[MULTI SUB]后宫动画【扮丑躲过选秀,却进王府做格格】温馨躲过了入宫为妃,却要做王爷侧妃,初入四爷府就惨遭暗箭明枪!#沙雕 #小说 #爽文 #沙雕轻漫

This woman is so strange People are desperate Climb onto the Emperor’s dragon bed She was the only one who deliberately pretended to be ugly Dodge the selection of show girls I don’t know the gears of fate It’s already quietly turning Since you can’t be the emperor’s favorite concubine Then she can only become a woman who is a prince The girl was overjoyed Just pack things up Hurry up and follow the old slave Where did the great joy come from Tell me a word Otherwise, my heart is up and down Talking about the woman quietly Stuffed a big purse over Pull gently Aunt Xu’s sleeves are coquettish What is the draft for entering the palace The silly girl still can’t figure it out You’re going to have a good future I was bent on choosing the brand Go home and marry yourself How to see I’m going to leave the palace On the contrary, it is allowed to be repaid Warmth is a modern person who has just crossed over I wanted to rely on the historical Familiar with fighting a good future in ancient times I don’t want to be a concubine when I first come The fourth master’s mansion is cleaner than the other grandfather’s mansion Full of people around you One slap accounted for only three There’s always a day when you go there Could it be that it is Yongzheng Warm just out of the house I met a girl by another palace maid The leader stood not far away Miss Geng has been waiting for you Minister’s groove Geng’s This is not in the harem of Yongzheng The longest woman alive I lived for nine cows and six years old, not to mention In the end, she was buried as an imperial concubine He must be a very smart person All kinds of modern court dramas Comes to mind in the warmth of my mind It’s like realizing something entered the Fourth Master’s Mansion with such a ruthless person I want to vomit a mouthful of old blood That’s too sad, isn’t it? The old slave is specialized Bring two Gege into the house Please wait a minute The minions went in and ticketed Shouldn’t I say something now? Otherwise, I don’t know how to count etiquette Antiquity was trouble Heart congestion Mama hooked the corner of Geng’s lips slightly But I don’t look at the warmth Turned around and walked in The heart is more congested I have thought about thousands of kinds The situation after entering the House of the Four Baylors I didn’t expect it As soon as you enter the house, you will Encounter such a bloody greeting gift The master said The Lord is dishonored All those who serve the big brother All rods The snub master is lazy and slippery As a result, the eldest brother fell seriously ill and died Unforgivable The corner of his warm eyes swept over Geng I found that her face was similar to her own Red and white White and blue Apparently also frightened by this battle Please go in Wen’s To the master Fujin please Get up, both sisters Since they have entered the house, they are all sisters You have to get along well in the future The slave obeys the words of Fu Jin Don’t dare to overstep Shouldn’t I say something about it again? The minions obeyed Take a look at me Mother, I can say it Add a beauty to our house Wen Wen raised his head with Geng Immediately after hearing the surroundings There was a faint sound of inhalation are all warm and beautiful The face is stunning And warmth with afterglow A quick sweep of the Folp The complexion is yellowish And the one who sat next to Fu Jin Naturally, it is the famous fourth master The complexion is self-purifying Dark eyes It’s like a whirlpool that can’t be seen to the end It’s heart-wrenching What Jin said was indeed true This Wen is really a beauty but he took all that was in the house The sisters are all down Compared to the Geng family around her It’s ordinary! As soon as we met, we stirred up trouble It’s going to make the whole house Women are disgusted with me Look at this domineering character It seems that it is not the Fourth Master’s Mansion The side Fujin Li family is the only one Lee’s If you are jealous, you should say less Niang Niang is hanging on the master It’s also a good idea to send someone Sure enough, I guessed it right Lee’s is history A woman who gave birth to four children to Yongzheng Don’t be pretty Fu Jin really misunderstood his sister I can’t serve my lord with a straight stomach Look at the new sister so outstanding It’s also happy for the master Just two women When the tension is going to be high The fourth master of the tongue Suddenly stood up The master has official business to go out of Beijing overnight The affairs of the house will be handed over to Fujin If there is an urgent matter, send a letter to me Congratulations Sent away the fourth master Fu Jin’s demeanor was more relaxed and comfortable than before Especially look at the side Fujin Lee And so much more A bit of an inscrutable smile Where you both live Geng Gege lives in Luomei Courtyard And Wenger you Listen to the Bamboo Pavilion At the beginning, it was to be closer to the front yard of the fourth master I want to live but I am blessed Blocked it stiffly It seems that Fu Jin deliberately wanted to The new Wen has been promoted Fujin is really generous Listen to the bamboo pavilion that place Now I am willing to do it Fu Jin listened but did not listen Introduced with warmth and Geng’s Another woman This is Song Gege She was the first sister to enter the house This Song Gege looks kind There doesn’t seem to be any hostility towards me Since it was the first to enter the house Then she must have some status in the house Go back, all of you I am also tired Wenger and Geng Geger are missing something Directly with me Luo Mayuan said that it is Out of the main courtyard door Side Fu Jin Li with it Eyes that are full of anger I took a hard look at the warmth I’ve provoked you In the blink of an eye Warm into the fourth master’s mansion for more than half a month The house has been calm Until she came Follow the rules Gege entered the mansion to set up a banquet and be lively It’s just that the big brother just didn’t have it Fujin is still recuperating Li Fangfujin is pregnant again Unable to operate In the end, it was Jue’s grievance Fu Jin deliberately asked the minions to give Gege Send some fabric jewelry to comfort one or two Mama, please get up You are the old man in front of Fujin Where can I receive such a great gift from you Yunxiu Hurry up and get a brocade machine and invite Mama Luo to sit Big Brother must be The boy in front of the Goddess of Mercy seat This is not the richest thing in the world Slaves can’t be blessed with blessings Worrying is already guilty If it’s this time For the sake of the minions I’m even more embarrassed to see Fujin The warm words are thoughtful And he still has Fujin in his eyes The corners of Luo Ting’s mouth rose slightly Very satisfied Gege came from a family of scholars in the end Fujin knows you The mind must be very happy I heard about Amma of Gege Do Zhizhou in the south Gege grew up in the south I’m over before being sent back to the capital Take it with you and keep it That’s a lot of character I know the scenery of the south side very well Wait for Fu Jin to get better Gege can be said Give Fu Jin a listen to relieve boredom After all, in modern times I watched a lot of court dramas The warmth is immediately audible This has another meaning Dare to love Fujin, this is releasing a signal Ask me if I want to go to the main courtyard Warmth doesn’t want to lean on either side But now the Fuli side is dominant The first time they met, they inexplicably made a feud If you lose the protection of Fujin again I’m afraid of the warmth between the eyes can be eaten alive by the Li family If Fu Jin doesn’t think I’m noisy I’d love to This mortal minion Gege can be used easily If any of them are disobedient Just tell the old slave I will surely send her away The person who was personally picked by Mama Nature is all good The service is very thoughtful This is not the credit of the old slave It’s all good for the Ministry of Internal Affairs Warm this half month to observe secretly Two handmaidens who were assigned to him It seems to be quite comfortable with a eunuch Just don’t know secretly Whoever is involved in the backyard So most of the time She’s still cautious Gege doesn’t know yet These minions are Fujin Specially let the old slave go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to come I’ll pick up the clever ones Sent you this listening to the bamboo pavilion It turned out that Luo was telling me The people around me It was not implicated with anyone in the house They are all clean people Look at the warm and stunned expression Luo Ma got up and said goodbye with satisfaction Warmly watched her walk away Only then did he turn around I didn’t expect Fujin Still a man with the means First, the reward is co-opted Wait until I have a clear direction to take refuge Just said me The people around you are clean If I hesitate I’m afraid there won’t be any latter words brilliant It’s amazing Warm know In this unfathomable mansion If the master and the servant cannot be of one mind That is the way forward It can be hard to get on The minions are in Gege has some orders Mama Luo came to me If you want to come, you have to go Geng Gege’s side You go and inquire Don’t be discovered The slave and the maid will go Gege finally agreed to use me It’s trying to take me for myself This is half a month Yun Ling is not an idle eater Secretly, it is quiet Inquire about the affairs of the house I also slowly made some friends So quickly I heard the news and came back At this time Yun Xiu was serving tea in the house Seeing Yun Ling come in, there is a reply ticket If you hesitate, you have to quit You call Zhao Baolai in as well Listen to it together The minion is going Zhao Baolai is the little eunuch who guards the door here People are quite clever At this time, the three of them have some Standing cramped and restless in front of the warmth There are only four of us in the bamboo pavilion But if you do your best in the future Be faithful to me There will be me one day If you don’t look down on me, listen to the bamboo pavilion I’m going to talk to Mama Luo I’m going to give you a different errand It can be regarded as half a month The love of master and servant In a flash The man was frightened and quickly knelt down Show loyalty It’s not the same Lu Yao knows that the horsepower has been seen for a long time But I’m going to have to say something ugly If you want to go Let’s get together and disperse But if you do that betrayal I think I’m a little Gege Dispose of a minion as well I have the ability to do this A minion will never betray his master If you have this heart and told me not to die well The slave is new to the Ministry of Internal Affairs When you enter the house, you will serve Gege Don’t dare to have two hearts Get up Tell me what you heard Listen to it, everybody The slave inquired Luo came here first Five pieces of cloth delivered It is the latest Hangzhou silk lake brocade this year The jewelry sent was plain silver The feet are gem-set Geng Gege also sent these there But the color, pattern, and texture are not up to par The jewelry is only plain silver but not set with gemstones How long she had been with Geng Geger Mama Luo is here in Gege I sat for most of the hour It’s on Gengge’s side I only stayed for a long time And left I didn’t expect this Yun Ling He’s still a master at listening to news Let’s talk about it There’s a mystery here What is Fujin trying to do? Yun Ling, who inquired about the news, was silent Yun Xiu on the side spoke first The minion estimated Fu Jin This is what you want Gege to know The main hospital treats you well It also makes sense But that’s it Geng Gege hated it Let’s be Gege It’s not necessarily a good thing Such means are also common But the minion thought Fujin this is about I made it for Li Fang Fujin to see As soon as this remark came out Warm eyes lit up looked at Yun Ling, who had not spoken all this time Motioned for her to continue The master is not in the house It stands to reason that it is out of character The less noticeable, the better It has not yet been favored, and the foundation is unstable At this time, stand on the cusp of the wind and waves It’s dangerous But Fu Jin pushed Gege forward It’s obviously about pushing Gege Fight with Li Fangfujin in the ring Yun Ling’s thoughts And the warmth coincides Speaking of which Yun Ling was a little angry There was also a bit more sharpness in the words Li Fangfujin already has a daughter and a son Now she is pregnant again Look at it according to the minion The days when the master is away Gege is still living in seclusion Try not to follow Li Fangfujin The right is the best policy How long have you been in the Ministry of Internal Affairs Back to Gege The slave entered the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the age of seven or eight Not very old But it’s not easy to think of that Thank you for the compliment Say something unpleasant to Gege The minions have heard and seen It’s probably more than the rice you eat Also The Ministry of Internal Affairs is that kind of place It’s not easy for you either You can think of it here Then you’ll know what to do Fu Jin died of illness due to the eldest brother said that on the fifteenth day of the first month, let me go over and say goodbye Except for these two days Let’s close the door of our courtyard be If nothing else Even if I don’t go out behind closed doors The same will be true of the cloud wheel Let me meet that Lee Just as Warm thought The next day Meals delivered from the dining room Sure enough, something went wrong Every time a woman eats Let the dining room be soft and rotten Chew food without teeth It’s just because she has a mouth full of golden teeth I am afraid that eating hard objects will lose the gram weight This is the meal delivered from the Imperial Dining Room today Minions are useless Please punish him Warmly look at the meal on the table Steamed pork ribs The flesh is all bones Braised pork The skin is covered with hair It’s good to look at the steamed fish But I didn’t put a little salt And the last dish of lamb broth It’s a salt seller who can die History always says that Lee’s instrument is Zhang Bahu Now it has finally been confirmed It seems that I still underestimated The combat power of this side Fujin Get up What does it have to do with you Although it is not fatal to make a person difficult from the diet But it’s special Can you go out of the house at will? I can go out twice a month Gege has something to say Give me my dowry And the treasures that my grandmother gave me on weekdays Go outside the house and exchange some silver tickets and come back It’s not hard to change money But when you enter the house, the concierge is to be checked So I’m afraid I’m going to have to do it when the time comes You can just look at it Look at what’s going on in the dining room Don’t worry about it Not yet Let’s see how Wen responds If only it were that Just lay down Wen’s bucket That’s also a person who can’t be helped It’s not worth my trouble The old slave thought the same thing Wenger had endured it In the future, Fujin will have to be careful when she uses her If she can’t bear it We just watched her fight with Lee The Geng who came with Wen How is it now Sure enough, it’s a stable one Closed all day Even the people around her rarely spoke Such a stuffy temperament I don’t like it I still have an idea The more people have ideas the better Day 2 Mama Luo got to listen to the bamboo pavilion News of the Great Debor Fu Province Wen But on the third day Mama Luo but The strange look is a round-trip ticket Mama, what’s wrong? Fupu Industry Listen to the one in the bamboo pavilion I spent money to ask the diners to make food It’s unexpected She could have come up with such an idea Pay for a dining room to make meals I just don’t know Wenger How much silver can be squandered The person in the dining room is the least thing Bow high and low faces But it was all brought out from the palace How long can it last? Lee got it I don’t know what moths are going to come out again The so-called Hades is good The little ghost is difficult In the east courtyard at this time Then Fujin Li’s righteous body trembled Then Fujin can take care of his health What kind of anger with a Gege At present, the most important thing is to give birth to a child safely Everything else has to be put away It’s not that I didn’t see it The old woman of Fujin It was deliberately lifted The man fights me Before the master returned home Don’t hold her down Otherwise, with her countenance Speaking of which Lee’s heart was a little sour V she was born as ordered A woman with several children With those tender little girls There’s no comparison Then Wen took the silver and went to the dining room Eunuch Sun in the dining room There is no silver that is not earned Besides There is such a thing as blocking people’s money Fang Fujin has to think twice There’s no other way, Mama It’s not for nothing Just have to wait That Wen is also one The lord with shallow eyelids When she ran out of money The people in the dining room will certainly not continue to take care of it When the time comes, you just wait to see the joke Lee didn’t want to wait She didn’t want to see a beautiful face Wen had a good day Can you do it over there in the dining room? Arrange for individuals to go in I’m afraid I can’t There are two dining rooms in the house The dining room in the front yard is in charge of the master The dining room in the backyard was when Fu Jin entered the mansion He took over the stewardship It’s not very easy to talk to Whether it’s a royal palace or a royal palace The dining room is an important place If you are pinched by women I’m afraid there’s going to be a big mess in Nafu And as the warmth of modern people complained about the food of the Qing Dynasty In order to save trouble A variety of steamed stews in the dining room Anyway, Wen Wen took out the silver I just started ordering Master Wenger asked for a dish by name But I won’t do it What can I do? Look at your unproductive appearance That’s going to be hard for you Bring it to me and show it All of my skills were taught by my master "In front of you It’s not worth mentioning didn’t wait for Qian Ming to finish filming his fart I saw that Sun Yispoon had just seen the list He frowned interesting This Wenger is really good at eating This hibiscus meat is not often cooked Ten taels of silver to eat this dish It’s so generous Master It shouldn’t be you I can’t make this dish well Pick a pound of shrimp Peel the shell and pick the line Marinate with peppercorns Then it will be dried in a cool place Cut the pork belly into slices Qian Ming hurriedly agreed When he came back with the meat I happened to see his master I was actually adjusting the sauce myself I couldn’t help but be surprised Yo heh This Wenger really has some means It was only given to Fu Jin The master who cooks meals with his master They all did it themselves delicious The ten taels of silver were not self-spent soon Wenger spends silver Something to order in the dining room Spread throughout the backyard Everyone watched Then what will Fujin Li and Fujin do Fu Jin did not act violently It is a connivance of violence I’ve been eating in a private kitchen for half a month Lee’s temperament Supposedly, it’s time to endure it to the limit Wenger’s order there I didn’t send it Not yet Hey This is strange Master They didn’t come, they didn’t come Let’s have peace of mind Why do you still think about it? hehe Also You go get busy, too If the order is sent over there Remember to show it to me Okay Master Chattered Don’t you order food today? No, I don’t want to Let’s talk about it for a day But you don’t order food Then you can only eat the side Fujin Dishes that have been manipulated How can that dish be in your mouth? Looking at Yun Ling’s worried look Warm but like a nobody Leisurely continue to practice calligraphy I saw the time to bring food Yun Ling carried the food box happily took the four dishes and one soup from the dining room On the table On the second day Warm and began to order food again But it’s different This time she didn’t send money to the dining room But the dining room did just that Third eye Still Business as usual /thereupon The whole backyard was stunned This Wenger is really surprising The guy in the dining room It’s not supposed to be easy to fiddle with What Wens did Short Asia Side Gospel Don’t be angry How can you not be angry Aren’t the people in the dining room stupid? Could it be that he was also hooked by the Wen family Probably go Let Zhang Fuju inquire clearly What the hell is going on In the dining room The people are busy Who knew that the backyard was already in chaos Sun Yispoon watched Wenger’s menu Again I was worried You go and ask Gege wants to eat beef soup This is easy to do with a knife cut surface But I don’t let you use cow bones The boiled soup is made into a dashi It has to be stir-fried with brisket What else do you want kelp to boil Isn’t that nonsense Qian Ming ran to Tingzhu Pavilion with a bitter face Explained it warmly and softly Don’t forget it when you leave rewarded Qian Ming with a big purse Mouth ~ five taels of silver Wenger is really generous Wenger said Just ask Master to do the same Do it all over the list Wait until it’s done As soon as Master tasted it, he knew that it was not feasible Noodles have been made since ancient times They all hung the broth with bones It’s all about the flavor of this soup In this way, you can get into your mouth Joke Wenger said This is a practice that the South has taken from overseas There are some who have never seen or heard of it I still don’t believe it I’d like to see what this does One is something After an hour of busyness In the pot in front of Chef Sun A strong fragrance wafted out But just because it smells good doesn’t mean it tastes good A figure flashed by the doorway Wang Shuncheng in the main courtyard It came like a gust of wind There is no food Hurry up and send it to the main courtyard ouch It’s urgent I don’t know what Fujin wants to eat It’s not Fujin It’s the master who has returned That’s it Send it first You prepare something else Where can this thing be eaten by the master? I’ll prepare something else You’re a man If you have ready-made food, why don’t you send it up The master is hungry This one will be sent up first You should hurry up and prepare something else Sun Yilao greeted in his heart Wang Shuncheng’s ancestors were thirty-eight times But they didn’t dare to delay Busy with a bowl of noodles Restless Finished I don’t know how it tastes yet If it’s not delicious, it will anger the master My life is over Why did I only bring back a bowl of noodles Lunch is not yet prepared in the dining room But it’s also a coincidence Wen Gege of Listening to the Bamboo Pavilion was asking for a knife to cut noodles The minions had just come out of the pot when they went Sun Yispoon sent this over first Anyway, it’s not delicious, and Sun Yidao is on it It has nothing to do with me This Wengeger I love to eat strange things This period of time can be a lot of tossing in the dining room This bowl of noodles is rare If you don’t like it It’s better to rest Meals over there in the dining room for a while And it was delivered Smell the fresh fragrance coming from your nose I hurried back to Beijing overnight The fourth master hesitated But still pick up chopsticks Put the dough sheet in your mouth Wang Shuncheng Who made this bowl of noodles Back to the master It’s a spoonful of the chef in the dining room It is said to be in accordance with Wenger The way it was done on the menu Wen’s

#沙雕动画 #沙雕动漫
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