affect the crown princess to drink medicine The Imperial Doctor repeatedly admonished Tocosthetic pills must be drunk on time every day It’s not good when it’s cold I smelled a strange smell It seems to come out of this medicine bowl It is better not to drink it for the crown princess Beibei, you mean that there is a problem with the imperial aunt’s medicine I’m not sure Don’t you smell it I only smelled the bitter medicine The crown princess was shocked Subconsciously reach out to protect your stomach The little boy is blaming the slave Is it poisoned in the princess’s fetal pills? Ji Mabei shouldn’t mean that Crown Princess This bowl of fetal medicine was fried by the slave maid herself I also took it from the kitchen No one else has touched it Mama Ji, don’t get excited Naturally, I believe you Ji Ma is the prince’s nurse Loyal to the crown prince Although the personality is a bit stereotypical But not a bad-hearted person Aunt Huang, I don’t think Beibei will lie Why don’t you get someone to check it out? Mama Ji listened Otherwise, kneel on the ground Crown Princess The slave and maid definitely did not use any hands and feet in the fetal pills Please also ask the crown princess to know it Find someone to see if there’s anything wrong with that to prove the innocence of the slave and maid Someone called Ju Qing over Ju Qing is a maid trained by the princess’s mother’s family Dedicated to protecting the safety of the crown princess Juqing You know how to heal Let’s see if there is anything wrong with this bowl of tocolytic pills Is there a problem with this medicine? The crown princess There is nothing wrong with this medicine This medicine is cold Can’t drink anymore The slave will go and fry you again This Don’t take this little boy’s word for it anymore He was young Know what I’m not talking nonsense I really smell it I’m sure Beibei won’t talk nonsense You don’t say that about him Beibei wouldn’t joke about such a thing He was a little kid I know what kind of medicine His Royal Highness the Crown Prince before going out deliberately told the slave maid to take good care of the princess Now because of this little boy’s words delayed the princess’s medication If His Royal Highness the Crown Prince asked The slave and maid are not easy to explain You’re a minion I dare to oppress my imperial uncle Since the prince believes in you as a playmate It’s better to take him somewhere else to play Don’t disturb the princess’s recuperation Forget it, don’t fight him But he says so about you I’m very angry Crown Princess, I look at the cold face I just want to remind you This bowl of medicine is really wrong It’s best to have a doctor If you don’t believe it Just when I didn’t say anything Beibei, I didn’t mean not to believe you That’s when it happened The palace maid hurriedly came to report Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess and Her Royal Highness King Yi have come down There is also a girl surnamed Shen As soon as the words fell The two little ones are like homing birds Can’t wait to run out the door My mother is back I’ve been waiting with Beibei for a long time Where the hell did you and Daddy go? You go to the side a little bit Squeezed me No, no, no People also want to be embraced by their mothers Speak well Don’t be coquettish, hey, hey The prince and Zhan Beihan are like a background board Left out in the cold Third brother, your own son It’s like raising it for Miss Shen Big brother said this It’s as if you have a presence He didn’t just ignore me, my own father What face mocks me Don’t compare me to you At least in the eyes of your sister-in-law The eldest brother still has a great sense of presence Zhan Beihan looked not far away The crown princess was standing at the door The couple looked at each other There is no one else in the eyes A bowl of dog food is sprinkled just right Han Han suddenly remembered that he still had a father Daddy, you’re here too, what a coincidence You also know that this king is your father My mother’s mother, Beibei, has just been wronged What do you mean The imperial aunt wants to drink fetal pills Beibei said that there was a strange smell in the medicine Mama Ji didn’t believe Beibei It is also said that Beibei is deliberate What you say is true The crown princess’s fetal pill has a strange smell The prince came over at some point The smile on his face was gone Yes, but it’s not clear what In short, it is not a normal medicinal taste Kitaku’s nose is sharp You can smell subtle smells that ordinary people can’t smell And he takes medicine all year round I am also familiar with common medicinal smells Beibei doesn’t joke about this kind of thing If you smell it right Why didn’t Juqing check it out It’s better to believe it Not credible It’s about the child in the womb of the imperial sister-in-law It’s not a big deal to ask the Imperial Doctor to take a trip His Royal Highness the Prince We are in the makeup of the concubine of the Yiwang Mansion Two poisons were found One of the jealous ladies is the most suitable According to Concubine Xie Yurui It was given by the lady concubine in the palace Now the crown princess is pregnant Be mindful of everything His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has no problem with this bowl of fetal pills It is indeed a prescription prescribed by the lower officials What a strange taste Why can’t others smell it He smelled it Now Dr. Zhang has also checked it There is no problem with tocolytic pills I guess it’s the little boy himself who has the problem What do you mean by that? Isn’t this nonsense? The crown princess is soft-hearted I don’t know like a child But the little boy also needs to know that moderation is enough Let the crown princess be frightened I don’t know what I thought Did my son lie I know it in my heart There’s no need for you to accuse here This girl Since you are biased towards your own son Then discipline him well At a young age What is not easy to learn Full of lies stir up trouble Han Han couldn’t bear it Jumped out Season you’ve gone too far You are not allowed to say that Mama Ji ignored him He turned and knelt before the prince His Royal Highness the Prince The slave maid made the sky presumptuous It’s really this little boy’s behavior that is too much If there is an offense The slave and maid were willing to be punished Han Han wanted to refute But I don’t know where to start I was so angry that I almost smoked Hmph, big brother You’re in the East Palace When did there be such a thing of slavery and bullying The third brother is Ji Bengong’s nurse when he was a child I’ve taken care of you for a while before, have you forgotten? Why should this king remember King Yi and the crown prince are not the same Except for the crown prince and Emperor Zhaoming No one cares about it Not to mention that Big brother love can sometimes blind people’s eyes The master of the imperial sister-in-law didn’t speak The servants around him danced happily When did the East Palace have such a rule? His Royal Highness King Yi’s slave maid The king spoke to the royal brother Do you have a part to interject If it weren’t for the war of the North Cold The prince really didn’t notice Now Mama Ji There was a faint feeling of suppressing the crown princess About the abnormal smell of the tocolytic Maybe I know what’s going on Look at the incense in this house It should have added some refreshing herbs Some medicinal properties are mutually restrictive Juqing You go and bring the incense recipe that the crown princess usually uses Give Imperial Doctor Zhang a look His Royal Highness the Prince Miss Shen was right Incense used in the temple There was a lot of saffron in it Fortunately, it was discovered early Otherwise, it is used for a long time by pregnant women It will have a musk-like effect So Beibei didn’t lie, did he Yes, I would also like to thank the North North Thanks to him, he found out that something was wrong This is indeed thanks to Beibei If it weren’t for the fact that he smelled the smell This incense has been used for a long time It is difficult to guarantee that the child in the womb will not be damaged It’s true that I said it earlier Don’t believe me Beibei, you’re so amazing You saved my royal aunt Why are you so good Mama Ji, you’re worried about me I know it You misunderstand and blame the North North He should be given a penalty The princess and slave are just worried about you Why apologize to a little child Who gave you the guts Dare to talk to the crown princess like this His Royal Highness the Prince The slave did not disrespect the princess, just You say one more word This king has nullified your mouth The royal brother Ben Wang said it a long time ago This kind of slave and bully the master It’s also useless to stay around You’re too soft-hearted Mama Ji was so anxious that she broke out in a cold sweat He knelt on the ground but did not dare to speak Ji Donggong doesn’t need a disobedient minion There is no need for one to have an idea of their own A slave who questions his master Start today You go back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs It’s no longer a person from the East Palace experienced such a turmoil The crown princess also showed a tired look on her face I have a lot of love with Miss Shen Next time, I’ll be in better spirits Please come to the East Palace and sit down Don’t say no You are personally invited I will definitely come The third lady explained You are not allowed to take another step into the Hou Mansion Hurry up The Shen family is too much I’ve never seen anything like this. Dooooo It’s okay to go Give me back my luggage What luggage It was thrown out by the master a long time ago Don’t open the door for me, do you? It doesn’t matter, I’ll open it myself Xiao Lingyue’s wrist was forced The blade easily sliced the deadbolt The family guards behind the door were all scared "Who threw my stuff Stand up for me It’s coming The third lady slammed the door and broke in Didn’t you throw it It’s not me, it’s really not me who threw it Be honest Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you Yes, it was the master’s order Lee took someone to throw it I don’t know anything else Call Shen Zhijiang over to me I’m waiting for him in the main hall Tell him if he doesn’t come Hugh blames me for smashing his Shen Mansion The mother plans to work with the Shen family. ? The Shen family is unkind first It’s just the time to clear up the relationship Save yourself the hassle of the moment Shen Zhijiang tried to keep Xiao Lingyue out just gave Xiao Lingyue an excuse to break off the relationship Shen Zhijiang rushed in directly with a group of people followed by Aunt Hua Shen Wan you. Isn’t it enough for our Shen family? Give me. Get out Now. Get out If it weren’t for the Shen family, I still owe me Even if you eight carry a sedan chair and ask me to come back It’s not uncommon for me to enter the door of the Shen family Master You don’t have anything to do with this.. Something to care about Dissipate your breath, don’t be angry with your body Wise people don’t speak secret words I came back for two things The first one returned to me the jade bracelet of the Hou Mansion in Zhenbei Second, let Lee come out for me I have something to ask her You’re in peace Zhenbei Houfu is a close to Shen Jiading The jade bracelet is also something of the Shen family Why give it to you I advise you that it is better to give it to me yourself If only I had to pick it up myself I’m not so polite The Shen family’s 100-year-old .. And my biological mother’s dowry back then was all stored in the treasury No. stuff You dare to try it Shen Wan, hello, Lie is the daughter of the master! How can you go against the master everywhere? I don’t understand filial piety provoked the old man to be angry and hurt himself I advise you Or be honest with the lord. Admit your mistake My aunt seems to be very happy I guess I don’t know yet Your baby daughter Shen Yuting I’m going to be killed soon What did you say Shen Wan, shut up for me Sure enough Shen Zhijiang did not take the matter of Xiangguo Temple Tell Aunt Hua What does he mean by that, sir Yuting, what’s wrong with him You’re not saying Did he and His Royal Highness King Xiang go to live in another courtyard? Don’t listen to his nonsense Yuting: He’s fine Nothing Suddenly, Xiao Lingyue flashed threw something into Aunt Hua’s mouth What did you give me to eat Yes, definitely If there is no antidote I’m afraid Aunt Hua won’t see the sun tomorrow Sir, help me I can’t rattle I’m going to give you deep ears purple Quickly ask Shen Wan to give me the antidote What the hell do you want Don’t want to do anything Give me back the jade bracelet And my birth mother’s dowry Write down the knots I want to cut ties with the Shen family and hand over Mama Li Promise her, sir Save us Mu Zi Even if Shen Zhijiang suspected that Xiao Lingyue was not feeding He didn’t dare to D this probability Honestly do what he says You go and get the jade bracelet on the last shelf in the storeroom Take it and my birth mother’s dowry It didn’t take long The butler carried a large box into the hall The dowry left by the old lady is here Everything else is gone What does it mean to be gone Your mother has been married into the Shen family for many years Do you want rice to eat and drink flowers? Of course, it had to be deducted from her dowry That’s all for the rest There’s also a knot book Shen Wan, you have thought clearly The old man wrote this cut knot You will not be a member of the Shen family in the future The glory and wealth of the Shen family have nothing to do with you The Shen family is about to be taken away The unwitting Hua Yingniang is gloating After all, there is no Shen Wan Shen Yuting has the opportunity to become a concubine That’s the best thing to do I am not unfamiliar with the glory and wealth of the Shen family Shen Zhijiang quickly wrote the knot Hand it to Xiao Lingyue Take this piece of paper Give me. Get out That’s when it happened When the old marquis woke up, he learned of the farce in the front hall Immediately rush to stop it Stop writing a knot This marriage contract must never be reversed Give me back the jade bracelet I’m going to get out of the marriage Who can stop me Take him down and snatch the jade bracelet back for me Is the old marquis planning to tear his face? Even if you snatch back the jade bracelet Aren’t you afraid that I will go to Your Majesty to sue the royal court? The old marquis suddenly sneered The Sha Yi in his eyes is no longer hidden A washer How to sue the royal complaint Waiting for you.. Let’s get out of this door You want to destroy me in the Shen family Yes and how A disobedient pawn It’s better to ruin it A group of housekeepers are about to face with sticks Xiao Lingyue pounced The Holy Decree arrived His Father’s will is important Let’s get out of here The front yard was already densely packed with people kneeling on the ground His face was full of horror and confusion Shen Wan didn’t come over yet, knelt down to accept the order Rub what Forgive me I am married and severed the kinship with the Shen family is no longer the Shen family It is inconvenient to receive orders with the Shen family Broken off the relationship You can write a knot Please take a look at the two of you The official of the Ministry of Rites opened it and looked at it It is indeed a cut letter The person who made the payment was Shen Zhijiang Now that your father has written the knot Then the government can testify You have nothing to do with the Shen family anymore The old man did not agree This knot book cannot be counted In accordance with the imperial court Stipulate a knot written by the parents themselves Break off ties with your children The government is recognized If the old marquis does not agree Why not stop it before the knot is written? The old man didn’t know about it When we arrive The knot has been written It can’t be helped Now that the knot book has been written The father-daughter relationship is broken Lao Hou can only blame the person who wrote the book I can’t blame Miss Shen Again, he didn’t write it These are the little things Don’t worry about delaying time anymore Your Majesty’s decree is the right thing It’s a foregone conclusion It’s hard to change The old marquis only felt a tingling in his heart The face is extremely ugly Fengtian carried the emperor Zhaori, Nanyang Marquis Shen Zhijiang The goddaughter is not good From now on, the title of Marquis of Nanyang will be abolished Never reset The second concubine, Shen Yuting Disrespectful in order Sin is unforgivable Hit the prison in the back of the fall. Shen Zhijiang was punished for one year by the official demote of three grades In order to do this, you can do this Aunt Hua couldn’t accept it The Hundred-Year-Old Mansion is gone Clutching his stomach, he collapsed to the ground Hua’er, what’s wrong with you Call the doctor Ahh My stomach hurts Sir, save our children No, I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep it Shen Wan in order to recapture the jade bracelet of Dingqin The heart was fed to Hua’er. and deliberately delayed and refused to hand over the antidote Just. Hua’er can’t keep it The old man kept coughing Panting for air I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t speak Shen Zhijiang couldn’t care about the state of the old marquis I just want Xiao Lingyue.. Lord Shen has no evidence Don’t talk nonsense The officials of the Ministry of Rites only felt that they were really excited to go out this time A good announcement can run into this kind of thing Everyone is quiet Lord Shen understands your feelings about the loss of your beloved son But please calm down, too Wait for the official to ask clearly This is a plain fact What else is there to ask I said it was what I saw with my own eyes Bastard stuff you shut up Father, why should I shut up It was obviously Shen Wan’s mistake At this moment, the old marquis sincerely regretted it How to raise such a waste I don’t even understand the process of investigating the case It’s just a curse Shen Wan, what do you have to explain My lord, I fed it to Aunt Hua It’s just an ordinary sugar pill Not really. If you don’t believe it You can let the doctor check it carefully How could it be a sugar pill Obviously you said that Doctor, you just gave Shen Hua’s pulse You have a diagnosis that he has in. signs Enjoy the heavens Madame he didn’t have any. traces Shen Zhijiang refused to accept this statement His face glared at the doctor You quack Full of nonsense Are you in cahoots with Shen Wan? The adults really weren’t lying If adults are skeptical You can call another doctor to check again If the grass people have a lie The sky thundered Cannot.. Center Center G roar Since it is not in. What is the reason why Shen Hua’s can’t keep it Adults don’t know Madame this. It has been unstable Plus the emotional ups and downs are too great So it’s normal that you can’t keep it Even if it lands safely It’s not necessarily a healthy one No, Hua’er said it herself Will give me a healthy little cub Shen Hou Ye grass people dare to tell the truth Madame is less than three months old You can’t tell men and women 1. What do you mean by that? The doctor means He never said Aunt Hua’s! It’s just that Aunt Hua herself said this to coax a fool Shen Zhijiang suffered one blow after another He sat on the ground with a pale face Since the next . A lifetime is nothing That’s it Hurriedly asked someone to carry Shen Huashi to the backyard for treatment Thank you for making the decision for me The old marquis was immersed in grief and remorse The Shen family’s theory has fallen to such a point The culprit was Shen Yuting Whereas.. It was Shen Zhijiang and himself Divine Decree Dao Shen girl Your Majesty has a will Shen Wan: What’s going on Fengtian carried Shen Wan, the daughter of the Shen family of the emperor’s edict Clever and agile Gentle temperament In Xiangguo Temple, he is astute and promising The rescue is meritorious He was named the county lord of the second grade Give the title Anping Another mansion in Beijing was given Yellow. A thousand taels of this The Shen family has just been robbed of his title And the next second The third lady of the Shen family was unexpectedly named the lord of Erpin County Lord of Anping County Please receive Your Majesty’s grace Xie Longxia Xiao Lingyue took the title deed and looked at it carefully The location of the house was quite familiar If I’m not mistaken This house is a princess’s house He was expelled from the capital for committing a mistake The princess’s mansion was left unused How could His Majesty give such a house And it happened to be next door to King Yi’s mansion It must have been done by the cold. That one.. And this kind of brain I can’t move out to live with my mother I want my mother to move next door to the palace No matter what It’s all me taking advantage of I have to thank Hanhan for going back After everyone is gone Only the old marquis was left in the courtyard Shen Zhijiang and Xiao Lingyue, mother and son Since you have saved Your Majesty made a great contribution Why not intercede with His Majesty Keep the title of the Shen family You are the daughter of the Shen family It’s so selfish Just take care of yourself and soar But to… Shen family Where is my mother selfish? It’s clear that you are calculating my mother What do you say, little cub? Your Shen family has been robbed of the title It is your own people who make mistakes My mother’s rescue was meritorious He was rewarded by His Majesty for his own ability Why do you want to plead with the Shen family .Selfish. You are the one who calculates I even called you great-grandfather In order to snatch back the jade bracelet I even wanted to smack him If it weren’t for my mother’s knowledge of martial arts has long become the ghost of the underworld This is the first time that Beibei has such a disregard for its image Heavy Chao Lao Hou Ye and Shen Zhijiang The old marquis was so angry that he suddenly squirted a big gulp. The body convulsed and fell to the ground What happened to you Dad, you’re fine You must not If you. finish The Shen family is all over Xiao Lingyue removed Shen Wan’s name from the Shen family tree And Mama Li has already fled Missing Half an hour later A horse-drawn carriage stopped in front of the Princess Mansion on South Street The girl had to double the rice when she went to South Street to do business Two taels of silver Miss, my purse was snatched away by Lee There was no silver What to do with the car meter Xiao Lingyue suddenly remembered that she was also penniless Not even a copper plate Don’t you have silver tickets with you? I lost it at Sangkokuji Temple The coachman waited for a long time The smile on his face faded away You don’t want to pay your bills, do you? At this time I saw a horse-drawn carriage coming from the street Nine times out of ten, they sent North Korea home Trouble wait a minute I’ll come when I go Mother, why are you here Are you waiting for me? on you Is there any silver? Can you lend me some? This king never had any silver on him What are you doing. Xiao Lingyue didn’t want to deal with him Turning his head and asking Night Seven Do you have any silver on you? Lend me some I’ll give it back to you later This Shen girl’s subordinates also don’t have the habit of carrying silver From the prince to the prince to the secret guard I couldn’t even take out two taels of silver Xiao Lingyue felt inexplicably miserable Moment of truth Zhou Bo walked over with a smile on his face Uncle Zhou, do you have any silver on you? Lend me a little Miss Shen is much worse Two or two is enough That’s all there is to it Miss Shen also borrowed it It’s too polite to the old slave Xiao Lingyue really didn’t expect it There are even times when I am stumped by two taels of silver Mother, I heard that the emperor’s grandfather’s decree has come down Congratulations I haven’t had time to thank you yet The mother fell out with the Shen family We moved out It just so happened that His Majesty gave his mother a house Let’s take a look Miss Shen was given a mansion by His Majesty, is this mansion? Yes, I haven’t seen what it’s like inside In the future, you and your mother will live here I’ll be able to come to you every day I’ll take a look at it with you The old slave also went over to take a look In the blink of an eye There were only two people left in the same place, Xiao Lingyue and Zhan Beihan Don’t you have something to do? Or you go first This king asked your father, and the emperor made you the lord of the county Han Han’s credit for you is It was his own idea Or did you teach him The title of county lord is indeed the credit that Han Han helped me ask for If it weren’t for him, he would have said good things to me in front of me Your Majesty probably wouldn’t reward me like that But I never meant to let Hanhan help me It’s cheap and good I don’t deny that I took advantage But I’m telling the truth You have to be so unbelievable It’s better to ask your father directly Xiao Lingyue knew the taboo of fighting Beihan He was most disgusted Someone takes advantage of …. This mansion was also chosen by Hanhan for you Wouldn’t you ask him yourself Good eye Picked a good place Han Han thought to himself Get closer to your mother Picked this mansion Also because of this advantage Mother, what are you still doing standing outside? Come on in and let’s take a tour of our new home King Yi still has official business to do I won’t bother This king is not busy right now Why don’t you go and visit it together? The corners of Xiao Lingyue’s mouth twitched I just said a few polite words He actually wanted to go in and visit Mother Can you get them to make a hole in this wall? 1. Good end-to-end Why make a hole here With this entrance I’ll be able to come to you every day How convenient Aha, you dream Xiao Lingyue couldn’t cry or laugh No wonder Han Han racked his brains to convince His Majesty Give him this mansion Isn’t that a great idea? Promise me Just open a small door is enough for the mother looked at the cold and pitiful eyes Xiao Lingyue didn’t know how to refuse His Royal Highness King Yi Do you have anything to say What is this king going to say? If the courtyard wall is opened There was a gap in the Yiwang Mansion This is also a trouble for His Royal Highness King Yi The Yiwang Mansion is the military core of the entire Northern Qin Once there is a gap No matter how you look at it It’s all tricky questions But at this time, Zhan Beihan didn’t think so The eye contact between the two fell on the children’s eyes Is my mother in a relationship with my father’s eyebrows? You won’t use idioms Just don’t mess around Where is this eyebrow flirtation But my mother kept looking at my father The expression kept changing Daddy also looked at his mother Also smiled and smiled, this is not what the eyebrow teaser is No, it’s not Hanhan I was just talking to your father He did not agree to open the door on the courtyard wall Why do you disagree Zhan Beihan only felt that a black cauldron fell on his head But no matter what It is impossible to open the door on the courtyard wall The king’s palace has the final say It’s your turn to be a little cub in charge, Hanhan It really doesn’t work to open the door on the courtyard wall It’s not in order Why? Well, because the size of the palace is regulated Unauthorized expansion and renovation are not permitted If someone else finds out Your father is going to be impeached It’s okay to play young Anyway, daddy. Multi-ooo He’s not afraid of that Zhan Beihan was offensive to his son’s words Didn’t take it to heart Xiao Lingyue discovered The man in front of him is actually quite spoiled by the cold Hanhan, you shouldn’t say that I’m telling the truth Daddy is He’s your daddy It’s your elders It’s rude for you to talk like that But Have you ever seen Beibei say this about me in front of others? Han was stunned Hurriedly shook his head Then if Beibei goes around telling people that it is not good to be a mother Mother What would you think Mother, I won’t do this Zhan Beihan was stunned for a moment I didn’t expect Xiao Lingyue to say good things for him educate his son for him It’s a really good feeling I won’t say that in the future But Your dad did do a lot wrong So in front of me and Beibei You can say as much as you like about him… It’s so nice to be a mother The whole mansion is in ruins Can’t find a place to live Abandoned like this It’s not good to fix it I’m afraid I can’t live in How long will it take to fix this? The houses are all good Just clean it up Add something Fix up the garden or something Find more people A few days should be enough I’m afraid it’s more than that Such a big house At least one or two hundred people are needed to start the work at the same time Rice is not a problem though But I don’t know where to find so many people to fix the house If Miss Shen can be trusted It’s better to leave this matter to the old slave Up to 5 days The old slave must clean up the mansion properly Miss Shen just has to check in Wouldn’t that be too much of a hassle for you Xiao Lingyue was a little moved But after all, Uncle Zhou is the housekeeper of Zhan Beihan Zhan Beihan on the side did not mean to stop him But it’s a no-brainer Miss Shen, don’t be polite to the old slave Then it’s troublesome Uncle Zhou How much silver will be needed at that time? You tell me directly There is no hurry about the silver If the prince has no other commands The old slave went down first to make arrangements There you go Before the repair is completed The house is obviously inhabitable Xiao Lingyue could only find other places to settle down temporarily The guest house where the mother and Beibei lived last time is still preserved Can be lived directly And King Yi’s Mansion is very close to here You can come and see it at any time I’ll move in when it’s repaired How convenient It’s only a few days I take Beibei and Qingluo Just find an inn to stay in Don’t bother the palace Han Han’s whole body is gone But Xiao Lingyue was not comforting him That Xie Yurui in Yiwangfu is a trouble. Or the inn is more comfortable Rajah Why do you let Miss Shen go to the guest house with her child? Then it’s not The prince can invite him to live in the palace There is no shortage of yards in our house Miss Shen was very happy last time Xiao Shizi likes him again Why bother staying in an inn Zhanbei Han spoke lazily Uncle Zhou was still thinking about it on the side Miss Shen is very nice Since the prince likes people I don’t know how to take the initiative to find opportunities Who told you that this king likes him? Zhan Beihan moved out of the palace at the age of thirteen He lives alone Uncle Zhou followed him and served It can be said that he grew up If the prince really doesn’t like Miss Shen How can you indulge him everywhere King Rongben Very. Allow him Miss Shen was the first outsider to live in the palace The prince called Miss Shen his mother The prince has never denied it The prince also gave the concubine’s maid for Miss Shen The side concubine was confined and confined Even the prince went to explore Tiger Wolf Mountain Let’s take Miss Shen with you The man’s face was expressionless Nor do they speak I don’t know what’s going on in my mind Xiao Lingyue took Beibei and Qingluo to stay at the inn Suddenly, a familiar voice was heard Miss Shen is really you I thought I was wrong What a coincidence, Meng Wenhao When did my mother meet a friend His name is Meng Wenhao I met in Tiger Wolf Mountain He was a merchant of goods in the Eastern Qi Dynasty Miss Shen, this is your son Yes, his name is Beibei Miss Shen’s son is so good-looking At first glance, I thought it was a little girl Hahahahaha You’re not the first to say that Kitaku looks more like his biological father Miss Shen’s husband must be a beauty Trumpets are so beautiful It can be seen how amazing the biological father is It is definitely not an exaggeration to praise a beauty Beibei’s biological father is indeed a big beauty You’re right Excuse me My mother’s sometimes not Please don’t mind It’s okay, it’s okay Suddenly Outside the window, there was a loud and powerful drum beat Something happened to my mother It’s the sound of a drum Two drums in front of the main entrance of the palace It is specially set up for ordinary people If you encounter a great grievance Anyone can beat a drum and sound a complaint against the emperor The drum of grievances was beaten It’s going to be too peaceful in the capital again Xiao Lingyue’s mind was clear Not sure why The sound of the drums There was a sense of foreboding The march of the palace came like a tidal wave The water surrounding Xiao Lingyue’s inn was impassable You are the county lord of Anping I am Your Excellency Can I help you By order of His Majesty Urgently summon the county lord to the palace, please Such a big battle invited me into the palace May I ask why His Majesty has summoned me urgently It’s scary to watch Unfortunately, no Please come with us right away The young lady looked at the tough attitude of the leader of the forbidden army Something big must have happened in the palace It is said to be an urgent call In fact, it is a seizure Lord of Anping County Please come with us to the palace immediately Since it is His Majesty’s urgent call Naturally, I won’t disobey I’ll go into the palace with you Can you give me a moment Let me settle them No need to place Take it with you Please don’t waste any more time Sorry Meng Wenhao I can only trouble you to go to the palace with me Meng Wenhao was stunned It’s just a respite with Miss Shen But inexplicably it was narrated to the Northern Qin Palace He’s just an innocent Fortune merchant At this moment an old man came out of the carriage Qingluo recognized it at a glance Mama Li is how you are Third Miss, you didn’t expect it Sooner or later, the old slave will come to you I really didn’t expect it You’ve got my stuff Threw away my luggage Hit my maid ring I’m thinking about how to find you I didn’t expect you to dare to send it to the door Li saw the forbidden army around him Instantly had the confidence of Se Third Miss, you’re on the verge of washing Don’t ask the old slave for any prestige Wait until you enter the palace Naturally, you will end well It’s impossible to say who washed it to the end What kind of ridiculous farce has your Shen family prepared The lord is already waiting for you in the palace The third lady will know if she goes to see it Just walked to the door of the Qianqing Palace A figure headed towards Xiao Lingyue… pounced All the forbidden soldiers drew their swords in an instant Don’t move Misunderstanding, misunderstanding I didn’t do it I just want to teach this unfilial girl a lesson Lord Shen made a move in front of the Qianqing Palace Do you know what the charges are? I’ve just entered the palace Lord Shen couldn’t wait to attack me Shen Zhijiang raised his head suddenly There was a strong hatred in his eyes It’s scary Who is this person? She is the biological father of the young lady Meng Wenhao was shocked The first time I met my father Hate yourself so much. Lord of Anping County His Majesty Lord Shen summoned him Wait until I see Your Majesty You must be a Chu Chang Ming Xiao Lingyue was scolded and confused I couldn’t help frowning Wait for me here Don’t talk nonsense The moment you came to the temple The eyes of all the ministers Qi brushed down on Xiao Lingyue’s body Anping, do you know what is the reason for summoning you to the palace? Anping didn’t know Please also ask Your Majesty to make it clear Your father, Shen Zhijiang, rang the palace gate today Sue you. Grandfather Nanyang Hou Shenwu What do you have to say Xiao Lingyue was stunned for a moment Looked up in disbelief Old Marquis Shen was stunned How can it be Xiao Lingyue’s brain spun rapidly I understood in an instant what was going on But he still found it incredible Cui Li, you say It is His Majesty the county lord of Anping According to Lord Shen’s report The old marquis of Nanyang was suddenly last night It wasn’t until this morning that it was discovered Lord Shen must have been taken by you. In order to find out the truth You can only ask the county lord to enter the palace and ask I understand Whatever you want to ask, just ask I will answer truthfully Lord of Anping County For the identification of Lord Shen Do you have anything to explain Shen Zhijiang knelt aside His face was grim Full. Silk eyes: Staring at him Your Majesty, Your Excellency The death of the old marquis Shen I was completely unaware of it before entering the palace I don’t know why Lord Shen pointed out me It’s you who lies. My father Old Marquis Shen is your own grandfather Such big news of his death How could you, as a member of the Shen family, not know Adults don’t know Two days ago I broke off my kinship with the Shen family I have been removed from the Shen family tree So really count Between me and Lord Shen and Old Marquis Shen It doesn’t matter anymore The courtiers were all surprised They exchanged a look Anping Why did you suddenly cut off relations with the Shen family Your Majesty’s Mingjian It’s not that I’m going to cut ties with the Shen family It was Lord Shen who turned me away I am not allowed to step into the Shen family for another half step In desperation I had to ask Lord Shen to write a cut knot book and remove the family tree Shen Wan, you dare to talk nonsense What kind of nonsense am I talking about Didn’t Lord Shen personally order it? I am not allowed to enter Shen’s house And threw all my stuff out In the concept of the ancients Sister-in-law.. This is a rule handed down by our ancestors I’ve never heard of anyone kicking out their sons Pets. of lineal descent The internal danger is not repaired It’s ridiculous All the ministers in the palace are from Qingliu background looked at Shen Zhijiang’s eyes with a little disgust That’s when it happened The crown prince hurried into the hall The son has seen his father I heard that the palace gate was ringing, and the drum was beaten Worry about what’s going on So rush over and have a look The prince came just in time Wu Hou Ye suddenly.. The cause of the wash is unknown Shen Zhi will avenge his father’s grievances Identification of Shen Wan, the lord of Anping County.. Grandfather The stakes are enormous I asked them to come and listen What old Marquis Shen turned out to be This is a big case Flower father must find out behind it.. After I broke off my relationship with the Shen family He left the Shen Mansion These two eyes have been living in the inn I have never been to the Shen family So about the sudden death of the old marquis Shen Uninformed You dare to talk nonsense in front of Your Majesty I want you to give it to the old man. Before Shen Daran’s case was clarified Please restrain your emotions Listen to Tsubi-sama’s questioning His Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince My father is in the hands of Shen Wan I beg Your Majesty to avenge my father’s grievances If the old marquis of God is serious. We will investigate thoroughly No mercy Shen Wan, you have been staying at the inn for the past two days I haven’t been to the Shen family Someone can prove it The maid next to me, Qingluo, my son Beibei There is also the shopkeeper of the inn, His Royal Highness King Yi and the prince can all testify for me It is said that the main martial arts of Anping County are strong Is it possible to sneak into Shen’s house in the dead of night? After the old marquis Afterwards return to the inn I have severed relations with the Shen family And there is a great future Why should I cause such trouble? No matter how bad the old marquis is And my own grandfather I don’t have to grate him The old man has always been in good health If it weren’t for Shen Wan How could he vomit in anger. stroke And how can it be in the middle of the night.. in the room That’s him. old man Please make your own decision for me As long as you can come up with evidence The proof is Shen Wan.. Grandfather It’s up to you now Your Majesty Zuo Shilang took the pieces and others to the Shen family to investigate News should be available soon As soon as the words fell An officer of the Criminal Department in his thirties walked in quickly Holding a box in his hand The expression is extremely tense and ugly See Your Majesty The scriptures are inspected The Marquis of Shenwu was indeed killed last night There were no signs of poisoning or trauma There is an aunt in the Shen family who is determined Said it was Shen Wan. The old marquis We are asked to look into it thoroughly As a result, this was found in Shen Wan’s residence When the box is opened There was a Muppet doll inside The front and back are covered with yellow paper There are blood-red text on it The art of .is the most taboo thing in the royal family in the past dynasties Once it appears It’s bound to set off a fishy wind. rain Your Majesty be careful This thing is evil It’s great There are still people in the capital who dare to use witchcraft Someone came to spread my message Blockade of Shen Mansion There are 1,000 people in the house, etc Detention of Marquis Shen Wu on the spot. It was taken over by the Criminal Department Be sure to find out. cause We’re in charge Du Shilang This one!! Where did you find the doll? Tell me what you know There is no room for concealment It’s the Shen family Aunt Hua begged Wei Chen bitterly I want to give the Shen family justice It is said that Shen Man is the most motivated. Old Marquis His Emerald House may be hiding clues Unexpectedly, it was under Miss Shen’s boudoir bed Found this. 0000 According to the housekeeper and Aunt Hua’s identification The eight characters of birth written on the yellow paper cinnabar above It was the old Marquis Shen Wu himself The faces of the ministers in the palace immediately changed looked at Xiao Lingyue in unison Shen Wan I knew it was you taking advantage of it. The Technique.. grandfather Physical evidence appears in your Jade Building What else is there to quibble His Majesty’s Emerald House is indeed my residence But I didn’t live long And there are many subordinates in the Jade Building They all had access to my bedroom What do you mean Someone deliberately hid this thing in your room yes You talk nonsense The Shen family is except for you Who will use it. Old Marquis Lord Shen is now asking questions from the palace What do you interject His Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince I can swear by my life This unclean thing Someone was definitely hiding in while I wasn’t there On this yellow paper is the birthday of the old marquis Shen That’s the biggest flaw I didn’t grow up in the Shen family Although Old Marquis Shen is my grandfather But I didn’t know his birth date His Royal Highness King Yi arrived Beihan, you’re late Third brother, you should know what’s going on Know.. appear When the prince of the dynasty is bizarre. The case must be thoroughly investigated If you can’t find out who is behind it I am afraid that the people of the government and the opposition will be uneasy The most suspicious person now is Shen Wan Erchen suggested that he be put in prison first Strictly guarded Think twice about the review of the Dali Temple in Jingzhao Mansion of the Ministry of Punishment and Punishment Be sure to be behind the scenes Case The county lord of Anping was temporarily imprisoned in the prison The case was handed over to the three divisions led by King Yi for review There must be no mistakes Xiao Lingyue never expected it Just a trip to the palace Jingran will bring to himself. Your Majesty suspects me of having something to do with you. relate You’re going to put me in prison pending trial I have nothing to say But my son Beibei is innocent He had always been in poor health The conditions in the prison were too bad for him I beg your Majesty to open the net No matter what Shen Wan did Childish and innocent The sons are not embarrassed He temporarily placed him in King Yi’s mansion A decision will be made after the truth of the case is ascertained Just do as you say I must give an explanation within ten days This night at the door of an ordinary house The guards sealed the gate with torches There are some lying in the yard. The body is covered with self-cloth What’s going on One is who His Royal Highness King Yi is Mama Li’s family The whole family was squeaked When Wei Chen arrived with someone The murderer is gone How about people. target Inspect according to the piece All of them were pricked by a very fine poisonous needle Moment.. The murderer is definitely a master Mama Li is just an ordinary person Even if you have an enmity with someone It will not attract masters to destroy the door The only possibility It was Lee who took something he shouldn’t have taken The meaning of the prince is the golden needle of the county lord of Anping Zhan Beihan sent a night to get the golden needle Now the night is missing I don’t know whose hands the golden needle has fallen into Come on, Lord Cui is by the moat Found the Lordship of the Night The county lord, please come with us Is it to be arraigned? Didn’t you just try it? It’s the middle of the night I don’t even get sleep Not arraignment It is His Royal Highness King Yi who wants to see you Is something wrong? The prince is still waiting Don’t ask too much about the county lord You’ll find out when you go I heard you were going to see me What’s the urgency in the middle of the night? What’s going on with your golden needle My gold needle was stolen by Lee Didn’t you ask Yaichi to help me get it back? The Li family was wiped out what Xiao Lingyue looked at Zhan Beihan with a stunned expression Just an hour ago LI Mamaquan. Old and young are by .. at home The golden needle is missing How is the Li family. target A poisonous needle is pierced into the neck Two breaths. Doo It’s clearly for your golden pin So You suspect the Li family. I had people do the door Even if you didn’t do it It’s also about you Zhan Beihan, don’t push anything on my head Figure it out I am the victim That set of gold needles is mine Lee stole it from me without permission You’d better tell the truth What the hell is that set of golden needles? What a secret is hidden I actually want to. 000oo00 There’s no secret to my set of gold needles What’s special is that it comes from the Valley of the Medicine King It is a special treatment golden needle for the Valley of the Medicine King It’s hard to buy outside At night, I went to Li’s house to get the gold needle Just bumped into it. Li Jia.. The master of the He escaped from his injuries and fell unconscious Go with this king to King Yi’s mansion It was late at night when the two of them arrived at King Yi’s mansion Zhou Bo personally led people to wait at the door Miss Shen, the prince You’re back How is the situation Several imperial physicians were on guard No problem for now Zhan Beihan was very worried about Yeyi’s injury Strode straight to the house Miss Shen The big night makes you go on a trip I’m really sorry for the hard work Is Beibei okay in Yiwangfu? Miss Shen was relieved Little master, it’s okay The lord specially ordered No one dares to be disrespectful to the little master Trouble Steward Zhou Xiao Lingyue entered the door I saw Yeyi lying on the bed Keep your eyes closed Sweating coldly Suddenly, he smelled a strange smell Just about to get closer and take a closer look What are you doing I’m checking him out What kind of checks are needed for you. to the sick Which eye do you see me? It’s up to him It’s just a little closer The silver needle was pierced in Yeichi’s shoulder There was a hint of black poisonous gas emitting from the surface Xiao Lingyue recognized at a glance that this was from the Medicine King Valley.. Locks Can you solve this poison? Did the Imperial Physician come up with any solutions? The Imperial Physician proposed before the toxin spreads Drop the right arm of Ye I Survive with a broken tail Yoichi is right-handed If the right arm is broken It is equivalent to cutting off the road ahead Yeichi was born as an orphan Since childhood, he has been selected into the secret guard camp has always been the right-hand man of Zhanbei Han With the ability of the night one If you go into the barracks It is not impossible to be in command and general But that’s not his purpose This is why the king put him in charge of the Dark Guard Camp I seem to understand Why are your subordinates loyal to you? I can cure his poison meanwhile There was a terrible scream from the prison Ahh woke up Shen Yuting in the prison Is the Heavenly Prison Guard of Northern Qin nothing more than that? I thought it was so strict For you No matter how heavily guarded, it’s nothing Yahweh is not there No way, I inquired clearly Shen Wan was locked up here Shen Yuting had an idea He wanted to use them to take himself out Are you looking for Shen Wan again? Yes, I am his second sister Take me with you I can take you to him Ah Jian let him out Let’s take him with us .. Occasion The warden struggled to move his body Pull on to an inconspicuous rope on the side of the wall The rapid and piercing sound of iron bells pierced the night How can there be a horn sound Is something going on in the prison? Fighting the northern cold News came from the Protectors Someone broke into the prison The prince has already rushed over Uncle Zhou, you stay in the house Guard Hanhan and Beibei Don’t let them run around The voice did not fall Xiao Lingyue jumped onto the wall In the blink of an eye, it disappears into the night King Yi of Northern Qin I have admired the daimyo for a long time A picture is worth a thousand words Now you see it Have you thought of your last words? Jurenxiong Hey, he’s changed his name now It’s not called Butcher Call him Ah Kin Xiao Lingyue’s pupils shrank An expression of disbelief Medicine is dustless, you dare to mess with people in Northern Qin Zhan Beihan will not let you go You know me Of course I know The one who went to Li’s house to snatch the golden needle is you The Li family is full of you. target The one in the night is also your poison It’s the dark guard in the dark He hasn’t. Ram Qian told me Northern Qin’s secret guards were all trained in medicine It turned out to be true You were found by Ram Qian Then it’s no wonder Yao Wuchen used to be the descendant of the Medicine King Valley The unprovoked appearance in Northern Qin It turned out to be a rescuer invited by Ram Qian Ram Qian said in the letter He planted it in the hands of a woman Coming soon. finish I’ll just come and see Ram Qian’s plan was ruined in the hands of me and Zhan Beihan He didn’t dare to go back to Nanyan I’m afraid that Murong Ye won’t let him go and did not dare to seek revenge from Zhan Beihan So the persimmon picked the soft pinch and found me Hahaha, you guessed it Medicine is dust-free You’re going to have to talk to this.. How long will it be Don’t forget what you promised me Xiao Lingyue heard this voice all of a sudden Follow the prestige So you’re there too I thought You’ve been hiding like a gutter rat I don’t dare to come out to meet people in my life The girl probably doesn’t know yet When I found the ram humble He’s almost done It was I who saved his life Shen Wan, don’t be complacent too early See who he is Shen Yuting, why are you here Shouldn’t you be in a prison Shen Wan help me Help me Shen Wan, you didn’t expect it My sister will fall into my hands Xiao Lingyue and Shen Yuting It’s not a good sister who loves each other I want to threaten her with this person It’s just thinking too much So you really know each other I thought he was lying to me You brought him out of the prison Yes, I’ll go to the prison to find you You’re not here And he came out of his own right, and said to your sister You can take us to you I took him out Medicine is dustless, you shut up I’m telling the truth Ram Qian was almost angry. He didn’t understand what he was talking about Xiao Lingyue seemed to be smiling looked at Shen Yuting, who was desperately begging for help I see You’re really my good sister That’s not true Don’t listen to their nonsense I didn’t want to take advantage of you Hurry up and save me What is your relationship with Ram Qian? We don’t have anything to do with each other Yao Wuchen pouted after speaking Zhan Beihan didn’t believe his nonsense at all Well, because I owe him a favor before Now his plan in Northern Qin has failed Seriously injured and desperate He sent me a distress letter And I healed him again and help him seek revenge on you I even helped him break through the prison No matter how you look at this favor, I’m done paying it back So I don’t owe him anything now No wonder the ram can please you It turns out that you owe him a favor Yao Wuchen’s gaze stared directly at Xiao Lingyue’s face Suddenly, he looked at North Korea Do you know that his face is fake? Looks like you know Do you know who he is? What does it have to do with you It turns out that you don’t know either He is not Shen Wan So who is he Is it true that he said? You are not Shen Wan No wonder you don’t care about the Shen family at all Nor does it look like someone who has come back from the country It turns out that you are not Shen Wan at all Who are you Xiao Lingyue didn’t bother to explain to them After all, except for the war in the north They’re just passers-by I can’t grate Shen Wan Can’t I still gratify you? Give it all to me. His Royal Highness King Yi Shen Wan, save me I’ll tell you everything Lee asked me to figure it out. Revenge on you I’ll ask her to hide the rag doll I made in your room The doll had my grandfather’s birthday written on it As long as someone finds out You will definitely be kicked out of the Shen family That’s what I discussed with Lee I’ve already said that Hurry up and save me A hint of shock flashed in Xiao Lingyue’s eyes I almost suspected I had heard it wrong That’s your help me If Shen Yuting didn’t lie Then she is an important witness for Xiao Lingyue to clear her suspicions Absolutely not The voice did not fall The dagger in his hand glowed slightly Pierced the back of the ram’s neck After some fighting Yao Wuchen violently ripped a gourd from his waist Hit the ground hard It took time for a strange mist to spread Medicine Wuchen, give me the antidote Yao Wuchen curled the corners of his lips There was a strange hint in the cold pupils You know when you came to me for help Why am I in Northern Qin? Didn’t you say you came to Northern Qin to do something? Guess who I’m here for? What to do Ram Qian stiffened in place Instantly understood the meaning of Yao Wuchen’s words You are easy to come to Beiqin. I put my mouth shut Morsel. Suddenly squirted Poor ram humble Pro. I still believe in it Yao Wuchen really came to save him Zhan Beihan saw the slowly spreading poisonous mist The cold piercing eyes swept around What is it Shen Wanren This is the poisonous mist released by the medicine without dust Extremely corrosive and toxic Step back a little Give me a mask I have a wound on my face Xiao Lingyue was sprayed by the potion of Yao Wuchen The disfigurement on his face is slowly dissolving Should. The medicine is dust-free He must have done it on purpose Trying to figure out who I really am Deliberately sprayed potion in my face Hateful war in the northern cold Are you okay It’s okay how you put on a mask I have a wound on my face Block it for now Zhan Beihan saw a pair of eyes exposed Something seems to be different Lunge closer Xiao Lingyue was shocked His eyes were full of surprise What are you doing It’s really different What are you staring at me for? What are you nervous about You’re getting too close He didn’t speak Who knows what you’re going to do In front of the public Let’s pay a little attention to the image His Royal Highness King Yi The surrounding dragon scale guards all bowed their heads Pretend you didn’t see anything This king just looks at the wounds around your eyes What do you think this king is going to do? A little bit of corrosion healed quickly You get down to business first It’s dawn It’s not going to be easy to drag it out any longer The man who was captured alive. How to deal with it Shen Yuting is the Shen family… Mastermind Can’t let him now. Let’s take them back to the prison and keep them under strict guard You go back to the palace with this king Why There are so many Why do you want to go to the prison to recuperate? Or you take the mask off Show the king your face Comics Xiao Lingyue looked at him Long and sweet I didn’t know what to say for a while Long and sweet If you go to the prison, you have to take off your mask He’s not stupid I’ll go to the palace Xiao Lingyue’s face was wrapped in gauze The eyebrows and nose are not clear What are you doing The county lord has learned that you are injured I specially brought Weichen and the two to see you I don’t need to see a doctor, I’m fine It’s okay, you have so much gauze wrapped around your face / Tear it down and let the doctor see it The two Imperial Doctors glanced at each other seems to know what his prince wants to do If the county builder is injured in the face That is all the more necessary to be treated in time It’s better to recover soon No loss of appearance That’s the county lord It’s not okay to avoid medical treatment You better tear it down first and let Weichen and the others take a look Look I didn’t hurt my face at all A dismantling of the gauze Wouldn’t that be a goof? No, no, no The wound on my face was fine I’ve been medicated Don’t bother Two Imperial Doctors I heard the doctor say no Remove the gauze on your face Let’s see how the injury is going first Not really I don’t want to be seen with a wound on my face I’ll just change it myself Forget it, since he insists on it Leave the wound behind Go down first The two imperial doctors said no more Put down the ointment for the face Withdrew The man seemed to see through his thoughts Step by step, they approached him Xiao Lingyue subconsciously retreated What the hell is going on with your face Didn’t I say it hurt I was injured and refused to let the doctor see me I’m a doctor myself I’ve been medicated You don’t need a doctor’s help Hurt but didn’t flow. Join.. None of the flavors You are a fool to be the king Removed the gauze At once the king wants to see what you are hiding Xiao Lingyue accidentally bumped into the side of the bathtub In the confusion, he subconsciously reached out and grabbed it Two men fell into the wide tub Chaotic underwater Zhan Beihan reached out and touched the position of the gauze knot The fluttering gauze immediately loosened in the hot water Xiao Lingyue emerged from the water A beautiful face in the city Finally exposed in front of Zhan Beihan’s eyes Wounded in the face Are you trying to fool this king? Princess Yi Xiao Lingyue Xiao Lingyue suddenly raised her head in disbelief He remembered her face What Yi Wangfu What are you talking about Play stupid with this king I really don’t know what you’re talking about It’s hard to do it Does my face look like your deceased princess? I don’t know After all, I haven’t seen it either Misunderstood you Enough is enough You’re so fooled by this king Zhan Beihan’s memory can be called unforgettable Five years ago… Leave it at that But he used it that way. leave How could Zhan Beihan forget this face What are you doing so angry Am I wrong about what I said? This king will give you one last chance Confess What do you want me to explain? I really don’t know what you’re talking about It’s okay, this king will help you remember it again The next moment, Zhan Beihan bowed his head A hard bite on his slender neck The cold in the north of the war hurts Do you remember Or let this king take another bite Don’t I remember It’s horrible It turned out that Zhan Beihan was really angry like this It was as if I wanted to swallow him alive Still refuse to admit it Now it is in the hands of this king You think you’ll be able to escape An account from five years ago This king will give you the math slowly There was a sudden knock on the door of the outhouse The maid’s worried voice was heard The county master’s slave and maid heard a loud movement inside Are you okay? Neither of them spoke looked at each other coldly I really don’t feel at ease Brave enough to go into the house The county master’s slave and maid came in Don’t come in, I’m fine Get out of here for the king The prince forgives the sin The county lord forgives sins The slave and the maid will go out Zhan Beihan, let’s talk about it, okay What to talk about, talk about your retirement letter back then.. Ben King Talk about your cliff jumping. Join.. Don’t want it anymore Or talk about you all these years outside. When I returned to the capital, I was still playing all kinds of tricks in front of the king I wrote the letter of resignation because the king didn’t want to hear it If you want to talk about it, you can This king asks you to answer Seeing the cold weather in the north of the war like this Xiao Lingyue had an indescribable sense of emptiness in her heart What is your status now I’m Xiao Lingyue And there’s more Xiao Chenggang’s daughter The young lady of the Xiao family Your former princess Former princess The king remembered You’re in Tiger Wolf Mountain Tell this king about your ex-husband with great interest Said he had a big temper Love to hold grudges, stupid, stupid and angry The eye of the heart is smaller than the tip of a needle Nothing from head to toe Let’s continue to talk to the king How disgusting your ex-husband is Xiao Lingyue’s expression was extremely stiff I can’t wait to find a hole in the ground and go straight in I didn’t want to say it at the time It’s you who keep asking That’s what you said You mean the fault of this king I didn’t say that You just wanted to know at the time Where is my ex-husband, who is sacred? You can marry a woman like me I’m afraid it was in the last life. Be… Can I be blamed for this You pretend to be Shen Wan and play with this king .. Continuously And the face said I have a hard time disguising my identity I didn’t want to be discovered by you You have to go back to Beijing Why not come back with your own identity You have to put it in the face of others My own identity was already five years ago. people I can’t.. bar And I don’t want to face the Xiao family It’s too much trouble So I still want to change my identity to be simpler So you deliberately jumped off a cliff back then. target You took the Dragonscale Guard to chase after you personally. I I had to run to protect myself I didn’t expect you to hate me so much Full pursuit. I still won’t give up for 9 months I was forced to do no more If you hadn’t left your letter of resignation and left Why should this king lead men after you? On the first day of the wedding, he was given a letter of resignation by the princess Rumors spread all over the capital He has never suffered so much in his life. Vowed to get this woman back That’s why you’re so angry Do you feel that your self-esteem has been frustrated? Xiao Lingyue thought she was a letter of resignation Made the perfect decision But he only ignored the mood of Zhan Beihan On the wedding night The Xiao family gave it to me. Spear…. The Xiao family gave it to me. Go.oo I can’t control my. That’s why You devised to break into the king’s palace Fell into the bath where the king was bathing It’s not you Afterwards, the king… You’re on the right track In front of the Father…. and persel this king to marry you Isn’t it you Xiao Lingyue is rarely unreasonable I held it for a while, and I didn’t know how to explain it You don’t want to marry this king can’t get rid of the Xiao family’s calculations So you are in the king’s sedan chair…. It hurts the king to be a laughing stock 9 months of chase that year The mentality of North Korea has changed dramatically Disgust from the beginning In the end, there is an inexplicable sense of excitement Beibei is not the son of this king You got pregnant five years ago Pregnant with twin sons Han Han and Beibei are Li Sheng brothers who were born at the same time You hide one of them Leave the other one to the king You don’t dare to let this king know the identity of Beibei I’m worried that this king will follow you. I admit that Beibei is your flesh and blood She and Hanhan are. ooo Back then, I was surrounded by dragon scale guards on the mountain Accidentally moved. oo Temporary.. Hanhan is the elder brother Born healthy Beibei is the opposite Because.. undernutrition He was born extremely weak I don’t even have the strength to cry I’m afraid he won’t be able to keep it You’re chasing after you again I can’t help it You can only take the healthier cold out Over to you After getting out, he also left with Beibei Since Kitabu was born so weak You should come out with two children beg the king for mercy Instead of sneaking away with the child Anyway, it’s got to this point It’s useless to say more I’m just telling you Beibei’s health has always been bad Over the years, I have managed to raise him healthier If you will recognize him as a son He can’t be allowed to return to the royal family He can’t even reveal his identity The north is the blood of this king You will not let the son of this king confess to his fathers I have to give this king a reason Exactly the same twin brothers If you were born in an ordinary family Leather Naturally, it is a great joy But it’s not a good thing for the royal family Zhan Beihan is the royal concubine Naturally, he also knew that the royal family had unwritten rules In order to ensure the uniqueness of the succession of the prince There will be no confusion because the appearance is the same .. The prince once .. It’s one. One. Northern Qin had a crown prince A hundred years after his father, he had his own crown prince to inherit the country It will not fall on the head of this king But the crown prince still has no heirs Your father has only two sons-in-law, you and the crown prince If the crown prince has never given birth to a son-in-law Han Han will be included in the heir to the throne At that time, the situation of the North will become extremely dangerous Long and sweet The crown princess is now pregnant Diffuse Crystal What you’re talking about won’t happen at all Long and sweet Unless there is a son-in-law born in the East Palace Or maybe the royal family has changed the rules Otherwise, there is even the slightest possibility I can’t let Beibei take such a risk Long and sweet That’s just what you think I want this king to cooperate with you Unless you reinstate the status of Princess Yi Stay in the palace The question of the identity of the North and the North Long and sweet This king still needs to be considered Long Hu What you’re worried about won’t happen Long tide Okay, you can say yes in addition to that Okay, you can say yes in addition to that Won’t say anything else Long You want to hear what I have to say Long and sweet It’s been five years Long Hu This king has never heard you call your husband Wandering Morning and evening are meant to be shouted Long and sweet Why don’t you call it first? Long and sweet Zhan Beihan, don’t deceive people too much Long and sweet Calling the husband Long and sweet This king loves to listen Long and sweet It’s not a coincidence Just when the two of them were about to come to an end Long and sweet Two sons were outside the door Long and sweet The menacing ones are about to break in Mother, are you in there? The little young master of the prince is inside You can’t go in Xiao Lingyue was taken aback Stretched out his hand and pushed away Zhan Beihan Stop, I seem to hear the voice of the north No, you heard it wrong Let’s move on Why don’t you let me see my mother Zhou Bo said that his mother was resting inside Daddy went in and did something Get out of the way Beibei and I are here to find my mother No, Shizi You can’t really go in The maid was so anxious that she was about to cry .. Don’t dare to let it go at the door Why are you holding me back? I’m afraid I’ll go in My dad is more.. Mother’s kiss It’s not a little Shizi Get out of the way Get out of the way, or I’m going to get angry Listen to the sound of talk coming from outside the door Xiao Lingyue was even more embarrassed Enough if it is. 0o00 I can’t spare you What if they bumped into it You are the princess of this king If you dare.. I just You just do it. Zhan Beihan raised his eyebrows Look at him with interest I’ll give them a new father looked at the back of Xiao Lingyue leaving Zhan Bei Hanwow laughed It’s a beautiful idea Xiao Lingyue came to the door I saw the maid blocking the door of the room What are you doing You, you, are the county lord It’s me what’s wrong You, your face Xiao Lingyue sounded at this time The disfigurement on his face was gone Wen didn’t wear a mask For the first time, these maids saw her true face It’s hard not to be surprised My mother is so beautiful Is my mother finally willing to show her true face? It’s still the best look Standing at the door, a thousand things come in Daddy is really in there My mother and relatives have come to the palace But they didn’t come to see me and Beibei With Daddy Mother, where have you been these days? He Wen was injured Outside the door are maids Xiao Lingyue didn’t want to say much Let the two children into the house first Who told you to come? Daddy, you’re lying to me again My mother is obviously in the house You also say he’s not there I secretly ran to meet him Don’t let me and Beibei know Han Han complained a few words only to find that his father’s mind was not in him at all Then he followed his gaze Wow North North You look like your mother It’s exactly the same Kitakita is expressionless I was very unhappy He vaguely felt that his background was about to be exposed This king remembers that your real name is Xiao Beichen and your mother’s surname He even knew his mother’s real name and surname Xiao Looks like I guessed right Mother’s identity Thoroughly in front of this man. finish Are you here to interrogate me? Do you know who this king is? Then Han Han, the only one who didn’t know the truth, interjected innocently Daddy, what are you talking about How could Beibei not know who you were I didn’t talk to you while walking Cold.. In front of Zhan Beihan Spread out your arms to keep Beibei behind you Then you are not allowed to talk to Beibei He doesn’t like you Zhan Beihan ignored him The meaningless gaze was still looking at Beibei Does it matter Beibei knew that what he meant was not to ask for identity It’s about asking about life experience Doesn’t it matter It doesn’t matter, it’s enough for me to have a mother But your mother doesn’t think so If you don’t believe me, ask her The next second Two pairs of lovesick eyes looked at Xiao Lingyue together Is that the case with Lang Qin? Mother, why don’t you speak? That’s when it happened The guard’s cold voice rang out through the door Someone came to the palace Urgently summon the master into the palace Your Majesty’s auspicious edict It should have been for last night You hurry up Go and prepare the car, and the king will come later It is Zhanbei Hanwen who looks to the north There was a distinctive… meaning Looks like you already knew This king enters the palace Your mother and son stay in the palace Do not go out without permission I don’t need to say I know Zhanbei has not said much Turn around and stride away Mother, kiss him, what does this mean Beibei, what’s wrong with you Daddy left you and your mother to live in the palace Aren’t you happy You don’t speak Han Han, you help your mother go and talk to Steward Zhou Ask him for help Bring over what my mother left at the inn before All right No problem, I’ll go now Find Grandpa Zhou Sorry Beibei My mother has troubled you What the hell happened to my mother How could you suddenly reveal your identity He also knew about it Xiao Lingyue will be what happened last night and Beibei roughly recounted it I wanted to hide it from him But he recognized my face Couldn’t hide it I’ve never seen my mother’s face a few times before How did you recognize it at once I don’t know about that At this time, Hanhan walked into the house The maid behind her put the burden on the table My mother’s appearance is very good-looking Why do you want to be ugly? Because I have to meet outsiders later Shen Wan’s appearance is more convenient Wait for Xiao Lingyue to come out I saw two little ones next to each other Kitaku fell asleep with his eyes closed Didn’t you sleep well last night? Beibei seems to be particularly sleepy in the past two days I always want to sleep I always feel cold Probably because of the warmth on my body After a while he fell asleep Since when It started when I came back from Xiangguoji Temple Kita-kita has been sleeping in the carriage It’s the same when I’m in the palace Sometimes I can’t wake up Mother, kiss him, what’s wrong I’ll give him a prescription later Take a few patches of medicine first Mother Beibei is afraid of the cold I can accompany him… ? I’m warm Can be given to him.. Then you sleep with him for a while I’m going to prescribe a prescription Mother, let’s go in I’ll take care of Beibei Sleep, North, North, Sleep Xiao Lingyue prescribes a good prescription Prepare to find Zhou Bo Just out of the house not far away I saw Steward Zhou coming in a hurry Someone from Miss Shen’s palace came Summons you to enter the palace immediately Uncle Zhou, please help me press this formula Grab three patches After frying, give it to Beibei I have already written the method of decoction above Is the little master unwell? Do you want to find a doctor to take a look? Don’t use him I know it Uncle Zhou looked at the prescription in his hand I still can’t rest assured Let’s let the Imperial Doctor come and take a look More peace of mind A maid hurried over Whispered a few words to him What you say is true No wonder the prince commanded me before entering the palace Take good care of Miss Shen’s son Who else knows about this Only the slave saw it The slave didn’t dare to tell anyone Shut your mouth well Before the prince returns This matter is not to be spread In particular, you can’t let the people in the side concubine’s courtyard know meanwhile Inside the Qianqing Hall of the Imperial Palace Shen Zhijiang’s aunt Li Mama There are a lot of them Long and sweet Your Majesty Long and sweet Shen Yuting… Inside the Qianqing Hall of the Imperial Palace Kneeling were several familiar figures Shen Zhijiang’s aunt Li Mama There are a lot of them Your Majesty .. Shen Yuting brought Aunt Hua saw her daughter’s unbearable appearance of the wolf fox A cry of panic My poor Ting’er Shut up and don’t scream Shen Yuting raised his head in fear Tears rolled down The Shen family’s. What exactly is the mystery about Beihan, you say The father’s case has been ascertained It wasn’t Shen Wan’s doing It was done by Shen Zhijiang’s concubine Shen Yuting what Shen Zhijiang suddenly picked up his head and looked at Shen Yuting Lips trembled slightly His Royal Highness King Yi Evidence may be available His Majesty Shen Yuting’s personal maid jade Both of them confessed The handwriting of the eight characters of the birthday was also repeatedly compared It is confirmed to be from Shen Yuting The ministers in the palace were shocked There are confessions and witnesses There is physical evidence, and Shen Yuting is in a catastrophe No, I didn’t have a grandfather (I was wronged.) I, I just want Shen Wan Let Daddy think it’s him who uses it… grandfather Just kick him out of the Shen family Shen Yuting never thought of it rag dolls The whole Shen family suffered It was made by Shen Yuting It was Li who appeared in the Emerald Building She had visited the prison I learned it from Shen Yuting’s mouth. So he secretly hid in the Emerald Building Blame Shen Wan Mama Li heard this The whole body is already shaking One more thing Lee probably doesn’t know yet It’s too late The Li family was killed More than a dozen people in the family were … None survived Big You said the Li family Could it be It was your family who killed Lee In an instant, Mama Li was like five thunderbolts His face was as white as snow Shen Wu’s Marquis. How did you check with Cui Li and the others? About Shen Wu Hou Ye. The penal component has been identified He’s not. 000000 Not really. but was 00000 The scriptures are examined repeatedly Marquis Shen Wu was sure that he was being killed Who the hell did Lord Choi my father? Say I will let him pay for my father’s life Aunt Hua beside her was in a cold sweat A thought just flashed through Xiao Lingyue’s mind I heard Cui Li say coldly .. Shen Lao Houye’s truth. Not someone else It is this Aunt Hua beside Lord Shen What did you say That’s impossible Hua’er is gentle and kind How could it be.. My father’s. hand When pigs fly There was no reason for him to do so Lord Shen doesn’t believe it Why don’t you ask Fahrenheit directly around you See what she has to say Am I not good enough for you Your former gentleness and virtue before me Respectful and filial piety to the old man Is it all pretended? Why the hell do you want to. Old man Why harm the Shen family You make it clear to me Aunt Hua lowered her head There was a moment of silence Suddenly, there was a hoarse and mocking sound Is it really good enough for me? Master The thing I regret most in my life is that I followed you Not only can’t it protect me Can’t give me a promise Even in my stomach! I can’t protect it If only I had known you were so useless I shouldn’t have entered the Hou Mansion back then Waste 20 years of your youth on you I only hated myself for being blind I actually accepted a femme fatale like you Hurt my father Fahrenheit, you’re for… Lord of Anping County did not hesitate to leave his own daughter And with my own hands… Daddy DID YOU KNOW… What a sin Don’t you want to live yourself? I also want to drag the whole Shen family together. Of course I know… Be. The great sin of the Nine Clans But so what Anyway, I don’t have any hope for the rest of my life As long as you can. Shen Wan Let him not be. Even if we all die, I am willing The two cases of the Shen family have finally come to light No one thought of it Aunt Hua is the real mastermind behind the scenes Such a clever woman Xiao Lingyue admired him a little The Shen family really opened my eyes Son’s concubine .. Daddy Granddaughters are even more useful. Joooooo Such a shocking scandal Old Marquis Shen is afraid that he will not be able to see it It is the disadvantage of micro-ministers’ discipline I didn’t expect such a femme fatale to appear in the house It is a deserving sin. I beg your Majesty to punish him severely Avenging the grievances of Weichen’s father How do you want me to be punished heavily? Fahrenheit is bold When the prince of the court shall be punished with capital punishment The scene is especially effective Shen Yuting dared to use grains… Grandfather These micro-ministers did not know No matter what His Majesty disposes of Wechen had no complaints Lord Shen is really going to shirk his responsibility AN Ping, Shen Zhijiang. to you It almost made you feel unjust I now give you the right to dispose of it How do you want to punish Case Then please Lord Shen In the presence of His Majesty and many ministers of the court Apologize to me Is that enough? After all, he is the biological father of the courtier Although there is no nurturing But there is a blessing in life The courtiers severed the father-daughter relationship with him But he also knows that if there is a favor, he will repay it Lord Shen wants to slander me. earth I just want him to say In this way, it is considered to repay his kindness to his courtiers back then Never again Xiao Lingyue understood the temptation in Emperor Zhaoming’s words No emperor likes a cold-blooded person I agreed It was my momentary negligence slandered the county lord I apologize and hope the county lord forgives I hope that Lord Shen will learn a long lesson in the future Don’t make that mistake again Do it yourself The facts of the case have now been clarified Shen Yuting and Li Ma, Ling Chi. Fahrenheit. The walking children heard And there is no remorse I was furious Trace the Fahrenheit mother’s home The three tribes were exiled to the western frontier Never be released Shen Zhijiang, you are the head of the Shen family The inner curtain is not repaired Incompetent Although it was not committed. Yes But there is no escaping the sin That is, from the eye took back Shen Zhijiang’s official robe and hat and expelled him from the court Never again Just left the Qianqing Palace Zhenbei Hou took the initiative to find Xiao Lingyue The county lord, please stay ay The county lord has ever thought about remarrying I heard that the county lord had become a relative earlier But her husband died young There’s a kid under your knees, right? Is it that Marquis Chu is worried that I am unwilling to withdraw from the marriage? I’m sorry I promised the little marquis before After returning to Beijing, he returned the jade bracelet I didn’t expect to be delayed by various things Dragged to the present Otherwise, I will come to the door in a few days to withdraw from the marriage The county lord misunderstood That’s not what Ben Hou meant Just wanted to ask The county lord may have the idea of remarrying Don’t hide it I didn’t think about it Is it because you’re worried about your child? Sort of If someone doesn’t mind the county lord’s past Be kind to your children as well The county lord has ever thought about looking for a lover again What a beloved Hou Ye has been idle recently Have you started being a matchmaker? What nonsense are you talking about What does it have to do with the Chu family whether he marries or not didn’t wait for Zhenbeihou to react grabbed Xiao Lingyue’s arm Pull him out of the Qianqing Palace The carriage soon arrived at King Yi’s mansion But I didn’t see Uncle Zhou waiting at the door Why is Uncle Zhou not here Back to the prince The little son of the Shen family is unwell Uncle Zhou invited the imperial doctor to see him in the house I couldn’t leave for a while So he didn’t welcome the prince in the future Beibei is not feeling well Xiao Lingyue suddenly became very nervous I don’t care about the northern cold Hurried to the house What the Imperial Doctor said Things don’t seem to be going well The Imperial Doctor couldn’t be sure Uncle Zhou invited two other imperial doctors to come over Now they are all in the little boy’s room There is no conclusion yet North North Culvert In the main hall, Uncle Zhou and several imperial doctors were talking Hearing the sound, he turned his head in surprise Miss Shen, you have come back from the palace, the prince Where is the north north Is he okay The little master was lying in the bedroom Zhou Bo didn’t finish his words yet Xiao Lingyue hurried to the bedroom What’s going on Rajah The Imperial Physician was discussing the condition of the young master Why did you suddenly get sick How to get sick This old slave is also half-understood now The prince still let a few imperial doctors explain More on that later There was a bitter smell of medicine in the bedroom Beibei was leaning against the head of the bed and sitting on the bed He was covered with a quilt Sitting next to him, Han Han was talking and laughing It doesn’t look like he’s seriously ill at all daddy What are you doing in here? Beibei is fine It’s Uncle Zhou who is too nervous What kind of illness did he have? Didn’t get sick It’s just the congenital weakness left by Zao Zen Come out and say Zhan Beihan turned around and walked out of the bedroom Beibei’s face was displeased He actually did this to his mother. That’s right Xiao Lingyue felt that one head was two big I’m afraid the situation in the north can’t be hidden North Korea holds a prescription in his hand Zhou Bo and the three imperial doctors stood in the hall The atmosphere did not dare to breathe You wrote this prescription I wrote it Beibei has been in poor spirits lately Some of them are afraid of cold I was worried about his body So he wrote a prescription for him to take What the hell is going on with his body I’ve already said it The north is Zaozen’er Congenitally weak and packed You say The three Imperial Physicians glanced at each other Among them, the most senior imperial doctor stood up What the county lord of Anping said is true The little boy is indeed because of jujube Zen Innate vitality is insufficient so that he was not weak But what However, it was found after repeated pulse diagnosis by Xia Guan and others The body of the little boy It’s not just about congenital weakness His pulse was vague and strange It’s completely different from ordinary people There was a faint chill There are some suspected poisonings What is poisonous Judging from the pulse of the little boy It is not the result of acquired poisoning Rather, it is a rare innate reading Lift the reading brought from the mother’s womb That’s right, innate reading is extremely rare It is also extremely difficult to survive The little boy is frail and sickly It is also because of the reading of the ticket Caused by repeated loss of energy It’s not simple of congenital deficiencies The condition is a hundred times more complicated How to treat The three imperial doctors knelt on the ground on the spot He looked embarrassed and embarrassed Xiaguan and others inferred This kind of pleasant reading was born with the little boy Accumulate over a long period It has completely penetrated the body of the little boy It is tightly entangled with its blood and bones Once lifted to read the regurgitation The first thing to hurt must be the life of the little boy So The doctors were in a cold sweat No one dared to say the four words that the medicine stone could not be saved Take them down Uncle Zhou didn’t dare to delay Hurry up and take the three imperial doctors down At this moment Xiao Lingyue was ready to see death as home Ask what you want It’s a broken jar and a broken one I didn’t mean to hide it from you It’s been too much for the past two days I didn’t bother to tell you What’s going on with the reading of the North North You.. Why is it poisoned during the period? Let’s be honest I don’t even know how I got poisoned When I find out Those toxins have been precipitating in my body for more than ten years Maybe even from when I was born Someone kept reading it to me I’m really afraid I won’t be able to wash it Case You know who poisoned you I used to live only in the Xiao family’s house No outsiders in sight Those who have the conditions to poison me for many years It is only possible that the Xiao family But too long has passed I don’t have any evidence now So just speculation When did you find out you were poisoned After leaving King Yi’s mansion I was pregnant It’s too late to detoxify I am worried that the medicinal herbs will hurt the table And I’m pregnant with twins and tired of running away from food and sleeping in the open Maternal nutrient insufficiency Two. They are fighting each other in their bodies meanwhile Han Han was secretly lying in the crack of the door and looking out What are they talking about I don’t know I didn’t hear it You come down Let’s listen secretly together Han Han pressed his ear against the crack in the door I tried to hear what my father and mother were saying I seem to hear my mother talking about us But I don’t understand what it means Beibei suddenly felt helpless Just cold this kind of IQ I shouldn’t understand what my mother is saying about their brothers Beibei can grow safely until now You helped him suppress the reading That’s right, I told you before I went back to the capital for a private matter Except for Hanhan’s sake It’s mainly for the disease of the North and the North You know what to do Suppressing reading is not the same thing as treating it thoroughly You don’t understand even if I explain it All in all The lifting of the north can be cured but Suddenly, the door to the bedroom opened I saw the two little guys standing in place awkwardly You hide behind the door and eavesdrop Really, Beibei Mother doesn’t blame Beibei It’s my own curiosity Want to know what you’re talking about with Daddy I hid behind the door and eavesdropped Mother doesn’t blame you Is Beibei really sick Is it serious? Beibei, he’s fine It’s just that the body is weak It would be good to rest more after taking the medicine You don’t have to worry about having a mother Zhan Bei watched the communication between the mother and son coldly He only commented on one sentence Or you come Zhanbei coldly screamed Too lazy to take care of the mother and son A few people came from outside the county lord said that he was looking for the county lord Who is it, a man and a woman? The girl said her name was Qingluo It should be Qingluo and Meng Wenhao They came out of the prison Since it’s someone my mother knows Then bring them in My mansion hasn’t been repaired yet No one can live for the time being Can you let them stay in Yiwang’s Mansion for a few days? Qingluo is your maid, so forget it What does Meng Wenhao have to do with you? You have to worry about where he lives If you don’t agree, forget it I’ll find another way Did this king say that he disagreed? You haven’t finished the question of the north and the north It’s inconvenient to say now You’ll be free later I’m going to look for you The king’s patience is limited Don’t keep this king waiting too long Zhan Beihan returned to the study Uncle Zhou will report on the affairs of the house You watch these things for yourself According to the charter, it is There is no need to ask the king anything else One more thing The old slave did not dare to assert himself Please also ask the prince to decide said it was about Miss Shen His own prince fell in love with Miss Shen This made the old butler very happy If the prince wants to welcome her into the palace and seal the side concubine Everything has to be arranged in advance I don’t know what the prince has planned Who told you that this king is going to welcome her as a side concubine There are no more rumors in the house Not really Could it be that the prince doesn’t have that kind of mind for Miss Shen Zhan Bei Hanmi looked at him Uncle Zhou sensed that something was wrong Hurriedly explained It’s not that the old slave wants to inquire into the prince’s private affairs Since the prince has a heart for Miss Shen There are again. 0000 Naturally, the girl should be welcomed into the palace Although it is now borrowed to live in the Yiwang Mansion It’s a long time I’m afraid I’m going to be criticized Where do you see it That woman willingly wanted to be a side concubine 00! At the same time Tao Xiao Lingyue and others He was stopped at the door by a whole line of guards with knives The county lord has an order You can’t leave King Yi’s Mansion My mother didn’t do anything Why he wasn’t allowed to leave I just went to the princess’s house next door Be back soon The prince will also go with him A few hundred meters is nothing The prince has an order Please don’t embarrass your subordinates Get out of the way I’m going to go to the princess’s mansion next door with my mother If Daddy asks I just said I was going He was not allowed to trouble his mother The guards stood still 061 The face is serious and unchanged Q0 Why is it that the son of this world is not good at speaking You’re so bold Forgive me The prince said The prince and the others can go out Only the county lord can’t Xiao Lingyue’s face was very ugly For a while, I remembered bad memories At the beginning, he tore his face with Murong Ye is to be restricted by her freedom Under house arrest in the East Palace Annex Is it going to come back again? The atmosphere in front of the house became tense There is a faint sense of sabre-rattling Since it was your prince’s order Then send a fire to him I’m going out now Either he came and stopped me himself Or just get out of the way for me The county lord of the prince and the county are leaving the palace with the little prince Stopped by the guards Now there is a stalemate at the entrance of the house Please decide What is he going to do I heard the county lord say that he wanted to go to the princess’s mansion next door Just their mother and son, who else? There is also a man and a woman who entered the house not long ago The county lord learned that the prince did not allow him to leave the palace Very angry Instead, he insisted on leaving the house It’s not peaceful in the capital now Even though the princess’s house is right next door Not far apart But just to be on the safe side Let’s let the county lord and the little prince stay in the palace Don’t let him go Let the people in the next house secretly watch Only in the house is allowed If there is an abnormality Report directly to the king It’s the prince Zhou Bogang exited the study He stood there and thought about it So he went to the door of the house I heard that Miss Shen wanted to take Xiao Shizi to the princess’s mansion next door It’s still being repaired over there Why did Miss Shen suddenly think about it It was King Yi who asked you to come and ask The girl misunderstood The old slave listened to the guards It just so happened that the old slave was also idle It’s better to accompany Miss Shen and Xiao Shizi to go over The workers who repaired there were all personally selected by the old slaves Miss Shen is not satisfied with it The old slave just let them change Let’s go together Xiao Lingyue just left Zhou Bo turned to look at Meng Wenhao What is this son called My name is Meng Wenhao Are Meng Gongzi and Miss Shen friends? Sort of a friend It wasn’t long after Miss Shen returned to Beijing How did you meet? Meng Wenhao naturally met the process of the two Let’s put it simply It turns out that Meng Gongzi is. Survivors of the Wall I’ve been through so much Maybe I’m out of luck In Zhou Bo’s eyes Miss Shen was already a member of King Yi’s Mansion All that’s missing is a name The prince is busy with official business He has the obligation to keep an eye on it secretly for the prince Save someone the wrong idea Is there a slightly better environment in the house now? An empty house where people can live Miss Shen, you ask this The Meng Gongzi who lived for them In the future, he will stay in the county lord’s mansion as a housekeeper Just move in early Find out what’s going on in the house What a housekeeper Yes, there is a problem Miss Shen, this Meng Gongzi, is still young He didn’t start a family Stay in your house and be a steward It’s not appropriate The steward is in charge of the affairs of the whole house I often have to go in and out of the backyard and other places In case it gets out It’s always a loss of reputation I think it’s a good fit Miss Shen and Meng Gongzi are men after all Wen is so young It’s really condescending to be a housekeeper If you need someone to help take care of your home The old slave can pick one for you from the palace Shrewd and capable mamma What do you think? No, I think Meng Wenhao is quite suitable He has already promised The people in Yiwangfu all listened to the northern cold He didn’t want to be in his own house And be watched all the time Led by two overseers The group came to the back door Originally, this was a place for the people of the house to watch the night The room was a little smaller But it can also live people Next to the kitchen Living is not a problem Can this place be inhabited? After all, the county lord’s mansion has been abandoned for many years No one cleans Dust inevitably accumulates in the house The environment may not be so good There is no problem with living people Why don’t you change places? It’s okay to go to the inn and stay in Fantian It’s just dirty No, I think it’s pretty good There are houses and tiles The furniture is also ready-made It’s just that there’s a lot of dust It’s clean and can live in Since Meng Gongzi has said so Miss Shen doesn’t have to worry either The old slave will send some people over later Clean up the house The furniture is replaced There are also futons and other things Childe was temporarily aggrieved here for a few days Wait until everything in the house is repaired It’s somewhere else Then it’s troublesome for Steward Zhou Seeing that Meng Wenhao and Zhou Bo reached a consensus Xiao Lingyue didn’t want to say anything more Suddenly, there was a shrill scream from the front yard Miscellaneous people look at you is giving. No. They all said that they were not allowed to work, You are taking the words of the miscellaneous family as the wind in your ears Today, the miscellaneous family is going to teach you a hard lesson Stop it all for me Who are you? Dare to be presumptuous here You’re the steward here The other party obviously didn’t take Uncle Zhou seriously I don’t know him either A eunuch from the palace With so many people, they beat and smashed my house Who is your master? That’s what you said You are the most recently sealed by Your Majesty That’s what the county lord of Anping is Xiao Lingyue was puzzled I haven’t made any enmity with anyone lately His gaze casually swept around I saw a luxury carriage parked outside the gate It should be the master behind this eunuch Our family personally brought someone over today There is a sentence I want to tell the county lord of Anping What words A country woman Delusional to fly on the branches as a phoenix There are some things that you should not be delusional about Let go and get away as soon as possible lest they offend anyone How in the end. I don’t know You little eunuch Jing Ran dared to talk to the county lord like this What a guts As she spoke, the thirteenth princess strode into the mansion Eye. glared at Xiao Lingyue and Shen Wan fiercely Thirteen princesses I don’t know where I offended the thirteenth princess You have to let the eunuchs around you Bring so many people to my house and smash it It also injured a lot of craftsmen When he saw this princess, he didn’t kneel down and salute Believe it or not, I let my father cut off your head The thirteen princesses are arrogant The thirteenth princess is arrogant and domineering In order to rob the county lord’s mansion actually brought someone to the door to bully Xiao Lingyue Be bold and gentle When I saw this princess, I didn’t kneel Believe it or not, I let my father cut off your head Who is she She is the daughter of my thirteenth imperial aunt and concubine It’s hard to get entangled Your daddy’s sister Yes, but his biological mother is Concubine Shu Duoduo didn’t like him I don’t know what he’s coming to do In the Northern Qin, the princess belongs to the concubine can’t compare with the identity of the prince Even Han Han is much higher than his status I don’t know what happened to the princess here The thirteenth princess glanced at Uncle Zhou Looks like I’ve remembered something Princess Ben remembers that you seem to be the housekeeper in the Three Emperors’ Brothers’ Mansion It’s the old slave This princess is looking at the face of the three emperor brothers Give you a bit of face Get acquainted with each other now. open Princess Ben is here to find Shen Wan today The thirteenth princess didn’t know The old slave was ordered by the prince For the time being, he is the main manager of Anping County Therefore, the matter of the county lord of Anping is also the matter of the old slave The old slave couldn’t help but ask The thirteenth princess was stunned for a moment looked at Xiao Lingyue incredulously Is the Third Emperor Brother crazy? It’s just ugly He was married and widowed This. He can also see it Thirteen princesses The prince is your brother It is Prince Yi Please also be respectful in your words The thirteen princesses have always been pampered and rude Hearing Uncle Zhou’s deep voice, he said Walk forward and be ruthless Walk forward and be ruthless. 0000000 The princess of the realm dares to train the hall A long lesson for you Why are you Grandpa Zhou Yo Hanhan, why are you here? Grandpa Zhou, are you alright? Don’t worry, little Shizi The old slave is fine Han Han’s face was gloomy There was a bit of anger between his eyebrows and eyes, which were similar to Zhan Beihan Grandpa Zhou said something wrong Why are you. His. You apologize to my aunt and Grandpa Zhou What a country man. Woman I was lucky to be the county lord You are the son-in-law of the Three Emperor Brothers actually called Shen Wan an aunt It’s really pulling down the royal status Han Han clenched his fists in anger I can’t wait to rush up and reason with him The identity of the old slave again. It is also the palace of King Yi.. As the saying goes The thirteenth princess didn’t even take the old slave in her eyes The prince is the son-in-law of His Royal Highness King Yi He is the eldest grandson of the royal family As your princess I’m afraid that I am not qualified to discipline him What did you say If the thirteenth princess thinks that what the old slave said is not right The old slave can return to His Royal Highness King Yi Go to Concubine Shugui’s Jinhua Palace and talk about it What do you think The thirteenth princess’s face stiffened Who doesn’t know up and down the palace King Yi has always hated Jinhua Palace If only she had dared to bully Han Han I’m afraid that even Concubine Shu will have to be unlucky She knows it well There are some people she can’t afford to offend Forget it for his age. for the sake of it Princess Ben is an elder Too lazy to meet him in general It’s good that the thirteenth princess understands The thirteenth princess was even more embarrassed A hint of viciousness suddenly flashed on his face Shen Wan, you still don’t know Where did you offend this princess I don’t know This mansion is the first thing that Princess Ben has come to mind Get to know each other as soon as possible. Get out Otherwise, don’t blame Princess Ben for being unkind to you The princess should know Gifts from His Majesty are not allowed to be sold or re-gifted This house has been given to me The decree cannot be changed Does the princess want me to openly disobey the decree? So what Don’t tell your father This princess will never let you go You don’t want to live a good day in the future Thirteen Emperor Aunts, you are simply vexatious There’s something wrong with you Don’t think that it’s great that you’re the sister-in-law of the Three Emperor Brothers Again, the princess will clean up with you The thirteenth princess Xiao Shizi just said a fair word If you dare to touch a hair of the world’s son His Royal Highness King Yi will never let you go At this time A carriage stopped at the entrance of the princess’s mansion Down a couple The head of the son of the Northern Qin family Wen Shaoqing, the eldest grandson of Wenge’s hometown The only daughter of the Chinese concubine of the palace, the eighth princess Zhan Zhiyu The two had just been married by Emperor Zhaoming not long ago Thirteen Imperial Sisters How are you here Are you here to find the Three Emperor Brothers? The thirteenth princess walked out of the mansion At a glance, I saw Wen Shaoqing, who had been infatuated for a long time Suddenly jealous’s eyes turned red How old are the royal sisters? When you go out, you have to be accompanied by Brother Shaoqing It’s too delicate His Highness Thirteen laughed Yu’er is Weichen’s future wife Weichen should protect her The thirteenth princess flew over with a snort The whole person can’t wait to snuggle up to Wen Shaoqing The royal sister can stop in moderation Dao Shu Guifei Niangniang didn’t teach you What is the difference between men and women The royal sister should not hold this dignified face Teach me a lesson You yourself are not close to Brother Shaoqing Shaoqing and I have already been married Sister Huang said this It’s as if you’ve married into the Wen family The big wedding hasn’t happened yet Whoever said that the marriage cannot be changed Besides, even if the imperial sister really married Brother Shaoqing Can you still stop Brother Shaoqing from looking at others? The royal sister is jealous, but there are seven rules The thirteenth princess is guilty of nymphomaniac He didn’t care about the coldness and disgust in Wen Shaoqing’s eyes Sister Huang has nothing to say Even if it’s a family affair Brother Shaoqing It’s not your private belongings, Sister Huang Why are you not allowing me to talk to Brother Shaoqing I don’t care about the royal sister so much After returning to the palace I will definitely find my father and sue you fiercely On Cheekiness .. And lip service The eighth princess is obviously not the opponent of the thirteenth princess Wen Shaoqing is a man again It is inconvenient to argue with a woman.. Xiao Lingyue, who had been watching coldly, finally couldn’t help it There are no wonders in the world On the princess I’ve seen what it’s called. Don’t want it anymore What did you say Isn’t it? The eighth princess is your royal sister Wen Gongzi is your future imperial brother-in-law You blatantly in front of your royal sister.. Future brother-in-law It is also conclusive and reasonable even asked his sister not to be jealous Cannot.. Own husband otherwise The thirteenth princess wanted to be carried into the Wen family as a concubine in a small sedan chair will say this kind of aunt’s words Wen Shaoqing and the Eighth Princess were stunned when they heard this This last sentence is nothing short of a critical hit It’s so relieving Shen Wan, you dare to compare this princess with your aunt See I don’t tear. The thirteenth princess was so angry that smoke rose above her head His eyes were bursting with fire Tricky and spicy It’s like a no.. of shrews Thirteen Emperor Sisters, you’ve almost had enough trouble You shut up and want you to come out and be a good person I’m kind enough to advise Let you stop in moderation If you want to keep making trouble The county lord of Anping sued his father I will truthfully state to my father what you said today Try to see if Concubine Shu can keep you Weichen and the eighth princess have the same statement Your Highness the Thirteenth, please respect yourself And I and me You. Grandpa Zhou Again.. My aunt I’m also going to find the royal grandfather Let’s see if the imperial grandfather believes in you or me You’re all waiting for me Especially you, Shen Wan I won’t let you go The thirteenth princess glared at Xiao Lingyue viciously turned around and walked away angrily Thank you to the eighth princess for helping to relieve the siege I just stopped by to see his carriage I came down to take a look Are these people sent by the Thirteen Emperor Sisters to do chores? I don’t know what the thirteenth princess thinks It’s not that this mansion is the first thing he looks at Let me give it back to him Otherwise, they will send someone to the door every day Let me not live in peace This is also too much The things of His Majesty cannot be moved Does the thirteenth princess want the county lord to resist the decree? This probably has something to do with me What a relationship The county lord also saw it just now The thirteen imperial sisters have always admired Shaoqing So full of malice towards me After I married Shaoqing His father ordered the construction of the Eight Princesses’ Mansion Also on South Street The location is not far away So the Thirteenth Princess wants my mansion It’s to be with you There are a limited number of mansions on South Street My princess’s mansion was also lucky to get it The thirteen imperial sisters were not convinced when they learned about it I want a better princess mansion Therefore, I fell in love with the county lord Who knew that my father gave you this mansion He’s not going to hate you After Xiao Lingyue knew the reason also seemed very speechless The eighth princess and Wen Shaoqing didn’t stay long Soon he said goodbye and left Meng Wenhao and Zhou Bo stayed in the mansion to clean up the mess Tossed for a day After Xiao Lingyue coaxed her two children to sleep Walked alone to the palace study That’s when it happened A maid carries a food box Hurried over with red eyes The maid bowed her head and did not look at the road One didn’t hold steady with his follow The food box in his hand fell to the ground The hot chicken broth was all spilled Who is so unruly The walk is not long. knocked over the chicken soup made by the side concubine Niangniang The maid looked up in annoyance Immediately, he saw Xiao Lingyue’s face clearly His expression froze violently The county lord of An’anping You say I knocked it over I didn’t hold my food and knocked things over He also gave me a rake The county lord forgives sins Slave slave slave That’s not what it means You are a maid in the courtyard of the side concubine Yes, the slave maid is on the order of the side concubine I’m here to deliver chicken soup to the prince Soup will be delivered What are you crying about If you don’t know, you think I’m bullying you Slave slave slave The maid couldn’t say anything The aggrieved almost shed tears The county lord invites you to come in Got it The mustache looked at her back with strange eyes I couldn’t help but ask the guard next to me Big Brother Guard Didn’t the prince just say that he couldn’t see anyone? How did the county lord of Anping come The prince let him in Who dares to speculate on the meaning of the prince I’ve heard The county lord of Anping has been living in our palace recently Is this what the prince meant? How long is she going to live I don’t know if the maid looked at the overturned chicken soup I’m afraid that I won’t be able to go back Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind Hurriedly picked up the poem and turned around and walked back How about it, did the prince promise to let me out? Mother forgiveness The slave maid took the chicken soup you boiled with your own hands to meet the prince I didn’t expect to bump into the county lord of Anping He learned that the slave maid was the maid by the mother’s side deliberately knocked over the slave’s chicken soup He also drove the slaves and maidservants back didn’t let the slave and maid see the face of the prince at all Lord of Anping County You mean Shen Wan The maid in order to shirk responsibility Buckle the black cauldron to Xiao Lingyue’s head yes, The slave felt that he did it on purpose After he drove the slave away I also went to see the prince He went to see the prince and something Why is he still in the palace and refuses to leave The prince is alone in the study to deal with official business The end of the big night I don’t know what he’s thinking No, I’m going to go to the prince to expose his true colors Mother, be calm The third day of the next month will be Concubine Shu’s birthday As is customary in previous years Concubine Shu will hold a banquet in the palace Ladies and ladies from each province are invited to participate Concubine Shu has always been good friends with her mother Will definitely send an invitation to the mother At that time, the prince will naturally lift the mother’s grounding I almost forgot There is no concubine in Yiwangfu As has been the practice in the past The prince will definitely let me participate on behalf of the Yi Palace Wait until I’m out I won’t let it go Xie Yurui thought of this Finally pressed it down meanwhile Xiao Lingyue came to the study of North Korea is so busy that he doesn’t forget to receive the care of the backyard side concubine It seems that the prince has more than enough time How do you know I said it before I won’t stop you from getting close to the side concubine But the premise is that you let the side concubine take care of the people under her control Don’t stare at me like a black-eyed chicken It’s like I’m bullying them Did you come to this king to talk about the side concubine? I’m here tonight to talk to you about Beibei’s condition You say the north of the north.. Treatable But it’s hard to treat Suppress. The way to do this is to keep a balance But anything is pressed to the extreme There will definitely be a rebound effect In the case of the North North, it is. Regurgitation How often does this backlash occur Once a month Can’t it be eliminated You can’t just force it down But this time it was pressed The next backlash will be even more severe The degree is cumulative On the contrary, it will lose the body of the northern north Other words Repression can only cure the symptoms There is no cure for the root cause That’s right Innate.. The appearance is accidental Very rare Even if you know how to heal It is useless to have the herbs needed to cure the disease Zhan Beihan was clear in an instant No wonder Xiao Lingyue has been looking for medicinal herbs since returning to Beijing What medicinal herbs are needed to treat the north and the north I can find all kinds of herbs But there are several medicinal herbs in it It’s not something that can be obtained by means of ability It’s hard to find What are these herbs called? There are a total of 7 types of medicinal herbs They are unicorn fruit, phoenix branches, white jade toad, dragon wood Ice silkworm blood, five spirit fats and thousand spirit ginseng Xiao Lingyue said these 7 kinds of medicinal materials Nothing sounds like anything else Where did you get the prescription? Do you deserve it? You’re sure these are medicinal herbs It’s a recipe that I formulated with Yakuo Valley The origin of these 7 medicinal herbs It was also told to me by Yaowang Valley Otherwise, I don’t even know Why should Yaowang Valley help you Does it matter Of course it’s important A prescription for the disease proposed by the forces of the rivers and lakes Who knows if it’s true or not The Valley of the Medicine King is the pinnacle of the Seven Kingdoms’ medical skills No other famous doctor can compare Beibei is my own flesh and blood in his affairs I will only be more cautious and careful than you So don’t worry about that Zhan Beihan didn’t ask any more There was a dark light in his eyes This woman also said that it has nothing to do with the Medicine King Valley Even if the real identity is exposed There are still a lot of secrets hidden in his body Her martial arts Her medical skills She and Tianyi Pavilion Medicine King Valley and even the relationship with Nanyan Now it is important to solve the problem of the North and the North first Xiao Lingyue’s palms oozed fine sweat He knew that some excuses couldn’t deceive Zhan Beihan Where to find these 7 medicinal herbs you mentioned? The thousand spirit ginseng in the medicinal herbs is easy to obtain It’s up to you to want it or not Where? Northern Qin Imperial Camp A treasure handed down from your ancestors A royal life-saving treasure No wonder you took the initiative to confess to this king I want to get a thousand spirit ginseng through this king Is Beibei my child alone I’m thinking about his condition Find your biological father How about finding some medicinal herbs for your son? Zhan Beihan couldn’t say anything about him was so angry that his face turned faintly blue The fists were clenched If this king gets a thousand spirit ginseng What are you going to trade it for You still need to help your own son. Beibei has not called this king so far Where did his disgust for this king come from? Isn’t it the idea you instilled in him Don’t put all the black cauldron on my head It’s clear that you’re not likable He will always be your son The matter of Qianling ginseng still needs your help If it is the northern part of the country that comes to ask the king in person For his sake, and for the king’s sake, they are father and son This king can help for free impossible Beibei is now very strong in your platoon hall He is stubborn and stubborn I don’t bow my head for such a thing The character of the North North is passed down from the father and son of the North Koreans It’s all the same in the bones Compromise is never easy Then there is no way The king gave him a chance It’s he who doesn’t want to I understand You just mean it.. I What do you want me to exchange for? As long as you. Good Ben King The king was delighted This king will give you a thousand spirit ginseng How to please You say what to do Xiao Lingyue in her mind Instantly appeared in the flower building 000000 Picture of the guests You have to use this… Me What do you think of me? Thousand Soul Ginseng doesn’t want it anymore Use…. Life-saving medicine… I You could be more.. A little I knew it was like this I will never tell you about Beibei’s condition Now is it useful to say this The king’s request has been said You can’t do it That only proves it That’s all you want to do to save your son There is no shortage of such women around you The side concubine in the backyard is still waiting for you to see her Why bother me with such things? You think it’s difficult The war was cold on a whim I thought it was between husband and wife. In his eyes, it turned out to be… and difficult Isn’t it? There is obviously no shortage of women But endure the disgust. . . I Long and sweet You repeat Long and sweet Say it as many times as you like Long and sweet Or you’re going to gack me Long and sweet Otherwise, I will not compromise Anger surged into North Korea Long and sweet Grabbed his hand and grabbed the back of his head Long and sweet 00○○0 Long and sweet Again… Long and sweet You went too far to fight North Korea Long and sweet Long and sweet County Lord, are you alright? County Lord, are you okay Long Man Sweet Xiao Lingyue hurriedly left with a pale face After the study was unhappily dispersed, it was long and sweet The two entered the Cold War period, and it was long and sweet Third brother, are you so unwelcome that the eldest brother will come to you? What nonsense is long and sweet Has something happened lately Long Man Sweet It actually makes you feel so bad for a long time Say it to make the eldest brother happy Why we can’t You said you would marry me The younger brother’s face was full of gloom and unhappiness The prince’s brother came to gloat You can’t quarrel with Shen Wan, right? Say it and let the big brother be happy What does it have to do with him It doesn’t matter what you’re angry about In the past two days, the capital has been quite peaceful Are you idle Fortunately, the eldest brother is also idle Let’s talk to you The prince looked at Zhan Beihan with a gossipy face Secretly happy in my heart Why did you and Shen Wan quarrel Zhan Beihan didn’t bother to take care of him asked to himself I have something to ask you Royal Private Treasury Is there a medicinal herb called Thousand Soul Ginseng? Where did you know about the Thousand Soul Ginseng? Yes or no There is one What’s wrong with keeping it in my father’s hands? I’m going to use it next time I’ll go and tell my father Why do you want to use Chiling ginseng This is no ordinary medicinal herb There is such a stock in the royal treasury Father is very precious If not the necessary moment Even if you go to your father My father may not give it to you This thing is so precious How I never knew You’re not a doctor To know what this does Tianling ginseng is known as the king of ginseng Extremely medicative There are few in the world Usually not His father took him in It’s for saving lives at critical times It is more useful than 10,000 years of ginseng This king now needs to use a thousand spirit ginseng Father is very precious Whether you can give it to you or not depends on your ability Anyway, what happened to you and Shen Wan Not much Still trying to lie to me I didn’t quarrel like this with your sister-in-law, though But you can see it when you look at it You and Shen Wan It must be because something is unpleasant Zhan Bei Hanjun’s face darkened looked at his brother speechlessly Are you showing off to me? Isn’t it great to have a good relationship with the imperial sister-in-law? / That’s the royal sister-in-law’s gentle nature If you don’t have the same knowledge, you don’t Big brother, I like this kind of gentleness Shen Wan’s temperament is also strong among women With your imperial sister-in-law is not a type You just fell in love with him What can be done about this The two of you get together It is unlikely that there will be no contradictions Even if it’s his own brother The prince also had to say a fair word Zhan Beihan is definitely not a good-tempered person The third brother and eldest brother have been married for so many years I’ll be honest with you Two people want to be together well Competing with each other is fruitless Someone has to take a step back or else Why don’t you tell him this? Why should he ask this king to back down? Why the hell did you and Shen Wan quarrel? Is it because of your side concubine? There are also side concubines in your East Palace I haven’t seen the imperial sister-in-law mess with you What nonsense Your imperial sister-in-law is gentle and virtuous How can you mess with me I saw the prince quietly approaching Zhan Beihan The sound is very low Big brother told you in private Don’t tell me about it Your sister-in-law actually had trouble with me Every time I go to see the side concubine back She won’t let me. A certificate of the war in the north of the cold His eyes couldn’t help but look at her subtly I didn’t touch the side concubine It’s just to follow the rules and take a look Your sister-in-law is so uncomfortable If I did Don’t think about entering her door for at least half a month Ben Wang really didn’t see that you were afraid of your sister-in-law Not afraid I just love your sister-in-law Although the men… It’s the norm But under heaven There is no woman can truly accept that his husband has other women Unless she has no heart for her husband But such a woman Are you really willing to marry her? Zhan Beihan listened silently His expression was cold and cold Women need to be coaxed This king needs to coax her I remember that Shen Wan’s marriage contract with the Chu family has not been dissolved If you run away from being angry Remarried someone else You’re sure you can be indifferent to him daring Zhan Beihan was a little flustered at this time Xiao Lingyue has not yet recovered the identity of Yi Wangfu If you really leave the two children behind I walked away That’s really crying Big brother, are you sure he minds that I have a side concubine You won’t be unsure, right? I’ll teach you a trick You deliberately followed the side concubine.. one time Watch his reaction If he’s angry Grimacing at you That’s mind If you are completely indifferent That means I don’t have a heart for you You’d better give up before it’s too late Are you sure it works If it doesn’t work You can come to the East Palace to find me I’ll tell you the truth I sometimes deliberately go to the side concubine I just want to see how angry and jealous your sister-in-law looks Exceptionally beautiful Zhan Beihan is his own brother The two brothers are in the same lineage My brother is e fun How good can my brother be? It’s just that I haven’t opened my mind meanwhile Xiao Lingyue was buying candied fruit on the street Prepare to give the North North adjuvant medicine to eat Chu Yuanqi, you stop for Miss Ben Cui Minjun, you crazy woman Keep messing around like this Rong Guogong can’t protect you Isn’t this person Chu Yuanqi, the little marquis of Zhenbei Hou Mansion? Here’s what it’s doing The two chased and fled From the street chase to the end of the street Xiao Lingyue didn’t want to greet him either so as not to cause trouble Madame Please give me all the recommended preserves and preserved fruits I’m going to take two pounds back with me Shen Wan, why are you here Xiao Lingyue hadn’t had time to talk yet I saw Cui Minjun staring at Chu Yuanqi with burning eyes Who is this woman You’re pulling and pulling with her on the street What do you say she is? You don’t care who she is It’s none of your business with whom I’m pulling and pulling Have you had enough of it? You’re protecting him I’m warning you It’s best to give me moderation I put up with you for so long because I gave face to the Rongguo Mansion Don’t give me too much Xiao Lingyue recognized the girl opposite Her name is Choi Min-jun She is the only concubine of the Rongguo Mansion The Cui family’s status in Beijing is not low Anyone who sees it has to pay three points You this. What kind of ability is hiding behind Chu Yuanqi You come out for me The little girl spoke cleanly Don’t keep the dirty words on your lips It has nothing to do with me when you two quarrel and conflict It’s okay, Chu Yuanqi will protect you On the street, he pulls and pulls with people Where are you… Out of… Haven’t you ever seen a man? It’s a shame that you’re still the daughter of the Guogong Mansion There is no tutoring literacy at all Keep. Others. Do you want to look in the mirror and see yourself It’s the same as the shrew who scolds the street at the mouth of the market I’ve put up with you for a long time You really think you’re a fairy Chase the man and stalk him So I don’t know.. Rongguo Mansion. It’s all going to be thrown away by you Cui Minjun was simply dumbfounded Chu Yuanqi, who has been secretly in love for many years, scolded him like this In an instant, endless grievances came to my heart I’ve told you a long time ago It’s impossible for me to follow you Running after men all day long If you don’t want to be famous, you’re going to come to evil me Why we can’t You used to be gentle with me You said you would marry me You were a. . . Big hairy girl How could I possibly say I was going to marry you I’m not. Sounds exciting Xiao Lingyue stood aside silently Long and sweet There is a feeling of eating melons in the front row Long and sweet More and more people watched Long and sweet Everyone listened to the gossip with their ears pricked up I, Chu Yuanqi, swear to the sky If I said I would marry you I’m going to thunder today Xiao Lingyue glanced at the sky Dark clouds gradually enveloped half of the capital Everyone on the street was shocked Oh my God, this oath is too accurate As soon as the words were finished And there was thunder in the sky That’s it This man must be.. This girl Squirting didn’t expect him to look at the thick eyebrows and big eyes Family. He just… No wonder this girl was so angry that she chased him with a whip I heard the faint sound of discussion coming from the crowd Chu Yuanqi’s face was full of tears I’m not I’m not I’ve been wronged I really didn’t say I was going to marry her It’s miserable I really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn’t wash it Handsome hahahahaha You see Even God is on my side thundering to warn you Prove that you and I are a match made in heaven You fart. It’s going to be made in heaven with you Miss Cui I pray you to lift up your noble hands Don’t come to harm me You can be engaged to a woman like Shen Wan I’d rather marry someone who has been married and had children. Why can’t I Where am I not as good as Shen Wan Xiao Lingyue showed a surprised expression I was caught off guard Eating melons actually ate on his head I’m sorry Shen Wan got you involved in the trouble room You go first I’ll help you block it Cui Minjun won’t let him trouble you The corners of Xiao Lingyue’s mouth twitched Who would have thought that Chu Yuanqi would go out without a brain Isn’t this an indirect betrayal of him? Don’t go, it turns out that you are Shenwan Yes and how Where did I think I came from… Dare to be under my nose.. Chu Yuanqi It turned out that you were the one who was disliked… Chu Yuanqi You will not be afraid of you.. All by him… ? Chu Yuanqi’s eyes were round with anger Raise your hand. Poo… Raise your hand 0OO00O Don’t let me warn you Speak cleanly Otherwise, don’t blame me for being unkind to you You actually beat me Chu Yuanqi, are you easy to bully when I am Cui Minjun I am the daughter of Grandpa Guo Your Majesty is my own uncle The crown prince and King Yi are my cousins I like you like this as well That’s your pleasure You’re now fighting for a. . . My face Cui Minjun was angry and annoyed Focus all your hatred on Xiao Lingyue Shen Wan. bar Don’t make a muffled sound Cui Minjun screamed Slammed into the ground Your family didn’t teach you Is there a price to offend people? My imperial uncle and cousin of the crown prince Ichichi will never let you go You.. Give it to me. Excuse me I.. It’s long gone soon A group of sturdy men hurried towards this direction Shen Wanrong The people from the Guogong Mansion came With the character of Choi Min-jun I won’t let you go Hurry up I’ll help you stop these people first Who dares to go Chu Yuanqi You dare to let him go today I swear you won’t be able to eat and walk around Don’t think I like you I can’t do anything to you I have a way to make you miserable and unspeakable You have what it takes to come at me It has nothing to do with Shen Wan Give me this.. Grab it I’m going to do it myself. 000000 More than a dozen family members of the Rongguo Mansion Aggressive Towards Xiao Lingyue surrounded him A big war is about to break out Xiao Lingyue raised her eyes The aura of danger around him rises Which of you dares to touch him How did you get here But look at you fighting people on the street? King Yi King Yi Wang Cousin, how could you kneel here Cui Minjun was so frightened that his knees weakened Instantly knelt on the hard bluestone ground What to do standing there Not yet You have to teach your sister a lesson Tell me to come over and do something apologize Did you hear that? Cousin Shen Wan asked you to give me hello You don’t hurry up and do it His Royal Highness King Yi You’re asking whoever to give hello to Do you need to ask? Of course, it’s you and Shen Wan and me King Daoyi is my cousin Of course he was on my side Cui Minjun said hello to Shen Wan As soon as this remark came out Not only Chu Yuanqi was stunned Cui Minjun was also stunned Cousin, what are you talking about I couldn’t even hear the words Don’t you want your ears? Why should I give Shen Wandao Obviously, he hurt me He.. Chu Yuanqi It also injured me Cousin, you actually favored him I don’t accept me, but I’m your sister This king is the ancestor of Tawen If you don’t apologize, you’ll be on your knees all the time Kneel until your knees are gone Back then, Cui Minjun was open-mouthed Occupied North Korea was punished for kneeling for 3 days and 3 nights The knee has fallen with an old injury Now when I hear this Frightened, blurted out I said goodbye, and I am willing to apologize to Shen Wan I’m sorry, it’s all my fault I know wrong Sorry cousin That’s it Can I get up? You ask the king what to do Didn’t you make me kneel, cousin? You don’t open your mouth I don’t dare to get up Your so-called apology It’s just a touch of the upper and lower mouths, and it’s over It doesn’t matter if others accept it or not Just say it and you’re done Does an apology need to be forgiven? Isn’t it enough to just say it? He doesn’t say forgive you You’re on your knees all the time Until forgiveness is obtained Occupy North Korea witnessed the whole thing in the carriage He occupies the crown princess of North Korea In his mouth became 000000 When he occupied North Korea was nothing What else dare you say What was the royal family of Northern Qin Shen Wan, I apologize to you, it’s all my fault I shouldn’t have said that about you Can you forgive me? Xiao Lingyue watched her cry All tears and snot flowed out I just felt sick for a while I don’t blame you Where is forgiveness How can you say that You’re just trying to hurt me, aren’t you? I didn’t Then you say you forgive me I’ve never heard of Miss Cui in this world There is a reason to force others to forgive I can’t resist your canine temper Cui Minjun saw that she actually wanted to leave Instantly grabbed Xiao Lingyue’s clothes and wanted to leave You can say it first You forgive me Say yes, do it I forgive you Hurry up and spread yours. hand Cousin, you hear me Shen Wan said forgive me Can I get up now? Jingzhao Mansion Yin, who received a report from the people Hurriedly came with the servants Chen Jingzhao Mansion Yin Zhao Chengwei has seen His Royal Highness King Yi Lord Zhao is slow enough Jingzhao Prefecture is responsible for the security of the capital As long as you receive a report from the people It is necessary to be on the scene as soon as possible The minister is derelict in his duty and asks the prince to forgive him Cui Minjun leads people.. Siege of Beijing Take it directly Hit a hundred big boards One thing is a vow to take with you That’s it Cui Minjun was dragged down by the wolf fox of the government servant Chu Yuanqi was taken to King Yi’s Mansion At this time, I was at a loss There was a feeling of emptiness in my heart Didn’t you find Chu Yuanqi for something What did you call me to come over for? You forgot about the divorce I’m sorry, I promised you to come back from Xiangguoji Temple I’ll give you back your jade bracelet I didn’t expect so many things to happen later If you are not careful, it will drag on to this day It’s okay with my jade bracelet in your house I already got it when I left the Shen family You wait I told them to get it now You can take it back with you and talk to your parents The voice did not fall Zhou Bo had already come over with a brocade box Miss Shen, this is what you want Zhou Bo took it so quickly The prince is early this morning So he let the old slave take it out of the storehouse said that Miss Shen wanted to withdraw from the marriage today You have to prepare in advance That’s you A jade bracelet at home This is what it looks like when it comes out of the Shen family I haven’t touched it You take a closer look My mother described it to me This is indeed my family’s ancestral jade bracelet I took it I hope you meet the girl you like in the future I can give this jade bracelet to her with my own hands The token has been returned to the marriage certificate The wedding letter back then It should be kept in my mother’s possession I’ll get it when I get it home Deliver it in person No need, it’s fine You’re good to go This king has sent someone back with you to get the marriage certificate Shen Wan, I’ll go back I’ll send you Long Chu Yuanqi happily followed him out Uncle Zhou’s smile froze Helplessly, he turned his head to look at Zhan Beihan Why don’t you stop it, lord What is there to stop Did he dare to run away with someone? The jade bracelet is returned to its original owner From now on Shen Wan no longer has the constraints of marriage contract and family Shen Wan, what is the relationship between you and King Yi? Chu Yuanqi’s expression was complicated There is no trace of joy after the divorce in my heart You’ve been married But the husband is no longer there It is a free body Now he lives in his royal palace with his children Spend time with him I’m afraid it’s not good Where is not so good There is no concubine in King Yi’s mansion You live in a house without a name or a penny and went in and out with King Yi What others will think of you I’m just borrowing it temporarily And I don’t care what other people think of me You don’t care about your reputation And what about your son Don’t you care Who dares to say that I.. Bad words Let him have the ability to come to me What exactly are you trying to express I would say if you don’t mind I have a vacant house in the capital Very clean and you can take Beibei to move in and live Wait until your county lord’s mansion is repaired before moving back What do you think Chu Yuanqi, you are still weird Thank you for your kindness But don’t bother Why do you have any concerns? I can help you We are not related to each other If I live in Yiwangfu, I will hire gossip It is the same with the house that lives in your name Maybe it will be even worse There is no need for this But Chu Yuanqi hadn’t had time to finish his words The guards of King Yi’s Mansion in front of the carriage on the side walked over Little Marquis It’s not too early Please get on the bus Send you home You go back first I won’t send you Xiao Lingyue had just returned to the main hall I saw Zhan Bei staring at him coldly Finally willing to come back This king thought that you had been sent all the way to the Zhenbei Hou Mansion I send it to the individual and the bag It’s been so long Uncle Zhou told me before My county lord’s mansion It will take about ten days to repair the eel So Wait for the county lord’s mansion to be repaired I’ll move over with Kitaku No, there’s no reason why you’re in such a hurry to move in Chu Yuanqi reminded me just now I’m still Shen Wan’s identity now Take Beibei to live in Yiwangfu The name is not right There will always be gossip Chu Yuanqi reminds you You’ll listen You love to listen to him What are you talking about? It’s really not like to live in King Yi’s Mansion all the time Even if I don’t care about being humiliated behind my back But I don’t want Beibei to be poked in the back There is this king Who in the capital dares to say more If you’re afraid I’ll run away It’s a big deal to send someone to monitor the county lord’s mansion The guards are good, too Dragonscale Guard is also fine You can put as many people as you want It’s all right No, you have to take the children to the county lord’s mansion to play This king will not hinder you But it’s impossible to move in Why are you so domineering in the war against North Korea If the king says no, it won’t work You can’t be a little better I don’t want to think about it every day Think of some… The idea Even Chu Yuanqi, an outsider, knows and cares about me Remind me not to let the North be ridiculed You’re still Beibei’s biological father Why can’t you think about it for your son? But you have reminded the king didn’t want to expose the identity of the Beibei twins I also felt that Shen Wan lived in Yiwang’s Mansion The name is not right The king had a good idea Seal you as a side concubine It just avoids your two major worries Kill two birds with one stone Do you think it’s a great idea? A good genuine princess doesn’t do it Change your identity and come back as a side concubine Settle down in the northern cold I asked her seriously what the idea was Xiao Lingyue only felt a burst of anger burst like magma Are you serious or following I’m kidding Isn’t it up to you Fight the northern cold I, Xiao Lingyue, will never be a concubine in my life I don’t care about the name But what is the North North Do you know that it is in Northern Qin The identity of the stepson is not as good as that of a concubine The side concubine of King Yi’s Mansion is also from the second grade Why is it so unbearable by what you say? Do I lack such a broken identity? How many women want to enter the Yiwang Mansion as a side concubine, but they don’t have a chance You have the backbone Peaceful. Unyielding, isn’t it? It’s not as good as the side concubine in your backyard It’s like being born with a hypochondrosis Please Is your mouth naturally prickly? The words are really worse than the others If you don’t like to listen, you can not listen No one forces you I’m done with all that I need to say It’s up to you to do it yourself Zhan Beihan immediately changed his smiling face looked at Xiao Lingyue casually That side concubine is what Uncle Zhou means So The king did not agree Just you fish at every turn. Net-broken temper If only the king had agreed Thou shalt not break the palace yet This king wants to live two more years was so frightened by the occupation of Beihan Xiao Lingyue was even more determined to move in Save Zhou Boxian from eating radishes and worrying about it What kind of thing is it about sealing the side concubine? If you want to move to the county lord’s mansion, you can also do it But Beibei must stay in the palace Let him live with Han Han You won’t restrict me from coming to see them, will you? No That’s what you said At that time, the county lord’s mansion was repaired Don’t talk again, it doesn’t count This king never repents of what he says Hey, hey, hey, since I have to move in I can stop this time Can’t stop next time That’s what he just said As long as the county lord’s mansion is repaired He can move in Then he doesn’t even think about it in this life Wait until the county lord’s mansion is repaired If it’s repaired, you’ll have to smash it Look how he lives Hey, hey, hey Arc arc Xiao Lingyue didn’t know at all Zhan Beihan was thinking about something. thoughts And I don’t think it’s easy to get this man to take a step back Take it when you see it That’s it Nothing else I’ll go first The next morning in the morning Xiao Lingyue made a temporary move I want to see how the county lord’s mansion is repairing Just halfway through was blocked by Xie Yurui Shen Wan, you are really still in the palace Xie Yurui, you were actually released The prince spoils me so much Of course, they won’t be willing to lock me up for too long It’s you. I knew you had intentions against the prince The toad wants to eat swan meat You didn’t expect that Even if the prince knows that I poisoned you It’s not that you’re reluctant to do anything to me Xiao Lingyue didn’t expect it Zhan Beihan actually favored Xie Yurui to such an extent It was Xie Yurui who was obviously poisoned but let a maid be a scapegoat And she was just grounded You’re not going to be angry Do you really believe that the prince will punish me? It’s stupid You don’t go to the capital to inquire How favored our side concubine’s maiden palace is It’s too late for the prince to protect him How could he really bear to punish the mother The last time it wasn’t you from. The prince said that he had no choice but to lock up his mother for a few days The prince feels sorry for our mother Just your posture is also delusional to compete with our mother’s favor Grab the prince’s attention It’s really a clam who doesn’t look in the mirror I don’t know how ugly I am The harsh words of the two maids were like knives Xie Yurui only felt that she was in a good mood looked Xiao Lingyue up and down I heard that you have severed relations with the Shen family Kicked out of the house with nowhere to go That’s why Lai refused to leave in Yiwangfu Look at you for your pathetic sake Do you want this concubine to introduce you to a good place? Anyway… It’s all you… Blow the lamp It’s all the same with a face cover There will always be people who don’t dislike it Long and sweet A flash flashed in Xiao Lingyue’s eyes. Long and sweet Are you done with your words? Isn’t it my turn Don’t wait for Xie Yurui to be reversed Should come over, Xiao Lingyue raised her hand directly Xie Yurui covered her face in shock How dare you hit me Xiao Lingyue’s backhand fork is a triple slap Directly slapped him to the ground Xie Yurui was beaten Sitting on the ground and crying I’m not a man of words Who makes me feel uncomfortable I’ll make anyone uncomfortable A slap in the face can fix something Why waste saliva Shen Wan, you dare to hit me The prince will definitely not let you go I warned you before ○ Don’t bother finding 0 on my head Otherwise I won’t be polite to you Looks like you didn’t take my words seriously If you dare to move I shut up I don’t know if it’s anger or shock I’m afraid that Xie Yurui’s whole person is trembling Xie Yurui, listen to me I don’t care how Zhan Beihan favors you In front of me You’d better put away your little envoys Less in front of me Otherwise, next time I should hit you or hit you Choose this sentence Xiao Lingyue turned around and walked away Xie Yurui relieved herself A brilliant idea suddenly came to mind Caixia slapped me in the face Did the mother do something wrong? You are angry Let you fight and fight I don’t blame you I just want to hurt my face a little more Later, I will find the prince to complain about this tone I must let Shen Wan double it back Caixia put her heart sideways It was used There was a jolt Xie Yurui only felt that half of her face was hot It hurts, it hurts My face hurts Mother, you said that the heavier the hit, the better The slave and maid showed no mercy The more your face hurts The prince must have felt more distressed when he saw it When the time comes, I will help you teach Shen Wan a hard lesson Yes,, you’re hurt like this The prince must have felt distressed when he saw it You’re still smart and powerful He was able to come up with this method to deal with Shen Wan You say a word to me coaxed Xie Yurui, who was not very good at using her brain Take me to the prince I’m going to sue The maid was very scheming and chose the road with many people swaggered all the way through the city to the prince’s study Zhou Bo got the news I ran out of breath finally stopped Xie Yurui at the door of the study Side concubine Niangniang How did you become a braised pig’s head? It was Shen Wan, who beat me like this It’s over, it’s over It was really Miss Shen who did it Now something is wrong The side concubine was angry Miss Shen must not have intended it The old slave sent someone to call the imperial doctor I will definitely be able to put you on the side of the concubine The prince is invited Xie Yurui immediately threw down Steward Zhou Crying, he went to the study Stay honest Keep your mouth shut Don’t say anything you shouldn’t say Xie Yurui just stepped into the study began to mourn loudly Lord, you have to call the shots for me Zhan Beihan choked on a sip of tea saw Xie Yurui’s pig-headed face I just feel spicy eyes How did you get this kind of? The prince was Shen Wan who beat me like this He wanted to ruin my face He’s good… yes Shen Wan hit Doesn’t his hand hurt? Miss Shen hit Isn’t it poisoning? Well, what poisoning When the old slave came all the way I heard that everyone in the house was spreading The side concubine was poisoned and disfigured I don’t know what’s going on So hurry up and take a look Zhanbei Hanwen glanced at Xie Yurui’s pig-headed face That’s it Don’t blame the subordinates for misunderstanding Side concubine Niangniang What the hell is going on Why did you quarrel with Miss Shen? I just got out of lockdown today I wanted to come to thank the prince Unexpectedly, he met Shen Wan halfway through He stopped me Asked the prince why he released me I’ve just told you two truths Shen Wan was like going crazy Desperate face Beat me up like this It was Shen Wan who beat you like this alone She did it on purpose I can’t see that the prince is good to me You have to call the shots for me How do you want this king to dictate for you? The suffering I have suffered Let Shen Wan return it tenfold Xie Yurui’s eyes shot a vicious cold The strong resentment in the light tone could not be concealed He is an outsider in the house Why dare you punch me in the face He was simply bold didn’t take Yiwangfu in his eyes at all Lord Wang, you must not spare him He must be allowed to suffer the bitterness tE side concubine Niangniang Things haven’t been clarified yet It’s not appropriate It’s all in front of you What else is there to look up Do you want to protect Shen Wan. The old slave of the prince was wronged The old slave never had the selfishness of his ancestors to protect anyone I just feel like there’s something going on It’s better to find out Eight check what to check Look at how my face has been beaten If it wasn’t for Shen Wan’s fight Am I going to be like this myself? Zhan Beihan ignored him Turned his head and glanced at Uncle Zhou Zhou Bo turned around and retreated In less than two minutes Quickly came to Zhan Beihan’s side whispered in his ear The maid named Caixia next to the side concubine Both hands were swollen And so it was The action of force is reciprocal Xie Yurui’s face was swollen like this It can well be imagined The man who hit her must have had red and swollen hands The side concubine was in a hurry to complain How can I have time for Caixia to deal with the problem of her hands Zhan Beihan instantly felt disgusted This time, Xie Yurui’s grounding was lifted It’s exactly what the prince said used the side concubine to test Xiao Lingyue’s attitude I didn’t expect this woman to be so good at things Lord Wang, you must teach Shen Wan a hard lesson Let her learn a lesson Otherwise, she will become more and more presumptuous in the future Sooner or later, you won’t even pay attention to you, Lord Wang Uncle Zhou sent the side concubine to the meditation hall Let her recuperate Wounds on the face Don’t go out and walk around if you’re fine What are you talking about, prince? Why are you locking me up in the meditation hall, I won’t go Jingxin Hall is the most remote and remote nunnery in the palace There was no furniture there Eerie and cold Even the cleaning staff won’t go This can not be done by the side concubine, please be I won’t go to the prince Here’s why Xie Yurui’s face was full. I only feel that I have been wronged This king sees that you are not small The meditation hall is cold and quiet Best for meditation Wait for when you have dissipated this anger Come out and see people again Take it with you Two guards forcibly took Xie Yurui out of the study The maids waiting outside the courtyard gate were shocked I almost forgot about you The side concubine made a big mistake These maids cannot be admonished The master pressed down Each person fights twenty boards Sentenced to six months Steward Zhou spares his life Slaves and maidservants have done something wrong Something was done wrong I want to take them all down and get punished Don’t bother the prince Steward Zhou Listen to the guards in front of the house Miss Shen went to the county lord’s mansion next door half an hour ago Got it, go down Zhou Bogang walked to the door of the county lord’s mansion Xiao Lingyue walked out head-on Uncle Zhou, you came just in time I have something to ask you Is it about the side concubine? The old slave came to the girl for this matter What does it have to do with Xie Yurui The concubine just went to the study to complain to the prince Say you hurt her So Zhan Beihan asked you to come to me I’m going to ask the teacher for guilt Zhou Bogang wanted to deny it But seeing Xiao Lingyue’s expression, it was not very good-looking We’ll talk about the side concubine later You told me before This side of the county lord’s mansion It can be repaired in ten days and half a month at most The craftsmen are also assured That’s right That’s right, how Didn’t he have anything to displease the girl? It’s not dissatisfied I came over today to take a look They are almost done tearing down all the houses in the house What to say about the old house It had to be torn down and rebuilt That’s what Zhou Bo said It can be repaired in ten days and half a month Zhou Bo was shocked when he heard this Demolished the house How could it be The old slave never let them demolish the house of the county lord’s mansion Long and sweet The girl waited for the old slave to go in first Long and sweet Good guys, good mansions are in ruins The craftsmen are all busy It’s even more thorough than raiding a house M is split like this The house is gone If you don’t fix it for three or five years, you don’t even want to live in it Didn’t Zhou Bo order the demolition? This Shen girl dissipated her anger first Could it be an order from Zhanbei Han The prince probably felt that the county lord’s mansion had been vacant for so many years The straight house is too old Not suitable for the identity of a girl So it was simply dismantled Build a brand new mansion for Ning The prince is also a piece of kindness How could he be so kind Forget it, if he wants to dismantle it, he will dismantle it It’s a big deal that I’ll buy another house I still don’t believe it He’s got what he can do Demolished all the houses sold in the capital Xiao Lingyue turned around and left angrily There was a strong anger in his back Are you two on the bar? A firewood One buys and buys Bought and then dismantled It’s a lot of silver, so there’s nowhere to spend it Xiao Lingyue entered the courtyard gate Han Han couldn’t wait to pounce My mother always didn’t go out for the past two days Snuggle up in the house and read a book I was bored and almost fell asleep I want to take Kitakita for horseback riding Isn’t it good? Don’t be coquettish to your mother Speak well I didn’t hum Is there a horse in King Yi’s mansion? Yes, there is also a special bird running field Daddy’s horse is also in there Do you want to go to the north of the north It’s okay to check it out The mother and son walked together to the horse I saw the inside of the small single room There are two foals of the same size This was sent by Uncle Huang last month Two foals Said it was Daddy The horse’s child It’s the first time I’ve seen it They look the same Is it a brother Yes, not only a mother sibling It’s still a rare twin So who is the elder brother Who’s the younger brother? The black one is the older brother It’s the younger brother who is self-colored But they look the same, though The personalities are completely different Han Han glanced at Beibei He looked at the little horse again Suddenly he secretly laughed What are you giggling at Beibei, I found that you are similar to this little horse Everywhere it looks, it’s like everywhere Beibei does not speak tentatively stretched out his hand and touched the little horse I’m going to touch it too Let me touch it The little white horse suddenly took two steps back His eyes were full of disgust Is he disgusting me? Why don’t you let me touch it The little son forgives his sins That’s the character of this horse He doesn’t like strangers approaching him Then why can Beibei touch him? I can’t Maybe it’s a coincidence Isn’t the little black horse next to him very close to the world? The son of the world can touch it I don’t want me to touch my own horse Why are you fighting against a horse? He is only close to you Not close to me Why do you just dislike me Xiao Shizi, if you really want to touch your own horse The minions can put a muzzle on him Let’s take a look at a few whips Let him be honest You touch it again to make sure he doesn’t dare to resist Who said they wanted you to hit him Really good war horses In addition to the natural bloodline They all have their own personalities Tame with a whip as you do In the end, it is a horse or a dog that is trained The current master slave is the one who specializes in raising horses In my experience Such a horse just has to be known to be great from an early age Otherwise, it will not be obedient You mean you have more experience than I do So listen to you Minions don’t dare But interlacing is like separating mountains The present owner has not trained horses Misleading the little persimmon This is a foal given to persimmon by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince It’s not up to you to decide how to raise it Just listen to persimmons Persimmon, of course, listens to me I keep all the foals here You stand aside for me I don’t call you Do not speak Yang Ma Guan suddenly felt that his face was gloomy But they did not dare to disobey the order I had to retreat to the side Beibei, do you like this little white horse If you like it, I’ll give it to you! There are exactly two horses One of the two of us Beibei couldn’t help but feel a little moved The horse breeder on the side couldn’t help but speak No, the son of the world This is a foal given to you by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Thousands of dollars are hard to find How can you just give it to an outsider Didn’t I tell you to shut up These two foals are really valuable He is also a descendant of His Royal Highness King Yi’s former war horse The average person can’t afford it for a lifetime Don’t be fooled by the well-intentioned Are you saying that I deliberately deceived Han Han’s horse? If the young master hadn’t brought you with the prince himself You’re afraid you’ll never see each other for the rest of your life Such a good thoroughbred Just take a look It’s better not to be too greedy Who gave you the audacity to dare to say that Beibei knelt down Sima Guan knelt down reluctantly The mouth is still arguing The minions are also loyal Why should the prince be biased Outsiders don’t trust minions It’s so noisy to drag this person down and hit the 20th board again He was not allowed to go near the stable The horse breeder regretted it very much I knew it was so It shouldn’t be too much, and the words are far away Now it’s all right Ask for your own hardships Beibei, don’t be angry I’ll give you a little horse as a gift I don’t want another man to say that I lied to your horse Han Han has always been no more than Beibei could only look at Xiao Lingyue aggrievedly Mother, help me persuade Beibei I really want to give it to her I don’t mean anything else The mother respects the idea of the north and the north She didn’t mean to target you I just don’t like to be wronged That’s why I rejected you I don’t blame Beibei It’s just a little sad I really want to give the little white bird to Kitakita Riding a pony with him But Beibei refused to ask for it You just want to send the North North foal Don’t you want to give it to your mother? Do you want it too? I also like this little white horse Since the north does not want to Is it good to give it to your mother? Xiao Lingyue winked at him suggestively Han Han instantly understood Okay, then give it to my mother Mother, do you really like it? Are you a partnership? Just deal with me Nope You misunderstood hehehehe Watching the atmosphere of the two sons relax Xiao Lingyue is also happy to see it Let’s give them a name I’ve already thought of a name for my little horse call Silver Snow Bar is so good Then my little black horse is called Little Black Everyone was silent I couldn’t help but glance at the little black horse Or call it a black ball Briquettes Why are they all balls Seurat called it Bird Yunyun Snow is snowflakes falling from the sky Dark clouds are clouds that fall with snowflakes in winter When I hear it, I am a brother The corners of Beibei’s mouth twitched I was tired and didn’t want to speak Didn’t you call your daddy’s horse Dark Cloud? Both ponies are his children It’s not good for both father and son to use the same name This simple and daddy’s horse will be called the big dark cloud in the future My horse is called Little Dark Cloud This makes it easy to distinguish Small dark clouds born from big birds Han Han is worthy of your name, awesome meanwhile There was a loud noise on the other side of the stable The mother and son looked at each other in unison What’s going on The stable needs to be quiet the most Otherwise, it is easy to startle the horse How could there be such a loud noise There lived the prince’s war horse Wuya I just retired from the army two years ago to retire Very short-tempered In the past two years, there have been more than a dozen subordinates who feed the horses Xiao Lingyue was a little surprised He had seen the black cone horse in North Korea Although the temper is not good But there is wisdom and spirituality No innocent kicks Did you fail to take good care of him? The county lord was wronged That’s with the prince from birth to death War horses retired from the army How many military merits are on the body The prince is even more in Sanding The main thing is to take good care of the minions How dare you not be dedicated The north is cold Let’s go over and see Several horse trainers surrounded the pure black Not far away, there were two more lying on the ground There was a burst of grief in his mouth Who are you Don’t lean in The horse went crazy Beware of being kicked by him Xiao Lingyue approached the black cone Blow a clear whistle A twinkle of tears flashed in his eyes Do you remember this whistle The black cone once followed Zhan Beihan’s side Fought with Wei Shaorong’s jade lion The two horses were evenly matched In the end, he always had to be appeased in person to calm down the two horses Long time no see I know you know you’re still recognizing me The lion to protect me Stayed in Nanyan forever You have to live well The Darkcone seemed to understand I didn’t seem to understand Girl, how did you do that? He can listen to you quietly Didn’t attack you What did you all do? We didn’t do anything You guys didn’t do anything What was the matter with the whip and the rope on the ground? It’s so strong Don’t trap him on a leash How dare we come closer You are all afraid of him Also drain him The black cone is a very spiritual horse He can see your disgust Of course there will be no good attitude towards you If it weren’t for the prince’s war horse Who is willing to offer him as an ancestor? Long ago, the stick and whip were on together I beat him all and convinced King Yi attaches great importance to the black cone The horse was not a tool to him Rather, they are partners who are born and die together In order for you to take good care of him He also treats you very well That’s what you did Xiao Lingyue was furious The black cone once made great achievements I thought I would be able to spend my old age in peace when I was old Unexpectedly Everyone in the stables looked at it as a nuisance The black cone has been sent here for two years How often do you take it out for a run Several horse trainers were stunned when they heard this No one answered Ebony warhorse Growing up on the battlefield and on the battlefield You need to go out for a run on a regular basis It’s been closed for too long It’s easy to get emotionally irritable You don’t think you’ve never taken it out before It’s not that we don’t want to bring We don’t dare That’s it It’s useless to scold you I’m going to take the cone out now Let him scatter his mind As soon as the war North Korea entered the racecourse I was attracted by the figure in front of me Mother’s black cone That’s amazing Run a little faster Han Han, who was waiting on the sidelines Can’t wait to wave his little hands My mother kissed me I’m going to ride it too Don’t forget me Xiao Shizi, you stand back and stand first The Lord will not forget you Xiao Lingyue really didn’t forget Han Han It’s okay to say that the two children run two laps by themselves No one loses anyone Daddy, why are you here Aren’t you in the study to handle official business? How did you get here I heard that my cone horse has defected Actually let a strange woman ride He was curious Come and have a look Brother Yiwang King Xiang glanced at Xiao Lingyue on the side Eyes rolled Came the interest Shen Wan, do you know this Meng girl? What does His Highness want to say This is the peach blossom village of the third brother You’re really not curious Don’t want to know His Royal Highness King Xiang if you want to stir up trouble and watch the excitement It is advisable for you to go to someone else I don’t care about these things The third brother saved Meng Wanqing’s life Heroes save beauty As a result, he captured the heart of a beauty Since then, he has been dead set on his third brother If she doesn’t marry What does this have to do with me Meng Wanqing is the daughter of the second room of the Meng family The lobby sister is the crown princess My grandfather was also the head of the clear stream in the DPRK It’s enough to be a princess in terms of identity Then let him be in charge Tell me what The reason why Miss Meng loves her third brother There’s a reason for that, too Two years ago on the autumn hunting grounds Miss Meng was besieged by a pack of wild wolves It was the third brother who rescued him safely After that, Miss Meng was concerned about her third brother If she doesn’t marry Even if it’s a memory of the main mansion as a side concubine The Meng family is a Qingliu family The head of the literati It is the mother family of the crown princess again Fang had a daughter who volunteered to be a concubine You really think Will the Meng family be moved by her infatuation? The king was curious The relationship between King Yi and Meng Wanqing Aren’t you angry at all? What are you talking about This king just chatted casually with Shen Wan Didn’t say anything Mother-in-law Beibei is bored I originally wanted to see my mother ride a horse? But there are a lot of people here It’s all a bunch of people who look nasty I don’t like them Then don’t look at it Shall we go back Han Han’s His dad would take care of him Don’t worry about us Xiao Lingyue didn’t stop at all Take the north north towards the other horse Stop where you go Xiao Lingyue turned around saw Zhan Beihan, who was stopped by Meng Wanqing and standing in place His Royal Highness King Yi seems to be busy Beibei and I won’t bother Go back first Mother and Beibei don’t ride horses, don’t you ride Zhan Beihan ignored Meng Wanqing’s entanglement Strode over with Han Han What are you messing around again? If my mother wants to go, I’ll go Mother take me Don’t leave me alone with Daddy Why should I take you Didn’t we come together? Didn’t you have a great time with your daddy? You’ve got your hands on it Why are you going to stop me and my mother? We’re going back now You can go if you want to Leave the child behind Why Do you want this king to speak here? Well, the king will tell you Why should he shut up? Beibei understood the meaning of their words The dark eyes shimmered with meaning Say what No wonder my mother wants to stay in Yiwang’s Mansion all the time Didn’t take me to move out You’re not taking My mother kissed me Zhan Beihan was slightly surprised I didn’t expect Beibei to be so smart I guessed it after listening to only half a sentence Yes and how Standing in the north of the cold to the north of the ear whispered The king knows that you are wise I might as well tell you Your mother is here to protect you so they had to stay with the king If the king wants him to suffer He didn’t have any power to resist So you’d better be kind to this king My mother is very good He won’t take you Yes, then here we come This king gives you a chance Whatever method you use Try to see if your mother will take you out of Yiwang’s mansion Or even leave the capital As long as you can get her to say yes Even if the king loses What’s in it for me if you lose For the king’s sake Whatever benefits you want, just mention This king can satisfy you Xiao Lingyue eased up from her emotions I was surprised to see the father and son talking to each other Seems to say something Beibei you are in Ganshigong You are not allowed to come This king has something to say to him You have something to say at me Beibei is not sensible Don’t bully him It’s okay I’m not afraid of him I’m with you If you lose From now on, you are not allowed to pester my mother again What if you lose What price are you going to pay What do you want This king has not seen your true face Beibei was stunned Didn’t he know who I was? The real face is the same as Han Han’s It’s pretty simple Beibei’s mind raced to thought No decision has been made to fight North Korea Suddenly, the conversation changed If you lose In the future, I will have to be called this king’s father like Han Han I don’t want to I’ll be sad if I change my name to your mother I don’t do anything that will make my mother feel uncomfortable Xiao Lingyue stood in place I had a bad feeling in my heart What the hell are you talking about Isn’t it all there yet? What the king told you You can think about it slowly I’ll come back to this king after I think about it Zhan Beihan was in a good mood at the moment There is a faint smile at the bottom of his eyes The interaction of a family of four shocked Meng Wanqing on the side Brother Yiwang People want to see you Played for a day The mother and son were already so hungry that their chests were pressed against their backs What do you want to eat at night I can do both What does Kita want to eat I want to drink fish fillet porridge I want my mother to boil it herself My mother will also make porridge Then I want it too Xiao Lingyue began to get busy in the kitchen Everything is ready It’s already two hours later The mother and son sat down around a small round table Just ready to go Zhan Beihan suddenly walked in Off the charts The woman secretly put a bag of salt in the porridge This is to salt to death What to eat at the meal Zhan Beihan sat down very naturally I glanced at the dishes on the table The fillet porridge looks pretty good This king’s chopsticks The mother and son looked at her in unison It’s all an expression of what you’re here for Zhan Beihan looked up Jian Mei coughed unhappily Why can’t this king come? What does this expression mean? It’s like seeing a ghost Daddy, why are you here? What are you doing What do you say this king has come to do? You’re eating and drinking again This is the porridge that my mother specially boiled for us It’s not your share Look how fat you’ve become Dim sum halved starting tomorrow You’re talking nonsense that I’m not fat Is Yiwangfu so poor now? The dignified prince doesn’t even have a place to eat I also have to go to the guest house to grab the food to eat Hey, hey, hey red Shut up or shut up Eat well Either don’t eat it at all Yiwang’s mansion is not rich If you can save something, you can save a little The mother and son were shocked on the spot What a prince All nonsense is justified Daddy, why are you like this? You’re so cute Mother, you heard me Yiwangfu is so poor now Even Han Han’s and I rations have to be saved Obviously, they can’t afford to support us Why don’t we take Hanhan and move out together My mother will definitely be able to support us Yes, yes I agree on when to move It’s better to choose an eye than to hit an eye Why don’t you move out tonight I don’t want any luggage or anything Anyway, my mother can buy us a new one It should be given to King Yi’s mansion Yes, yes Xiao Lingyue was speechless for a while The father and son got together It’s like three enemies Like three childish ghosts Okay, don’t make a fuss It’s dinner time Fill your stomach first This king’s chopsticks Didn’t know you were coming beforehand Didn’t prepare your dishes and chopsticks You do it first I’ll go to the kitchen and get it for you Hey, hey, hey The war against North Korea was a little surprised I didn’t expect the treatment to be so good today He’s learned how to wait for miracles Xiao Lingyue came back with a new bowl and chopsticks A bowl of fish fillet porridge was placed in front of the man Asked the two children with a smile How does this porridge taste? The taste is exceptional It’s fresh and delicious Mother’s craftsmanship is first-class My mother did the same as before It tastes good Zhan Beihan’s heart moved 1. I was a little curious about the taste of this porridge When eaten in the mouth His expression froze suddenly What the hell is this How much salt did he really add Salty people This is with porridge Spit is not either Neither is it to swallow His Royal Highness King Yi This porridge tastes good, isn’t it? Isn’t it to your taste, Your Highness? Xiao Lingyue looked at him with a smile Zhan Beihan suddenly figured it out No wonder he had to go to the kitchen to get the dishes and chopsticks himself I’m afraid that taking dishes and chopsticks is fake It’s true to go to the kitchen and get salt They didn’t chase me away in the first place "So they were waiting for me here This woman doesn’t just hold grudges She still has revenge Zhan Beihan swallowed the porridge stiffly His throat was salty and hoarse Not bad Han Han, who didn’t know the inside story, was dissatisfied when he heard this What is called is not bad Mother’s craftsmanship is obviously first-class Daddy, do you know how to appreciate it? If you don’t like it, don’t eat it And no one asks you Since it’s not bad Your Highness wants to continue eating There’s still it in the bowl Not bad huh If you have the ability, you can continue to eat … you Zhan Beihan looked at the remaining porridge in the bowl This woman Did you add all the salt from the kitchen? Otherwise, how could it be so salty Now the tongue is numb The salty mouth is full of bitterness Why doesn’t His Royal Highness King Yi eat Doesn’t it mean that it tastes good? Are you serious? What is really fake Your Highness thinks that my craftsmanship is not to your liking? Then there is no way If Your Highness doesn’t like it Go back to your own yard What you want to eat This woman is simply a master of yin and yang Hee boooooa When did this king say that he didn’t like it? If you like it, eat more There’s still something in the pot There are four more words in the pot was so frightened that Zhan Beihan swallowed all the bowls of porridge The two children went back to their rooms to rest when they were full of food and drink Zhan Beihan sat there and refused to leave What are you doing sitting here? I didn’t eat enough salt You did it on purpose Then it’s not His Royal Highness King Yi came uninvited Catch up and can’t drive away I can’t think of a way to entertain you Zhan Beihan was unexpectedly lifeless On the contrary, I thought it was funny How can you be such a woman to hold a grudge I’ve already done things anyway The taste of salt is not pleasant If Your Highness is not pleased Don’t come and shake in front of me This king will be dangling before you I don’t know when it started He was becoming less and less wary of him Jing was so embarrassed by a bowl of porridge Just now, I tossed this king miserably Don’t want to be tossed You don’t have to come And no one is forcing you Isn’t there a side concubine waiting for you in the backyard? You go to his side He keeps it in order for you to serve Everywhere you want Why does this king think that this sound sour? This is jealousy Do you think it’s possible If you’re okay, you’re good to go But that bowl of porridge just now was really salty How do you want to The king alone cannot suffer You’ll have to try it too Zhan Beihan pulled him into his arms violently Bow your head and kiss down In an instant, Xiao Lingyue tasted a mouthful of salty and bitter taste The tongue began to faintly tingle hahaha Forget about holding grudges No re-gassing is allowed Otherwise, the king will pay you back Be obedient and say yes Are you here to make peace? Well, I often hear people say that between husband and wife Something whatever This king hasn’t tried it yet You want to taste it Xiao Lingyue froze suddenly Cheeks flew up and flushed Think about it I felt that something was wrong with this man What a sweet dream of reconciliation Your Highness should go back and go Oh my God, the prince has been kicked out The maids hurriedly lowered their heads The atmosphere did not dare to leave the station North Cold laughed Turned around and brushed away No one thought of it He actually sneaked to the window I want to break in through the window hehehehe This prince learned to climb the window Xiao Lingyue looked at him in disbelief What the hell is the matter with you I also climbed the window of my house What do you mean This king can’t stay here tonight to do you Are you idle and have nothing to do? The official documents in the study have been processed If you hadn’t come to me for something You’ll finish your meal and won’t leave reach Zhan Beihan was almost so angry that he vomited blood Look what he said This king is looking for him to eat When you’re done eating, you should get out The two stared wide-eyed How weird and weird the atmosphere is At this moment, there was an inopportune knock outside the door Lord Wang, are you arguing with Miss Shen? The conversation between the two was interrupted I wanted to do it tonight Zhou Bolai couldn’t have come at the right time Zhan Beihan’s face instantly turned cold In Uncle Zhou walked into the room I just feel that the air is cold What’s the matter with finding this king? It’s about yesterday The palace sent someone to send things to the side concubine The old slave hadn’t had time to report to the prince Seeing this, Xiao Lingyue walked out of the door Something about the side concubine He didn’t want to get involved at all Yesterday it was the palace people of Jinhua Palace who came to the house To the side concubine Send me an invitation What does that lady concubine want to do? You forgot, Lord Wang In three days, it will be the birthday of Concubine Shugui As is customary in previous years Jinhua Palace held a birthday banquet The princesses and wives of each province will participate So what We don’t have a concubine in the palace In previous years, there were occasions such as palace banquets It’s all the side concubines who come forward Then let her out Are you sure, sir? What is uncertain If you let the side concubine out now Miss Shen is not going to misunderstand If he wants to misunderstand, he will misunderstand The king wants to see how he reacts Zhou Bo wanted to speak and stopped I really don’t understand what the prince thinks But the prince’s order had to be followed So he sent someone to the meditation hall released Xie Yurui It didn’t take long The news reached Xiao Lingyue’s ears The next day, an uninvited guest came to the door I want to see him by name The people from the palace called me by name and said they wanted to see me Yes, already waiting in the vestibule The county lord wants to see it Which palace is in Jinhua Palace is Shuguifei’s mother’s The dormitory must be the concubine Niangniang’s orders The county lord had better meet him If you don’t see it, you say I’m not available If there is any indication from Shu Guifei It’s good for you to convey it on your behalf It didn’t take long The mustache hurriedly turned back again The county master and slave replied according to what you said But the grandmother of Jinhua Palace has to see you He also said that if you refuse is not to give Jinhua Palace face He is going back to the palace to tell Concubine Shugui Niangniang truthfully Xiao Lingyue’s eyes flickered One thing was certain in my mind This is clearly a hidden threat The county lord title is even higher It is absolutely impossible to suppress the concubines in the palace What’s more, she is still a concubine with an adult prince under her knees Bright Those who come are not good at King Yi It’s not that he has never been at odds with Jinhua Palace The people from Jinhua Palace came to the door He didn’t say anything The prince went to the barracks early this morning Not in Fuchu now Steward Zhou also went out to run errands this morning Now there are only side concubines and the second housekeeper in the house They are all in the front hall Xiao Lingyue’s thoughts flew in her mind and she stood up That being the case Then go check it out Xiao Lingyue was just about to go out Not far away, Hanhan and Beibei happened to be back Each holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand Where are my mothers going? Didn’t you go for a walk in the garden? Came back so soon Walk 100 steps after eating Live to ninety-nine We’ve had enough Mother, where are you going? Those in the palace are waiting in the antechamber I’ll see you Mama from the palace Which palace is in I’ll go with my mother I’m going to go hey, hey, hey, too Just walked to the door of the vestibule Xiao Lingyue saw Xie Yurui and a middle-aged man Laughing Standing beside him was the second housekeeper of King Yi’s Mansion Concubine Shu is so polite If there’s something good, think of me Wait for me to get up next time I enter the palace Be sure to thank you Niangniang has nothing to do in the palace If the concubine is free, she often goes to see her mother The mother must be very happy Mama just laughed The concubine Niangniang has half a harem in her hands How can you still have time to see me often? Being a concubine is so good at laughing With your status in the Yiwang Mansion How dare we dislike you I just hope that the side concubine will enter the palace more and talk Xie Yurui not only did not mean to recommend Instead, he kept talking and laughing with Jinghua Palace This one is also obviously cooperating with her Xiao Lingyue curled the corners of her lips mockingly Shen Wan, what are you laughing at Got to the antechamber In front of the palace grandmother Don’t give me a salute yet To whom I will salute For me, of course There is also Mama Zhuqing Do you know who she is? Who is she Zhuqing Mama is the milk of Shuguifei Niangniang It is also a nurturing grandmother in Jinhua Palace It’s a high status Seeing her is like seeing a concubine You still don’t want me to come and salute me A court grandmother Even if he became a housekeeper That’s it You said that seeing her was like seeing a concubine It means this bamboo green mother The status is the same as that of Concubine Shu I didn’t say that Lord of Anping County Don’t talk nonsense It turns out that they know who I am I thought my grandmother came out of Jinhua Palace The eyes are on the top of the head You can’t see me as a big living person Xie Yurui’s face turned blue with anger You shut up just from soft Forbidden to let it out Would like to go in again Xie Yurui was grounded twice, and she had nothing to do with it When I think about it, I grit my teeth with hatred What are you trying to do It’s just that the prince was coaxed by you I fell for you The prince is not in the house today Believe it or not, I can call you right now You’re a tiger in the mountains The monkey is called the king Since you don’t have anything serious to do with me I won’t disturb the two of you talking and laughing Han Han North North Let’s go back Stop, you dare to go At this time, Han Han picked up his head and squinted at his mother Your name is Zhuqing Is it the grandmother of Jinhua Palace This son remembers you Mama’s face changed dramatically in an instant Hurriedly explained Xiao Shizi slave maid didn’t mean that I don’t care what you mean Dare to run to my house and yell at my mother Thought my dad wasn’t home Can you bully my mother? Who gave you the guts Dare to let my mother salute you Son, you must not call him that You are fascinated by Shen Wan What a mother is not a mother Where is he worthy of being your mother Why should Han Han bother with these people We went back Can’t let them go Stop them What if the little prince enters the palace to complain Zhan North Korea is not in Fuchu Even Uncle Zhou went out to run errands He is the largest in the whole palace A sneer flashed in Xie Yurui’s eyes Someone came to stop them for Ben Cefei No one is allowed to leave Long and sweet Stop them for Ben’s concubine Long and sweet No one is allowed to leave Xiao Lingyue and two children He was blocked by the guards guarding the courtyard You will stop me Han Han was very angry when he saw this You obey the woman’s orders Get in my mother’s way Dare to stop me The order of the princess’s side concubine The subordinates had to listen You can’t listen to me? The prince had given orders before If there is a conflict between the prince and the side concubine It is necessary to focus on the orders of the side concubines You can’t let the prince mess around The guards looked embarrassed Awkwardly arched his hand So please go back to the hall King Yi also gave such an order Han Han as the heir of the royal palace The authority is not as good as Xie Yurui’s side concubine What if Xie Yurui doesn’t have good intentions War North Korea did so Wouldn’t it be equivalent to putting Han Han In the hands of a woman with a malicious heart? At this moment, she was shocked and angry The variety of emotions is indescribable His face became very ugly Even the guards were taken aback This is indeed an order from the prince Subordinates don’t dare to lie I know you don’t dare Even if Daddy isn’t there I will also protect my mother No one can bully you Jianyi Don’t be afraid Xiao Lingyue’s eyes were sour Hurriedly turned his head and hid his tears Are there people out there? Don’t bring this in for me yet Han Han was as angry as a fried lion cub This woman, she is not endless She thought her father wasn’t home Yiwangfu is what she has to say Why is she a mother She’s the cutie It’s a pity that no one loves Seeing Han Han kicking her unevenly Xiao Lingyue is gentle and funny You are not allowed to learn from him You can’t put this kind of unused word on your lips How ugly it sounds I didn’t say it was his mother’s first The dog bites you You just kick him away It’s hard to learn to bite back Isn’t that dirty your mouth What my mother said makes sense So ah, encounter Just hit it back with a big stick You can’t afford to lower your value Talking to him is a waste of energy The gains outweigh the losses The two little ones nodded their heads repeatedly The corners of the guard’s mouth twitched slightly The county lord of Anping said Could it be that I’m jumping in anger in the antechamber right now? The yelling side concubine Niangniang So to speak It’s kind of like that Mother, I have a question If you can’t stop screaming How do you call him back to shut him up? It’s not simple Don’t talk later Just see how your mother does it Han Han and Beibei looked at each other showed a smile that watched the show Mother, let’s go inside, I want to see it Xiao Lingyue walked into the front hall with the children Xie Yurui didn’t realize the danger yet Stretched out his finger and scolded Xiao Lingyue You’d better be clear about who you are Don’t think that rhetoric coaxed the little persimmon You can really enter the gate of King Yi’s mansion I am the side concubine who has been favored by the prince for many years What qualifications do you have to show up in front of me? Do you think that Zhan Beihan is not here? You can be unscrupulous in the house As long as you give the order Even me No one can stop you Yes and how Shen Wan You didn’t think it would fall into my hands one day It’s clearly a country man There are also those who dare to expect the prince Xiao Lingyue didn’t want to argue with him Xie Yurui herself also knew that the dove occupied the magpie’s nest The name is not right So my mind is full of thoughts Xie Yurui Do you know what you look like right now? what Like one Hard-working at the door Gnawing on bones that others don’t want I thought there was a treasure hidden in the door That’s why everyone screams when they see it Chase others like bites You can’t beat it away This is a very human analogy Obviously there are no dirty words but degraded people to the bones Shen Wan, you actually compared me to Aren’t you having a good time right now? Xie Yurui was so angry that she trembled At this time, Zhu Qing coughed vigorously twice Side concubine Niangniang Your status is higher than that of the county lord of Anping He is so disrespectful to you You shouldn’t be punished Let him know the rules Someone come and take this with me Slap him the mouth The head of the guard glanced at Xiao Lingyue Qin Li was taken aback Steward Zhou has repeatedly ordered We must treat the county lord of Anping as a distinguished guest Don’t be negligent Otherwise, we will have good fruit to eat Now the side concubine actually wants the mouth of the county lord of Chang’anping Who would dare I see which of you dares You woman Dare to order my father’s guards You don’t have that right I am the prince’s side concubine It’s your mother-in-law Say I don’t have that right hehe Little persimmon, you figure it out a little I have more rights than you This was said by the prince himself Today I am going to teach Shen Wan a lesson You can’t stop the little persimmon Say it in one breath Xie Yurui only felt angry Take Shen Wan for me Doesn’t he like to talk Isn’t he sharp-tongued? I have to have his mouth today Let him know that he must know the rules of King Yi’s Mansion Although I know that my mother can handle it But Han Han was still very angry I don’t feel at ease again Come out on night seven A dark shadow flashed Yeqi knelt down on one knee and the son Who would dare to do it to my mother Throw them all out Subordinates obeyed Xie Yurui gritted her teeth with hatred If it weren’t for the night seven How could Han Han survive to this day Blocking her everywhere Seven You are just a secret guard arranged by the prince to protect the prince Except for the personal safety of the son You are not qualified to meddle in the internal affairs of the palace Don’t give me back yet The subordinate is the secret guard next to the prince Except for the prince Only listen to the instructions of the son of the world The side concubine has no authority to command Side concubine Niangniang The prince is young Why bother with him It’s still important to get down to business first Only then did Xie Yurui react The important task now is to teach Shen Wan a lesson Shizi, I have to teach Shen Wan a lesson today If you insist on holding back, Even the secret guard that the prince gave you called out I’ll hurt and touch it later Don’t blame me If you can hurt Ye Qi Count yourself capable Ye Qi’s father is not here You have to help me protect my mother No one is allowed to hurt her Ye Qi couldn’t cry or laugh in his heart Do you still need the protection of your subordinates? You really have to do it None of her subordinates may be able to beat her Not to mention the ordinariness of the house The guards are as long as the prince has an order My subordinates will definitely do it Han Han patted Ye Qi’s shoulder Looks like a good brother Well done, I believe in you As long as you help me protect my mother I don’t care about the last time you listened to Daddy Something that doesn’t listen to me Thank you for your magnanimity You are welcome Ye Qi pulled out the short knife at his waist A cold eye swept over all the guards Whoever wants to come first What are you still doing in a daze? Don’t give it to me yet The side concubine forgives the sin There are seven leaders in the subordinates, etc Don’t dare to do it What did you say Just a secret guard There are so many of you I didn’t even dare to do it Are you all rubbish Side concubines can’t blame them Commander Ye Qi is one of the prince’s direct secret guards In the army there is a rank All the guards in our palace are from the army According to the rules of the army They can’t speak well I don’t dare to make a move against the Yeqi Commander Otherwise, it will be disposed of They can’t afford it And the direct secret guard under the prince Long and sweet They are all elites who have been trained since childhood Long and sweet Even if you really do it Long and sweet It’s not the opponent of Ye Qi’s command Long and sweet The chief guard bowed his head Long and sweet I thought to myself Long and sweet This kind of backyard thing Long and sweet Whoever comes out is unlucky Long and sweet The prince is not here I can’t be used as a gun by the side concubine Anyway, there are little persimmons and Ye Qi in front of the long sweet If you don’t do it, you will be scolded by the side concubine at most, and the voice will be long and sweet But the hand is long, sweet Maybe it’s the acorns that are out of the woods that rot first The subordinates are incompetent and sweet Don’t dare to compete with Ye Qi’s commander Long Mantian Contrary to the order of the side concubine Niangniang, it is long and sweet The subordinates are willing to receive the punishment for the long sweetness Please concubine Niangniang to condemn the long sweet Xie Yurui was dumbfounded Xie Yurui was dumbfounded He never expected that there would be such a situation Long Man Sweet You useless shit, long and sweet Even the concubine’s order dared not to listen to Manmantian Are you going to rebel? Believe it or not, I let the prince cut your long sweetness The subordinates are incompetent and sweet Willing to receive punishment Long Man Sweet Looking at the guards kneeling on the ground, it was long and sweet Han Han laughed happily and sweetly You’re so good, so sweet It’s worthy of my father’s soldiers, and it’s so sweet and long You shouldn’t have listened to this woman’s orders You can rest assured that it will be sweet for a long time If he dares to do anything to you, it’s sweet I will definitely protect your long sweetness Definitely won’t let you have anything to do with Long Mantian The chief of the guard breathed a sigh of relief in his heart Thank you for the sweetness How dare you collude in front of me I’m going to gag you guys, it’s sweet I definitely have to tell the prince that it is long and sweet It’s all sweet and long You go, go as long as you go, it’s sweet You see if my father will listen to you two words of long sweetness The people under him are long and sweet 000000 If you don’t go, it’s sweet You’re Long Man Sweet Long and sweet Xie Yurui listened to it and was sweet Anger rushed to the top of his head, long and sweet Seeing this kind of scene is long and sweet Zhu Qingma’s face sank and was sweet began to doubt Xie Yurui’s status in the Yiwang Mansion It is rumored that she is the woman who has been favored by King Yi for many years Concubine Shu wanted to make her own son King Xiang the crown prince He saw it in Xie Yurui So condescended Woo Xie Yurui Hopefully, one day I can use this chess piece Zhu Qingma is an old employee of the harem In this woman She didn’t see any real rights It’s not even as good as the widow Shen Wan in front of her Momma Concubine Shu sent you out of the palace Specially came to Yiwangfu to find me What the hell is going on I don’t have time to waste here If you don’t say it again Don’t blame me for not saving face for Jinhua Palace Zhu Qingma was very annoyed in her heart I haven’t had time to speak Let’s go Ga! I saw Xie Yurui pinching the hairpin Stabbed at Xiao Lingyue and hummed Side concubine Niangniang Xie Yurui screamed in pain The two little ones were protected by Yeqi Stick out your little head At the same time, he showed an expression of amazement Why is this so painful? is obviously not Miss Shen’s opponent I also picked it up again and again Isn’t it enough to suffer a few times? I have to make some trouble for myself Maybe I don’t understand women’s minds At this time, Zhou Bo just finished his work and walked into the front hall What’s going on Side concubine Niangniang What’s wrong with you Zhou Zhou’s housekeeper is Shen Wan Shen Wan, he wanted to smack me You will do justice to me Avenge me Side concubine Niangniang Are you okay? Go get a doctor Xie Yurui hurt to the limit Before he could start the complaint, he fainted Uncle Zhou was shocked Come on a few people Send the side concubine back to the Liuli Pavilion Let the doctor take good care of it A few maids hurriedly walked over Lifting Xie Yurui with seven hands and eight feet Send the person back to the Liuli Pavilion The chief guard quietly walked to Zhou Bo’s side A quick recount of what had happened The side concubine is really Just got out yesterday That’s what happened today Why can’t he rest for a few more days? Who’s to say it isn’t Make potatoes, go down Zhou Bo could see it Xie Yurui has been picking on the side several times to find trouble Miss Shen had tolerated him enough So he walked towards Xiao Lingyue The county lord of Anping has frightened you It’s hard to talk about being frightened It’s just annoying Zhou Bo couldn’t help but smile bitterly Xie Yurui and Bi Jing are to be released by the prince He couldn’t say anything Zhou Bo looked at Zhuqing on the side This one is I am the grandmother next to the lady of Jinhua Palace Zhuqing was ordered by the noble concubine I came to the palace to deliver something to the lord of Anping County I don’t know what it is After the eyes, it was the birthday banquet of the lady concubine Niangniang specially set up a banquet in Jinhua Palace The banquet was attended by the princesses, wives and ladies of Beijing This is the invitation to the birthday party That’s why you have to see me today The concubine commanded Be sure to hand over the invitation to the county lord by hand If there is something offensive Please also peace Forgive the county lord Thank you for your kindness Unfortunately, it’s not a coincidence I’ve got something to do in two days I’m afraid I won’t have time to enter the palace for a banquet But the birthday gift will still be offered There are a lot of them I guess I won’t bother with my little county lord Is that right Xiao Lingyue’s words were polite and thoughtful The tone is cold though But I can’t fault it Mama Zhuqing’s face was slightly stiff I’m afraid the county lord doesn’t know Niangniang’s birthday banquet His Majesty will also be present in person I also heard that the county lord had the merit of saving the driver in Xiangguo Temple The mother was grateful I told Your Majesty early I want to meet the county lord in person Thank you in person to the county lord So It doesn’t matter what you give The county lord still went to the banquet in person to live up to the mother’s wishes Xiao Lingyue smiled playfully hahaha I’m afraid that my heart is ill-intentioned Even Emperor Zhaoming moved out Overt and covertly pressuring Looks like I have to go Zhu Qingma didn’t give him time to think about it Then he said The slave maid only came with the reply of the noble concubine Now the invitation has been delivered That’s all the slave says The rest of the county lords can think for themselves Concubine Shu is still in the palace Wait for the slave to go back to her life There will be no delay in the county lord’s time The slave and maid retired After saying that, he walked away Xiao Lingyue stood still and didn’t speak Miss Shen, you didn’t stop her I’m afraid that this invitation is not good It’s useless to stop it She even moved out of Her Majesty It’s clear that they won’t give me a chance to refuse It’s the same whether I stop it or not Is Miss Shen going? Mother, I look at this attitude very politely It’s like going to participate with my mother She certainly didn’t have any good intentions Mother’s still it It’s better not to go Yes, my mother and concubine Shu are not good people Uncle Huang told me before Ask me to stay away from Jinhua Palace Attending the birthday banquet this time is certainly not a good thing Mother must not go Just find a reason to refuse Xiao Lingyue looked at the worried looks of the two children I couldn’t help but laugh It’s not that simple Shu Guifei’s invitations were all sent If I don’t go I don’t know how much trouble there will be later Concubine Shu is not a temper that is willing to give up Since you have to go with me Then go for it I’m going to see what they can do Then I’ll go with my mother You two obediently stay in the palace Don’t run around Miss Shen if she plans to go to the birthday banquet Do you need the help of the old slave to prepare a congratulatory gift? Then it’s troublesome Uncle Zhou The old slave prepared first as usual If you want to attend a palace banquet Clothes and jewelry must be new Even if it doesn’t stand out Also keep the middle level What Grandpa Zhou said makes sense Then let’s go out and choose clothes for our mother’s relatives now Grandpa Zhou went with us Listen to Xiao Shizi Looking at the expectant eyes of the two little ones and Uncle Zhou with a smile on his face Xiao Lingyue was also embarrassed to refuse Half an hour later The carriage stopped at the door of the most luxurious embroidery room in the capital Luxury is not bad. The breath of the air came to the face It’s such a big one… yes Niang Kim.. What is the meaning It’s a lot of smashing, where it’s place Even air is expensive A middle-aged man hurried out with a maid See Zhou Bohou Immediately a smile on his face Distinguished guests The little ones are far away You are the Zhou steward of Yiwang’s Mansion You are Xie Dongjia of Xiuyi Fang Below How many of you, please Xie Dongjia personally led the way Greeted the group up to the third floor Huge embroidery room In addition to the maid embroidery lady who waits But there were no other guests Didn’t my mother say that the embroidery room business was very good? How come there is no one I learned that the distinguished guests of the Yi Palace’s mansion had arrived It’s so small that you dare to entertain other guests Naturally, the site was cleared early and prepared Today’s show clothes shop does not accept other guests You can choose a few slowly Any request can be made The small one will be satisfied with all its might Xie Dongjia is the county lord of Anping Next to it is Xiao Shizi The other is the young master of the Shen family Now and now It is specially for the county lord to choose a few ready-made new clothes some It’s now officially the beginning of the month The 12 new ready-to-wear sets have just been made I haven’t had time to show it to the public yet I don’t know what style of clothes the county lord likes The small one is recommended to you Bring them all Let Miss Shen take a break See if there’s anything you like Not much Several maids stretched out their dazzling clothes It is convenient for Xiao Lingyue to choose Finally, with the cooperation of the two sons 11 out of 12 dresses were ordered meanwhile There was a loud argument downstairs What did you say We do not accept guests today I’m all at the door You tell me this This lady I’m really sorry I don’t want you to apologize Get out of the way Do you know who I am? I’m Mrs. Dongyangbo Xiao Lingyue listened to the quarrel downstairs Curiously looked down I saw a noble lady with a group of people blocking the door of the store Non-stop I finally managed to spare time today I took my two daughters out to buy clothes Preparing for Concubine Shugui’s birthday If you continue to hold back Delayed my big event Believe it or not, my Dongyang Bofu said a word can make your embroidery workshop unable to mix in the capital When the time comes It’s useless for your boss to kneel and beg Mrs. Ben Don’t get the hell out of my way yet Madame is really sorry It’s not that we won’t let you in Instead, today’s show clothes shop has a VIP charter The proprietor specially ordered No one else is accepted I beg your pardon Is it the princess or the lady of the family If only my identity was not as good as mine Don’t blame Mrs. Ben for being polite to you The woman was obviously angry to the extreme She is dignified Mrs. Dongyangbo Jing was turned away by a small embroidery shop You must not be ridiculed by other ladies That’s when it happened Xiao Lingyue finished picking out her clothes Walked down the stairs with the child Where did the ugly monster come from? Dare to wrap the field of embroidery workshop It hurt Mrs. Ben to run away in vain Dressed so sloppily Isn’t it coming… Yes Xie Dongjia is just a businessman I can’t afford to offend such a powerful nobleman I can only apologize again and again This lady Below is the owner of the embroidery workshop The surname Xie Xiaodian is not well entertained Please don’t be angry Then he trained the shopkeeper next to the hall What are you doing? I didn’t know when I saw my wife coming Luggage is waiting actually dared to offend Mrs Have they all eaten the gall of the ambitious leopard I will be punished for half a year The maids were aggrieved Bow your head and dare not argue I said the owner It’s time for you guys to teach it well There are no rules at all Forget it if you offend me today If you offend Mrs. Hou, change the situation The princess or something You embroidery shop I don’t want to go down in the capital The mother was deflated They’re just people Why should you be angry with them? Be careful of getting angry I think the attitude of the owner is still good If the mother wants to be angry, she should be angry People who charter the venue What is there to worry about with these subordinates? These words undoubtedly reminded Mrs. Dongyangbo instantly aimed the finger at Xiao Lingyue Where did this hillbilly come from It’s too tattered A breath of poor acidity Did you buy clothes from the embroidery shop? This lady Please pay attention to your demeanor Don’t open your mouth so wide when you speak The backwater was almost spraying in my face Xiao Lingyue suddenly approached Mrs. Dongyangbo A whisper whispered in his ear I saw Mrs. Dongyang Bo trembling after hearing this Tears almost burst into my pupils Mother, are you alright? What he did to you Nothing, let’s go Mother just left it at that? This is not my mother’s usual personality The two daughters looked at him in amazement A look of disbelief Mrs. Dongyang Bo couldn’t explain it Just that moment For the first time, he experienced the horror of frequent deaths The woman actually thought. him Don’t talk about it Come with me Mrs. Dongyang ignored the resistance of her two daughters And pulled them out It’s like running away Who made this Mrs. Dongyang not look long To pick at this time to pop up Scared It is also well deserved When my mother is in a bad mood I like to play tricks on people like this That’s when it happened A man and a woman walked in front of the store Xiao Ling raised her eyebrows Smile What a coincidence I didn’t expect to meet Miss Shen here How did you end up here Are you here to buy clothes? The middle-aged woman’s gaze fell on Xiao Lingyue I saw the two children next to her and Uncle Zhou standing aside I guessed the identity of the other party in my heart I didn’t expect to meet the county lord here It’s a blessing Mrs. Zhenbei Hou has a fate It’s Chu Yuanqi’s mother again Xiao Lingyue took the initiative to step forward very politely Mrs. Hou is reasonable The county lord doesn’t have to be so polite Although we are meeting for the first time But I’ve heard a lot about the deeds of the county lord It’s been a stranger for a long time That being the case Madame just called me Shen Wan I am also acquaintances with the little marquis In front of the lady is the junior There is no need to call the county lord so polite Okay, then you’re welcome Today is also idle I asked Yuan Qi to accompany me out for a walk I happened to pass by the embroidery workshop So I came in and had a look Miss Shen has already finished buying and is ready to go back? Buying is buying out But the two of them still want to go shopping on the streets We’re getting ready to go I think Xiao Shizi seems to be looking forward to it I won’t delay you Miss Shen can do it herself We’ll talk about it next time we have a chance Okay, thank you, ma’am Then we’ll take our leave Chu Yuanqi on the side never interjected The expression was a little stunned Yuan Qi came back to his senses Everyone is far away, don’t look at it Mother, what do you say? I’m not looking at Miss Shen I’m just a mother I didn’t say who you were looking at Are you not self-defeating? Mother, can you not speak Mrs. Chu looked at him with a smile The eyes are soft and inclusive Your life’s work Daddy didn’t interfere If you really think about Shen Wan in your heart Then be bold and chase it Manly husband Don’t look ahead or backward in everything you do Success or failure You have to do it so that you don’t regret it, understand? Chu Yuanqi looked at his mother’s gentle and encouraging eyes Suddenly there was a feeling of emotion and heat in my heart Thank you, mother Then I went My mother finished shopping Get home early Stay safe Why didn’t Madame let it Why did you really let the young master go Why not let it Although it is not clear what the county lord of Anping will do But I know my son d is not as good as sparse Let him be Shen Wan: So you’re here I’ve been looking for you for a long time Xiao Lingyue turned around when she heard this I couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment The little marquis has something to do with me Didn’t this little marquis have already walked over just now? How did it come back again Could it be that he really came for Miss Shen? Is there anything urgent about the little marquis? The old slave was offended Miss Shen today It’s rare to take Xiao Shizi and Xiao Gongzi out for a walk If it’s nothing important The old slave didn’t want anyone to disturb him either Zhou Bo’s words were polite and euphemistic But Chu Yuanqi got to the point all of a sudden Aren’t you happy living in King Yi’s Mansion? Someone is embarrassing you Why do you have to make a special trip to relax I didn’t stay in the house all the time Somewhat boring Take advantage of the good weather today Take the two kids out for a walk What about you, little marquis Why didn’t you come out alone with Mrs. Chu I have something to tell you What’s the matter I’m afraid it’s inconvenient here Can you borrow a step to speak? Han Han suddenly remembered something stepped forward to interrupt him I remember You’re the last time you stopped your mother The person who said he was going to get out of the marriage You just remembered Didn’t my mother divorce you? Why did you find the door again What the hell are you looking for my mother? Can’t say it here Chu Yuanqi was speechless when asked Uncle Zhou on the side only felt that Xiao Shizi did a good job Little Marquis Miss Shen now lives in Yiwang’s Mansion If it doesn’t matter You can visit us next time I do have something to tell you It’s about Concubine Shu’s birthday banquet You’ve received an invitation, too Xiao Lingyue was silent for a moment Chu Yuanqi seemed to know something I wanted to tell him privately So he instructed Zhou Bo to take care of the two children first He talked to Chu Yuanqi alone Han Han looked back frequently as he walked With little ears pricked up and a vigilant face Can you walk well Don’t look around Aren’t you curious? He is obviously with his mother After retiring from the marriage, I came to find my mother What the hell matters And the mystery of God does not tell us Estimates are not important Even if you have a mother, you can handle it What are you worried about I don’t like that little marquis I don’t like him walking with his mother You’re afraid that he will snatch away his mother’s parents How do you know everything It’s normal for you to worry about this After all, my mother’s in-laws are excellent and beautiful It’s so powerful More than that, there are people who want to marry her It’s not just your dad who is a north How can you speak for others I’m telling the truth You don’t think that your mother lives in Yiwang’s Mansion now I will definitely marry your father in the future Isn’t it? Although my mother now lives in Yiwang’s Mansion But this is only temporary There is no shortage of people to chase after my mother I don’t have to marry your father You’d better be mentally prepared in advance Wait until the mother is going to leave one day You are not allowed to stop him by crying Did you hear that? My mother won’t leave I disagree Whether to leave or not is my mother’s own decision You are not in a position to interfere You’re just using… Mother Do you want to learn from him too? What means Beibei couldn’t explain it to him Dan is going to explain this You have to be honest about your life experience first What to do if you disrupt your mother’s plan My mother is still single The little marquis looked for him No matter what it is You and your daddy can’t take care of it Even if the mother falls in love with other men in the future Go with him You and your dad are not qualified to stop you So there’s no need to worry about it at all Beibei, do you really want your mother to run away with others? For me If your mother wants to marry, she will marry Anyway, my mother doesn’t care where she goes Definitely won’t leave me behind I just want to be with my mother After all I’m my mother’s own child Beibei continued to walk forward proudly Han Han stood in place Red circles under the eyes Concubine Shugui’s two sons and one daughter His Royal Highness King Xiang and the Thirteen Dukes The Lord is not yet married That’s why I thought about it in the name of my birthday Bring together the sons and ladies of all families in Beijing Daughters-in-law and future sons-in-law are selected from them Put it this way You are also among the candidates for Shu Guifei’s son-in-law Can you not say it so bluntly? Oh sorry I’ll be a tactful next time Do you want me to be picked by Concubine Shu? Shouldn’t the little marquis ask yourself this question? Anyway, listen to my mother Concubine Shu’s birthday banquet this time is only afraid of causing trouble Can you not wade into this muddy water? It’s great if you have to go Be careful, too Don’t get caught up in any trouble Deep Palace Not only is it not much There are many things, too Xiao Lingyue understood him I know what it means Thank you, little marquis, for the reminder You came to me on purpose Is that just to talk about it? No, I am, I am Chu Yuanqi’s words of courage were not finished I saw Han Han running over with teary eyes What’s wrong with Han Han Beibei said that my mother doesn’t want me in the future She also said that my mother didn’t like my father In the future, I will run away with other men Leave me alone in the palace You’re arguing with Beibei again How could my mother leave you? Will my mother marry my father in the future? Chu Yuanqi’s face changed slightly couldn’t help but turn his head to look at Shen Wanhan It is impossible to say what will happen in the future You ask me now I don’t know Why don’t you know You’ll understand when you grow up You’re young There is no need to think about this kind of problem So my mother won’t leave me That mother will marry another man in the future Do you have another child? Han Han asked very heartily It’s another man It is clear that it does not include the father No Han Han got the answer he wanted Grin looked at Chu Yuanqi proudly You hear me My mother said she wouldn’t marry another man Chu Yuanqi suddenly understood something Xiao Shizi, the question you just asked me was for me That’s right So don’t pester my mother He’s definitely going to marry my dad in the future Even if you don’t marry my daddy My mother will not marry another man Only me and Beibei can call him mother Xiao Shizi You may be mistaken I didn’t pester Shen Wan Men and women do not kiss each other You and my mother have already divorced It doesn’t matter now And I’ve only seen mortal times Not cooked at all So you can’t just call me by my mother’s name It’s not good for others to hear it The little prince should also pay attention to his own name He has nothing to do with your daddy It’s just borrowing In King Yi’s mansion You just shouted one by one Wouldn’t he have ruined his reputation even more? Han Han was speechless by what he said Tears are falling down He always knew it in his heart He is not his mother’s biological child North North is Han Han, don’t cry It’s not what he says it is Little Waiter, what you said was too much How old is Han Hancai What are you talking to him like that? Did I say something wrong? Shen Wan, I know you have a son So I am soft-hearted with my children The identity of the lion cub is here He calls you a mother It doesn’t matter if it’s nonsense or serious will cause you a lot of trouble Don’t you know Enough is enough, I know what I want to do I don’t need someone else to make decisions for me Shen Wan: I have no ill intentions I’m just those words you just said to Han Han Not what you should say The relationship between me and Han Han doesn’t need you to interfere He’s willing to call me a mother I am very happy Would also be happy to do so In my eyes His status is the same as that of Beibei I’m willing to spoil them That’s my business too So I’ll just say this once Don’t do it in front of me again Say these words to Han Han Don’t be angry I just said it too much I thought it was just telling the truth I didn’t expect Xiao Shizi to cry I’m not going to make decisions for you Although what you just said makes me a little upset But not to the point of getting angry Xiao Lingyue turned around and wanted to leave Chu Yuanqi suddenly stretched out his hand to grab him Zhan North Korea has just returned from the barracks I saw Xiao Lingyue and Chu Yuanqi pulling on the street It looks very intimate Wait for Shen Wan I have something to tell you What are you talking about Chu Yuanqi’s fingers shrank unconsciously The roots of his ears turned red How did you end up here Daddy, he bullied me How did he bully you He said that I have nothing to do with my mother It doesn’t matter if you say that your mother and your father are okay So I can’t call him mother-in-law It will cause trouble for the mother What are you doing with this king’s son? Little Hou Ye, he didn’t mean to bully Han Han And he has already apologized It’s not a big deal It’s just a little misunderstanding Han Han and Chu Yuanqi You have to protect him Hey, I didn’t mean to protect anyone It’s just a little bit of a quarrel Chu Yuanqi had already said it just now You didn’t hear me Xiao Lingyue didn’t want to quarrel with North Korea I don’t want to make a fuss for others to see Chu Yuanqi, you go first Did the king let him go? Xiao Lingyue ignored him A reassuring smile at Chu Yuanqi It’s okay You go first We’ll talk about it next time Chu Yuanqi realized that he would stay any longer I’m afraid it’s going to be worse In the end, he didn’t say anything Turned around and hurried away When did you come This king cannot come What were you and Chu Yuanqi talking about just now He made Han Han cry You just let him go Then what am I going to do? Beat him up in the street Uncle Zhou, who had already gone far With Beibei and turned back Zhou Bo sensed that the atmosphere was wrong Seems to have guessed something Didn’t Xiao Shizi want to pinch the clay figurine? The old slave is in front Found a nice clay figure stand Miss Shen should you take them to see it? Okay, mother What’s wrong I don’t want clay figurines anymore Let’s go home a little tired Han Han said he was tired Does Beibei want to buy clay figurines or do you want to go back Let’s go back The shopping trip came to an end in the summer The group went home Beibei was the only one left in the room Did something happen to my mother on the street just now? Why did Han Han cry Xiao Lingyue sighed lightly Let’s talk about it briefly It wasn’t a big deal I didn’t expect Han Han to care so much He looked sad I can’t beat Chu Yuanqi to make him angry So that’s it Beibei, you are the same age as Han Han You can help me analyze it Han Han: What’s wrong Beibei’s eyes flickered There was a weak expression on the little face Maybe it’s because of me Why because before this I told Hanhan My mother may not necessarily marry him in the future Daddy won’t necessarily stay in King Yi’s Mansion either When the time comes, my mother will definitely take me away But he’s different I have no ill intentions Just kidding him scared Han Han a little No wonder Han Han asked me as soon as he ran over Will she be left behind in the future North Han Han doesn’t know his life experience, forget it But you know Why make such jokes It was Han Han who said it first He felt that his mother would definitely marry his father in the future That’s why I hate other men Are you close to your mother? Still pulling me to find a way I don’t like alien kings I don’t want my mother to marry him Han Han didn’t know anything and said that I’m a little angry That’s why it scared him Xiao Lingyue understood These two children It was a disagreement over the choice of fathers Okay, mother, I know you don’t mean anything But have you ever thought about it Han Han, he has never known his life experience He would like his mother to stay in King Yi’s Mansion It’s not that he’s on his father’s side I just hope that my mother still has Beibei You can just stay with him I know it’s the North bullying this time See Hanhan later Remember to apologize You know I’ll do it Mother It would have been nice if they had taken me and Han Han away back then Then we are the mother and son I’m afraid I’m going to be caught by your father None of them can escape It’s all Han Han’s father’s fault I hate him Xiao Lingyue smiled helplessly meanwhile Han Han ran all the way to the desk The little hand slapped heavily on the table Daddy, I have something I want to tell you Say whatever you want Will you marry your mother? pander to Who told you to ask your mother It’s not something I want to ask You don’t have to worry about this kind of thing While playing Dad, you are as eccentric as your mother I don’t know anything that Beibei knows You’re all hiding it from me None of them told me Beibei is smarter than you He wouldn’t have come to ask the king such a stupid question Of course, Beibei will not ask this He wishes his mother wouldn’t marry you Will Daddy marry his mother in the end? Really, when are you going to get married? It is this king who will be married What are you so excited about Beibei told me today There is no shortage of people to chase after my mother More than that, there are people who want to marry her And Daddy, you are a little more handsome It’s a prince Bad temper and bad temper Bad character I often quarrel with my mother Not gentle and considerate at all Zhan Jingrui, you want to.. It’s now You see That’s it Threats at every turn Fierce It’s not pleasing to your mother So Daddy, if you don’t work hard Seize the opportunity to marry your mother home The mother is about to run away with the man outside I won’t marry you anymore If my mother runs away I’ll go with him and Beibei Leave Daddy You live alone in the palace The people who even have a warm bed at night are not particularly miserable Who told you the word "warm bed". My mother told me Beibei was unwell before Sleep cold at night I’m afraid she’ll freeze Every day. o00000 My mother laughed at me, I was for Beibei’s warm quilt Zhan Beihan stretched out his hand to support his forehead I took a slow breath Realize that you are talking to a small child She really shouldn’t have thought too much What do you mean This king will marry your mother home Someone warms the bed King Xingben remembered this I’ll tell your mother when I turn around Daddy, you are Not playing any bad idea This king just has a bad idea What can you do I’ll go to my mother’s house to file a complaint You go, you said you were going to sue If this king does not do something It doesn’t seem to make sense Zhan Beihan unceremoniously will.. Press on the table Raise your hand and smack it twice on his Stinky daddy hit so hard Han Han covered it limped out of the door Xiao Shizi, are you alright? It hurts and I can’t walk Take me to my mother’s yard Don’t let him walk by himself In the end, Han Han was still pitifully dragging it With tears in his eyes, he walked back to the guest house It hurts so much for my mother and father to bully me Han What happened to you Did he hit you, where did it hurt Daddy is too much I’m telling the truth He also beat me I heard me say that I want to sue my mother He hit harder After the fight, the guards were not allowed to send me back I had to go on my own My mother hurts so much Han Han obediently don’t move My mother will give you some medicine Soon it doesn’t hurt anymore Xiao Lingyue took it quickly Here comes a cool and pain-relieving ointment Just put the little guy on the pharmacy door, there was a knock on it Who is the county lord of Anping The subordinate is the order of the prince Send something to the lion cub Could it be that it occupies the conscience of the northern cold I found out that I knew I had hit I sent medicine to Han Han Mother, I’ll open the door The guard stood in the doorway Holding a tray in his hand Little master This is something for Han Han There is a book on the tray Incense rice paper One cartridge A brush A king sent these for what to do The prince has an order The little waiter is grounded from today Punish filial piety three times Han Han, who was lying on the soft couch Immediately jumped up I don’t want to copy books Than Han Han’s most hated punishment is literary punishment When I see the words in the book, I can’t wait to circle my eyes Daddy spanked me and into my people Shut me up in my room and copy books He’s really too good The prince also said If the little lion refuses to copy obediently Let your subordinates take you back to your own yard When will it be finished When will it come out again Since Xiao Lingyue and Beibei moved into the guest house Han Han never went back to live in his yard Why did King Yi suddenly ask Han Han to copy the Book of Filial Piety The prince said that the prince was very disrespectful to him The Son against the Father It is for unfilial piety Therefore, let the prince copy the filial piety scripture three times Learn the rules of the school I don’t copy Daddy’s big He’ll bully people Han Han, you tell the truth What the hell did you do to your daddy Mother doesn’t blame you Mother North North You believe me I just went to talk to my dad Didn’t hit him and didn’t get angry with him He was the one who started to whip me Obviously he was bullying me You all doubt me Xiao Shizi, you want to stay here and copy books I still want to go back to myself The yard is grounded Copy the book by the way The prince said The choice is yours I don’t copy it, I don’t choose any of them Mother, help me Help me, aha Xiao Lingyue was very helpless North Korea has to discipline its own sons In his current capacity There is no stand at all to stand in the way And it’s just a copy of the book And it’s not a harsh punishment Han Han’s filial piety is not thick Three times it was done quickly Don’t go toe-to-toe with your daddy Be nice Stuff stays here Go back and get back to your life will watch Hanhan let him finish copying Then there is the old Shen girl The subordinates retired Beibei will also practice calligraphy when he has time Is it okay for the two of you to write together For your father’s sake I can copy it with you All right The next two days Neither of the little ones went out again Honestly stay in the house and copy books In the blink of an eye, Concubine Shu’s birthday banquet fell Xiao Lingyue was woken up by Zhou Bo early in the morning Although this birthday banquet was held in Ganquan Palace But in the end, it’s not far from the harem In order to facilitate the entry and exit of male soldiers The original dinner party was changed to a luncheon In the afternoon, there will be a garden party and poetry dances It will probably end before the key to the palace gate is dark You estimate when the banquet will end Just send a carriage over (I’ll come out early.) Good The side concubine Niangniang’s side has almost prepared The old slave arranged two carriages We’ll set off later I know Can’t my mother take me with me? I want to go too Your father gave the order You’re going to have to be grounded until you’re done There’s a guard guarding the courtyard outside My mother can fly me out No, no I’m afraid I’ll be shot down by your father with a bow and arrow in the middle of the flight The two of them are finished together Don’t be coquettish If my mother says no, it won’t work Copy your book honestly Xiao Lingyue didn’t have time to stay longer Follow Uncle Zhou out In the verandah on the other side The two figures walked side by side happened to meet Xiao Lingyue and Zhou Bo head-on Xie Yurui will be next to Zhan Beihan A fake smile on his face Shouting, isn’t this the county lord of Anping? What a coincidence, you’re also out at this time It’s quite a coincidence Xiao Lingyue wore a veil Cover your face It’s obviously an ugly monster But he has a pair of stunning and beautiful eyes I almost forgot The county lord also received an invitation from the concubine I want to enter the palace for a banquet But the county lord is dressed like this It doesn’t have to be a bit overwhelming The sauce is better than the fish Are you talking about yourself? Look at him, lord I’m just a kind reminder The county lord seems to be hostile to me Zhan Beihan was absent-minded His eyes fell on Xiao Lingyue from beginning to end You dressed up like this and went to the palace for a feast What’s wrong with that I went to change it and washed my face Why? I want to replace it for any reason Just wear your usual clothes No need to dress up Well, His Royal Highness King Yi Do you know how much time you waste dressing up? I’m ready to go out Say this again Whoever is late for the banquet later If you are late, you will retreat What’s the big deal Zhou Bo, you take her there What clothes do I wear What to do to dress up It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with His Royal Highness King Yi If you really want to care Take care of the side concubines around you The body is all attached to each other I’m embarrassed to care what I wear Xiao Lingyue saw Xie Yurui snuggling up to Zhan Beihan’s side Inexplicably, a nameless fire ignited Turn around and walk towards the gate of the courtyard Lord, look at him There are really no rules at all Shut up, you’ve smeared something on you Stinks to death, stay away from this king Zhan Beihan pinched his nose and took a step back Xie Yurui froze in place Aggrieved eyes with tears Lord Wang, I have the smell of incense on my body It doesn’t stink Didn’t the prince like this kind of incense the most before I made it up for purpose Zhan Beihan ignored him again Striding towards the door Two identical carriages were parked at the door The coachman waited for a long time I’ve seen the prince Well, Xiao Lingyue heard the movement Firmly grasp the carriage door with both hands Zhan Beihan because of Xiao Lingyue’s rare childish move There is no intention of breaking in Patiently, he bent his fingers and knocked on the car door It is the king who opens the door Xiao Lingyue didn’t want him to get into the carriage I held it tighter Shen Wan opened the door I don’t want this king to tear down the car door Just hurry up and open the door Sudden thud The closed door was forced open Xiao Lingyue’s body was uncontrollable Throw yourself forward Crashed directly into the man’s arms Let you open the door No, I can’t wait to throw myself into my arms now A dagger fell from him It landed right at his feet The cold light was blinding Also with a dagger This is ready to pounce on the king Xiao Lingyue’s eyes were red The tip of the nose is also red Tears are falling down Zhan Beihan reached out and wiped the tail of his eyes What are you crying about This king doesn’t blame you Who cried that I was hit by you Hit the nose Don’t touch me Zhan Beihan looked at his pitiful and unlucky appearance Twilight laughed Ha ha You deserve it Keep you open the door Now it’s suffering, is it painful? Whether it hurts or not, you don’t know if you feel it yourself Caught off guard Xiao Lingyue slapped unceremoniously Bump into the tip of his nose Zhan Beihan covered his nose Uncontrollably physiological tears welled up in his eyes How it feels It’s a pity that it hurts If only I had been more ruthless The fist smashes your nose flat His Royal Highness King Yi probably doesn’t have time to laugh at people How can you hold a grudge like this You knocked it out on your own If you don’t pull on the door Will I crash out If you’re willing to open the door Can this king need to be dragged on? This is the carriage that Zhou Bo arranged for me I don’t want to open the door what’s wrong Besides, isn’t there another one next to it? You’re going to have to get in my car, aren’t you? This is the carriage of King Yi’s mansion This king wants to get on which car Xie Yurui saw that the two were so close The extreme resentment in his eyes could almost overflow It’s only been a short time The fork began to be a prince In public, he dared to throw himself into his arms What a prince, huh This carriage is given to you You sit with him I’m going to get in another one Shen Wan, you stop for this king Xiao Lingyue didn’t stop Walked faster It’s like there’s a flood beast behind it Avoid it Look, Lord Wang According to Ping, the county lord has already gotten into the car Let’s not delay Hurry up and get in the car The two carriages drove one after the other Drive in the direction of the Royal Palace Today is Concubine Shu’s birthday I heard that many men and women have arrived It’s a big scene I’ve been preparing since I received the invitation Thinking about it must be well-dressed can’t lose the face of the prince and a king’s mansion How can there be male guests at the banquet in the harem of male guests Don’t you know, lord When was this What he wanted to do I heard that the concubine Niangniang intended to be at the banquet Choose a lover for King Xiao and the Thirteen Princesses The daughters of the sons who are ranked number one in the capital have been invited The banquet must be very lively If the prince is free Why don’t you come with me to congratulate my mother on her birthday? The mother must be very happy Let this king go to celebrate his birthday He is worthy of you Even if you show up After all, the concubine is shut Roll off the dots Can’t you smell anything on your own body? I want to smoke this king Lord Wang One more thing Get out of here for this king There was finally silence in the carriage Occupy North Korean fingers fidgety knocking Hit the knee A good birthday feast It became an alternative blind date banquet It’s Xiao Lingyue’s invitation Or is he going to come and give it to him Today’s palace gate is particularly lively Horse-drawn carriages lined up one after another Neatly lined up in front of the palace gate Even the guards on duty were twice as many as usual All the ladies of the noble families who entered the palace for the banquet Daughters and sons They were all brought into the palace by the palace maids and eunuchs Isn’t that the carriage of King Yi’s mansion? I heard that the side concubine was also invited Haha, she didn’t participate in it It’s obviously a side concubine The concubine’s room that is not allowed on the table But there is a princess every day Equal to us ladies in the main room Is Who’s to say it isn’t I heard that Concubine Shugui likes her a lot often summons her into the palace to speak Give her a big face That’s to give her face It is clearly to give His Royal Highness King Yi face This woman Marrying the right talent is the most important thing The wife is rich and poor Who cares what her background is Look at the people It’s not just a sparrow rolling in the mud Did you fly on the branches and become a phoenix? Xie Yurui recognized several of them at a glance I remember that they had laughed at him behind his back before The banquet officially opened Xiao Lingyue sat quietly in her seat Suddenly, the palace maid beside her Sprinkle a bowl of sweet soup all over his clothes It was soaking wet in no time The county lord forgives sins The slave and the maid do not have a heart The palace maid’s eyes were red with fright At this time, a long-term maid hurriedly walked over Lord of Anping County I’m sorry It was the slave who did not manage his men well Frightened you It’s okay, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to wear this dress If the county lord doesn’t mind The slave can find you clean clothes Replace it first Wait until your clothes are washed and you can change them back What does the county lord think Okay, no more Good way Thank you for your understanding Please come with the slave maid Xiao Lingyue followed behind the palace maid in charge Walk towards the side hall in the depths of Ganquan Palace Look at your surroundings I found that the more I went, the more I went off Xiao Lingyue couldn’t help but be a little curious Later, we will arrive at the side hall What exciting drama awaits him The clothes you want are here, the county lord Do you need a slave to change your clothes? No need I’ll bring it myself Go down first The palace maid in charge took the people and stepped back There was the sound of chains outside the door Doors and windows were locked from the outside The entire side hall became a cage of secret rooms It’s interesting I thought I would do things on my clothes I didn’t expect that there was a problem with this side hall Do you want to trap me? What is their purpose Xiao Lingyue changed her clothes A small packet of white stuff dropped Open it and take a look Inside is some pink powder It has a pungent and strange aroma Again, this is the kind of means That’s when it happened There was a burst of boos outside the store Xiao Lingyue’s figure jumped up Silently fell onto the roof I saw three palace maids Holding a young girl who is unconscious The ghost is coming this way in reverence meanwhile A man dressed as a servant He’s hiding in the bushes and probing his brain Suddenly, I heard the wind sounding wrong The man instinctively turned his head to look Who are you What do you want to do here A remote palace that has not been inhabited for a long time in the inner courtyard of the deep palace Suddenly, a veiled woman appeared The man’s face turned pale with fright You, where did you come from? Is it a human or a ghost Answer my words Female incense Spare your life I said I said I’ll say everything Who are you I’m just a nobody Nobodies who can appear in the palace out of thin air Then you’re really capable It’s wings Or will it go through the wall Don’t be honest anymore I’ll put you third Leg chopped off aha Don’t be honest anymore I’ll chop off your third leg What is the third leg Xiao Jinyue looked at him three inches below his lower abdomen The man suddenly felt a chill in his trouser pocket I, I, I, I said my name is Hu Hongzhi I am from the Hu family You can’t do that to me Hu Hongzhi, Hu Hongwei, what are you? He’s my cousin Hu Hongwei is the heir of the Hu family Concubine Shu’s own nephew Since you are a member of the Hu family When I entered the palace, I didn’t go to celebrate Concubine Shugui’s birthday Ghosts and ghosts are hiding here to do what they do Someone told me to hide here Said that he would let me marry a good daughter-in-law What does this have to do with your wife? I don’t have a good reputation in the capital Girls from good backgrounds don’t look down on me Someone told me to hide here today When I got the signal, I went into the house and said Said a good girl would be waiting for me in the house As long as I follow her That.. Raw rice is cooked into rice She’s going to have to marry me Who do you mean by this good girl? In order to save the third leg Hu Hongzhi broke the jar and said it It’s the Eight Princesses Hu Hongzhi’s target turned out not to be her It’s the Eight Princesses Xiao Lingyue looked shocked Who told you to do that? And who arranged it for you Eight princesses, what are your specific plans? I’ve already said the plan That person arranged for me to enter the palace Let me hide here When the signal is received, go into the house It’s all over the place I don’t know anything else If I tell you who that person is Can you put the top down? We’ve got something to say Who told you well Do you see the dry well next to it? Rather, you threw it into the well Guess if anyone knows I did it Don’t say I’m the county lord of Anping He has a grudge against the eighth princess Let me ruin the Eight Princesses The constitution has a head and a debtor If you want to find him, go to him I’m just a poor person who gets taken advantage of Xiao Jinyue has never been so speechless in her life Angry laughed hahaha You repeat I’m all about it I can be on the sky The person who instructed me was the county lord of Anping Why did the Eight Princesses choose? She is a royal princess If there was a scandal at Concubine Shugui’s birthday banquet It is sure to cause an uproar When the time comes, check it layer by layer You can’t count it either Xiao Jinyue suddenly understood Trapped in a side hall There is also an unknown medicinal powder hidden on his body Two pieces of conclusive evidence and then cooperate with Hu Hongzhi’s identification This black cauldron can’t be washed even if it jumps into the Yellow River I don’t know I’m just a hell of a ghost Being taken advantage of… Come here I don’t know why I chose the Eighth Princess Lie and never tell the truth I’ll ruin all your limbs Do you want to try the taste of crawling on the ground for the rest of your life? Someone sent me a letter Ask me to meet at the teahouse I didn’t see anyone after I went The man had been hiding behind the screen All I know is a woman She also showed me a portrait of the county lord of Anping Let me remember that face It is convenient to identify when the time comes That woman had the waist card of Quanhua Palace on her It’s someone sent by the concubine I didn’t dare not listen It’s just a waist card and a bag How can you be sure that it is someone sent by Concubine Shugui In case someone has taken advantage of the waist card I want to marry Jinhua Palace I’ve seen that waist tag It is only the close person of the concubine Niangniang It’s impossible for outsiders to get it So it must be I can swear to God I’m definitely not lying At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from a distance Hu Hongzhi’s eyes lit up Zhang Hui wanted to shout for help Xiao Lingyue stabbed him to the throat I’ll let you talk later If you dare to make any movement again (I hit you right away.) Hu Hongzhi was frightened The body shuddered Hurriedly nodded Xiao Mingyue took a closer look The girl who was held by two palace maids was indeed the eighth princess Something is clearly wrong I don’t know if I was drunk or drugged Apparently unconscious Hu Gongzi, you can come out Respond to him, don’t let him find anything unusual Hu Gongzi, you are here Hurry up and get out Hu Hongzhi did not dare to disobey Xiao Heyue I’m afraid that he will come in directly with a knife Difficult to move the body Heads peeked out of the bushes Hu Gongzi, it turns out that you are here Don’t come here Just standing there Hu Gongzi, what’s wrong with you I’m fine Half-human tall bushes perfectly concealed Xiao Heyue’s figure The palace maid didn’t notice anything unusual Hu Gongzi has already been sent to the house Don’t waste time Hurry up and get inside I know you go What else did the palace maid want to say Hu Hongzhi was already impatient Let you go This son’s business You’re still going to have to keep an eye on it The maid did not speak again Turn around and go back to life Wu Hongzhi breathed a sigh of relief Hurriedly turned his head to speak Xiao Jinyue took out a handkerchief Gagged him Be quiet Until the footsteps of several palace maids disappeared After the surroundings became quiet He breathed a sigh of relief At this time, there was a sudden knock around him I saw Hu Hongzhi’s eyes closed Fell to the ground silently Quack Xiao Mingyue reached out and tried her breath It’s not out of breath yet Feel the carotid artery in the neck again The speed of the heartbeat becomes slow It was as if he had fallen into a deep coma It’s strange I didn’t knock him out How suddenly Could it be this handkerchief? Before at the banquet The lady had to toast me I took the opportunity to make a whole glass of wine They all fell on the handkerchief of their palms That glass of wine contains… of medications No wonder they were so relieved to lock me up in an empty room It turned out to be a two-handed preparation Xiao Jinyue hid the eighth princess in the rockery in the garden Picked up her white hosta again Slipped out the back door quietly A group of forbidden troops approached What kind of people worship the vote Xiao Mingyue didn’t hide it Walk out quickly Lord of Anping County You know I’ll reply The county lord is a centurion under Deputy Commander Zhao Yi I was fortunate enough to meet the county lord at Xiangguo Temple before Zhao Yi’s subordinates It must be someone from Emperor Zhaoming’s side In other words, someone you can trust Is it convenient to borrow a step to speak? Xiao Jinyue took out the Wang policeman and handed it to him I have something important to convey to Concubine Wen Please appoint someone you can trust Send this police stick to the Wenxiu Palace It was handed over to Concubine Wen Let’s just say that I am waiting for him after the Ganquan Palace The stakes are high It must be handed over to Concubine Wen She will understand when she sees it Concubine Wen’s reaction speed was faster than Xiao Heyue imagined It’s been less than half an hour A palace maid came to the back door with her head down Look left and right Xiao Mingyue saw the waist card on the palace maid That’s when he walked out Here, may I ask if you are the county lord of Anping? The slave maid came at the order of Concubine Wen Dare to ask the county lord of Anping How could Her Royal Highness the Eighth Princess’s Jade Police be in your hands Concubine Wen didn’t come? Niangniang has already arrived to ask to congratulate the concubine Niangniang on her birthday Xiao Jinyue lowered her voice quickly told me about the situation of entering the princess After hearing this, the palace maid was shocked and supervised The princess is now in the mail I hid her in the garden rockery of the side hall It’s safe for now The situation of the eighth princess is not very good You’d better figure it out Take him to the Wenxiu Palace Don’t alarm the other There are people from Wenxiu Palace to take over Xiao Jinyue put the eighth princess as a hot hand Sent out The whole person felt that the party was relaxed Next It’s time to find out who is behind the scenes Why is Concubine Wen so free today I came here to congratulate Hongu on his birthday Hongu received a congratulatory gift from you before I thought you weren’t coming The concubine’s birthday is such a big happy event Naturally, I had to come here in person It’s just a little late Please don’t be surprised Concubine Wen saw that King Xiang, King Cheng and others were there Several princesses who came to celebrate their birthdays were also there But he didn’t see his daughter At this time, the thirteenth princess suddenly walked in front of Concubine Wen Look left and right Where did Concubine Wen’s eighth sister go? Did you see her? Why did you suddenly ask about your eighth sister It only suddenly occurred to me when I saw you It’s weird I just saw him healing at a banquet I still want to talk to Sister Eight As a result, he disappeared in the blink of an eye Concubine Wenwu has arrived He didn’t come out Where have you gone? 13. The princess has always been at odds with the eighth princess I want to rob her fiancé Now I suddenly asked Concubine Wen I’m afraid that the person who comes is not good The eighth sister has always been filial and courteous The power of the giant to come to the 7 banquet There is no reason to see his mother coming He who has not yet come out to pay his respects 253 Maybe it’s just the temple of the palace 23821 She went out to breathe 2382 If you want to see you The eighth sister sent someone to look around 256 Concubine Wen has just arrived 23821 What’s the use of you asking her Mother, I’ll send someone to look for it nearby No need to look for it Speak rashly I also ask the concubine and Concubine Wen to forgive their sins Isn’t this the county lord of Anping? Not seen for a while The county lord is good There is Concubine Lao Wen’s mother to remember All is well Concubine Wen immediately understood what he meant The heart that was carrying it suddenly fell Not to feel like Atlas any longer Just now, the county lord of Anping said no Do you know where Hachi went? Concubine Wen doesn’t have to worry I just went out to breathe I happened to meet the eighth princess Chat with him for a few words Shen Wan, why are you here Shouldn’t I be here Didn’t this woman drink that wine? How can you still stand here in a good manner Just drank two more glasses of wine The door of the temple was in a hurry So I went out for a walk3.4 When I walked back, I heard that the Thirteenth Duke was looking for the eighth princess That’s when he spoke I don’t know that the thirteenth princess is in a hurry to find someone Is there something going on? You talk nonsense You said you just met the Eighth Princess Impossible, why impossible I’ve seen the Eighth Princess with my own eyes The thirteenth princess must be too sure Xiao Jinyue’s sentences were very fast The thirteenth princess was led astray by his tone Speech is becoming more and more thoughtless The county lord of Anping is in front of the palace and the princess is on the pen Who gave you the guts It was Anping who was offended Don’t think you’ve made the county lord and the righteous king will protect you The words are not finished yet The screams of the palace maids came from outside the hall Come on, people, there are assassins The Praetorian Army dragged the disheveled man in The unmarried cadres hurriedly covered their eyes This is the Assassin you caught It’s ridiculous When the concubine Mingjian and the others heard the screams, they arrived and saw this man lying naked in the garden of Ganquan Palace frightened the palace maid who passed by After being taken down by the lowly ranks Trousers were put on him The man appeared in the palace in rags also disturbed the birthday banquet of the concubine That’s a lot of guts But it doesn’t look like he’s here to assassinate Have you already interrogated you? What kind of person is he? What to do Hui Niangniang’s name is Hu Hongzhi The son of the 4th room of the Hu family Hu Hongzhi looked up and saw Concubine Shu Crying tears and snot flowed all the time It’s your aunt Help, they’re going to beat my aunt, save me Xiao Mingyue was gloating on the side I don’t know who did the good deeds It is very happy And Concubine Shugui’s face was angry Hu Hongzhi, you explain it to the palace What are you doing in the palace like this? Are you living impatient? Fortunately, Ganquan Palace does not belong to the scope of the dry harem Otherwise, the charges of the harem will be deducted He just didn’t have enough to cut off ten heads Even the Hu family will be affected by him Auntie, help me I was wronged Someone is trying to harm me I didn’t make it myself What the hell is going on You make it clear Cousin, tell me quickly There’s a concubine here If you are harmed like this You just have to say it The concubine will definitely call the shots for you 13 Things have not yet been figured out Don’t talk nonsense I’m telling the truth My cousin is usually timid How dare he do such a thing Someone must have harmed him Is that so? Everyone in the store looked at it Hu Hongzhi seemed to be flat and mustered up his courage Indeed, I was asked to go Who made an appointment with you? Ask you what to do Do I always want to have a private meeting with you? Many ladies and ladies had their eyes lit up There’s a kind of excitement to watch gossip The princess was too anxious Hu Gongzi didn’t say anything You’re almost done talking for him Anyway, it’s not me who has a private meeting with my cousin Asked earlier It also saves everyone from misunderstanding 13 The princess looked down and glared at Hu Hongzhi The language is threatening Cousin, if you don’t tell the truth He was going to be dragged down as an assassin No one will intercede with you then You don’t regret it I said I said it was the Eighth Princess who asked me to go to the garden What turned out to be the eighth sister It was indeed the garden that the Eighth Princess asked me to go to Said he wanted to talk to me about something alone Didn’t expect to get to the garden It wasn’t long before I saw him He was knocked unconscious When he woke up, he was caught as an assassin I’ve been so wronged Everyone was dumbfounded I can’t react 13 The princess deliberately added oil and vinegar The eighth sister competed to ask you to have a private meeting in the garden Or at the mother’s birthday banquet Such occasions What the hell is your relationship? This lonely man and widow garden private meeting It’s too unruly The eighth sister usually looks so dignified I didn’t expect to carry Shaoqing’s brother behind his back in private Having an affair with you 13 Princess, you are not too young This baseless nonsense It’s better not to go along with it Child’s words must also be measured How did Concubine Wen know that this was nonsense This kind of nonsense is said by this kind of person Can a princess be a guest too? It’s ridiculous The princess can’t because he’s your cousin Just believe anything Just now, she personally said that the eighth sister asked her to have a private meeting Everyone here heard it No one present dared to answer The eighth princess is the only daughter of Concubine Wen Once ruined reputation The entire Wen family will be affected Hongu asks you You said that the eighteenth princess asked you to go to the garden Is there any evidence Hu Hongzhi subconsciously looked at the thirteenth princess Now it’s Bengong asking Hu Hongzhi The thirteenth princess doesn’t need to help answer Concubine Shu saw that the matter was involved in Concubine Wen’s mother and daughter It’s not about yourself I also enjoy watching the play 13Don’t meddle Let him speak for himself King Xiang simply stepped forward Pull the thirteen princesses aside This kind of thing is something that you have to do with a girl’s family Don’t talk nonsense There is no mention of the thirteenth princess Hu Hongzhi panicked in his heart I don’t even know how to make up lies Anxious like ants on a hot pan This kind of weakness of heart and weakness Everybody saw it Hu Hongzhi, do you know the filthy princess What is the crime of royal reputation Aunt’s useless waste Don’t call me aunt My sister’s juniors are not angry It’s time to teach well How old are they I won’t even say a word Such a big mistake was made Dare to talk nonsense in the palace Filthy vegetables For her sake, she is her sister’s maiden nephew This palace will not interfere in this matter for the time being I hope my sister will give Bengong a reasonable explanation What a reasonable explanation Didn’t my cousin say that? It was the eighth sister who asked him to go to the garden He was just knocked unconscious like this Shouldn’t you ask Eighth Sister? Concubine Wen did not pay attention to the thirteen princesses His eyes looked at Concubine Shu coldly Mother, why don’t you speak Am I wrong about what I said? Xiao Mingyue was speechless There are such foolish people in this world I can’t even understand the situation and endlessly poured dirty water on other people’s heads A lady next to her couldn’t stand it anymore I’ve met the Eight Princesses That’s not true And the eighth princess has long been engaged Fiancé Wen is the eldest son of the Wen family Identity, character, and appearance Which one is not better than Hu Hongzhi Is it the king of Tuta Tuta is weak and incompetent He is good for nothing Isn’t that a joke No fool can do such a thing Not to mention royalty No matter how condescending the princess is It is also impossible to fall yourself into the mud The thirteenth princess was completely dumbfounded She never expected it The eighth princess became a victim Hu Hongzhixing For the loss of decency, offend the ladies and dependents Violating the rules of the palace Sin is unforgivable Now it’s for the palace to drag it down immediately Heavy hit 50 boards Auntie, I was wronged Not me, I don’t have anything like this Someone is trying to harm me Slowly, my sister seems to have forgotten He also had one more charge that he did not record Princess of Filth Dishonoring the royal family Such a crime I’m afraid it’s too light So what do you want Since he likes to empty back and create a defilement of others Look at the main palace It’s useless for him to keep this mouth It’s better to put it Concubine Wen said it lightly However, the hearts of the people were cold There is not a single woman who can get wet in the harem It’s easy to mess with Xiao Jinyue has a little more affection for Concubine Wen Concubine Wen, are you going to put your nephew in the palace on dry land? How so It’s just pulling one out Hu Hongzhi caused chaos in the palace Do such immoral things It even alarmed the forbidden army in the palace There was such a big thing as an assassin If it were someone else He was dragged out of the rod a long time ago My sister feels sorry for her nephew Only 50 large boards Do you want to expose all the charges? This crime of selfishness It is the most fatal for Gan Shuguifei She is in charge of half of the harem And Emperor Zhaoming celebrates the evil, and there is no distinction between public and private If this news reaches the ears of His Majesty The consequences were unimaginable You have a point It’s Hongu’s mercy Just do what you say Drag Hu Hongzhi down the line Fifty rods pulled it out and sent it back to Hu’s house If there is a next time This palace took his father and mother to ask for the guilt together How to teach the son This was until it was pressed and dragged out by the forbidden army Hutong suddenly reacted Crying and begging for burning Auntie, don’t pull me I admit that I defiled the Eighth Princess He didn’t ask me out for a private meeting Someone asked me to ruin the name of the eighth princess That’s why I snuck out I said I would say everything Wait, let him go first Let him speak clearly Hongu doesn’t have a lot of patience There’s only one chance Tell me who told you to do this The thirteenth princess’s face changed drastically Instinctively flinching into the crowd I didn’t see the man’s face clearly I only know that it is a woman She wears the waist card of the Quanhua Palace said that he would drug the eighth princess Send her over again I just have to wait at the agreed place Concubine Wen and everyone were shocked subconsciously looked at Concubine Shu Hu Hongzhi, you dare to talk nonsense I don’t have what I said to be true He showed me his waist card It’s really from your palace, aunt Otherwise, how dare I believe him It was he who took the initiative to come to the door and let me calculate Eighth princess, I thought it was arranged by you, aunt That’s why I listened to him Everyone in the palace knows it The relationship between Concubine Shu and Concubine Wen has always been discordant There is no tearing of the face on the surface But the actual relationship has long been on the same footing You conscienceless Who gave you the guts to dare to slander this palace There are not 100 but 80 people waiting around the main palace All of them have waist cards You don’t even see the man’s face Dare to take the waist card to talk about things Believe it or not, this palace tore your mouth Don’t be confused, cousin Your mother is your aunt It’s the palace concubine again A mere waist card is considered evidence of the public Do you want to exonerate yourself? Splash sewage on the head of the mother Since this matter involves the daughter of this palace This palace must be checked clearly It’s the thirteenth princess You’re a girl who hasn’t been out of the cabinet yet Again and again mixed into this kind of thing It’s too out of line The palace and your mother are here Neither of you spoke You’re rushing to get ahead In the eyes of Concubine Wen The thirteenth princess is just a hairy child with a broken mind Too lazy to bother with her And never in the eye At this time, the thirteenth princess saw Xiao Jinyue in the crowd Suddenly I had a plan The five points with the Quanhua Palace waist card are not necessarily the palace maids It may be that some have a grudge with their mother Those who have the opportunity to enter the palace again The cousin said that someone would drug the eighth sister This means that this person is likely to be at the banquet It’s better to check among the ladies and ladies present first Is there something hidden in someone who shouldn’t have it? Maybe that person is behind it Everyone was amazed by the 13 princesses’ tirade Gave the town Xiao Lingyue flashed a sneer It turned out to be the little medicine bag hidden in the clothes It’s used here Fortunately, it has long been returned to its original owner The ladies invited today are not unknown Many of them are still elders Be frisked like a prisoner All were indignant Since the princess also said it 1. Everyone present was suspicious Princess Xing herself Whether or not to be searched as well Prove your innocence Mrs. Zhenbei Hou is reasonable Could it be that the thirteenth princess just wants to search us? But I stayed out of it Search for good Anyway, this princess is not weak-hearted Even the Thirteenth Princess herself was willing to search them I can’t say anything if I don’t agree So how do you search now? Start with whom The thirteenth princess seemed to be prepared Reach out and point Let’s start with him Why started with me Did I do anything suspicious? Xiao Lingyue never spoke 13But the princess was able to pass through the crowd Exactly to his head It’s not meant to be Who believes Shen Wan What are you pretending to be stupid with me? This princess saw with her own eyes7 You left here quietly L didn’t come back until a long time later Today is the mother’s birthday The eighth sister and her cousin took turns to have an accident Your whereabouts are unknown Isn’t it doubtful It turns out that the thirteenth princess pays so much attention to me But to say that my whereabouts are unknown is a bit of a dirty I left because a maid soiled my clothes The lady in charge of the banquet Then he took me to the side hall to change clothes If I’m not mistaken That palace maid is the person next to Concubine Shugui You can testify on your behalf You say so much Is it trying to deliberately delay time? The idea of the body search was from the 13 princess It’s better to ask the princess to be the first Give us a demonstration Shen Wan who gave you the guts Dare to talk to the princess like that Kneel down for Hongu A cold light flashed in Xiao Jinyue’s eyes Standing and not moving The county lord of Anping didn’t do anything Didn’t even say a word He asked for the first body search by name Hongu thinks It was the thirteenth princess who had a personal grudge against the county lord of Anping deliberately took revenge for personal gain by taking advantage of the heavens The thirteenth princess wanted to argue again was glared back by Concubine Shugui At this time, Emperor Zhaoming walked in with a cold face Behind him was a group of people It’s not just the prince and Zhan Beihan There are also the victims, the eighth princess, and her fiancé Wen Shaoqing Wen Shao personally held the eighth princess And the eighth princess’s eyes were red There was a coldness in his eyebrows I’m out there And he heard the voice of 13 What are you mother and daughter arguing about? 13 He said something that he did not understand Chen An is teaching him Father, I don’t I just want to do justice for the eighth sister I’m also kind Let him say Also wondering what the hell is going on Concubine Shu glared at the 13th princess Let her be careful what she says But how can the thirteenth princess care about this Immediately added fuel and vinegar to explain the matter Father, tell me about it I do these things Isn’t it for the eighth sister? She was drugged and calculated Almost if you don’t get someone out today F didn’t know how to do it once The eighth princess heard the subtext of his words Laughed angrily It turns out that the thirteenth sister cares about me so much I have to thank you Speaking of which, the eighth sister hasn’t seen anyone for so long It’s where it went Wen Shaoqing held the hand of the eighth princess The face is expressionless The eighth princess has been with me all the time The thirteenth princess asked what this was for Is it How do I remember that Brother Shao Qing didn’t enter the palace in the first place I was already in the center of the palace It’s just that the thirteen princesses don’t know and pack The thirteenth princess saw that her words could not provoke turned his head and coquettishly to Emperor Zhaoming Father, you think I asked for a body search Is it excessive There is no evidence asked the woman in Beijing to search her body It’s really out of line But I’ve said it all I’m for the eighth sister Ruobin is for me Why don’t you interrogate your cousin properly Instead, they targeted irrelevant people 13. I can’t understand my sister’s concern Hu Hongzhi was captured as an assassin Haven’t you been interrogated yet No punishment has been used Then let’s drag it down and get the last sentence first If only he could make it Still insisting on what to say I don’t know how much this is true Is the prince going to be beaten into a trick? He’s still a little aggrieved Hu Hongzhi violated the palace rules Considered an Assassin Whether it is the mastermind or the accomplice He can’t even talk about grievances Someone dragged it down Whatever you do to get him to speak Just don’t say it Leave a thousand what Concubine Shu and the thirteenth princess did not dare to object Look Hu Hongzhi was dragged down with his mouth covered You’re too rude It’s a trifle No one cares about the harem I also want to alarm my father It’s a waste of time to run a trip Several people were originally discussing in the imperial study The Jin army reported that the birthday banquet of Concubine Shu was mixed with the assassins At the same time, the eighth princess and Wen Shaoqing also came to complain Emperor Zhaoming was furious Only then did he put down the court and come over together The next is the negligence of the concubines Improper management of the harem Please also ask Your Majesty to condemn the crime The father, the emperor and the mother have always worked hard to manage the six palaces It’s rare to celebrate today’s birthday I wanted to have a good time I didn’t expect to encounter this kind of thing The mother is already sad Does her father still blame her? Then Zhan Beihan stretched out his hand and pointed to the purse on the waist of the thirteenth princess What’s in your purse What’s wrong with my purse? There are a few incense pills in it 13. The princess took off her purse and handed it to Zhan Beihan The Three Emperor Brothers are the official edicts What can I have in my purse Inexplicable Zhan Beihan poured his purse into the palm of his hand A few brown incense pills accompanied by a small white paper bag Poured out This is a public thing How could it be in my purse Father-in-law Su opened the paper bag A small packet of red powder inside is revealed A strange aroma instantly dissipated 13The princess’s face changed I can’t help but take a step back Father-in-law Su was defenseless for a while Subconsciously took a deep breath Soon his face turned red Shortness of breath Sweat was pouring from his forehead Father-in-law Su came back to his senses Sincerely kneeling on the ground in fear The minion was careless Please be super-sinned What is this? Back to Your Majesty This is supposed to be a medicinal powder in the palace The medicinal properties are quite harmful Concubine Wen recovered from her shock If it weren’t for the luck of the eighth princess What will happen now? No one dared to think about it Thirteen princesses Why do you have this kind of thing on you? What the hell do you want to do? No, it’s not my thing Something that was found in your purse You dare to say it’s not yours You’re so daring How dare you use such a thing in the palace Murder your Eighth Emperor Sister Concubine Wen hasn’t found out yet Don’t jump to conclusions The physical evidence is there The concubine said that this was arbitrary Hongu believes in XIII He has always been a good boy who is filial and courteous Absolutely no such thing would be done There must be a misunderstanding here The thirteenth princess looked at it with an angry tone suddenly stared at Xiao Jinyue Reach out and point Shen Wan is not what your princess is talking about You don’t have to install it for me Did you hide something in my purse? You’re so daring Dare to harm this princess I don’t know why the princess said that Please also make a clear statement At today’s banquet I’ve never been near the Thirteen Princesses There is no chance of damage All of you here can testify Hongu also wants to ask the thirteenth princess You don’t even know how to do it with the county lord of Anping Why is it her who insists on it? Do you have evidence that I want to hurt you? Anyway, I just know that he framed me Father, Emperor and Mother Grab this Give me a breath 13 In front of the Emperor Don’t mess around Dragging people into the water What the hell is going on with this medicine bag Where did you get that? I said it wasn’t mine It was Shen Wan who put it in and harmed me Father’s obvious thing Nothing to ask Besides, this is a royal matter It’s up to you to do whatever you want There’s no need to make a fuss all over the court Let everyone else disperse It’s a bulge Xiao Jinyue followed the crowd and withdrew from the banquet Mrs. Zhenbei Hou came out with Chu Yuantong Shen Wan’s palace is not peaceful Go out of the palace early lest you get into trouble Madame too Chu Yuanqi glanced at him worriedly followed Mrs. Zhenbei Hou Soon Zhan Beihan came out Xiao Mingyue didn’t ask much I followed and got into the carriage 13 You put the contents of your purse Where did you get the medicine Match yourself I don’t have anything to do with this kind of thing Someone else gave it to me I’m just returning to my rightful owner Say it from the beginning Xiao Jinyue will be all the things that happen tonight Tsai carefully explained it I guess this is the bureau set up by the Thirteen Princesses themselves Even Concubine Shu was kept in the dark It ended up like this It’s kind of shooting yourself in the foot That Hu Hongzhi was stripped of his clothes What it’s like to be an assassin I didn’t do it I just knocked him out Cast it in the side temple It is estimated that it was when the people from Wenxiu Palace went to pick up the eighth princess I saw him Leave him out for revenge You women There are so many things that can happen at a drinking party Can’t you settle down? You should tell your royal sister about this I didn’t take the initiative to find trouble He’s counted it all on me I’m not allowed to fight back So you put the medicine in his purse Also deliberately exposed a little Just to retaliate with a tooth for a tooth People are stolen and seized I just didn’t stuff it properly Who knew it would be discovered by you In this way, this king has become your accomplice yes, it’s too late to debunk it now This king understands 7 You woman wishes to have a thousand heart eyes The whole harem is gone People are better than you What will your father do with the thirteen princesses? It won’t kill her anyway Concubine Wen She looks like she hurts the eighth princess Even if there is no evidence Said that today’s thing was designed by the Thirteenth Princess But once the plan succeeds She is the biggest recipient Concubine Wen must have seen it We won’t give up There will soon be a good show in the palace If there’s a good show, you can’t watch it Why This king entered the palace today to discuss the matter of iron mines Depart in two days By the way, I’ll bring you with me I’m not going, this is your Northern Qin dynasty, right? It’s not my turn You have so many subordinates Just bring a few with you I’ll wait in the capital The carriage soon arrived at the Bon Palace The two of them just got off the station and stabilized Uncle Zhou greeted him Lord Shen, you’re back Didn’t the side concubine come back with you? Oops, I said I forgot something Well, he’s not my concubine I don’t care You yourself forgot about people in the palace Figure it out for yourself I’ll go back to the yard first Don’t come to me if it’s okay Xiao Lingyue walked leisurely towards the house Zhanbei had a cold face Didn’t say anything Zhou Bo didn’t dare to ask I just entered the house before I could sit down and drink tea The guards at the door should not come The second young master of the Wangye Wenfu asked to see him with the steward Is Wenfu the old mansion of Wenge? But there is something to say "His subordinates listen to the stewards said that he made a special trip to ask to see the county lord of Anping Also bring 7 quite a few things The Wen family is well-informed He had just left the palace The county came to the door Let him in You go and ask Shen Wan to come over On the old mansion of the prince’s pavilion We have never been close to our palace Suddenly bring a gift to the door also named Miss Shen What’s going on? meanwhile The guard led a young man with a good demeanor Walked in Behind him was a middle-aged man with a loyal face Kairong teenager was a guest at Yiwang’s mansion Although he is young, he looks like Pan An Xiao Jinyue drooled Cha Liuzhan Beihan was jealous Enough of it Do you want this king to gouge out your eyes for you? Glued to his face You are the county lord of Anping I am Wen Shaoming, the second son of the Wen family I heard that the county lord saved my cousin in the palace Therefore, I am specially ordered by Jiawen to thank the county lord of Anping Wen Shaoqing is you It’s my big brother Concubine Wen is the concubine of Wen Ge Lao On identity is also the aunt of Wen Shaoqing and Wen Shaoming’s two brothers I just happened to run into it I help with it I can’t afford the second young master to come to thank you in person The county lord was too polite My father said that the grace of a drop of water should be reciprocated by a spring I’ve got to make it myself And my cousin will be my sister-in-law in the future The county lord and others saved my eldest brother It is also appropriate to be a brother’s door-to-door thanks Wen Shaoming’s hands were folded Solemnly bowed to Xiao Jinyue and thanked him Thank you for the county lord’s help in the palace The Wen family remembered the dry heart If it is useful in the future, it will be useful to the above-mentioned family We will definitely help The second son was polite You don’t have to make such a big salute to raise your hands My father and mother specially prepared some thank-you gifts I hope the county lord will accept it The housekeeper of the Wenfu respectfully presented a gift list fold Xiao Lingyue then understood What are those boxes of stuff piled up in the doorway? The second son has already thanked him personally I also understand the sincerity of the Wen family You don’t need to thank you Let’s take a look at the gift list This was all carefully prepared by my mother She said that the county lord would definitely be able to use it Xiao Lingyue opened the gift sheet and looked at it The good guys are all precious Chinese medicinal materials and a variety of rare royal vessels and leathers The Wen family has a heart It’s something on this list You may not be able to buy it It’s not that Ling Qi can be Ling Qi Not to mention in such a short period of time It’s just some household medicine It’s not worth anything My mother said that the county lord might be able to use it So they took a small gift together I hope the county lord doesn’t dislike that it’s too heavy here Since I’ve sent them all here Closing is it Don’t you like it? Then I’ll take 7 Thank you for your kindness Wen Shaoming said a few more polite words He politely offered his farewell The Wen family’s etiquette is good Hmph what are you humming What I said is wrong You really like the Wen family I really like it Just some don’t. will buy you You say no Are you kidding The Wen family can send it Yiwangfu is not nothing I need you to look at me like that No eyes are looking at you Why do you lose your temper? Oh, I see The position of the Wen family and the Yi Wangfu is different One main text, one main martial arts It is not advisable to come and go too closely lest you be despised by others But you said you could take it I thought it didn’t matter I should go down You have to be really upset I’ll ask someone to return the Wen family’s thank you gift and go to slack Ben King discovered You’re still going to be cheap and good It’s a mouthful I don’t know how the brain grows This king feels like it’s been in vain to get angry with you Then you can’t help but be angry You can’t come over to me Zhan Beihan dragged Xiao Jinyue all the way to the palace treasury Countless goodies are piled up on the rows of wooden shelves Wow What did you say earlier The things sent by the Wen family can’t be bought outside How much does King Yi’s Mansion want I want to take it casually Has this king done you a bad treat to your son? I want you to stare at what someone else is giving you The Wen family just gave gifts to express their gratitude Just make friends with me by the way I didn’t offend you What are you fighting with the Wen family? Which of your eyes is clear to see that this king is vindictive The Wen family has offended you before No Wen Shaoming has an enmity with you No That’s something on the list that touches your brow No So what are you angry about Zhan Beihan was not so angry He asked these words continuously I only felt a rush of anger in my chest Xiao Lingyue, you are really not Understand or pretend to be stupid with this king What did I pretend Is Wen Shaoming’s face good-looking? Make your eyes look without blinking The front foot was only broken with Chu Yuanqi I don’t forget to stick together when I enter the palace The hind foot was blinded by Wen Shaoming again In the presence of this king You’re reckless enough I’ll just look at 7 or two Why don’t you think you have seen enough? Every time I talk to Chu Yuanqi You’re all going to be looking for trouble Did you see me talking to other men? You’re extremely jealous One is how it is not and how it is What’s the difference The king does not know what you mean by extreme But you don’t seem to have figured out who you are Which princess have you seen? Hang out with other men all day I’m in a relationship with you just in harmony It’s not Princess Yi for a long time You don’t need to restrain me with the princess’s demands That’s how you want to reconcile Is the identity of Princess Yi a flood beast to you? It’s not a flood beast I just don’t want to betray this identity for nothing I want to be looked at like a thorn in your side And don’t you also want to straighten Xie Wangrui Feel like I’m in this position Then I’ll give way Best of both worlds It is not the king who binds you It’s that you don’t want such constraints at all Can’t you see it when you’re the king? Zhan Beihan saw it very clearly The backyard couldn’t keep him in place I can’t trap him There was only one thing he couldn’t put down This king still says the same thing You can always go if you want Two children had to stay You don’t have the right to take them You already have Han Han Why can’t you leave the North North to me He grew up beside me You can’t leave me without a child Isn’t it good to keep it as it is You have hidden the king’s youngest son for so many years This king has not even settled accounts with you Now you still have the face to tell this king Treat it as if nothing had happened As long as you can go back 5 years Put . poooo The king pretended that nothing had happened Xiao Jinyue’s lips were tightly pursed It’s annoying to refuse to give in He wanted to leave with Beibei And what Zhan Beihan wants is to leave her and the child behind No matter what the means Since you have tried your best to dissociate yourself from this king Then don’t blame this king for using outsiders against you You brought it on yourself So what do you want me to do Leave Beibei and Jiuhan to yourself Haven’t you always wanted to do that? I didn’t, and I would have left them behind I won’t stay in the Bon Palace You think I’d love to stay here All day long, he was guarded by your side concubine like a thief Do you still want to be ridiculed by you at every turn? It may be really aggrieved Xiao Jinyue bit her lip Tears wet my eyes Two children need an innocent biological mother This king also does not want his own flesh and blood to be criticized birth What about Xie Yurui You can’t have two princesses in a palace You care a lot about the side concubine Shouldn’t I care The whole capital knows it The woman who is upright in King Yi’s mansion is Xie Yurui I’ll be reinstated It’s just an empty shelf in name only It didn’t help the two children at all On the contrary, it will attract Xie Wangrui’s hostility Even the wine wine and the north and the north This king has never taken Xie Wangrui seriously It’s just the name of the side concubine It’s just a high-ranking subordinate who is responsible for taking care of Han Han Zhan Beihan didn’t give him a chance to speak Strode forward and picked up Xiao Mingyue What are you doing Send you back Are you kidding me That’s how you sent me back Aren’t there still people out there? Someone was seen What it looks like Honestly, fall down Don’t blame the king Don’t Not far outside the storeroom A whole line of guards stared at the wall with their heads bowed It’s like thinking about it on the wall Stand in the corner and be silent Xiao Lingyue’s face was so red that it burned Immersed in embarrassment and shame all the way I just got back to the house The two little ones trotted all the way to the door Mother, are you back? I’m in Seeing that the door of the room was about to be pushed open Xiao Jinyue pulled the quilt hard to cover Zhan Beihan Don’t move, you dare to come out I’m not done with you As soon as the two little ones entered the door I saw that the quilt was a mess It looks like someone has just slept Mother, are you resting? yes, yes I heard the dry man say My mother came back from the palace How about today’s banquet Mother-in-law had fun I’m so happy You go and sit down at the table over there I’ll pack up and come over right away The mother slowly cleaned up and was not in a hurry Zhan Beihan got out of the bed with a black face He was still covered with a quilt But honestly didn’t make a sound I’ve wronged you Don’t let them find out Is this king so unsightly? You should do me a favor Beibei if he finds you in my bed It’s definitely hard to coax I promised to go to the imperial tomb with you Zhan Beihan suddenly realized that this was a good opportunity That’s all How are you going to be Hurry up and say I don’t have time to delay with you It will be seen by the north and the north The two of them had a few words of conversation Beibei already felt that something was wrong7 Mother, haven’t you cleaned it up yet? Why is it so slow today? My Majesty This king will not break you Didn’t you just kiss it It’s not the same before, it was the king who took the initiative It’s time for you to take the initiative Hurry up or they’ll find out Mother, are you still okay? Do you want us to help? No, no, no Just sit down I’ll be fine right away Xiao Jinyue glared at Zhan Beihan Leaned over and kissed him on the lips Then he turned around and walked towards the two children as if nothing had happened In a few more days I’m going out with King Yi to do something It may take some time The two of you stay in the palace Be obedient No trouble Where are my mothers going? Can’t you take us there No, it’s business Can’t King Yi go by himself? Why do you want to be together The mother has already agreed7 You can’t go back on your word Your mother will find someone to take care of you in advance Don’t worry about staying in the palace You can keep in touch with your parents at any time Send the two children back to the next courtyard I didn’t expect to return to the house Zhan Beihan did not leave in bed Sleep with the king for a while I hate it Xiao Mingyue’s whole person was wrapped up in the quilt The two of them hugged each other and slept together I slept soundly and deeply Early the next morning Xiao Jinyue changed into dry clothes Come to the yard Blowing into the sky A carrier pigeon descends from the sky Send it to your master Don’t fence my carrier pigeons I’ll tell Zhan Beihan myself The two guards in charge of the secret guard looked good What should we do, are we going to stop? According to the rules, the carrier pigeons that are not from the palace come and go The law must be intercepted Report to the prince for processing But the county lord of Anping said so Let’s stop the carrier pigeon in advance The county lord won’t be angry Or let’s stop it secretly Wait for the master to report before flying That’s a good idea Then who is going to stop it? I’m going to report to the master The carrier pigeon will be handed over to you He let a carrier pigeon out What was written The subordinates don’t know But the carrier pigeon has been kept in secret The subordinate found the secret guard on the leg of the pigeon Present the wax pill in his hand to Zhan Beihan Wax pellets are the simplest and most common means of sealing river to be used to deliver messages Once pinched and removed What is on the surface cannot be restored This is where it is sent The county lord didn’t say anything The subordinates don’t know However, the county lord after releasing the carrier pigeons Said it deliberately It doesn’t have to be a bar He will explain it to the prince himself That being the case Do as he is told Let the carrier pigeon fly back the same way Send someone to come with you If you fly out of the capital You don’t have to come back Report to the king Three days have passed in the blink of an eye Zhan Beihan didn’t ask about the carrier pigeons Xiao Mingyue didn’t mention it either Stay in the palace to concentrate on the two children Meng Wenhao and Qingluo came over from the county lord’s mansion next door Miss Shen’s county lord’s mansion next door is yours It’s not mine How do I feel about you as a master It’s more than me, who gets paid I’m also busy during this time I’m really not available How’s the progress now? How far has it go? It’s also repaired, and even the ground is almost clean Ah, what’s going on Meng Wenhao looked left and right found that the subordinates of King Yi’s Mansion were not there is not the housekeeper surnamed Zhou in Yiwangfu Miss Shen You used to fix the county lord’s mansion Leave it to him Do you know how he repaired your mansion? Uncle Zhou, he has always been stable and safe Any questions It’s stable, it’s too stable He shoveled all the land in the county lord’s mansion I am putting a basket of soil in and re-paving the ground Steward Zhou is trying to make his mother unable to move home can only continue to live in the Yi Palace Grandpa Zhou is also a kind-hearted mother The county lord’s mansion must have wanted to repair it well To repair any house, you need to shovel all the ground The palace doesn’t have to be like this Is he planning to build a White Palace for his mother? Mother, do you like the White Jade Palace? It’s not that it can’t be built If you want to cultivate, you will cultivate the best Don’t speak No one treats you as a mute Xiao Mingyue couldn’t cry or laugh Anyway, it was the silver of King Yi’s mansion that was spent He doesn’t lose See if he can cultivate until the Year of the Monkey and the month of the Horse It’s okay to let Uncle Zhou toss We’ll talk about when it’s done Do you have a place to live now some Where I live, Steward Zhou deliberately didn’t ask anyone to demolish it It’s been cleaned up It was ok to stay While talking Zhanbei Han hurriedly walked in Something happened in the palace County Lord Then I’ll quit first Meng Wenhao didn’t want to get into trouble Things in the Northern Qin Palace No matter how big or small It’s not something that he can listen to as a Dongqi person You go back first I have something to discuss with Uncle Zhou Got it Qingluo, you take the wine and go north to the garden for a walk Soak up the sun It’s Miss The two little guys obediently followed Qingluo Have you just returned from the palace? Something happened Xiao Lingyue looked at Zhan Beihan’s face and was not solemn I guessed seven or eight points in my heart Father’s pants took the title of princess of the thirteenth Send him to Xiangguo Temple for cultivation You must not return to Beijing What you said is true Xiao Mingyue couldn’t believe it It is a harsh punishment to be taken away from the title by pants There are only princesses who have been knighted to be eligible to be called Her Royal Highness the Princess What a thousand princesses of the thirteenth princess How could the buds be so hot You don’t know You don’t think this has anything to do with me I don’t even know what’s going on in the palace I haven’t been out for the past few days Where to arouse your suspicion again Don’t be surprised This king didn’t mean that What the hell is going on After the birthday party The father made the thirteen punishments kneel in the Phoenix Immortal Hall to think about it Suddenly went out of the water last night When the palace people are fighting fires Breaking through 710 three’s affair with a eunuch Two people rolled in the store in rags Almost burned to death by fire When he was rescued by the palace people And all the people of the palace saw it The Phoenix Hall is a place dedicated to the royal ancestors Do some here. thing Once discovered That is to insult the ancestors Emperor Ming can’t bear it no matter how good his temper is Not to mention the thirteen princesses A royal daughter How could it be possible to fall in love with a eunuch Eunuchs are not considered men This is not an overt humiliation People must have been calculated According to the palace people’s confession, he was unwilling after being punished Secretly ordered someone to bring the wine into the Fengxian Palace As a result, I got drunk Pulling the oil that served the lamps in the temple When it was too blue, it spilled the lamp oil This goes out of the water The same is true when my father finds out Put it this way It’s all the pot that the thirteenth princess broke into herself It has nothing to do with that too blue I don’t believe in such coincidences What about the eunuch Have you sent someone to interrogate you? That’s too blue Before the Emperor arrived was given a scepter by Concubine Shu Well done Concubine Shu wants to help the thirteenth princess cover up the matter As a result, the only person was given to the shrimp That’s good There is no proof of complete death The father’s anger is also for this reason There is a daughter, and there must be a mother I made a pot for my daughter The first reaction of being a mother is to be a shrimp man. I thought I could cover up the ugly thing As a result, it did the mastermind behind the scenes a big favor Even the effort is saved There was no one in the Fengxian Hall who knew about it There is also no trace of human intervention 13 Still making a lot of noise in the palace There is no remorse The father was angry and won 7 titles Send him to Xiangguo Temple for repair If there are no accidents He had to spend the rest of his life in the temple He also took it upon himself I was thinking about calculating the eight princesses before Now it is he who is ruined Didn’t Concubine Shu intercede Concubine Shu was off-police in front of her father’s bedroom Crying all night Her father didn’t see her One more thing The old lady of the Wen family suddenly fell seriously ill For the sake of rushing The Wen family handed over the fold Ask for the marriage date of Wen Shaoqing and the Eighth Emperor Sister Brought forward to the beginning of next month His Majesty agreed The father and the emperor put the excerpt down Who do you think did this? Didn’t you already know that? Otherwise, why press the excerpt of the Wen family’s marriage invitation At this time, the whole Chinese palace was in the palace Whatever you think As long as your sister is safe and sound You just say if you can do it The son couldn’t do it rubbish Thirteen ended up like this He was the one who took it upon himself My father has made up his mind Won’t change again The mother concubine and the ninth brother pleaded with him Angered the father It’s better to prepare now At least let Thirteen go to Xiangguo Temple Suffer less Concubine Shu’s eyes were round with anger The corners of King Xiang’s mouth were bloodshot at this slap Zhan Tianlin will not save your sister if she dies Don’t call me Mother in the future I don’t have a son like you The concubine had a good rest The son told the leg Where are you going As the mother wants Go and plead with your father Shuguifei is this confused? I dare to greet you in the face Hitting people doesn’t slap them in the face Not to mention the face of the prince King Xiang is an orthodox royal bloodline Although Concubine Shu is a biological mother, she is not qualified to discipline You have to see what is going on The sons came for the sake of the 13th sister Say whatever you want The son wanted to ask his father for a favor 13. He grew up in the palace from an early age The king of brocade clothes is used to eating Suddenly, he was sent to Xiangguoji Temple There is no one around to help the club I’m afraid it’s going to be very difficult The son knew that 13 had made a big mistake Don’t ask your father for leniency I beg your kindness He was allowed to bring one or two of his subordinates Let him be a little better when he cultivates in Xiangguo Temple Rise up first and tell me why your mother wants it. you The mother was worried about the situation of 13 Strongly ask the retainers to intercede Erchen said 7 or two more sentences Please don’t reproach him It’s all the son’s fault You’re helping your mother Erchen knows his mistake Emperor Zhaoming didn’t have much displeasure in his heart King Xiang is affectionate It’s human nature to favor biological mothers Concubine Shugui has a strong desire for power But King Xiang did not like power Therefore, the relationship between mother and son is very tense Emperor Zhaoming didn’t need to be ambitious The prince of the concubine who united with the harem concubines Therefore, he was very satisfied with King Xiang King Xiang, how long ago was the last time you ran an errand? If Erchen remembers correctly It seems to be flat last year I haven’t done an errand for so long I don’t usually see you in court What have you been busy with all year? Drink around.. ? No wonder your mother wants to. you Take care that you really should fight What adult prince does nothing all day like you Erchen knows his mistake I scold you every time You’re all admitting your mistakes faster than anyone else But the teaching does not change I’ve been reading books for so many years, and I don’t know where to use them Erchen knows the can Father, you rest The father was angry The second brother is usually a little impetuous The temperament has not yet been decided But nothing was wrong Don’t be as angry as he is It looks like it’s time to choose a princess to rule over you Don’t, Father Erchen really doesn’t want to get married Don’t tell your sons to get married It’s good that Erchen isn’t like this now Good what good There was no one in the palace to help Lonely like something There are more than 100 people in the Erchen Mansion alone Aren’t they human beings too? I can also help with it If you don’t want to get married, you can Well, if this errand can’t be done Who did I point to? Whoever you will marry back to the palace this year? Dare to mess around again You’re welcome Hey, hey, hey Erchen must do a good job Let’s take a look at the excerpts first Don’t talk about it Inspect the construction of the imperial mausoleum This year, the construction progress of the imperial tomb is not ideal I don’t know what the reason is Because of the delay of 7 fathers I wanted to send someone to see it for myself It is also good to understand the specific situation of the construction of the imperial tomb It’s up to you to do the inspection King Yi and the county lord of Anping will also go together You cover up for them The third brother and the county lord of Anping also went to inspect the imperial tomb Two princes and a county lord were dispatched to inspect the imperial tombs King Xiang is not stupid All of a sudden, there was a dangerous aura It’s a super errand The younger brother will not die if he follows Drink ha The eyes are getting more and more breathing The union allows you to go to nine errands You still dare to pick three buildings and fours Father’s Rest I mean The errand run by the third brother There is nothing that is not dangerous I’m a three-legged cat kung fu If you go along Maybe I’m going to come back sideways It is well known in the court Emperors never go to court Because of the things he deals with Nine times out of ten, they don’t see the light And very dangerous You don’t have to worry too much about this second brother Hongu believes in the third brother I’m sure I’ll be able to bring you back safely That’s it Get out of here with your folds I’m annoyed when I see you Why did the father scare the second brother Send him to supervise the Imperial Tomb Just to let him avoid Concubine Shu lest you be dragged down King Xiang is smart The hidden edge is not revealed He is best at judging the situation I have always been respectful to you There is no resentment against him But Concubine Shu and the ninth brother may not Let them have less contact with mother and child Xiangwang is available Erchen understood meanwhile The palace of the king of the basin came 7 a strange guest Take out a trump card and give it to the guards said that he wanted to see the county lord of Anping Mother, what is this? This trump card is something from the Valley of the Medicine King The disciples of the Medicine King Valley will all carry a trump card on them Pretty dry identification That’s right, invite people to the main hall I’ll go right away Is it a guest invited by my mother? That’s right, it’s a famous doctor from the Medicine King Valley Identity is no problem I asked him to come and help take care of Beibei for a while Is there something wrong with Beibei’s body? No, two more days Aren’t you going to go out of Beijing with your father? It’s already the beginning of the month The time of the onset of the disease of the month in the North is almost up I don’t necessarily have to catch up So you have to get someone to help Is my mother going to leave soon? Can’t it be a few more days late Don’t be afraid Your mother will arrange for someone to take care of you You have to listen to the doctor In a few days, my mother will be back This king will go with you to the antechamber Hey, the carrier pigeon you released last time Just to find someone to take care of my son I forgot to tell you Are you speculating about me in your heart again? Who did you send the message to? A friend asked him for help You still have friends in Tianyi Pavilion How do you know that my carrier pigeon has flown to Tianyi Pavilion The Dark Guard followed the carrier pigeon to an inn The lantern on the back of the door is painted with the logo pattern of Tianyi Pavilion I met by chance when I was working together before It’s just a few letters Is it just like that Why should he help you Otherwise, I don’t even know what he looks like I haven’t seen it at all It’s just that a few letters were passed around when we were working together Don’t forget that the Pavilion of Providence is the place to do business Everything is tradable It’s the same with human affection Zhan Beihan is in his bones I don’t have a good impression of these Jianghu forces Xiao Mingyue has been raised in Shenwen since she was a child Jingran is involved with both forces Zhan Beihan became suspicious of her again The two of them are His Royal Highness the Righteous King and the Lord of Anping County In Jinzhou, under medicine I heard that most of the people in the Medicine King Valley were born as orphans Only the apprentice valley master is in the lineage will follow the master to change his surname Medicine Excellency Since it is also a medicine surname I don’t know what it has to do with medicine Wuchen What does this do, you ask Don’t speak Righteous King Hall T Why did you suddenly ask this? This king fought with Yao Wuchen not long ago He brought the world into the prison Eight poisons. Guarding hundreds and severely damaged the dragon Lingwei under this king After that, he fled I don’t know where to go every day This king heard that Yao Wuchen is also a child of the Medicine King Valley Out of the same door with you What kind of relationship do you have, brothers? He’s not my brother The Medicine King Valley had already driven him out of the door The master was also killed by him. finish I don’t have such a disciple Most of the disciples of the Medicine King Valley were stupid and sweet Xiao Jinyue couldn’t bear to watch Zhan Beihan bully honest people That’s pretty much it Want to know what I’ll tell you later, don’t ask His Royal Highness the Righteous King Tell the truth That’s what I heard The news of Yao Wuchen’s appearance in the capital of Northern Qin I came here to find him What are you looking for medicine to do without dust Report the king of the table His Royal Highness King Xiang said that there was something Ask to see the prince Steward Zhou greeted him at the door Let King Xiang come directly It’s the prince medicine doctor Before you come to the House of Changers Did Tianyi Pavilion tell you anything? They only told me that there were people in King Yi’s mansion who needed a doctor I happen to be near the capital So he came and asked It’s been more than half a year since I came out of the Medicine King Valley The money on his body was also spent Along the way, thanks to the news provided by Tianyi Pavilion I can earn money while practicing medicine While continuing on the road The man who wants a doctor is my son this year He was in poor health since childhood There is also fetal poison in the body I usually take care of it But unfortunately, I recently had something to leave the capital Don’t worry about him That’s why I wanted to find a doctor with excellent medical skills Help me take care of the North during my absence Poison during maternal gestation Elapse. After absorption Toxicity tends to be weakened Just find out what kind of poison is in the body that year Then the right medicine Removal. Poison is not difficult You will pull out poison Can you let me meet your son first Just verbal descriptions I may not be able to accurately diagnose my condition Of course I took the medicine doctor to see Beibei Don’t go Mind your own business first Doctor Pharmacist, let’s go I’ll take you to see my son King Xiang walked into the main hall At a glance, I saw that Zhan Bei had just gone out with a cold face Who is that man? This king looked at Shen Wan and treated him very kindly You came to the palace to talk nonsense Something to say My father asked me to inspect the Imperial Mausoleum said that it was with the third brother, you and Shen Wan were on the same road Let me come to you for advice You are willing to do this kind of drudgery My father said that if I didn’t do it, he would give me a marriage7 Isn’t this been, Shangliangshan has no choice You go with Shen Wan There are other important tasks I’ll cover you up then Why can’t you leave me alone? Don’t say it so disgusting I’m not demanding As long as you can save your life All the mustaches and all the tails will return to Beijing Okay, no matter what you want I promise to cover well Don’t hold back This time I went to the Imperial Tomb On the surface, you are the only one who calls the shots Me and Shen Wan Disguise and disguise You get two clean identities Anyone under the guard can be taken with you It’s that the team that went to inspect the imperial tomb was full of men It’s inconvenient to take it with you How to arrange Shen Wan’s identity Let him be an entourage girl Who’s Daughter Of course it’s me Didn’t you say that I was in charge? Anyway, everyone knows my reputation in the capital Go out on an errand By the way, bring a confidante or something Nor does it raise suspicions No, why not This identity is easier to arrange And they can be inseparable from me In case of any danger on the way Shen Wan can still protect me This king said no Who do you make inseparable? Blow up that third brother Don’t think about it This king has no other meaning Just arrange him with the identity of an ordinary subordinate Okay, if you think it’s okay The father gave the errand of inspecting the imperial tomb to King Xiang He is in charge The day after tomorrow, we set off together to go to the imperial tomb For convenience on the road You make men’s clothes and change your face Xing, do you need my help to change your face? Are you playing some wrong idea again? How could I I’ll be sure to give you a good look and a new dress Make sure your father doesn’t recognize you Two days later, the carriage left Beijing In front of an ordinary house on the outskirts of Beijing Go change your clothes first Zhan Beihan threw the bag in his hand over Inside was a navy blue guard suit and waist knife The woman changed into a guard uniform and disguised herself and disguised the man as if he were in the country. Pig guy Even the henchmen who have followed him for many years didn’t see it The two horses turn around Rushing towards the official road where he came In order to be as low-key as possible This time, the team traveled by water Private ships are no safer than official ships What if something happens along the way This king cannot be left unprotected Leave two people here Let’s go down for the others Or His Highness is thoughtful You two will stay in the house and serve Take good care of Your Highness Don’t miss anything Subordinates obey orders Why don’t you talk back King Xiang sat on a chair and looked at it with a smile His eyes were full of good shows Thank you for your understanding This is my distant cousin He’s been hurting his throat for the past few days Inconvenient to speak Since they are all hurt I’m afraid it’s not appropriate to stay and serve Your Highness, do you want to change someone? The guard looked at the door gourd I’m afraid you’re not happy to see it Affects mood No need to order the door This king likes to be quieter The official bowed and stepped back The lord couldn’t help but laugh and lay on the table Third brother, you have a day when you are said to be a gourd Hahaha what a laugh. This is the king This trip was not in vain Have you laughed enough I’ve been holding back for a long time You don’t know I saw you disguised like this in the carriage Almost squirted out a mouthful of tea I’ve got you here This is even if he walks in front of his father He didn’t even recognize it So is the county lord of Anping This king didn’t dare to admit it There is still half an hour left before the voyage begins I’ll go to the ship’s galley first Foot pot tea over Go ahead Xiao Jinyue picked up the food box from the kitchen I was about to go back Suddenly, I felt a strong sense of staring I saw it on the deck of the merchant ship opposite Standing stood a middle-aged man Eyes were glued to her The middle-aged man didn’t expect her to suddenly look over Immediately disguised bowed his head Turn away His Royal Highness King Xiang Do you know what the merchant ship next to it does? I don’t know what’s going on Maybe I’m suspicious I just went to the kitchen to get something I saw a strange man on the boat opposite One stared at me It’s like observing something As soon as I saw him, I hid What kind of man Middle-aged people in their 40s Dressed in coarse cloth shorts Wearing a straw hat The face is darker The appearance is very ordinary But the body is robust It looks like it’s supposed to be the kind that does manual work a lot This kind of dress It should just be on the ferry pier Labor to do the work is everywhere Nothing matters So what did he observe me for? Maybe it’s because the guard clothes you’re wearing aren’t common I was curious and took a few more looks Half an hour later The big boat slowly left the ferry Xiao Lingyue looked at the tumbling river outside the window Suddenly frowned How many of the ship’s guards know how to water? What will water Before leaving Beijing Didn’t the Night King tell you in advance that he would take the waterway? When you pick the accompanying guards Have you asked them if they can water? The king only asked 7 how they were in martial arts It doesn’t matter if it’s water or not But we’re on board now The boat will go for two days In case something happens in the past two days or in the face of an enemy attack You and King Yi don’t know water The guards don’t know how to water Isn’t this the total annihilation? It won’t be so unlucky This king tells you Will walk by water Let you choose people You picked it with your eyes closed You didn’t remind me This is the king’s first trip by boat How can you take these into account Moreover, most of the guards in Kyochu were locals There aren’t many who know how to water Even if it’s the third brother Don’t you know how to water? The environment of Northern Qin is dry There are not many people who know how to water Even if you forcibly pick a few out I’m afraid that the water is also very general In the complex wild waters of the Canglan River It’s useless at all That’s it You can only forget it Fortunately, there were quite a few sailors on board And they’re basically veterans They live on boats The water-based is generally good And he has a lot of experience in boating Even if something happens, you can deal with it It’s a pity that the good don’t work the bad spirits It was just getting dark The hull shook violently Don’t come to the deck Xiao Heyue made a keen discovery The speed of the boat has slowed down Soon the captain of the boat took two sailors Carrying a black thing, he walked over I frightened all of you The little one just asked Said it hit a few ditches What a gutter is The water hook is a black triangular iron hook A thick iron chain is attached underneath It’s something that is used to stop ships .plaything This kind of iron hook hidden in the water It is specifically designed against ships It’s hard for the human eye to see Once a ship hits the hook The hook will get stuck deep into the bottom of the boat Prevent the ship from moving smoothly If the ship is forcibly opened There is a high probability that the iron hook will cut through the bottom of the ship Causing a large ship to leak Or even shipwrecks A single hook can sink a ship One water hook is certainly not enough But this stuff often comes in films If you find one, you have to stop the boat quickly Check the bottom of the boat and the nearby waters Otherwise, who knows how many are hidden in the water So what to do now It’s not a problem to continue to stop here To be on the safe side It’s better to send someone into the water Imagine the situation in the nearby waters If there are other hooks hiding in the water It’s good to salvage it so as not to scratch the bottom of the boat King Xiang glanced out of the boat When it gets dark The wind began to pick up on the river The water is rippling with wine Plus the lighting is not good The whole surface of the water looks Dull and dreary It seems that there are countless dangers lurking Then let your people hurry down and salvage Salvage is not a problem Just halfway into the water Follow the rules on board It’s a bit of a head fee from the brothers After all, you have seen it, my lord There are strong winds and waves on the river Launching and salvage It’s also dangerous King Xiang and his entourage took a private boat That is, the flower rice is wrapped Now someone needs to venture into the water The captain came over to negotiate the price What is the price if you let your people go into the water and salvage? Per capitation Five taels of silver for a person I’ll give you 10 times as much silver You go pick a few good hands and go into the water first to see how it goes Under the heavy reward of 50 taels of one person The Boss has carefully selected 5 sailors with the best water nature Soon a stove of incense time passed Several sailors slowly surfaced There was one more person who didn’t come up What about the old five It’s almost all incense Why hasn’t he come up yet? It’s too muddy underwater I didn’t see where the fifth child was at this time One of the sailors suddenly sank down The whole person was instantly submerged in the water and disappeared King Xiang and others on the boat saw this scene I was also taken aback What’s going on What about the people who speak Master, did you just see that? The man suddenly disappeared It’s sinking into the water The ship’s boss suddenly realized something Rush to the deck railing and yell, get on board Something is wrong in the water The faces of the three sailors changed dramatically Swift paddling to the side of the boat There are people underwater Well, where Gone, a figure just passed under the water In the blink of an eye, it was gone You’re sure it’s a figure Not sure, I just saw a blurry shadow I crossed it in one fell swoop It’s like a human being Something is catching me Yes. There are underwater . Pulling me Help, help, help Ah, look at the last sailor in the water The ship’s boss was in a hurry Zhan Beihan’s face was ugly Suddenly, he grabbed the railing Xiao Mingyue held his hand Glared at him You don’t know how to water Go down and find out. ? Something is not quite right You stay with King Xiang and I will go down No way No one knows what’s going on underwater How many people are hidden People go down and look for them. It makes no difference It’s useless for you to go It’s too late The ship’s guards didn’t know anything about water Sailors and sailors do not know martial arts Go down. Someone has to go down Look at the situation I can only go Rest assured, I have the power to protect myself How long I’ll be idle Two incense sticks are enough for time Good two stoves of incense If you don’t come up, I’ll go down to you No, I don’t want to go back and fish for you in the river As soon as the words were finished Xiao Lingyue pounced on the river without hesitation It’s a fishing net made of wire Ordinary heads are absolutely cut constantly The woman was shrouded inside Enough to keep her in the water without oxygen. The only exit in front of you is down The underwater combat zone is dangerously silent But there were no waves on the water The fourth is coming up Are you okay What’s going on in the water Something is pulling me Scratching my feet all the time Great strength I was almost dragged down Could it be water? Ah, not water. This is a hand-made mark On the river. Everyone hurried to the railing I saw that the river on the side of the hull was red How can it be so public! It can’t be, people Over here It seems to be the position where the guard jumped just now Could it be? Look What floats on the water It seems to be a person King Xiang grabbed the railing Looking at each other with an uneasy expression He’ll be fine Zhan Beihan grabbed two wooden boxes and threw them down the river Perform light skills and leap up Use the wooden box to fly towards the figure not far away It was too late for King Xiang to stop it This guard is a good tool Jing Ran can fly across the river with the help of wooden boxes It is a house hazard This is the audacity of the artist Fortunately, the third brother did not get carried away Before jumping into the river, I also knew how to throw two wooden boxes to borrow He wouldn’t think something had happened to Shen Wan Wet Wado’s.. Thrown on deck Is this your man? Isn’t it someone who hides under the water and sneaks up on it The Tao is a person who hides under the water and sneaks up The guards stepped forward quickly Will.. Turn it over The young master, this person was cut by a sharp weapon There is a knife that runs through the back of the heart. Body-bound. The liquid has run out There is still residual warmth in the chest Estimated just. soon It’s him. target Eighty percent is to check it out Does he have an identity mark on him or something? At this time, it has already entered each other The temperature of the river is very low at night People can’t stand soaking in water at all Zhan Beihan turned his head to look at the river How long has he been down It’s almost two rotten incense in a moment Not yet He’s grinding something It shouldn’t be that he wants to grind I’m afraid there are guests in the water. Those who know how to water on the boat will not do martial arts Those who know martial arts can’t water Xiao Mingyue was alone in the water Waiting to do it is isolated King Xiang was afraid that he would jump down and look for him if he was impulsive Don’t be stupid Go ahead Shen Huishui still has the power of self-preservation If you go along Maybe he’ll be dragged down again It’s up to you to say that Of course he knew that It’s just that the anxiety in my heart is like a fire I can’t hold it down meanwhile Extreme hypoxia made Xiao Heyue’s consciousness gradually blurred Big Brother is here There is one floating on the water. person Through a blurred line of sight Xiao Jinyue saw a few strange figures Don’t come with a torch Who these people are Where am I now? Fighting the North Cold The disguise on Xiao Heyue’s face was washed away Showing a beautiful face The men on the shore swallowed as they watched soon He was taken by these men to a campfire outside the grove Several pallet trucks stacked with cargo are parked next to each other Men and women gathered around the fire Looks like a normal caravan Boss Zhao, why have you been there for so long It’s okay, it’s okay A false alarm This girl is Sister Joe This is something that my big brother and I picked up in the water He seems to have accidentally fallen overboard If you fall into the water, come over and bake the fire first Warm up before talking Xiao Mingyue sat by the fire I felt like my body was about to freeze, and I was getting warmer Girl, what’s your name? Where did people fall overboard? My husband and I went on a boat trip Unexpectedly, the boat was attacked by water bandits in the middle of the night last night I accidentally fell into the water in a panic Somehow it floated here Thank you for saving me What you met the water bandits Then you and your husband’s luck is really bad We were on a boat for the first time I didn’t expect this to happen I don’t know how they’re doing, husband Don’t worry too much The water bandits on the Canglan River are all managed Only rob money and do not hurt people I’m sure they’ll be fine, husband Is there anyone else in charge of the water bandits? Yes, I don’t believe you, ask Sister Qiao The waters around here are all managed by the Cao Gang When encountering a private boat, it will indeed block the road But those people are still good at the rules It generally doesn’t hurt anyone My husband’s boat and I crashed into a ditch last night Madam, you and your husband are not ordinary people, right? Where does this begin? Those of us who often walk by water know it Those bandits are all watching the dishes like small caravans and private boats They don’t set up ditches to intercept them It’s not that I’ve met a fat sheep What do you mean There were bandits on the pier at the mouth of the river Find out for them If you come across a fleet of rich merchants or something will bury the ditch in advance. There are people on every pier who look out for the wind Unless the waterway is abandoned Otherwise, it is unavoidable You’re just afraid that you’ll accidentally show your wealth on the docks Targeted by water bandits Xiao Heyue suddenly remembered The middle-aged man who behaved strangely But I felt that something was wrong What are you talking about the Cao Gang? Could it be someone from the government? Otherwise, why would the bandits be controlled by them? The Cao Gang is not from the government It is a non-governmental organization that specializes in shipping and circulation I haven’t had time to ask Madame’s name My husband’s surname is Xiao Mrs. Xiao doesn’t look like an ordinary person What does your husband do? Is it also a merchant? The woman looked at Xiao Heyue suspiciously It is impossible for a rich lady to wear a man’s guard uniform My husband is indeed a merchant in the capital The same goes for the clothes on my body The husband is afraid that there will be thieves with bad intentions I was specially asked to change it Let everyone laugh A group of people around the campfire suddenly realized The atmosphere was much more relaxed Are you also caravanserais? My name is Qiao Qing It’s Boss Zhao’s subordinates I used to run a lot by water You just said that the water bandits only rob money and do not hurt people Is it true They robbed so many ships Never hurt anyone It’s true I’ve never heard of them hurting people anyway Even if the caravan met That is, to break the wealth and eliminate the disaster Don’t worry too much If what Qiao Qing said was true Xing Qi lurked in the water Who is the ruthless and deadly man in black? It’s a water bandit Or another group of people in the name of water bandits And what is their purpose? Half an hour has passed Shen Wan hasn’t come up yet I’m afraid something happened Third brother, it’s useless for you to stand here and wait Come back to the cabin with me Second brother, go back first If you don’t leave, how dare I go back Didn’t you say that Shen Wan is smart Water-based and good Know how to protect yourself Provided that there is no ambush in the water He should be fully prepared before he is in the water And from the man in black. of wounds It was obviously not him who suffered Zhan Beihan’s thin lips were tight The facial features that can’t be covered by the disguise are as cold as a sword The king should not have let him go down I didn’t expect that the third brother, you would regret it The river is high tide The wind and waves were strong, and the fire on the deck could not be lit at all There is no fire guide In case Shen Wan loses her direction Washed away by the current to other places It’s hard to find after dawn If you can’t find someone else after dawn V Road picks up to Log Town He will definitely come I want to go to the Imperial Tomb You have to go through the town of logs As long as Shen Wan doesn’t. In the river He will definitely be waiting for him there meanwhile Xiao Mingyue’s caravan also set off Both sides invariably headed towards Log Town and arrived at the gates of the city Routine inspection by the guards of the gate Xiao Jinyue accidentally saw it On the corner of the wall in the lower right corner of the gate There are several A mark that looks like a scratch It’s Long Lingwei’s contact code I’ve seen it Zhan Beihan, they have successfully arrived at the log Long and sweet But the transfiguration on my face was gone Long and sweet I don’t have any tools around Long and sweet How to find Zhan Beihan them The rich boy doesn’t buy anything when he goes shopping Just staring at the woman in front of you I didn’t expect this little log town Jingran is also a beauty This figure, this temperament I’ll go and see Master, let’s go back early It’s not safe on the streets I’m just going to take a look This girl’s figure is quite familiar Maybe it’s someone you know The girls you know are all in the capital How could it be possible to be here Don’t look for a girl to borrow back Let’s go back with my subordinates While the two sides are still pulling Qiao Qing walked out of the inn The shopkeeper said that their family did not have a caravan surnamed Xiao to live in Let’s go to the next door and ask Well, it’s not that much trouble There’s a boy over there Why does he keep staring at you Xiao Mingyue doesn’t have to look back to know Qiao Qing said that the son-in-law is Mrs. Xiangwang Xiao Why don’t you look back at him It can’t be your husband Xiao Mingyue’s face was black No, denying it and not either He saw me Coming towards us The girls all saw me However, the latter sentence of the inquiry is too rude I’ll be right back A few guards are not easy to block strongly I could only cry and follow him with a sad face The two girls were polite Childe is polite King Xiang smiled affectionately with a pair of peach blossom eyes Qiao Qing was not only amazed Instead, I felt the man in front of me Everywhere.. Woman This son What are you staring at my friend all the time? Do you know him? The girl misunderstood I just think This friend of yours looks familiar Seems to have been seen somewhere Can you please him Your reason is too old-fashioned Is it old-fashioned I take the liberty of asking Childe’s surname My surname is Hu, what do you ask this thousand War is the national surname of Northern Qin It cannot be used by non-royal families There is no common surname among the people As soon as you say it, you will wait to do it, and you will reveal your identity As soon as Qiao Qing heard that his surname was Hu Bu, his surname was Xiao I knew I had guessed him right Sure enough, it’s not Mrs. Xiao’s husband Obviously not a husband is still staring at other girls Wu Gongzi If nothing else Let’s go first You wait King Xiang subconsciously pulled Xiao Jinyue Xiao Mingyue was pulled by Qiao Qing and King Xiang at the same time It’s like a sandwich biscuit What are you doing In broad daylight A big man tugged at the girl’s house Let me go If you do this again, I’ll call it You say I am His Royal Highness the King of Chaoxiang was pointed at the nose by a folk rough girl Xiao Mingyue almost laughed The faces of the guards behind him were distorted Don’t think you have a decent face You can be a sister-in-law on the street I hate you playboy the most I said girl Are you mistaken? I just think your friend is familiar That’s why I wanted to ask You say to my friend’s back that you look familiar You treat me as a fool She’s not the good-looking girl in the world You know them all It hit the nail on the head Every sentence speaks the essence of the 7 princes I’m warning you My friend was married a long time ago 7. His husband is tall, handsome, and multi-whole They have a very good relationship You don’t come to build him Rarely come to the street to harm the women of good families Stop us from leaving Believe it or not, I’ll let the conscripts arrest you The dispute between the two sides attracted some passers-by Then Qiao Qing saw that the patrol was coming this way Servant Lord There is one here There are shameless ones Girl in broad daylight What’s going on You’re a girl I didn’t He was seen by many people They can testify At this moment, King Xiang realized it What does it mean to jump into the Yellow River, I can’t wash it out You’ve just seen that Explain it to me Master, how do you let us explain? You did pull someone else’s girl Then I don’t want her, either I really think she looks familiar It’s not that I want to build a mountain I don’t believe you let her out As long as it’s the beauty I’ve ever seen I’m sure I won’t forget As soon as the words fell The onlookers looked at him in a bad way Dare to be a girl on the street of Log Town I see you’re getting impatient Someone Take someone down for me Everyone, this is a misunderstanding Is it a misunderstanding Let’s talk about it when we get to the door King Xiang knew that this matter could not be good If the two sides fight I’m afraid that the third brother’s plan will be ruined You remember it for me, stinky girl Don’t you fall into my hands one day Who’s afraid of whom You let the horses come Qiao Qing was not afraid of him at all But he’s not unreasonable Errand brother They are not in a group Except for this Others don’t My friend, they tried to persuade him to come It should be a good person Since they didn’t do anything You don’t have to catch it Just bring the culprit back The master went back to find someone Zhan Beihan is a hidden identity It cannot be exposed However, there were also three household officials in the accompanying team It’s a big deal to go back and get him fished out Mrs. Xiao, are you alright? I’m fine, thank you, Miss Joe It’s going to get dark soon We haven’t found your husband yet It’s okay to come back tomorrow and do the same Didn’t you say there was a curfew when it got dark? Let’s get out of town Good to go through this incident The relationship between the two has become much closer all of a sudden In the blink of an eye, it was late at night Xiao Jinyue crossed the city wall in three or two clicks Now this face is inconvenient for King Xiang to see He wants to take advantage of the time when King Xiang is in prison Go and see Zhan Beihan Follow the clues left during the day Find hidden houses in small alleys The guards slept soundly on the Chase bunk The three household officials slept separately on the bed and on the floor Only the northern cold of the war is not seen Suddenly, three figures passed by in the alley He was covered with a thick, large cloak What kind of people are these? In the middle of the night, ghosts are worshipped God is mysterious There are still such people lurking in Log Town and those black-clad assassins he met in the Canglan River It doesn’t matter. Since I met it Keep up and have a look Follow three people Walk through a few alleys The surroundings are becoming more and more desolate I want that sharp cold light to reach my throat Who are you The voice is heard Xiao Jinyue didn’t know whether to cry or laugh Don’t do it, it’s me Shen Wan Don’t recognize it? The transfiguration on your face Soak in the river all night It has long been washed away Put the sword down People are so scared How did you end up here I met a few people who were ghosts I want to keep up and have a look I’ll find you halfway through You saw me coming out of the courtyard before you followed Well, who are you chasing The three practitioners wore cloaks In the middle of the night, ghosts passed through the alley I don’t know What is it for? Xiao Mingyue simply put the experience of the past few days told Zhan Beihan You are suspicious of these three men in black It has something to do with the men in black you meet underwater By the way, what are you going to do tonight Visits Is it King Xiang? You didn’t get him out You know again King Xiang was imprisoned and had something to do with me You’re the girl he teased on the street Not molestation King Xiang saw me on the street today But he didn’t recognize me It was probably when Xiao Heyue was in the past I met in the capital It feels familiar It’s not convenient for me to recognize him If he neglected him, he was arrested as a hooligan One more thing someone I saw three men in black burrowing out of the reeds Come in their direction Quickly disappear into the night It’s just that they can’t chase it Chase 3 pcs The man in black walked into a large mansion The two did not dare to approach rashly I’m also afraid of startling snakes That’s where they come in Such a big house It seems that there are quite a few of them Do you want to follow up and take a look? Do you know whose house this is? I just arrived in Logs Didn’t ask you to know This is the private residence of Li Bihuai, the county seat of Log Town Qiao Qing told me before A caravan from Nanyan It is said to be a distant relative of the county seat Every year, he lives in the county seat Could it be that these three men in black have something to do with Nanyan’s caravan? Who is Qiao Qing Saved me before The girl in the caravan was him single-handedly sent King Xiang to prison How did he know about the Nanyan caravan It’s all between peers who come and go for business There will be news circulating in the warehouse But I don’t know if it’s fake However, according to Qiao Qing This Nanyan caravan was mainly engaged in the wood and stone business I visit Log Town every year Now the logs are mixed here The forces are more complex than we think In addition, this place is next to the imperial tomb There are ferries, and there are people secretly smuggling iron ore It’s hard to tell if it’s true or fake Iron ore stolen from Tiger Wolf Mountain in the suburbs of Beijing was secretly transferred to the Construction Division of the Ministry of Industry Sharpen into rough iron Then the rough iron was hidden in the wood and stone raw materials Escorted by the army to the Imperial Tomb It’s just at this time Log town is here A southern tobacco caravan specializing in wood and stone business There is no such coincidence in the world Just go in and have a look The two of them silently climbed over the courtyard wall At a glance, I saw the main house with the lights on How about this year’s goods Have you tested all the fineness? It’s been experienced The condition is the same as in previous years And listen to those who delivered it This year’s harvest was good Last year, it was 30% more Do three into three and package The Northern Thai Imperial Court investigated strictly They don’t dare to be too presumptuous In case someone finds out There are 7 lines in line Every year I’m tired of hearing all these words Three achievements three into three When will it be delivered The date of delivery has been set for 7 Just 10 days later Ten days in the old place I’ve heard The Beijing Imperial Court is about to send someone to inspect the imperial mausoleum again The master has explained It’s best not to meet with people in the imperial court The cargo had to be taken away before the arrival of the chincha This is already the fastest time After all, they bring the goods out There has to be a suitable reason The communication between the master and the servant in the house Not a word about important information The whole time I was playing pantomime Both of these men were too cautious From beginning to end, it was not said what the shipment was The exact location of the delivery was also not said There is only one 10-day time later It doesn’t matter if they don’t say it There are still people who know You mean the county Li Bihuai Also on if caravan guests have It is impossible for Li Bihuai not to know Where is the other person? We went straight to him It’s in this house A huge mansion Li Bihuai is the county seat Don’t live in the main house Competing in a side hospital The two disguised themselves as Assassins Put the head against Li Bihuai’s throat Don’t move Who are you? What a guts Dare to go to the official’s house at night Li Bihuai, you lost your father when you were a child It was your mother who raised you by doing needlework Send you a book His eyes are blind Your wife does not dislike your family background I gave birth to you a son and a daughter The youngest daughter’s year What do you want Something is coming at me My wife and children don’t know anything If you dare to touch them I’m going to die with you I don’t want your family to be in the family Just tell me everything you know Otherwise, early tomorrow morning You’ll be able to see it You hang on the gate of the county government I said I said Don’t hurt my daughter What is the cargo of the Nanyan caravan You’d better be honest It is wood and stone smuggled out of the imperial tomb The caravan was all about it They threatened me If you dare not do it Just take me along I can’t help it How the people of the caravan delivered On a large boat at the ferry As long as the goods are delivered smoothly So they sailed south Leave the same day By the way, one more thing Li Bihuan raised his head suddenly A swipe appeared on his face Suddenly Dense poisonous needles struck Xiao Jinyue head-on Beware of the northern cold Xiao Mingyue was protected by Zhan Beihan Not shot by a poisoned needle He didn’t bother to check the situation of Zhan Beihan Leap off the ground He got up and shook his hand and threw his head out Li Bihuai, who was about to escape through the window, suddenly stiffened He fell to the ground in agony How are you Where did it hurt Dozens of poisonous needles pierced him in his arms and shoulders He wanted to pull out the poison needle His fingers trembled uncontrollably A cold sweat broke out between the hair Zhan Beihan stretched out his hand and tapped the acupuncture points on his shoulder Prevents the spread of toxins to the heart You go on and on This king is going to be poisoned It’s not something I want to shake Can you not speak It was the king who was poisoned What are you panicking about It’s just an ordinary poison needle This king is not unsuffered Just find the antidote What if there is no cure Isn’t that still you? Then Li Bihuai, who was not dead, suddenly laughed coldly Hahahahahaha Commonly poisoned needles I didn’t expect that a dignified king would also disguise himself Blame me for having eyes and not knowing Tarzan Jing Ran didn’t recognize this king I didn’t expect it either This little log town hides characters like you This poisonous needle hidden in Huwan This is something that Nanyan Shifang will be equipped with You are the nail buried by Nanyan in Northern Qin His Royal Highness King Yi is worthy of Northern Qin It’s all coming to an end There’s so much to worry about The loss of the family is huge It’s time to come The screaming was quite energetic You work for Nanyan Have you ever thought about your elderly mother and your daughter-in-law and children? The nine clans of the Li family want to thank you Last life You scourge What to do with him Don’t get your mouth dirty King Yi, you can also be rampant to this day I, Li Bihuai, am a small person It’s not a loss for you to be buried together You are also worthy of the funeral Match or not It’s not your turn yet What is the taste of the secret poison of the Nanyan court? Your Royal Highness, just wait and see I’ll be waiting for you on Huangquan Road Taxi means Take a look at the back collar of his shirt Xiao Jinyue stepped forward and lifted the collar to take a look His face sank What’s wrong It’s the same as the pattern of those assassins in Xiangguoji Temple You told me at the time This is the imprint of Murong Ye’s corporal battalion Could it be that Li Bihuai is not from Northern Qin This king is before leaving Beijing It will be passed in the change department I’ve seen the archives of the officials who belong to Log Town Li Bihuai was born in the 29th year of his reign Five feet tall Thin bones I don’t know martial arts Don’t you think there’s something wrong with your body You mean this Li Bizhun may be fake Remember the one you used to deceive the king Something that hides the identity of the North North mask A long time ago Li Bihuai has already been been Nanyan’s with a mask Disguised as him, he stayed in Log Town The purpose was to provide cover for the caravan Tomorrow, as soon as the news of Li Bihuai spreads It’s inevitable We need to find the antidote as soon as possible Otherwise, the Nanyan caravan was frightened and ran away Your arm is useless If the king is poisoned Shouldn’t you be happy What are you talking about I don’t want you It’s like you’re desperately trying to save me in Tiger Wolf Mountain Don’t want me to be the same Why don’t you want to be the king Why do you have to ask this kind of question? I’ve told you why I’m just why What else is there to ask This king doesn’t want you It’s because the king is pleased with you Men want to protect women The husband wants to protect his wife Hearing Zhan Beihan say the word "happy". Xiao Jinyue’s heart beat faster In an instant, it was like being hit by a jackpot from above But it feels a little untrue It’s not early You’re still wounded Let’s get out of here While it’s still dark Xiao Jinyue quickly left the private house Return to the caravan She had to hurry up to find the leader of the Nanyan caravan Get the antidote to the poison needle from the other party Early in the morning, Boss Zhao took Qiao Qing and Xiao Jinyue Carrying the prepared gifts, he walked to the yamen of the county seat King Xiang has been fished out by Lord Qincha Except that it stinks a little bit on the body People look quite energetic This Hu Gongzi has an extraordinary identity He is the nephew of the noble concubine in the palace Even the official had to salute when he saw it Hu Gongzi was wronged The lower officials must teach those officials who are not long-sighted severely Make amends to Hu Gongzi The official is just doing his errands normally Teach them what to do If you want to blame it, blame that girl who is talking nonsense Wait until I find her I will not let her go Put it this way Hu Gongzi was really wronged and framed The officials must have found him Vent evil anger for Hu Gongzi Qiao Qing lowered his head and tried to shrink back Trying to use Boss Zhao’s rich body type Hide yourself King Xiang’s eyes were very pointy Anal him all at once It’s you who stand up for me Qiao Qing hadn’t had time to hide yet was dragged out by King Xiang’s arm Isn’t that a coincidence? You dare to appear in front of me It’s because I have eyes and don’t know Tarzan offended Hu Gongzi You can retaliate however you want You slandered Hu Gongzi It must be deliberately framed Someone come, take him down quickly The conscription immediately rushed towards Qiao Qing Boss Zhao was at a loss I didn’t dare to block the fence Slowing down has something to do with me There is no need to be in such a hurry to arrest and convict King Xiang looked at his face in amazement The expression on the face is wonderful for time He finally understood why he felt his figure familiar Isn’t he dead? How did it come out here Hu Gongzi has not been seen for a long time Who are you who dare to obstruct your official business at the door of your business? Hu Gongzi knows who I am This thing is a misunderstanding He’s right It was indeed a misunderstanding I haven’t seen Mr. Hu for a long time Yesterday on the street Hu Gongzi should have seen me It feels familiar So he stepped forward to build a mountain But it was Miss Joe, who was walking with me Treat it as yes That’s when it came to the patrol It turns out that you really know each other But You’re not saying that you and your husband are separated because of the bandits That’s why you came to Log Town to find your husband? What is the relationship between this Hu Gongzi and you? What a husband You’re married again What does it mean that she is married again Doesn’t she have a husband? This girl is She must be my brother and sister Siblings Shen Shilang almost jumped up Boss Zhao was completely dumbfounded Qiao Qing was also shocked Brother and sister, is this true? Isn’t your husband a merchant in the capital? How will it be with the palace The concubine There is a relationship with Mrs. Xiao You are not who you really are Xiao Mingyue has a headache How casual the was before Now the explanation is a lot of headaches Mrs. Shaw tasted Brother and sister, didn’t you really remarry? Hu Gongzi bothers you to shut up first Holding money is hiding something from you I’ll explain it to you later when I have time Qiao Qing has always regarded him as a friend He didn’t want to be deceived But you can’t let him know too much Otherwise, it will get into unnecessary trouble Can Hu Gongzi borrow a step to speak? But I have something to tell you meanwhile One with a frightened face Describe the service of the wolf fox rushed into the gate with a roll Oh no Something big is wrong The county seat was killed The conscription immediately led the team to blockade Li’s house Put everyone in check for the time being It happened suddenly Boss Zhao and Qiao Qing were also implicated There are only two people in the main hall, Xiao Lingyue and King Xiang So many years The third brother is about to turn Beiqin over, but he didn’t find you As a result, you actually hid in Log Town I didn’t hide I am Shen Wan You are Shen Wan It’s been so long You stay in the capital together As a result, no one recognized it By the way, the third brother, does he know? Zhan Beihan has known it for a long time It’s just not debunked We met last night He’s going to look for you in prison After that, we went to the Li Mansion together Xing Beibei is also the flesh and blood of the third brother He was about the same age as the wine Could it be that they were born at the same time? You were pregnant with twins Xiangwang Palace For the sake of Han Jiu calling you the emperor’s uncle Please keep this matter confidential Why Zhan Beihan knows Beibei’s life experience This is what I decided with him King Xiang’s personality seems to be frivolous In fact, it has its own measure will never interfere in matters related to the war of the Northern Han and the prince You and your third brother went to Li’s house last night Li Bihuai* How* Xiao Jinyue briefly told her what happened last night So this Li Bihuai of the current * is fake In fact, it is Nanyan’s *taxi You and the third brother It is suspected that there is something wrong with the Nanyan caravan living in the Li Mansion So the third brother took advantage of the fact that I was arrested and put in prison Let Shen Shilang come forward as a messenger Take over the county seat The log town is close to the mountains and the river It is a very important location on the ** route of the iron ore So The Southern Tobacco Club will work on the county line of Log Town The third brother is still nowhere to be seen The other two people in the household department are also gone What do we do now I’ll leave later Qiao Qing and Boss Zhao, you can help me talk about it They are decent outsiders Nothing is known Don’t do anything dangerous Otherwise, the third brother won’t know how to settle accounts with me when he comes back Because of the relationship between King Xiang Xiao Jinyue successfully left the county campaign Come to the largest pharmacy in Log Town Driven by silver A small antidote was refined in a pharmacy The secret poison of the difficult smoke is really not so easy to solve These pills only slightly suppress the toxins Now we can only use it The Li Mansion has been completely blocked More than a dozen officials carried torches along the way The fence was guarded King Yi, the lord of Anping County, asked his subordinates to wait here If the county lord doesn’t come I will go to the county office early tomorrow morning to meet His Royal Highness King Xiang If the county lord comes The prince ordered his subordinates to convey a word to the county lord What words The prince said that there might be something wrong in Li’s house tonight Let the county lord tread carefully Don’t startle the snake I know Are there any other guards around here? Without The rest of the manpower was transferred to the county for protection by the prince His Royal Highness King Xiang Here’s what I’m staring at You take it to the county to join King Xiang It is the subordinate who retires Li Bihuai was suddenly Messed up our plans Who the hell did it Now the Li Mansion is blocked None of us can get out The house where Li Bi lives is not far from us Quilted in the middle of the night* The three of you didn’t hear anything Waste quarrels Let’s get arguing Quarrel a little longer The more information is revealed People love to hear it Adults, please rest and exceed It’s already happening It is useless to reproach them Let’s think about what to do now What does Elder Yan think Li Bihuai has been lurking in Log Town for so many years Straight to the side is fine But yesterday it was * The Qin mission of Northern Qin suddenly arrived ahead of schedule although Ostensibly, he came to count the children of a nobleman But it’s also too much of a coincidence These people already know Shen Shilang made an excuse Aren’t they locked up in the Li Mansion? How did I get out of the news I think the same thing as Elder Yan It’s a coincidence To be on the safe side The old man felt that he should give up the transaction Get out of Log Town as soon as possible It’s never too late to figure out what to do after the limelight has passed I understand Elder Yan’s thoughts But the adults disagreed Look This is a message that the adults just sent in the afternoon Adults said The Northern Qing Dynasty has discovered the secrets of Tiger Wolf Mountain This is probably the last deal There is no room for error This time, the number of deliveries is 30% more than in previous years Enough to meet the needs of His Highness Change the place and time of delivery Take the freight away before the Northern Qin Qin cha reacts Everything is based on the lives of adults Take advantage of the lax guards tonight The two of you take this letter and deliver it to the delivery person in person No slip-ups are allowed Two men in black walked to the corner of a remote courtyard wall One of them stayed where he was and watched the wind Another man flew over the courtyard wall to find the way A hand suddenly covered the man in black who was watching the wind Just a few seconds The man in black fell weakly to the ground Xiao Mingyue quickly took off her clothes Wear it on yourself I couldn’t tell that there was a different person in the cloak at all What are you doing It’s been so long There was movement I watched a few more sleeps I walked for about half an hour The man in black stopped in front of a locust tree When will the delivery person arrive "It’s three o’clock The letter you gave you is still with you Of course, the poison needle in our bracer Do you know where the antidote is? The man in black heard this Suddenly look up The problem of dry antidotes It’s not for them to ask In an instant, the whole body * qi entered Suddenly, a stick of white powder was sprinkled on the man in black I didn’t have time to scream yet And he fell to the ground and fainted Open the envelope and take a look Jing Ran didn’t say a word I spent so much Kung Fu got a blank piece of paper Is there any mistake? It’s broken, and the delivery person is afraid that it is coming Deep in the woods The figures of two men walked over quickly Did you bring something? Brought it One of them reached out and groped in his arms Took out an envelope Xiao Heyue just wanted to reach out and pick it up But the other person retracted his hand What’s wrong, sir We’ve heard that the county seat of the town has been * The Chin Cha arrived ahead of schedule Something so big happened This deal is not My lord said Trading is business as usual It’s just a matter of time and place The silver As long as the transaction goes well We got the goods Not a penny of the silver that should be given to you will be missing That’s good The two sides exchanged envelopes The man was visibly relieved The time and place of the transaction were thus decided I would also like to ask you to tell me about it Always be on time It’s not good to be late It’s natural I hope you should be on time when you deliver the goods It’s not too early We won’t delay After saying goodbye to the other party and leaving Xiao Lingyue stood in place, confused There was no verbal communication The other party said that the time and place of the transaction were set Open the envelope and take a look There are two lines written on it What is this * thing If you have words, you can’t write them What do these 9 words mean? Deal with the ** body Xiao Rinyue hurriedly did not return to the Li Mansion She wanted to get ahead of the Southern Tobacco Caravan before she realized something was wrong Figure out the hidden messages in the two letters Find the right time and place to trade Why did Jia San come back alone with you Jia Si, who let you break in directly Jia Si can’t come back The subordinates have important things to tell the adults What’s up The man stared at the little chin that peeked out from under her hood Suddenly realized Not right sudden consciousness The man was stuffed under the covers Forcibly truncated *Screaming* Ticking out Say that the antidote to Nanyan’s honey poison is not in you I can let you go But you’d better settle for the point If you dare to shout I want your* The man was powerless It’s an ordinary person Almost in the quilt ** I could only nod vigorously in horror What about the antidote What an antidote I don’t know Nan Yan * Shi who is following you They had poison needles in their bracers You won’t know where the antidote is hidden I don’t really know I’m just a little guy who runs errands How could there be such a thing Nanyan’s * taxi is not under my control So your life is useless Don’t* me I’m still useful What’s the use of you My lord, Mr. Yan, has something important to ask to see Can’t let him in Find a reasonable excuse to take people away No one in the caravan is to be seen until dawn tomorrow It doesn’t make people suspicious Otherwise I’ll be * you now Speak quickly Tell Old Master Yan There are new points coming down now I won’t be able to see him today or tomorrow He is in charge of everything No leaves for me No one is allowed to come in It’s a subordinate, so I’m going to tell Elder Yan That’s it Looks like you’re really scared* I thought you were in this caravan All of them are hard bones like Li Bihuai It turned out to be you* Li Bihuai You’re so daring Not as bold as you The hands are all fished to Beiqin I’m not afraid of being chopped up The antidote to the poison needle is not on you Is that on whom? Neither did Elder Yan We don’t need that kind of thing The adults above will not allow us to touch it As long as we do what we are told Really, if I dare to lie Xiao Jinyue could see it The middle-aged man really didn’t lie in order to save his life And I don’t know much You mentioned it in your conversation with Elder Yan before The transaction is for 7 His Highnesses Who is this Highness How do you know You don’t care how I know Now I’m asking you Be honest We’re in the middle of that There is a mention of His Highness above in time We all know that This highness is the master behind the scenes But I never saw this man I’ve already said what I need to say You can let me go now Not necessarily So what does this letter mean? How can this thing be in your hands? Jia San is already * Jia Si was captured alive There is only one soldier left in your caravan who knows martial arts And you’re revealing things you shouldn’t have revealed Even if I don’t * you Do you think you can leave Northern Qin alive? Don’t expect the adults behind you to come to your rescue They just use you as gunmen What the hell do you want Work with me I promise you not* A quarter of an hour later Xiao Mingyue walked out of the guest house The Lord Guard at the Gate No one is allowed to go in and disturb them for these two days Iiei delivered to the door She will take it herself What about Elder Yan Including Yan Lao" If in doubt Let her stand at the door and ask back Adults will answer It was Xiao Heyue who didn’t stay long Soon came to the county line King Xiang saw her suddenly appear F jumped How did you get in here Didn’t the guards notice you? I came in through the window It’s too much trouble to get on board Can you get a topographic map of Log Town? What do you want a topographic map Something needs to be verified I’ll explain that later Soon there will be one more thing A guard walked in with a roll of parchment Xiao Jinyue took out the letter from his arms What are you doing here? I followed two taxis to the back hill last night The two sides exchanged an envelope each There is an ink dot on the paper There are no word edges I couldn’t read the letter at the time Then I pressed the leader of the caravan He said just put the letter paper Overlap with the minimap of Log Town *The location of the point is the location of this delivery It’s so secretive Use white paper and ink dots to send messages I also had a long headache when I got the letter last night In the end, I could only go back to Li’s house to arrest people and ask them Otherwise, you won’t be able to think of it if you want to break your head After much speculation Finally find the exact location of the deal The location is known And what about the delivery time See for yourself I don’t even understand what the hell these words mean Quality, quality, quality I thought it was some kind of secret letter I didn’t expect it to be quite straightforward Where is it straightforward And that’s not to be true The date and time are clearly written The meaning of these 9 words Isn’t it just that tonight is ugly from the hour to the third hour Is it the time to trade? Xiao Heyue finally understood Why can’t I read this letter Because the way the time is calculated is different The caravan leader was willing to cooperate with the government The inside should be combined with the outside If there is an anomaly in the caravan He would deliver messages to the Officers There was a bookkeeper named Yan Lao in the caravan Extra attention is required He also had a Nanyan* priest by his side Be careful not to let people run away The king knows will tell Shen Shilang truthfully The time for trading is tonight It is estimated that there is still a tough battle His Royal Highness King Xiang You’re in charge of sitting in the county Defend the rear Just wait for me and King Yi to come back The king is waiting to read it There is still more than an hour before the ugly moment of the transaction In the woods near the cliffs Xiao Jinyue saw a man-made cave It was piled up with various means of transport Well prepared The tools are assembled a little You can easily put hundreds of pounds of iron ore Fall to the bottom of a cliff Could it be that someone under the cliff received it? But how did they get it? The only nine laws Only Xiao Jinyue had a guess in his heart But truth or not You still need to go to verify Xiao Mingyue climbed down the cliff A small, rudimentary pier appeared in front of me Sure enough, it was put down with a hanging basket The iron ore was eventually transported by ship There is still a bit of time until delivery I was at the bottom of the cliff waiting for the ship to arrive Or climb back up Waiting for the people of the Imperial Tomb to bring the iron ore meanwhile A team arrives in the woods around the cliffs A man wears his hands and feet He looked panicked Hair and hair This is the precipice of delivery Yes, yes The prince is in front Minions don’t dare to lie Behind a cluster of hidden rocks on the cliff face of the prince A hemp rope of unknown origin was found Fall down the cliff It looks like someone borrowed a rope and went down the cliff in advance The guards suppressed the bandits every time will tie a hemp rope around the waist Because under the 100-meter cliff is the Canglan River This allows them to glide down the cliff as fast as they can Xiao Mingyue hides in a corner of a rock wall One of them was seen at a glance It is the war of the North Cold Zhan Beihan, you brought someone here The guards on the other side of the Imperial Mausoleum Most of the 200 people are on the cliff You go check the neighborhood first Something to report You brought in all the guards The Imperial Mausoleum has been settled How many people were arrested All one is not less When the ugly time comes Pitch black river merchant ships sailed down the river Coming in their direction It’s the middle of the night Serious merchant ships would never be in such a place It should be them Let’s see if it’s not time to do it yet After the merchant ship stopped One by one, the black-clad masked men climbed down the rope ladder meanwhile Not far from the cliff face A huge hanging basket is tied with hemp rope It was filled with large chunks of rough iron I am falling from the top of a cliff The goods are down Move fast The adults are still waiting on the boat The men in black pushed carts Transported to the dock ship like an ant moving You stay here I’ll go with you Now most of the people on board are busy carrying iron ore The ship’s guards were loosened It’s a great opportunity to dive in I’m not going to hold you back Where are the two sacred? What is there to discuss You are the Gu Zheng master of the Nanyan caravan * The antidote to the poison needle is in you * ** of the Northern Qin Dynasty Your mouth is no longer clean Watch out for my sunflower point acupuncture uh-huh Acquaintance I don’t know if it’s a newcomer under Murong Ye How do you know it’s Murong Ye According to the caravan leader The smuggling of iron ore was for a certain highness of Nanyan Let him have the power to protect himself in the court So I’m speculating This His Royal Highness’s eight achievements are Murong Yexian When I don’t say that I’ll find out if there’s a cure Xiao Jinyue rummaged through the cabinets The final dry is in the shelf mezzanine Find two vials and a combo card What is this This is the antidote to the poison needle You hurry up and eat one First of all, the poison in the body was detoxified What else did you find in the mezzanine of the bookshelf Just two pill bottles and a combo brand In the other bottle is ecstasy That being the case That’s better than hey, hey, hey It’s a good idea to be bloodless You ready Get it done early I’d like to go back to Beijing sooner Pour the powder into the brazier Billowing white smoke came out Spread all over the room meanwhile A flare that had been prepared for a long time soared into the sky What’s going on Where did this flare come from and who put it The shouts of time to rush to the sky sounded The well-trained guards raised their swords and fell Don’t let any of them go Fence them up Don’t let people run Who the hell are these Lifu guys? Why are they all so powerful? Could it be the elite army of Northern Qin Where are you now? What about those** Why didn’t any of them come out to help White smoke enveloped the room Jiping is a little unclear What’s going on Where did such a big smoke come from? There are * people on the ground These are the master guards around the adults How so All are like drunk A few plops hit the ground What the hell is going on Is this white smoke be? The merchant ship left the shore with difficulty A small half escaped to the boat at the last minute There are only a few unlucky ones left I can’t run away and I can’t resist Desperately slumped on the docks Squat down if you don’t move Don’t* I, I surrender The boat drove away We can’t catch up What to do now Panic, the prince has already arranged everything We don’t have to worry about it Our mission has been accomplished Now it’s time to see what the other brothers are capable of Is there anyone down there How is the situation It was the brothers on the cliff who came down to answer it Merchant ships sail down the river The men in black secretly rejoiced that they had escaped But they didn’t know that the great calamity was yet to come Oh no, the bottom of the boat hit the water The ditch was cut 7 It’s a big rift Can’t stop it The bottom of the ship is going to leak.7 The people on board listened Immediately restrained Otherwise*** At some point, three large ships appeared in front of them Surround their ships Densely packed are all Northern Qin soldiers The archers all drew their bowstrings Just wait for the trumpet to ring Ten thousand arrows are fired It’s a big scene Unexpectedly Zhan Beihan was able to make such a brilliant plan What are you still sitting there doing? Not down yet What a bold man Who made you pounce like this In case you fall into the river Is it over? It’s over The people on board listened You are surrounded Immediately restrained Otherwise*** I counted to 3 Isn’t that Ye Yi No wonder I didn’t see him all the way It turns out that you arranged him to command the battle What’s there to see Do you want to be targeted? Wait, don’t let the arrows go We surrender Don’t let go of the arrows Count them as acquaintances The overall situation is preliminary Zhan Beihan and Xiao Jinyue only walked out of the cabin Long time no see Night one I’m Shen Wan It’s the Shen Wan you know Does the prince know? She acted with me You say she knows That’s good The two parties who secretly sell and buy iron ore All of them were caught in one go Three ships were loaded with soldiers and prisoners Swim down the Canglan River Now where are we going After crossing the mountains There is a flat terrain Someone will pick you up when the boat stops Disembark and head straight to the Imperial Tomb Don’t you bring King Xiang? He was still waiting in the county expedition The Lord will send someone to inform him Let him come by himself Shen Wan’s identity can’t be hidden Before officially returning to Beijing We’ll have to negotiate it in advance Confession to a good one Wait until you go back to Jinglongxia and ask I can explain Want me to help Yes, you have to answer the king’s four questions What a problem 1Tell the truth to this king 1. Who the hell are you Second, why did you become Xiao Heyue Thirdly, where do you know about this king? Fourth, what is the secret you are hiding? Four questions in a row It was like four thunderbolts exploding in my ears I don’t even understand what you’re saying The real lady of the Xiao family Never practiced martial arts and was illiterate I will never leave Beisu in my life I didn’t even know that there was a country called Nanyan So you can explain one to this king Your martial arts You are literate and literate You know everything about the Nanyan court Where did it come from? Xiao Jinyue knew it in her heart There is a huge difference between her and the real Xiao Jinyue Someday Zhan Beihan will be suspicious Fortunately, she had already figured out how to deal with it I come from a family of military commanders From an early age, the ears need to be stained It’s not uncommon to know martial arts Besides, who told you that I can’t read The concubine of the dignified General’s Mansion How can you not be literate What do you mean It was this king who made a mistake What you find is only superficial information Xiao Chenggang doesn’t care Mrs. Xiao was mean again I’ve always been very harsh on my stepdaughter So I can only hide and seek self-preservation This king, just when you say these are all the things Then where did your knowledge of Nanyan come from? After I left the capital All the way to Nanyan I don’t know much about the situation in Nanyan Things I know Part of it is hearsay The other part is from the Pavilion of Providence Xiao Heyue felt that her explanation was flawless didn’t know that this was a trap deliberately set by Zhan Beihan If anyone is before this king Questioning whether this king is fighting the North Cold Do you think this king will recognize the explanation? Prove your identity Or tell that guy to get out The two sides do not know how long the argument has been Xiao Jinyue could no longer make up a reasonable explanation There is a sense of tiredness in my heart I don’t want to explain any more You can think whatever you like Isn’t this king too indulgent to you? Gives you so many opportunities to confess You don’t want it once Instead, he challenged the king’s patience again and again I didn’t Zhan Beihan ignored her pale denial Suppress your anger Pick her up What are you doing Where to take me He’s been missing six years I don’t want to endure it again and again and not love her I don’t know how long it took me Xiao Mingyue gradually lost consciousness There are shallow tear stains left in the corners of the eyes There was a mess of clothes thrown around the bed The prince’s ship is about to dock You and Miss Shen are ready The carriage was ready and ready to disembark Orange is not orange The sound is not sound The north is decorated with angry matching You have it The national driver does not use the painting The subordinate will pass on the letter below Today’s Sky Pack etc.: 3 Gong Xue Zi Hui Fu Pens: 3 Gong Gui Tai went back to the store The king has a meeting You can’t go haha buying You can’t be hahaha Raw Gong Gong R Raw bather R I color 555 force I color 5 against 5 force If you don’t build it back The ground is sure to have moving There must be a way to make the earth How to Gong Yuanzi 7 Test your son’s good work Only then did he fly up and take the person down There are ditches in the ditch Hui sent a letter back B The valve is endless The pen came back from Nanyan The work of the flowers Gonghe Shi Gong Shop Go to another courtyard to live You pet 70 years to buy the left person with A woman who has been petting for 70 years buys See on B on the pure ground It’s all about you Except for your wooden bracelet pet This diversion of water to the city ring and the year of a large This Weishui City Ring is the same as one of the year Silk Pavilion is not in love From time to time, it can be more than in the past From time to time, you can be careful to follow Lan Minhua to carry out inter-affairs Once or twice when you come But not cooked The spot ripe for purchase More than 7 divisions It’s really not familiar : 22 L H E And what about my antidote Grain three days three I will be more with you on the day of the day There is no antidote Your macro body is one inch in the skin** Five viscera and six cavities, one occupies one and occupies the formation** Such torture I don’t think you can buy it out of the original sound I don’t think you can get out of the original sound 3 Anin RdhRh There must be a small number of people and a lot of people’s strength Birds, birds, birds, birds, I, Ningmin, a little R force Never dare to be like the West The day is also in harmony with your sin At the same time, the Northern Qin court will also absolve you of your sins Waiting for a husband in the sound of smoke Smoke is not a husband At least not in Wang Xian’s commoners At least not in the North Examination to be a prominent recruiter Subject to your car industry Jiang Wang and the two adults came out of the bath and worked on the pipe Jiang Wang and the two adults got out of the bath pipe That’s Bai Ran Zhong Ronggui came out of Changdi and was the boss of Xiangsheng Cigarette Merchant Zhong Rong Guiye is the owner of the imperial residence Ji Tobacco Shangshuang The noble caravan of the country of Buddha The Buddhas and the noble caravans of the country to remove the goods more than 1 Enter the straight smoke from the waterway Stretch Ronggui, you’re such a big Mingzi Yin Ran dared to betray Toyoko Fa Bei: F H I’m fast to be 5 myself H I don’t care about the power clan who kisses you Zhao stationery young training water city scholars Aimin Jiazi Diligent and honest In the sound of smoke is a rare good time You are Zhengqin people LAL One Iron ore of the husband Where to go Who is the top Toyoko? Evidence I put out the grass fire when 46 shower Witness that I put out the fire when *Ren 4 boards* Pet one * 7 Russian ten want to all the machine The bath ring is not a bath Hand up knife down I don’t dare to look at it Eating the Penalty Wine Ring Artifact 355: Now your woman’s heart and medicine are listed Don’t touch them The main Masahara Otokura made 7 The main bird original sound warehouse made 7 How to make a purchase before Now what is the matter of not doing it? You don’t have to say anything Nothing to worry about He is always a man who is a city priest X Yong is worthy of being the lord of the city straight I want to save Wen Dan’s frank confession Wind double live out of Baimei Road Wang Lang, you come out and beg me Didn’t you sign me? factory Don’t come from here She is expecting Niu Yu refuses to send Wangzi Like pregnancy 7 But it’s very good It’s obviously the environmental control of the husband The ring does not roll quickly I want Bei Wang Lang Painting with Wang Lang bath This is a woman who does not draw * Buy or not draw * buy Z The painting is beautiful Shouting beauty to shell * people Do not run to get in the city has always been 7 No, I’m not You have to bathe with Wang Lang S’s business is to take a bath with Wang Lang Built to Wang Lang bath Buddha is good for reincarnation I really can’t wait for the husband 7 real LTE3: E-USU RNB This girl This is Chiang’s house There is no Yu Lang you set up I’m afraid you’re finding the wrong place Let’s go He is the son of the three houses of the Luofu He won’t lie to me Let him come out and beg me The official name of Wang Lang Ping handed over the official name of Wang Lang No matter how much you are here, you won’t leave Don’t blame me for letting the guards chase you When the time comes, it hurts 5 light 5 77** When the time comes, it will be 7 7 7 7 7 Don’t go above the Jiang family Don’t go home Kao point Her name is Ping Wang Dian He is the eldest son of the Ping family’s Lu House She told me in person There is something wrong with the absolute ring Insist that I enter the door I asked Huang, we are danzi 3 with 9 into Bright neighbors are self-encompassing The left cigarette is soothed by the female car In the Tao of the Southern Smoke Girl* Lifelong play Playing asceticism for life A few upright cultivation of the land and the things of the family are on fire Shibao Jin Jiaqi D* Baojin Home Improvement Text Katsura K-mouth gold more cat cake Xiao will be when the moon is shining Hua flashed a hint of caution today And child Z and children Wang Lang, you color 7 me It’s not in line with you When the street village *30 thinks The * Seeking to be able to enter the husband Rings do not add now The winter position is really not good for sound Min 7 must be a full pen Today is busy There are no outsiders Everyone, please come back The home is the Dan clan of Caorong Hua After the death of Ping Guifei Zhan Beihan is about to keep up You brought me to the letter It’s going to sneak into the house Two people electric 7 sit in a room Ge found that Cao Yu 7 video game glass Bo Guo 7 electric pure speed

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