My disabled husband held me in his arms and kissed me on his wheelchair

My mother married me off to a wealthy second-generation with disabled legs On the day of our marriage I cautiously asked him Do you want me to carry you to bed He casually laughed saying No need I rolled up my sleeves to carry him but I lost my balance and we both fell to the ground It was so close I almost directly inherited billions in assets After graduating from university my mother sold me to a rich man for a dowry of millions I heard that he was a standard rich N generation He lost the inheritance rights of his family due to an accident that left him with crippled legs Now I had wealth and leisure However my mother was worried because she heard that he not only injured his legs but also couldn’t have a relationship My eyes lit up It was perfect Rich and respectable a husband who can’t have a relationship – what could be more blissful So my mother and I divided the dowry and joyfully married into this life Why did I marry a cripple Because of money Such a vulgar and materialistic reason On the day of the wedding I was still a bit nervous He needed a wife without a background to be a decorative vase and my mother and I were greedy so it was a perfect match In fact we only met for the first time on the day of the wedding Before the ceremony my mother pushed me into his resting room under the pretense of building emotional connection It was only ten minutes before the entrance was there time for this supposed emotional connection As I walked in with my wedding dress trying to figure out how to greet him I suddenly froze Didn’t you say he was a poor little man with crippled legs who can’t have a relationship Who was this man sitting on the wheelchair Dressed in a well-tailored black suit although it was a wedding he had casually undone two buttons of his shirt Even sitting in a wheelchair his posture was straight dignified and aloof My gaze moved up It was a stunning face No words could describe his beauty With a slip I tripped over the wedding dress and awkwardly ended up half-kneeling in front of him I looked up at him stuttering I I said I walked into the wrong room do you believe me After I entered he had already looked me over At that moment he was sitting in a wheelchair while I knelt awkwardly and his gaze finally settled on the wedding dress that was sent by him Can you guess I guess he might be crippled but not stupid To ease the awkwardness I quickly stood up I had to speak the truth my mother asked me to come and build a connection with you The man chuckled softly He glanced at his watch Hmm five minutes of connection should be enough for the wedding Remembering that this man was my benefactor I quickly asked Is there anything I should pay attention to during the wedding In my mind I was screaming wildly give me demands Set conditions And add more money However he glanced at me and nonchalantly loosened his tie No need just quietly be a decorative vase I tactfully agreed standing silently on the side without speaking but my gaze kept uncontrollably darting towards him I felt shallow and guilty I regretted my previous insensitive joy over his condition Such a remarkable face it was a waste The wedding ended successfully Being a decorative vase was simple I just needed to stand tall smile under the spotlight and endure until the ceremony was over Phillip seemed pleased with my performance After the wedding slightly tipsy he stuffed a bank card into my arms He didn’t mention the purpose or amount But judging by his demeanor it was likely a reward Lord Smith wouldn’t be stingy I kept the card safe and only later thought to ask for the pin Besides the bank card he also threw me a set of keys and a piece of paper with an address and phone number He left in a private car letting me find my own way home I didn’t have the heart to go to Mr Smith’s villa So I went to a nearby bank first thing with the bank card But to my excitement when I checked the balance at the ATM my hands shook However the balance displayed on the screen was just one hundred dollars Just a hundred not a million I stared at the screen for a while until the person behind me impatiently said You have been hesitating over a hundred dollars do you want me to light incense before you withdraw it I blushed and withdrew the card feeling disappointed I might not have had much emotion but I still wore a heavy wedding gown to marry him A hundred dollars was he playing a joke on me The more I thought about it the more annoyed I became I withdrew the hundred used his money to hire three taxis I rode in one while the other two empty taxis followed But I made a mistake Mr Smith’s mansion was much farther away than I anticipated and the three taxis cost me over four hundred dollars I spent one hundred and the extra three hundred It was just my luck It was the wedding night I sat on the sofa staring at Phillip’s handsome face feeling nothing but anger As I was internally criticizing him Phillip suddenly looked at me Sophia Phillip’s gaze met mine light and airy yet somehow piercing When our eyes met he bit his lip lightly and softly said It’s time to sleep My face involuntarily reddened a bit But reminding myself of my mother’s words I was doused with cold water Um do you need me to carry you to bed I asked cautiously I’m really strong Phillip sat in the wheelchair casually loosening two buttons laughing casually Thanks I walked over and crouched in front of Phillip with my back facing him After a brief pause I licked my lips and added I’m really strong Phillip sat in the wheelchair and tilted his body slightly forward placing his hands lightly on my shoulders His arms were also long and slender draped casually across my neck emitting a fresh scent similar to pine My intention was simple just a gesture to the benefactor but having him so close with this physical contact made my face instantly flush He had taken off his suit jacket leaving only a white shirt on him while I had changed out of my wedding dress into a thin toastmaster’s outfit The moment I carried him I could feel Phillip’s body warmth This realization made me a bit nervous My feet shuffled and I accidentally stepped on the dragging hem of my skirt causing me to fall while carrying Phillip I ended up on the ground afraid to get up I assure you I’m not usually a comical woman and for the first twenty-something years of my life I considered myself smart I don’t know what came over me today I not only fell but also brought the benefactor down with me For a long moment I didn’t hear any sounds from Phillip Suddenly I started to panic had he fainted from the fall Just as I thought of lifting my head to check I heard his voice from in front of me Soft low Come here I got up cautiously walked over and knelt down I tried to explain but before I could gather my words he suddenly grabbed my wrist tightly and in one swift motion I fell into his arms The floor was cold Phillip lay on the ground one hand gripping mine tightly and his eyes surveying me as I lay across his body From this close proximity the man looked incredibly handsome Sophia he said gazing at me somewhat sternly Let’s go to the wheelchair I can manage getting on the bed myself Phillip’s gaze was a bit invasive and I dared not meet his eyes avoiding his gaze as I helped him up But thinking about his disabled legs that prevented him from standing I placed him back on the floor after helping him onto the wheelchair Please sit for a moment I’ll push the wheelchair I said Phillip remained silent his eyes a bit dimmed I guessed that he might be regretting it and thinking that he should have bought a smarter decorative vase To make amends I hurried to push the wheelchair back When I went to assist him Phillip stayed still almost as if he was being stubborn What’s the matter Still mad I looked down at him and he sighed faintly saying You’re hurting my foot I apologized and to make amends I exerted all my strength bent over and carried him back to the wheelchair But it seemed Mr Smith wasn’t entirely satisfied He pressed his lips tightly his ears turning red and spoke through gritted teeth Sophia I asked you to assist not carry me Sorry I responded nudging the wheelchair towards the bed wondering how he would get on it However I heard his slightly irritated voice from behind me Why are you still standing there I quickly turned around Phillip was sitting on the ground looking a bit weak in his legs biting his lip and red in the ear Perhaps the consecutive falls had wounded Mr Smith’s self-esteem For leverage I propped his arm on my shoulder helping him up while comforting him Phillip don’t take it to heart If I were disabled I wouldn’t even be able to wipe my own butt let alone go to the bathroom Mid-sentence Phillip’s hand on my shoulder tightened Shut up Fine And so I helped Phillip onto the bed and received his command from now on whenever we go out together just smile and don’t speak He pays I work If he doesn’t want me to talk I could probably drink water through my nose On our wedding night I was going to sleep on the floor But Phillip wouldn’t allow it He asked me to sleep next to him sharing a blanket I was willing but still shy As I blushed and hesitated he suddenly handed me a bank card After a brief pause I asked Another hundred Two hundred thousand he replied Deal husband I happily accepted the card with a big smile The night was peaceful but a bit chilly That damn guy rolled up the blanket in the middle of the night leaving me cold I had to move closer to him to share the warmth struggling with just half of the blanket Vaguely remembering his body felt unusually warm like he was a furnace The next morning Phillip was already sitting in his wheelchair when I woke up I don’t know how he managed to get there The wheelchair was by the bed and Phillip was engrossed in reading a book The warm sunlight outside gilded his features He looked handsome I was lost in my thoughts when Phillip suddenly glanced over Let’s go downstairs and have breakfast I responded and noticed a hint of darkness in Phillip’s eyes Had he not slept well last night He was sound asleep clutching the blanket Phillip put the book down wheeled his chair out of the room and I quickly got up to freshen up In passing I glanced at the book Phillip had been reading and I was surprised at how whimsical the noble young men could be After breakfast Phillip left the house Before leaving he instructed me to be dressed and ready by 7 p.m waiting at home for him We were invited to the Smiths’ family banquet that evening I obediently agreed Attending the Smiths’ family banquet was a big deal However Phillip didn’t seem concerned even though there were many notable guests at our wedding yesterday and none of the Smiths attended But Phillip seemed unfazed He didn’t need me to work and staying alone in this empty mansion was boring So I flagged down a taxi to go out and explore There were dusty luxury cars in Phillip’s garage but he didn’t provide me with a driver and I didn’t have a driver’s license With the bank card in hand I went to the city’s most upscale mall The mall was crowded with people mostly window shopping as the items were too expensive for ordinary folks After wandering around with empty hands my stomach started to ache Remembering I had tissues in my bag I turned towards the public restroom However due to the weekend rush the women’s restroom had a long line while the men’s side was empty Unable to bear the stomach ache I quietly sneaked into the men’s restroom Closing the door I was about to pull up my pants when the partition wall was knocked twice A deep magnetic voice came from the next stall Excuse me could you spare me some paper The voice was so captivating I quickly retrieved the remaining tissues from my bag and handed them over But a few seconds later the tissues were pushed back to me Do you have something else Is this not appropriate I was confused and took a peek What was returned to me from the other stall was a sanitary pad from my bag Blushing I quickly swapped it with tissues saying Sorry I picked the wrong item After a few seconds the person finally took it His tone sounded slightly amused Are you a girl It dawned on me that I was in the men’s restroom Feeling embarrassed I hurriedly left At 7 p.m when Phillip returned home I had changed into a formal dress and sat elegantly on the sofa As soon as his wheelchair-bound figure appeared I approached him twirling my skirt seeking approval Do I look good Although I sometimes got lost in my thoughts and said the wrong things I hadn’t made any major fashion blunders From high-end parties to club nights my outfits rarely missed the mark Phillip’s gaze lingered on me for six to seven seconds then casually averted his eyes saying It’s okay His avoidance suggested he was too hesitant to look at me As his financial supporter I didn’t want to embarrass him So I volunteered to be Phillip’s assistant pushing his wheelchair out We arrived at the Smiths’ mansion a vast estate stretching beyond sight All eyes were on us as we entered but I smiled confidently and pushed Phillip through the audience Approaching the main hall we saw a couple standing there—the man in a well-tailored suit and the woman in a red dress exuding grace As we drew nearer Phillip paused for a moment and called out Brother It was confirmed that the man was Samuel the heir of the Smiths Acknowledging Phillip with a nod Samuel’s gaze shifted from Phillip to me His eyes were sharp leaving me intimidated Suppressing my surprise I followed Phillip’s lead and addressed him as Brother However upon hearing my voice Samuel raised an eyebrow a hint of astonishment in his calm gaze In the next moment his eyes left my face and landed on my wrist Turning to look I noticed I was wearing a silver bracelet that blended well with my attire Without thinking much I didn’t remove it Perplexed I raised my head only to find Samuel had looked away His earlier scrutiny seemed like my imagination His commanding aura was strong yet he didn’t linger too long and moved on to converse with Phillip Seemingly uninterested in socializing Phillip had me push him to a secluded corner where he remained quietly in his wheelchair scanning the room without a word Feeling restless eventually I suggested we take a trip to the restroom Phillip nodded in agreement While wandering in the corridor noticing it was empty I retrieved a cigarette from my purse Claiming it was a restroom break but driven by a smoking urge Just as I lit the cigarette footsteps approached from behind Panicked I tried to put out the cigarette as a familiar voice came from the shadows Don’t bother Can I have one Keeping my hand behind me with the cigarette I turned to see Samuel Standing a few steps away he extended his palm signaling for a cigarette Hesitating for a moment I reluctantly handed him one wary of its strength Unperturbed Samuel’s lips curled into a slight smile Perfect timing With no other choice I opened my bag and gave him another cigarette Lighting it he exhaled smoke and turned to me You didn’t recognize me Flustered I awkwardly acknowledged him as Phillip’s brother Shaking his head Samuel took another drag and looking at me asked No I meant thanks for the tissue this afternoon Was that you Before I could process this a figure in a wheelchair turned the corner Phillip wheeled himself closer lazily gazing at me Who is he Speechless I struggled to respond Meanwhile Samuel with a cigarette between his fingers remained calm and indifferent Under Phillip’s scrutiny he even took a drag of his cigarette He clearly had no intention of answering Phillip’s question Caught in a bind how could I explain that I had roamed a high-end mall snuck into a men’s restroom and passed a sanitary pad to his brother next stall It made me feel utterly clueless Hesitating Phillip’s voice came again Let’s go With that he turned his wheelchair and left I quickly followed passing by Samuel who suddenly spoke up His voice was low The smoke is not bad After some inexplicable conversation I dashed out and took the initiative to push Phillip’s wheelchair I’m not stupid I can tell who my benefactor is Although Samuel is much richer than his brother Perhaps due to the large number of Smiths it was called a family banquet but felt more like an upscale wine party I stood behind Phillip hands on the wheelchair smiling as I looked at everyone passing by However despite the many people around not a single person stopped to greet Phillip It seems Phillip not only lost his position as the heir but also had a pitiful status within the family Thinking this I started to feel a bit sorry for him But Phillip seemed unfazed even enjoying the tranquility He raised his hand picked up a pastry from the nearby table Holding the pastry in his left hand he gestured for me to come closer As obediently approached a hand cupped my cheek and the exquisite pastry was then placed into my mouth A faint sweetness lingered between my lips and teeth Phillip clapped his hands casually brushing off the pastry crumbs from his fingers How does it taste Delicious I nodded and he packed up to leave I was a bit dumbfounded memories of rural banquets where the aunties packed roasted chicken in plastic bags flashed through my mind Coming back to reality I silently gripped the wheelchair armrest It seemed Phillip’s status in the Smiths was indeed very low I used to read novels about domineering bosses where if the female companion liked to eat something the young masters would always have the chefs make more But for our Phillip with a wave of his hand it was a takeout order The family banquet was relatively quiet However quiet on Phillip’s side but bustling around Samuel with people swarming around him I couldn’t help but sneak a few more glances However all those people seemed to have a hot face against a cold bottom – Samuel stood alone indifferent Except for the woman by his side he hardly spoke to anyone Even at a so-called family banquet there were still tiers of hierarchy Feeling bored I withdrew my gaze ready to chat with Phillip casually When I lowered my head I happened to catch Phillip looking in the distance He wasn’t looking at Samuel but at the woman by Samuel’s side Unsurprisingly she should be his future sister-in-law Knowing Phillip for these two days he always seemed indifferent as if nothing in the world could pique his interest I often marveled in my heart that this man had a handsome world-weary face However the way he looked at that woman just now was particularly intense It seemed Phillip’s feelings for this prospective sister-in-law were extraordinary As Phillip averted his gaze I also turned my head slightly As a qualified vase I understood better than anyone the thoughts of my benefactor guessing around too much could get me fired I thought I just needed to stick with Phillip in a quiet corner until the end of the family banquet but trouble still found its way to us Only halfway through the banquet a woman in a black evening gown walked over looking around twenty-five or twenty-six Without saying a word I could tell by her expression that she wouldn’t be easy to deal with Beautiful she was but with a harsh demeanor Sure enough as the woman approached and glanced at Phillip’s face she commented sarcastically Phillip how’s the treatment of your leg going My elder brother said you might never be able to stand up again Don’t lose heart maybe miracles do happen in this world Her tone was not that of a noble lady but more akin to a village auntie gossiping while cracking watermelon seeds How did Phillip react He didn’t He didn’t even spare her a glance letting her bark on the side while he remained calm But she wouldn’t give up She casually picked up two glasses of wine from the nearby table handing one to Phillip I missed your wedding I had something else to do Come have a late wedding toast However Phillip didn’t take it The woman’s hand holding the glass froze in mid-air looking somewhat awkward After a pause she looked at me The glass that wasn’t delivered was then offered to me I glanced at Phillip Perhaps sensing my gaze Phillip calmly said not giving her any face Fiona Peter’s adopted daughter confessed her feelings to me in private I felt a bit embarrassed hearing this Was this something that should have been shared Judging by Phillip’s demeanor he must have rejected her bluntly at the time No wonder Fiona was so sarcastic just now It seems she loved deeply but hated thoroughly Fiona had been holding the glass for a while and some people had noticed the situation at our end Seeing no intention from Phillip to stop her I reached out to take the glass Even if she was an adopted daughter she was still a young lady of the Smiths There was no reason for me to refuse the toast from a young lady However as I grasped the glass Fiona let go of it prematurely Before I could react the glass fell onto Phillip The red wine soaked his suit staining the white shirt underneath with crimson marks looking particularly disheveled The glass tumbled on Phillip’s body for a couple of rounds and then fell to the ground With a crisp sound the glass shattered and the shards splattered onto the top of my feet causing a sharp pain Fiona’s face changed instantly With a frown she sharply questioned me I raised the glass to you out of respect for Phillip If you didn’t want to drink you could have declined What does smashing the glass mean Having successfully attracted the attention of everyone she didn’t forget to add a sentence to elevate the meaning of this little incident If you have any grievances about people not attending the wedding just say it But this is a Smiths family banquet Are you trying to challenge the Smiths by breaking a glass in public Frowning I looked at her She had just put a high hat on me I wanted to retort but with Phillip in mind I glanced at him and he still had that indifferent look However when I looked at him he raised an eyebrow slightly I wasn’t sure if I was reading it wrong but I understood the implication – go ahead and make a fuss I was not one to hold back so I really did Fiona didn’t need to put a high hat on me about challenging the Smiths This was my first time stepping into the Smiths’ home abiding by the rules of the Smiths and had no intention of causing trouble What happened just now was indeed an accident but if you insist on looking for an excuse let’s just say I didn’t like you After speaking I feigned surprise and continued in a voice that everyone in the banquet hall could hear But Fiona could it be that you think I hold a grudge against you for confessing to my husband in private Is that something I can say Fiona’s face turned from green to white What nonsense are you talking about Phillip is my brother how could I confess to him And he’s just a cripple who does he think he is She was exceptionally angry It seemed that her private confession to Phillip couldn’t be brought out in the open After all no matter how much they might argue publicly they were both Smiths’ offspring I shrugged and looked at Phillip looking somewhat aggrieved Phillip was I talking nonsense Phillip did not look at me but there was a hint of a smile at the corner of his lips Fortunately Phillip affirmed my statement with a very forceful response saying calmly No These two words expressed Phillip’s attitude At the same time he turned to look at me Though the words were meant for me his indifferent tone resonated with everyone in the banquet hall The video of the confession is still there If you’re interested go back and watch it Looking at Fiona’s face I continued with a smile I really want to see what confessing to your own brother looks like Fiona is indeed well-traveled her open-mindedness is truly admirable Fiona had her secret exposed and couldn’t hold back We were only a step or two apart and she suddenly took a step forward raising her hand to slap me but it didn’t land One high one low two hands tightly grasped Fiona’s wrist as she tried to strike After a few silent seconds a gasp echoed around us One hand belonged to Phillip Sitting in his wheelchair his arm slightly raised intercepting Fiona’s strike The other hand the source of everyone’s astonishment was Samuel’s Since entering the banquet hall Samuel had maintained a cold demeanor automatically ignoring all greetings He gripped Fiona’s wrist his voice sharp What do you think you’re doing With a tone laced with reprimand Fiona fell silent instantly The woman who was sarcastic in front of Phillip just now was now obedient and didn’t dare to make a sound Samuel didn’t say much more Or to say his position made those few words sufficient His gaze swept past Fiona hesitated briefly on my face then turned and walked away The woman in the red dress standing next to Samuel however walked over Unlike Fiona’s arrogance and pride she first nodded to Phillip then looked at me A delicate white hand reached out to me Hello I’m Samuel’s fiancée Wendy I quickly shook hands with her Wendy Certainly not living up to her name With such a simple and elegant name she had a bewitching look Refined in her makeup and with a smile towards me while speaking she almost seemed ethereal Such a woman who could captivate everyone No wonder she could stand by Samuel After a brief chat Wendy also left and I noticed that Phillip’s gaze had been fixated on this future sister-in-law the entire time It never shifted I hadn’t realized he was such a sentimental person After Wendy left Phillip remained silent but began ordering me to get him drinks One glass after another He frowned seeming burdened with thoughts Eventually I couldn’t hold back and quietly reminded him of the dangers of excessive drinking advising him to drink moderately or something along those lines However Phillip glanced at me and fumbled in his pocket for a moment pulling out a card and handing it to me Keep quiet I stared at the card for two seconds about to ask how much money was on it when Phillip spoke up Fifty thousand no password Taking the card I immediately fell silent holding onto it and looking at it over and over again feeling puzzled Was this person some kind of card seller How could he pull out cards of varying amounts anytime and anywhere After a long wait the family dinner finally concluded I let out a sigh of relief pushed Phillip out of the Smiths got into the car and once inside Phillip took off his suit jacket pinched his brows closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair Sophia I quickly leaned over However as the car turned I didn’t sit stably and accidentally fell into Phillip’s arms Strangely at the moment of impact my hand reached out instinctively and even through his shirt it seemed to touch his abdominal muscles The touch was firm and defined I was puzzled how this person had developed such muscles doing weightlifting while in a wheelchair Lost in thought Phillip’s voice suddenly came from above my head Had enough I returned to my senses instantly withdrew my hand and sat back upright With a self-conscious laugh I tried to explain that I didn’t sit stably due to the car turning Phillip nodded nonchalantly and opened his eyes looking at the driver in the front seat Next month a raise The driver repeatedly expressed his gratitude smiling discreetly his mouth stretched to his ears but with no real laughter After the salary increase issue settled I asked him quietly about why he called me earlier Phillip tilted his head took out a finely crafted bag from somewhere and handed it to me Upon opening it I found several pieces of wrapped pastries from earlier He actually remembered I was stunned for a moment before reaching out to take them The private chef at the Smiths was very skilled and these almond-flavored pastries were sweet but not cloying incredibly delicious Unable to resist I picked up a piece and held it out to Phillip near his mouth You should try it too Phillip glanced at me and somewhat reluctantly opened his mouth and took a bite On the second night sharing the bed I helped Phillip onto the bed Before getting in an assistant took care of Phillip’s bathing needs and when he emerged from the bathroom he had changed into a set of black silk pajamas a material similar to the ones I was wearing a couple’s edition Only a night light was on in the room I hurried to push Phillip’s wheelchair towards the bedside forgetting to put on my shoes It didn’t feel cold to walk barefoot I was just a bit flushed Although Phillip and I were just a contract couple wearing matching outfits felt somewhat embarrassing As I guided Phillip to the bed he frowned urging me a bit more Only once I had helped him onto the bed did he cast a glance at my bare feet on the floor commenting The floor is cold So I obediently climbed into bed Though he had leg issues and seemed emotionally distant he still showed care and concern In the middle of the night I suddenly remembered being held by Phillip earlier his warm and firm embrace This thought kept me awake Meanwhile Phillip slept soundly probably due to the alcohol even muttering in his sleep Sophia that card it’s empty After uttering those words he fell asleep again in an instant While clutching the bank card he had given me earlier I found myself unable to sleep When I woke up in the morning he was no longer by my side Thinking it was late I pulled back the curtains only to find the sky still gray outside Checking the clock I was surprised to see it was only 5 a.m Letting out a yawn I went to the bathroom considering going back to bed for more sleep but also a bit worried about Phillip Where had he gone so early in the morning Wrapping my pajamas tightly I stepped out of the room With the night light illuminating the hallway dimly I walked to the stairs and peeked downstairs finding the living room empty as well I assumed Phillip must be out for something Just as I turned to head back to the room I suddenly heard Phillip’s voice It was low and cold but what he specifically said I couldn’t discern Following the sound it seemed to come from a room on the side of the first-floor hallway I shouldn’t have been curious and should have smartly decided to ignore it However inexplicably I quietly went downstairs and walked over At the room’s doorway I stood still holding my breath and peeked through the slightly open door to observe the scene inside What I saw shocked me The usually indifferent Phillip who seemed disinterested in worldly matters appeared different at that moment Wearing loose black silk pajamas he was seated in a chair his gaze cold and intense with a hint of malice in his eyes akin to Samuel’s If it weren’t for the man kneeling on the ground in front of him back facing me I couldn’t make out his expression After Phillip finished speaking the man visibly tensed up but stayed silent Philip also fell silent just watching him while smoking From my angle I could see Phillip’s face clearly And the icy glint in his eyes After a few days of being around him I realized just how imposing Phillip could be Lost in thought Phillip suddenly raised his voice in the room seemingly reminding the kneeling man to come clean Startled by his outburst my hand shook unintentionally pushing the door ajar With the door half-open Phillip looked up from his chair full of intensity and our eyes met slowly The atmosphere turned awkward and tense Hesitantly I looked at Phillip saying I woke up and didn’t see you got a bit worried so I came down to check If you’re fine I’ll head back upstairs As I turned to leave Phillip’s voice halted me He calmly spoke no longer casual but serious Wait He grasped my wrist suddenly and with a bit of force I fell into his arms He sat in the wheelchair and I found myself on his lap My heart raced wildly not out of embarrassment but tension With his legs already impaired would sitting like this make it worse I hastily tried to stand bracing myself against the wheelchair’s armrest but unknowingly pressed a button The wheelchair started moving slowly towards the wall in front fortunately stopped by Phillip in time Furrowing his brows he reiterated settling me back down Stay put His tone was too cold for comfort and made me a bit fearful so I obeyed As the wheelchair turned toward the bed I quickly got off sitting on the bedside Let me help you get onto the bed I asked shyly Phillip rubbed his brows and replied No need I’ll sit for a while As he spoke his voice was calm saying it was still early and we could sleep a bit longer Alright After all I had just seen Phillip in action so I dared not disobey him I obediently followed his instructions Indeed it was still early and soon drowsiness crept in As my consciousness started to blur it seemed like someone got into bed and laid down next to me Without thinking I hugged the person around the waist and wrapped my legs around him Back at home I loved sleeping with a giant teddy bear always hugging it with both arms and legs Vaguely the person I was holding seemed to stiffen as I held onto them When I woke up the sunlight was already shining on my backside I opened my eyes and met a pair of eyes Deep and dark those eyes seemed bottomless Lowering my gaze I saw Phillip He was still wearing the same black pajamas with two buttons mysteriously undone at the collar revealing his delicate and attractive collarbones Feeling embarrassed I quickly let go of him Sorry it’s just a habit of mine But my explanation seemed to have a reverse effect The man who was composed just a moment ago furrowed his eyebrows upon hearing my words and his tone turned colder Who are you used to hugging like this I paused then truthfully answered – a giant teddy bear Phillip fell silent for a moment then smirked as if laughing I’ll have my assistant buy you a new one in a while True to his word as we were halfway through breakfast Phillip’s assistant entered with two bodyguards carrying two teddy bears each taller than a person in different colors Phillip glanced at them and casually said Which one do you like Put it on the bed I swallowed a bite of pastry and replied The gray one please I almost didn’t dare to mention that the gray one resembled Phillip and must be comfortable to hold As we were finishing breakfast Phillip’s phone suddenly rang on the table He glanced at it then his expression turned cold Curious I also sneakily took a look The screen flashed Samuel Phillip didn’t seem in a rush to pick up the call It wasn’t until the call was about to end that he casually wiped his hands clean and answered He chose to put it on speakerphone as he couldn’t be bothered to pick up the phone However as soon as Samuel spoke I was stunned This conversation between the brothers had no greetings and Samuel got straight to the point stating that he needed a translator and wanted to borrow me He mentioned hearing that I studied German in university and asked for my help for a day I nearly sprayed out the coffee I had just sipped Borrow me for a day Isn’t it a bit much The Smiths Group a huge company can’t even find a temporary translator I thought the lack of a translator was fake and that there was another motive behind it After swallowing my coffee I turned to look at Phillip Although we were only contractually married I still held the title of Mrs Smiths Group and being lent as a translator by his brother didn’t seem right However Phillip remained silent for a moment before agreeing This man was straightforward With a simple okay he hung up the phone without asking where I needed to go or what to prepare Two minutes later Phillip’s phone vibrated He was leisurely eating a medium-rare steak the fork and knife falling to the plate causing a streak of red It truly was a nice appetite for an early morning Only after finishing his plate did Phillip pick up his phone I sneaked a glance and saw that it was a message from Samuel indicating time and location details After breakfast Phillip accompanied me to the company which surprised me Rumors had it that even with two healthy legs Phillip was a wastrel who only knew how to party and had rarely been to the company I had expected him to send a driver to drop me off During our journey Phillip remained as taciturn as ever Just before getting out of the car he turned his head and asked There might be some technical jargon involved are you confident Although I wanted to brag in front of the benefactor Smiths Group’s business deals were worth millions so I could only shake my head honestly not really I thought Phillip would have his people find a professional translator but he just closed his eyes and rested He remained aloof As we entered the conference room Samuel and the foreign party also arrived I quickly stood up and greeted them cautiously Everything that followed went smoothly However it wasn’t me who guaranteed the success but the wastrel Phillip who was rumored to be uneducated and idle During my school years my grades lagged and my German skills were average at best After graduation I hadn’t worked in the field so the fact that I could converse fluently was quite an achievement Nevertheless when it came to translating some industry-specific terms I couldn’t keep up Each time this happened Phillip promptly intervened Despite his indifferent demeanor his pronunciation was impeccable In the latter part of the meeting the foreign client almost exclusively conversed with Phillip bypassing Samuel and me entirely The business negotiations went smoothly and the foreign clients directly signed a contract Securing a multimillion-dollar deal Phillip casually sealed the agreement From my vantage point I could see Phillip’s profile Sitting in his wheelchair his legs may have been disabled but his posture was straight exuding a cool and dignified aura that commanded respect This man initially seeming simple appeared more complex the more one delved into his character It was hard to read and guess his intentions After signing the contract Samuel suggested that we all go for a meal which Phillip agreed to It seemed like the relationship between these brothers was strained full of contradictions yet not completely severed A new high-end private restaurant had recently opened near the company and Samuel’s assistant quickly made a reservation Although Samuel was wealthy he couldn’t book a private room Therefore the four of us settled for a secluded table in the corner of the restaurant The dishes arrived slowly but the flavors certainly justified the wait Impressed by the chef’s skills I ate with great focus However as I was savoring the ribs some broth dripped I quickly leaned down to wipe it and as I glanced down I saw Wendy Samuel’s fiancée and Phillip’s supposed future sister-in-law softly nudging Phillip’s leg with her high heels under the table I paused for a moment then discreetly withdrew my gaze Out of the corner of my eye I saw Phillip who was focused on peeling shrimp seemingly unaware of Wendy’s flirtation I wanted to remind her that Phillip’s legs were disabled Even if she were to secretly prick his legs with needles under the table he probably wouldn’t feel it I accidentally ate a melon but couldn’t show it and felt choked so I had to drink two sips of soup in a row Just as I put down the spoon a few shrimps appeared in the plate in front of me The shrimp shells were neatly peeled and arranged I looked up Phillip had just peeled them He had painstakingly peeled the shrimp just for me I glanced at Phillip and then subconsciously swept my eyes over Wendy across from me I was truly surprised and a bit overwhelmed I whispered a thank you and was about to eat the shrimp when Phillip slightly impatiently put down his chopsticks He asked me to take him to the restroom I was puzzled for two seconds before realizing he was talking to me I put down the shrimp and obediently agreed Alright Although I didn’t understand why he needed me to push him when his wheelchair could be electrically controlled I pushed him to the entrance of the men’s restroom and Phillip went in alone so I waited for him in the corridor The corridor windows were open With the wind blowing I felt the urge for a smoke again but unfortunately I didn’t have any cigarettes today After pacing the corridor for a couple of rounds feeling a bit restless suddenly a voice came from behind me Want a smoke I turned around in surprise and saw that it was Samuel again It seemed like every time I met him it was near the restroom Samuel took out a cigarette from his pocket raised an eyebrow slightly and handed it to me I hesitated for two seconds but still accepted it However as soon as I lit the cigarette and took a puff I heard Samuel beside me asking Have you noticed that Phillip likes my fiancée His words startled me and the smoke instantly choked me making me cough uncontrollably No I quickly denied as soon as I caught my breath You must be mistaken Phillip is already married how could he possibly have feelings for his future sister-in-law I couldn’t casually answer this question Even if I felt that Phillip might have some feelings I didn’t dare say it Startled I raised my hand to take another puff of the cigarette But Samuel suddenly snatched it from my hand He took a puff and then flicked the cigarette to put it out with his fingertips Then he cornered me against the wall leaning in close to me his warm breath brushing against my face He said Sophia since it’s just a marriage of convenience between you two why don’t the four of us switch things up So crazy These words echoed in my ears leaving me blank with just those two words circling in my mind Either I was going crazy or Samuel was Did he even know what he was saying I swallowed hard and couldn’t find words to say because suddenly I remembered the scene I saw under the table earlier Wendy’s foot subtly rubbing against Phillip’s leg under the table So maybe Phillip’s fondness for her wasn’t just my imagination Was there something really going on between them I tend to get distracted easily when I start thinking about things As I was lost in my thoughts I heard Phillip’s voice coming from a distance Sophia He said my name in a low icy tone His voice was like a tangible force sending shivers down my spine instantly and I felt a chill run down my back In a split second I pushed Samuel away a bit At the entrance of the restroom Phillip sitting in his wheelchair looked at us with cold eyes his furrowed brows showing a hint of anger His fingers rested on the armrest with visible tension in his hand I hurried to explain but as I took a step forward my wrist was grabbed by someone Samuel grasped my wrist and pulled me back towards him not caring about my resistance He pressed on my shoulder looking at Phillip with a smile and said You seem to enjoy Wendy’s teasing How about we switch Samuel exerted great force and as I tried to break free his grip only tightened My shoulders were in such pain that I almost doubted if my bones were being crushed I stared at Phillip shook my head and started to speak Phillip I- Before I could finish my sentence he intervened Phillip still in the wheelchair came over to us He sat there and Samuel stood Despite being in a lower physical position Phillip’s presence exuded a strong aura He nodded slightly then after locking eyes with Samuel for two seconds suddenly raised his hand and seized Samuel’s collar tightly With just a little exertion Samuel was forced to bend down At that moment even the head of the Smiths appeared somewhat embarrassed Samuel he firmly held onto his collar his back straight Stop having your fiancée test me My leg might be disabled but it’s disabled And also Phillip stared at him paused for two seconds then suddenly smiled He quickly let go of Samuel patting down the creased collar Tap by tap the movements were neither heavy nor soft Let’s stop these unnecessary tests If I want to fight for the inheritance you probably won’t be in that position With that said Phillip turned away and left taking me along I breathed a sigh of relief and followed quickly As we neared the corner I heard Samuel’s low chuckle from behind Phillip I knew you were far more interesting than I thought I thought to myself these two brothers seemed to have quite unusual ways of thinking Samuel had just been warned by his own brother after being caught in a compromising situation with me yet he didn’t seem angry but rather excited Truly a family of odd people Of course feeling a bit guilty after being caught in a slightly ambiguous situation with Samuel by Phillip I didn’t dare say much and just silently followed behind Phillip He left the restaurant directly I wanted to help push his wheelchair to show my goodwill but as I walked up behind him he suddenly accelerated the wheelchair I was left behind feeling a little exasperated He was quite spoiled I continued to follow behind Phillip At the car door the driver helped him get in but just as I was about to follow the door closed Through the car window I could only vaguely see his figure inside Phillip I called out subconsciously but the driver quickly got into the car The black silhouette raced past me I watched the back of the car in disbelief silently scolding Phillip for not even giving me a chance to explain So I might have to take a taxi back home again This time I had learned my lesson and decisively avoided the futile attempt of chasing their cars I hailed a cab on the roadside and after around five minutes I couldn’t find a taxi but instead saw Phillip’s Rolls-Royce stopping in front of me The car that had sped away five minutes ago had now returned in a circle and stopped in front of me The window rolled down revealing Phillip’s cold expression I couldn’t read his mind and didn’t know what to say After about ten seconds Phillip slowly turned and said Not getting in I hurriedly ascended the steps he offered and got into the car However even in the car Phillip remained silent and distant The atmosphere was tense and the driver in the front seat dared not make a sound afraid of inadvertently provoking the lord in the back seat Finally the car pulled into Phillip’s mansion garage With a sigh of relief before the driver could come to assist I quickly got out of the car assisting Phillip into his wheelchair As I was about to push the wheelchair he suddenly accelerated with the electric controls and left without saying a word Quite aloof After being married for a few days today was the first time I found myself alone in the empty room Back at the mansion Phillip instructed me to go to the room while he went somewhere Concerned about Phillip’s mood I felt a bit anxious He was the boss and if he got upset it would only spell trouble for me So I decided to check on him But I didn’t see Phillip anywhere Phillip enjoyed his solitude and didn’t like others appearing in his living area so the cleaning staff came at certain times to clean the mansion By nightfall the vast mansion felt eerie and somewhat terrifying with empty hallways After a brief stroll I hurried back in my slippers Phillip still hadn’t returned Just as I was answering my mom’s message lounging in bed and feeling a bit bored suddenly the blanket over my head was yanked away and before I could scream I saw it was Phillip’s face in the moonlit room He tightly held me his lips with a hint of alcohol coming down hurriedly to kiss me On my brows in the corners of my eyes and on my lips He freed one hand and firmly held my jaw kissing me fiercely I was stunned even too shocked to react The kiss was forceful and possessive Sophia he muttered my name vaguely changing his hand from gripping my jaw to stroking my face I wanted to take things slow with you but why aren’t you obedient In that moment I wanted to say that I was indeed obedient and it was his brother creating situations that made it seem otherwise but before I could utter a word he silenced me with a kiss Phillip didn’t even give me a chance to explain He propped himself up on the bed bending down to look at me In the moonlight his eyes sparkled Sophia As the alcohol slowly wore off he seemed to regain some rationality With a hoarse voice he asked me Do you know why I chose you as my decorative wife instead of any other vase I shook my head In fact I didn’t understand why this opportunity had fallen into my lap Without having to sell my body or soul just by marrying and being a decorative piece I could obtain millions Countless girls would probably jump at the chance for such a deal Why did it have to happen to me Phillip remained quiet for a while Feeling impatient I placed my hands on his chest and asked in a low voice Why Phillip’s gaze swept over my features landing on my lips He pursed his lips his Adam’s apple rolling I held my breath my heart unknowingly accelerating When Phillip finally spoke his response was I’ll tell you later I wanted to object but before I could the loose strap of my nightgown suddenly slipped off my shoulder Phillip’s gaze followed the movement In that moment of stillness his eyes burned with intensity I pushed him away abruptly pulling the strap back up Um because it’s getting late I stuttered nervously You should get some rest Upon hearing this Phillip chuckled Is this an invitation I blushed and shook my head trying to speak but he cut in before me Sophia I’ve been drinking So He freed a hand unbuttoning two buttons on his shirt a hint of desire in his eyes It’s hard to control he added Though he said that he only smiled and didn’t take it further About half a minute later he turned over and lay beside me From start to finish his legs remained limp with no effort on my part but Phillip used his arms to move them the whole time I felt a twinge of pity So his legs were actually useless I had wondered if it was a trick to act crippled to deceive others After Phillip lay down he remained silent for a while Just as I thought he was about to fall asleep his lowered voice suddenly reached my ears Here’s a money-making opportunity for you interested But his usually deep melodious voice sounded hoarse Yes I’m interested I replied eagerly prompting him to explain the opportunity He turned his head to look at me Marriage certificate Marriage certificate I was taken aback wondering why a wedding was needed when the marriage was merely a formality Why make it legal After hesitating for a moment I cautiously asked Is there a time limit Phillip was silent for a few seconds Three years ten million He seemed uncertain suddenly asking me Without hesitation I grasped his hand firmly Deal Fearful that he might back out I set my alarm clock specifically for the next morning to make sure I arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau as soon as it opened However even after calming down I couldn’t suppress my doubts and asked him why With a nonchalant tone Phillip closed his eyes his voice returning to its usual detached state I don’t inquire about my benefactors Phillip and I got a marriage certificate However to my surprise I was too trusting of Phillip’s financial strength He handed me a piece of paper and as I unfolded it expecting a check I found it was an IOU Clearly written in black ink on a white sheet of paper it stated that Phillip owed Sophia ten million yuan to be paid back within three years I clenched the IOU silently cursing him in my mind – this handsome deceitful man with a limp leg Despite my extreme anger at that moment his face was too beautiful and I couldn’t bring myself to call him ugly Staring at the IOU in silence for a long time I quietly put it away Then while Phillip was resting with his eyes closed in the car I discreetly took a photo of the IOU with my phone censored it and asked online if this IOU had any legal effect The lawyer didn’t respond but by my side Phillip spoke up Stop searching I will pay you back within three years And by the way Phillip opened his eyes and fixed his gaze on me saying Since we have our certificate isn’t all the money in my bank account yours My eyes brightened That made sense I immediately turned off my phone tactfully inquired about his bank card password and Phillip handed me his wallet which contained four to five bank cards He ran a hand across his forehead saying casually The passwords are all your birthday recently changed I unceremoniously took the bank cards Even if Phillip didn’t have ten million in his account there had to be several million Now that we had the certificate and Phillip had spoken I could rightly consider it our shared marital property Phillip was not a simpleton Later I made up an excuse to have Phillip leave me at a nearby shopping mall pretending to go shopping then sneaked off to the bank The balance on five bank cards added up to less than a million Now I seriously doubted if Phillip was possibly the illegitimate child of the Smiths However given the standard of the Smiths even an illegitimate child shouldn’t have looked so down and out As I stared at the balances feeling like crying but unable to shed a tear I suddenly received a call from Phillip He said his father was back and wanted to meet me I instantly felt weak in the legs Before marrying Phillip I may not have heard of Phillip and Samuel but his father’s reputation was undoubtedly well-known Formerly known as Peter he had a background in literature and was a famous writer who eventually shifted to business making a big splash with his first venture As his business grew he became one of the most renowned entrepreneurs in the city Peter was now aging but in his younger days he was known for his rigorous and decisive actions in the business world I had seen his news segments and even seeing a few minutes of his interviews through the screen the coldness in his eyes and demeanor was chilling Recalling all the relevant information I could find about Peter in my mind I asked with a trembling voice Can I not go see him Phillip on the other hand sounded nonchalant Guess I assumed that it definitely wasn’t an option Trying to comfort me Phillip said Don’t worry he’s very kind Those words left me feeling utterly helpless Nevertheless no matter how afraid I was I had to face it I mustered up my courage and bought a somewhat decent dress in the mall just as I stepped out I saw Phillip’s car parked on the roadside Getting into the car I felt a bit nervous clutching the edge of my dress I inquired about how far was Peter’s residence from there I had heard Peter preferred living alone and rarely stayed at the Smiths estate I had visited the last time It’s okay Phillip replied in a casual tone When he said it was okay I assumed we would need at least a twenty-minute ride but then he said matter-of-factly that the car had stopped To be more precise I got into the car at the mall entrance and the car made a U-turn heading straight into a nearby residential area Though situated in a commercial district this villa area had a large footprint effectively isolating the residents from the outside world making it quiet and pristine I’d come across this residential area online and was astounded by its exorbitant prices making every inch of land a luxury I haven’t even prepared yet and we’re already here I felt even more nervous Fidgeting with my dress hem I tugged on it took deep breaths and followed Phillip as he got out of the car I accompanied him obediently pushing the wheelchair even though he didn’t require it As we entered through the gate the courtyard was vast with only a few flowers and plants planted Once inside the spacious living room was devoid of people I breathed a sigh of relief thinking perhaps Peter happened to be out Just as I thought that I heard footsteps coming from the direction of the kitchen After a few seconds an elderly man holding a spatula appeared at the doorway His hair had turned somewhat white but he still looked radiant To my surprise he wore a black apron around his waist His face seemed to slowly align with the cold and ruthless man in my memory from the news segments Yet the fabled god of death I had heard of was now standing there with a smile his voice like a loud bell Phillip Dad made your favorite fish Try the broth Phillip furrowed his brow pushing the spatula away At the same moment he grabbed my wrist pulling me over Your daughter-in-law Sophia he said My heart leaped to my throat I stuttered with a p before realizing it was improper and forced out Dad Who would have thought that the fierce and lethal Peter rumoured to be able to take lives would now have this demeanor in private With hardly a chance to utter a single word of greetings in the rushed preparations Peter – holding a spatula in one hand and clasping my hand with the other – greeted me warmly Smiling broadly he let go of my hand reaching for two boxes on the nearby coffee table presenting them to me as a welcome gift One of the boxes was notably large Unable to refuse I reluctantly accepted them The weight suggested they were quite heavy Peter gestured for me to sit on the sofa and then turned back to the kitchen mentioning he would prepare some of his specialty dishes for us to try He finished speaking and returned to the kitchen leaving me in a state of disbelief Peter The man capable of making the entire commercial district tremble just by stomping his foot was now so amiable and approachable behind closed doors Turning to me Phillip looked nonchalant I’ve told you before he’s kind-hearted And he loves cooking various dishes for me in private I was left speechless Because my attention was once again drawn to the large box Peter had given me a moment ago I opened it and almost got blinded by my eyes Shining brightly it was all gold bars I swallowed hard the gift was indeed extravagant and unique Beside me Phillip poured me a cup of tea in a nonchalant tone this is just an appetizer open that small box I obediently did as I was told and opened another jewelry box It was a jade bracelet I have some interest in jade usually and know a little about it Staring at the jade bracelet in front of me my throat felt dry Phillip was right compared to it those few pounds of gold bars were just an appetizer After looking at it for a while I carefully closed the lid I was usually okay with deceiving Phillip for money but this gift from Peter really made me nervous After hesitating for a while despite being scared I chose to go to the kitchen to help out Unexpectedly Peter did not rush me out On the contrary we surprisingly got along very well Peter was down-to-earth in private being a chef and I assisting our cooperation was surprisingly tacit Also Peter was truly versatile being good at both academics and business even cooking was his expertise After making a few dishes the house was filled with delicious aromas The three of us with Peter eventually preparing six dishes and a soup all home-cooked dishes Peter invited us to sit down for the meal and repeatedly urged me to relax reminding me that today he was just an ordinary father not a high-profile executive After a few times I really started to relax gradually The way Peter doted on Phillip was truly evident The tough and decisive Peter in rumors was busy at the dinner table peeling shrimp and serving fish to his son encouraging him to try his cooking He even asked Phillip if he wanted to hear an interesting story Peter encountered abroad last month However Phillip seemed indifferent maintaining his aloof demeanor occasionally nodding in response to Peter’s words Watching Peter’s doting on his son across the table I finally believed what Phillip had told Samuel that day He said if he wanted to take the heir position Samuel wouldn’t stand a chance At that time I only felt Phillip’s words were domineering but now I realized they were probably true As I was thinking Peter seemed to sense it and brought up the matter He sighed worried asking Phillip when he planned on taking over his position When faced with his son Peter was helpless yet indulgent However Phillip seemed uninterested in the topic As soon as Peter mentioned it he put down his chopsticks and wheeled himself to the restroom As Phillip left I felt uncomfortable continuing the meal and had to put down my chopsticks pretending to calmly sip on the tea However before I could finish the tea Peter’s expression changed The previously kind demeanor vanished replaced by cold eyes staring at me intently with a cutting edge look He held the teacup rubbing the rim with his fingers and slowly asked What does your mother want to do I was stunned What did that have to do with my mother Peter looked at me for a long moment Under the piercing gaze I felt a chill down my spine sweat drenched my body in an instant It felt like a long time before Peter finally looked away furrowing his brows and then relaxing them After a while he sighed She really didn’t tell you anything I couldn’t comprehend So what should my mother have told me Unable to resist curiosity I cautiously inquired expecting Peter not to disclose much but unexpectedly he briefly told me a long-hidden secret – my mother was Peter’s ex-girlfriend While Peter was a little old he was not particularly old Peter was not yet seventy years old while my mother was nearly twenty years younger Nevertheless when he was young he was charming and wealthy My mother had against all odds a passionate affair with him However she was tragically betrayed by him and discovered he was already married Due to Peter’s betrayal she has remained alone till now and cannot conceive When she left back then she sought fierce revenge on Peter She couldn’t conceive so how did I come into the picture I was picked up from an orphanage by her I knew this from a young age The series of long-hidden secrets shocked me speechless and while I wanted to speak I just opened and closed my mouth silently What should I say It seemed inappropriate to say anything at that moment While lost in silence Phillip happened to return For some unknown reason his wheelchair stopped beside me and I felt a sense of reassurance My heart also calmed down a bit He turned to me asked in a calm tone Why aren’t you eating Haven’t you come to speak Before I could respond he answered himself Is it not to your liking As he spoke he looked up at Peter suggesting he needed to improve his culinary skills Glancing over Peter had already resumed his kind demeanor and nodded in agreement Peter even made a phone call immediately instructing his assistant to buy some culinary books within half an hour wanting to improve his skills However Phillip was not too impressed He dropped his chopsticks and directly left with me As we left Peter kept talking affectionately urging Phillip to visit him more often He said he felt lonely But Phillip never turned back Phillip took me to a hot pot restaurant He mentioned last time he had heard me talk about wanting to eat hot pot lost in the steamy atmosphere my mind echoed with all the secrets Peter had just told me I had never imagined that my mother and the high-profile businessman Peter had such legendary affairs in the business circle Lost in thought a hand appeared in my field of vision It was slender and beautiful The person handed me a bowl of well-prepared dipping sauce my favorite sesame sauce dip Phillip looked at me raising an eyebrow slightly Do you have something on your mind I nodded and then shook my head The things Peter had told me I dared not speak of them without caution But Phillip seemed to guess Taking a sip of tea he spoke softly He’s told you everything It was a statement of certainty While lost in my thoughts Phillip called the server to change the tea into wine As he poured the wine he looked at me and smiled slightly Peter wasn’t honest enough there were certainly things he hadn’t told me Handing me the wine glass he asked Do you want to hear I took the wine glass nodded honestly Yes Phillip was a person who could handle secrets and he really spoke up Next we ate three plates of meat rolls drank five bottles of beer and he elaborated on the love and hatred between Peter and my mother over the years The earlier part was more or less the same – Peter was unfaithful and played with my mother’s feelings leaving her when she was pregnant with his child giving her a large sum as separation payment just in time My mother only found out then that he already had a wife Stubborn and unwilling to undergo surgery my mother wanted to keep the child in her womb But how could Peter let her use the unborn child as leverage with his temperament He staged an accident causing my mother to have a car accident and lose the child However accidents are difficult to control My mother was seriously injured her uterus had to be removed leaving her without the ability to conceive for the rest of her life Moreover while Peter briefly passed over how he hurt my mother he didn’t mention how she retaliated against him He left that unspoken and his son mentioned it instead My mother was ruthless After that incident she was despondent for a long time crying daily and even attempted suicide several times After being rescued from her suicide attempts she seemed to have regained a new life no longer gloomy On the contrary she actively approached Peter again Overlooking past grievances she cried her heart out and clung to Peter for dear life My mother was a charming woman which was why she captivated the experienced and sophisticated Peter However when they were being intimate my mother pulled out a pair of scissors she had prepared in advance and attacked him From that point on the once charming Peter could no longer enjoy his love life Fortunately Fortunately his wife gave birth to a child for him At least he had an heir Unfortunately the child turned out spoiled and untamed playing around the countryside at seventeen accidentally falling into the water and drowning Peter who rarely shed tears wept uncontrollably multiple times Later he adopted Samuel and began searching the world for Phillip a child he had fathered with someone while being promiscuous in his youth Later Phillip was found and taken back to the Smiths However Phillip detested his illegitimate identity and forbade Peter from revealing it to the world insisting that Peter introduce him as his newly adopted son As people age the grandiosity and arrogance of the past have long dissipated In public Peter still exudes the same authority as before but behind closed doors he treasured this lone son of his dearly No matter what Phillip said Peter would agree with a smiling face Including when he proposed to marry me With Peter’s capabilities he could have easily known my true identity from the beginning yet he couldn’t resist pampering his beloved son He didn’t attend the wedding because Phillip didn’t allow it After the story was told my heart was still pounding uncontrollably I took a big sip of cold beer feeling the coolness slide down my throat and I just wanted to say My mom is amazing Taking down the rumored iron-fisted tycoon she truly had her way No wonder when my mom was mentioned at the table just now Peter was still so emotionally stirred even after decades But I was even more emotional After eating and drinking our fill Phillip settled the bill and took me home I followed behind him pushing the wheelchair wanting to ask him something but ultimately hesitated Silence all the way Back home upstairs We mutually headed back to the bedroom I helped him onto the bed and then I sat on the other side After a moment of silence I couldn’t hold back my doubts any longer and finally asked So did you know my true identity from the beginning Phillip turned to look at me his pure black pupils as deep as an abyss He nodded Yes Did you marry me on purpose I asked Yes he replied I bit my lip and asked softly To get back at your dad It was evident that Phillip resented Peter Even though Peter now treated him as a cherished possession showering him with affection and attention To my surprise Phillip shook his head No he said He looked me in the eyes and continued I intentionally agreed to marry you but not to spite him Then why I didn’t understand What other reason could there be for Phillip to intentionally agree to marry me Despite being physically disabled with his handsome face and status numerous beautiful girls would willingly approach him At a gesture of his hand countless girls prettier than me would eagerly cater to him So why me specifically Phillip looked down at me He gave me an answer yet it seemed incomplete He said Because I wanted to marry you but I was afraid of scaring you away so I found an excuse for a mutual marriage agreement I was shocked by this revelation and couldn’t regain my composure for a long while On our wedding day wasn’t it the first time we met Phillip stared at me for a while pinching the bridge of his nose with his slender fingers and sighed helplessly So you really never recognized me I was puzzled What was I supposed to recognize about him He was the second son of the Smiths while I was just a child from an ordinary family adopted into another If not for this marriage transaction we would have been people from two different worlds impossible to connect Phillip gestured for me to come closer Since he had limited mobility I obediently moved closer and sat beside him Phillip lifted his hand and gently placed it on my head patting it Sophia I’ve told you before I am Peter’s illegitimate son from his youth Do you know where I grew up I shook my head He spoke slowly In the orphanage My body stiffened carefully examining Phillip’s features trying to match the face before me with a distant memory It seemed somewhat similar yet I couldn’t believe it I seemed to have guessed his true identity I pointed at him and then at myself wanting to speak but my voice failed me suddenly Phillip’s hand rested on the tips of my hair gently stroking it He began to speak His voice quivered slightly It seems you still remember me And my tears also started to fall Of course I remember He wasn’t called Phillip back then And I wasn’t called Sophia I was abandoned at birth without a surname and the orphanage director named me Joy I grew up as a wild child in the orphanage from a young age but he originally had a mother until she abandoned him When he was brought back to the orphanage he was just six years old The little boy in my memory had a handsome face but looked exceptionally thin and pale clearly suffering from malnutrition after being abandoned He was fragile sensitive weak and timid back then It was as if one strong breeze could blow him away So as a new member of the orphanage he was bullied by a group of children until I couldn’t stand it and saved him from a group of boys I was always the king among children but initially to save him I also got into fights with those troublemakers After a few instances where I defeated eight hundred enemies but also harmed myself those troublemakers were finally intimidated by me and stopped bullying Phillip And then Phillip became my little follower Even when I went to the bathroom he would squat outside the door waiting When sleeping his bed was next to mine and he had to hold my hand secretly to fall asleep He was a child who lacked a sense of security excessively At least he was like that back then Under my careful guidance the timid Phillip evolved from a weak lamb into a little wolf He grew taller gained some weight and his once tender face became much more attractive And At some point he transformed from that fearful boy into one of the best fighters in the orphanage If anyone dared to say a bad word about me he would rush over with a clenched fist displaying a fierce demeanor ready to fight Over time no one dared to provoke us in the orphanage nor did anyone pay us any attention I was somewhat lonely but Phillip was content with the peace It seemed being by my side every day was all he needed But good times never last For a while I noticed that Phillip seemed to have changed He started to appear absent-minded easily startled and began to refuse my touch I was initially angry but later I accidentally discovered that it was the orphanage director The seemingly gentle and kind middle-aged female orphanage director had a pedophilic nature And the now delicate and refined Phillip naturally became her new target That night Phillip ran away from the orphanage and we didn’t even have a chance to say a word to each other before he left After that I never saw Phillip again Later on I often thought of him I always thought that Phillip was probably no longer alive In those days of destitution how would that sensitive and rebellious 6-year-old boy survive after running away from the orphanage I often thought there should be other boys in the orphanage like the young boy from back then right Pale fragile with an extreme lack of security But sometimes I would sadly wonder Maybe there were no longer boys as handsome as him even though his features hadn’t fully developed he still astonished everyone Astonished to the point that years later when I had grown up occasionally reminiscing about the boy in my memories I would always remember those deer-like eyes Hence as an adult I became very fond of money All the money I earned was donated to the orphanage Of course not to the same one as before The former orphanage director later accidentally killed a boy in the orphanage and her series of crimes were eventually exposed leading to her imprisonment These were all events that transpired after I left the orphanage I pulled myself out of the memories leaning against the head of the bed quietly listening to Phillip recount his life after leaving He said that after fleeing the orphanage he wandered the streets but didn’t venture too far He was afraid of going too far and never seeing me again He often sneaked back to see me At the orphanage’s gate under the cover of night But he didn’t dare to meet me fearing that if discovered I would be implicated and he couldn’t bear to leave once he saw me It was only until later when I was adopted And it was my mom who adopted me After I was adopted Phillip secretly followed observing from a distance for a while But my mom treated me well pouring all her thoughts and emotions into me I lived a happy life She never got involved in any romantic relationships always raising me on her own Only then did Phillip feel at ease to leave And I at the age of seven when I left the orphanage was brought back home by my mom and grew up in love My mom was a woman who lived passionately She had clear likes and dislikes loved wealth and vanity yet was willing to spend three dollars to buy me bread when she only had five dollars left give me a dollar to buy water and then donate the remaining one dollar to a poor beggar on the roadside She was extremely beautiful and loved to wear the kind of bright red that ordinary people found difficult to pull off Her whole life was like a bright red rose blossoming fervently Glamorous and dazzling Now I realized that perhaps she had married me to Phillip for another purpose but I still don’t resent her Without her there wouldn’t be the Sophia of today The night was quiet and Phillip’s voice was deep and melodic as he continued to tell me his story However he seemed to gloss over the later events with just a few passing remarks He didn’t want to delve into the embarrassing and painful memories and I didn’t want to pry He said that later his mom found him as he wandered and struggled on the streets Long time had passed since he last cried but now tears were welling up in his eyes as he thought his mother had come to take him home However she took him shopping for new clothes and treated him to a nice meal Then she took him to the Smiths to confront Peter and demand recognition She claimed it was for recognition but deep down she knew it was not possible she was only using Phillip to ask for money However she overestimated Phillip’s place in Peter’s heart and underestimated how ruthless he could be Peter was not one to be controlled just like when he arranged the accident that took Phillip’s mother’s life After sending Phillip and his mother away he paid a large sum of money to have an accident arranged for Phillip’s birth mother It was Phillip who saved her But in doing so he ended up with permanent disabilities in both legs Despite his efforts he couldn’t save her He hadn’t even had the chance to fully experience the love of a mother before losing her forever He hated his mother and he hated Peter even more Despite being his own flesh and blood Peter sent him to a private hospital where he received the best medical care and a large sum of money deposited into his account enough for him to live comfortably for the rest of his life Yet even with his wealth he couldn’t heal Phillip’s legs Phillip eventually left and with the capital he had the man in the wheelchair managed to carve out a place for himself in the underground business world As he recounted these events Phillip furrowed his brows slightly a hint of fierceness passing through his eyes resembling the young boy he once was A few seconds later Phillip quickly composed himself and continued his story He said in the past few years after Peter’s beloved son from his late wife had tragically passed away leaving him childless he remembered he had an illegitimate son somewhere out there After pulling all the strings Peter found him Unfortunately Phillip refused to acknowledge their relationship and forbade Peter from telling anyone about it Despite knowing Phillip harbored resentment towards him Peter cautiously tried to mend their relationship and make amends However after years of wandering and indifference and after knowing that Phillip was with his mother Peter still had someone create another accident In all honesty Peter had never cared about Phillip’s well-being he didn’t want to kill him but if Phillip had perished in the accident Peter wouldn’t have been upset either The story progressed to the point where Peter arranged for Phillip to choose a wife and my mother took the initiative to approach him She jokingly introduced the idea of a marriage to him with me as the bride Phillip agreed immediately My mother demanded ten million as dowry and Phillip didn’t hesitate to accept Ten minutes before the wedding supposed to be a moment to exchange feelings turned out to be the first official meeting between us after all these years Looking back on everything now with my current mindset I suddenly understood Phillip’s past gestures of kindness For example at the Smiths’ banquet I casually mentioned enjoying a particular dessert and he actually had it packed for me to take home As I listened barefoot from the stairs he didn’t scold me but pulled me onto his lap worried about my feet being cold When Samuel tried to flirt with me the look of fury in Phillip’s eyes was unmistakable It turns out it was all genuine That night Phillip brought out some wine We drank a lot and talked a lot Eventually we both had too much to drink In a lonely night under the influence of alcohol two people baring their hearts it was easy for something to happen Like him kissing me on the lips And like me trembling closing my eyes and responding willingly Rumors spread that Phillip was not capable but there were also rumors suggesting that Phillip’s leg disability was all an act However that rumor was false as well Phillip did have issues with his legs However while being tender he whispered by my ear assuring me that his legs could still be treated He mentioned that if he weren’t sure his legs could be healed he wouldn’t have married me I wanted to shake my head and say it didn’t matter that I would accept him no matter what But before I could speak his lips silenced me and I couldn’t utter a word The moonlight that night was especially gentle just like Phillip The past came to light and what began as a contractual marriage between me and Phillip turned into a real marriage The wedding took place the vows were exchanged and now we had a genuine marriage What started as a marriage of convenience had become a true union After that night Phillip seemed to transform into a different person In front of others he remained distant and aloof But when it was just the two of us he became the loyal companion he once was A few days later coinciding with Peter’s birthday the grand party was nothing like the previous family banquet Two days before the event Peter had called Phillip cautious and asking if he would attend Phillip seemingly indifferent glanced at me and only agreed after seeing me nod On the day of the birthday celebration Phillip held my hand as we entered together The party was held at a hotel under the Smiths Group with a grand hall capable of accommodating thousands of guests As Phillip’s figure appeared at the entrance Peter approached him However halfway there Phillip’s cold gaze forced Peter to retreat stopping in his tracks with a forced smile before turning back The guests looked confused but didn’t dwell on it too much After all in the eyes of the world Phillip was just an unfavored disabled adopted son Fiona walked over once again greeting Phillip with a smile but harboring hidden resentment and fondness She was an awkward woman who loved Phillip wholeheartedly but carried herself with pride and taunted him It was her way of not appearing as the pitiful one unable to win his love Fiona’s mockery went unnoticed by Phillip until she directed it towards me Fiona made fun of my dress that day and sneered saying I wasn’t up to par I didn’t pay much attention to it but the temperature around us suddenly dropped I turned to see Phillip’s expression now cold and stern In front of all the guests he directly retaliated for me shooting a glance at Fiona and reassuring me It’s okay Everyone has a different definition of elegance Maybe in her eyes a thick waist and short neck are the standards of elegance On the other side Fiona touched her neck feeling embarrassed and angered almost on the verge of tears She couldn’t act out but Samuel promptly came over to support her subtly backing her up under the guise of maintaining the peace With a stern face playing the role of the protective big brother Samuel chastised us for creating an awkward situation on Peter’s birthday As he spoke Phillip’s patience wore thin and he interrupted Are you done Without another word Phillip took my hand and led me straight to the center of the hall In the midst of the hall surrounded by the attendees Peter stood at the heart of the gathering his gaze fixed on his son It was a tragic sight A man who had been ruthless in his youth tainted by power and wealth was now seeking familial love in his old age longing for simple joys and the warmth of his children’s affection Peter’s companion had passed away his firstborn was dead due to an accident and the only blood relation left who resented him and had been disabled by his actions was not exactly comforting For him now this seemed far more painful than any financial loss he had endured Phillip’s habit led us to a secluded spot away from the crowd As I glanced at Wendy in the distance a sense of unease enveloped me I tugged at Phillip’s sleeve and softly asked if he had feelings for Wendy in the past Phillip was taken a back Turning to me with a serious expression he asked Who told you that No one I just guessed I replied recounting the scene from the family banquet where I noticed Phillip looking at Wendy Phillip chuckled and said No I didn’t He took a sip of his drink and explained To me she’s like an older sister without blood ties When I was lost and struggling she helped me a lot and later she met Samuel through me Sighing Phillip continued At that time seeing her following Samuel like that made me sad I always felt guilty Samuel had no intentions towards her and I felt regret for pushing her into that situation However as I paused pondering the intense look in Phillip’s eyes when he gazed at Wendy Phillip laughed at my revelations He patted my hand gently and teased You have too much internal drama It was just me feeling sorry for someone who had helped me and who felt like a sister to me getting dragged into this mess with Samuel I stopped for a moment recalling the fervor in Phillip’s eyes when he looked at Wendy Phillip chuckled and shook his head No nothing like that You’re imagining too much It was just the regret of seeing someone who had helped me like a sister going through a rough time because of me and Samuel As the moon shone gently that night and Phillip’s gaze softened it seemed that our paths were intertwined more deeply than we had realized I sighed in relief but I could also understand Phillip’s feelings It was all related to childhood experiences – Phillip was actually someone who seemed cold on the outside but was warm on the inside He remembered everyone who had helped him deeply Of course the same went for those who had wronged him But I was a bit confused – all you need to do is reveal your true identity and warn Samuel to treat Wendy better and he surely wouldn’t dare not to listen Phillip shook his head Matters of the heart couldn’t be controlled with just force it always takes two to tango He just felt that what she asked for was beyond his capabilities but her choices were her own and he wouldn’t intervene I listened attentively nodding along Phillip was truly a level-headed person And as I remained silent Phillip suddenly tugged at my sleeve When I looked down he grabbed my wrist applying a bit of force I was forced to bend down Phillip looked up at me his eyes filled with heat We locked eyes for less than three seconds his Adam’s apple rolling in his throat and then he kissed me on the lips The touch was warm He then released my hand and I stood up in a daze not understanding why he had suddenly kissed me Remember this he said lightly with a hint of amusement in his eyes The look in your eyes just now can be considered passionate Looking at others it isn’t the same My face turned red not expecting him to care about this While the atmosphere on our side was intense on the other side Peter took advantage of the birthday banquet to publicly announce something – his adopted son Phillip was actually his biological son The banquet hall fell silent for a few seconds before exploding Everyone in the city knew that Peter had no biological children with his only son having tragically passed away in an accident The Smiths family only had three adopted sons and daughters with the disabled Phillip being the least favored Everyone had been convinced that Samuel was the heir to the Smiths Group But now with Phillip’s sudden revelation becoming Peter’s biological son the people in the banquet hall were uneasy In these past years everyone had been actively reaching out to Samuel to please him and in the previous banquets where both adopted sons were present people often intentionally ignored Phillip to curry favor with Samuel But they had all placed their bets on the wrong person What they thought was the highlight of the birthday banquet turned out to be a bombshell revelation As tensions rose my mother suddenly made a grand entrance She was carefully dressed wearing a red dress that caught everyone’s attention Her long wavy hair and fiery red lips stood out boldly in the room the intense red color somehow not appearing gaudy but rather accentuating her charm to its fullest Though nearing fifty the years had left their marks on her face but they had also added a touch of allure She walked up to me her gaze lingering on our intertwined hands with a smile Without speaking to me she walked straight to Peter The two of them stared at each other I had expected Peter to explode in anger but he didn’t He simply observed her quietly saying you’ve come as if her arrival had been expected With my mother’s appearance the birthday banquet mingling with business tycoons hastily concluded Peter went upstairs with her What they discussed up there no one knew Neither did Phillip and I It wasn’t until the next day that I got a call from the police station – my mother had been incarcerated She had turned herself in According to her confession she had killed a person years ago – Peter’s biological son The young Smiths scion who hadn’t lived to see his 18th birthday Back then the 17-year-old youth was living a pampered life being spoiled and arrogant Peter had lost his ability to have children and naturally he doted on this only son fulfilling his every wish and need with lavish indulgence And that self-indulgent son at 17 had run off to the countryside without Peter’s knowledge excitedly exploring new surroundings One night in the countryside he met a young girl When forced advances didn’t work he used a stone to knock her unconscious But the girl’s mother arrived and in the scuffle pushed him into the river And that girl was me I was knocked unconscious by the stone that night and when I woke up I was back home in the city My mother with a calm expression told me she had arrived in time and chased the jerk away For me that incident was simply forgotten Little did I know she had actually killed someone that night and I had no idea that the victim was Peter’s son the terrifying scion of the Smiths family It was truly a twisted fate He had deceived and wronged her leaving her desolate about love for a lifetime causing her to lose her child and undergo surgery that made her unable to conceive And she had indirectly caused his downfall and in a tragic twist of fate ended up killing his son I rushed to the police station wanting to see her But I was informed by the police that my mother had no desire to see me After several unsuccessful attempts I had to return home I asked Phillip to help me get the best lawyer but my mother did not live to see that day She hadn’t even been sentenced before she passed away in custody It wasn’t suicide The prison was closely monitored and she had no opportunity to take her own life She died from a sudden onset of cancer and it was only then that I learned she had late-stage lung cancer Late to the stage where treatment was nearly futile I had only recently discovered her secret and hadn’t even had the chance to ask her about it before being overwhelmed by this series of events Without Phillip I might have found it difficult to move forward Phillip stood by my side as a son-in-law supportive through it all At the funeral I stared blankly at my mother’s black and white portrait The photo was devoid of color but looking at that face always made me involuntarily think of the red dress Her existence seemed to naturally embody color A vibrant person reduced to grayscale After the funeral I returned home I had wanted to go to my mother’s bedroom to look around but then I unexpectedly found a letter she had left for me It turned out everything had been part of her plan Before her death she wanted to see me married to the right person Someone I had known since childhood someone I had not seen in years but who had always been in my thoughts Someone who despite his disability was supremely capable and could protect me Before her passing she wanted to see Peter one last time and then perhaps that man whom she had loved and hated for a lifetime In the letter she talked about her life She had wanted to live brightly but she happened to meet Peter When they first met she was in her early twenties at the prime of her youth While he was mature and steady having passed middle age He could easily control her without making a sound Their disputes and entanglements had lasted a lifetime She revealed that night in the countryside in the letter She arrived to find me with half my clothes removed If she had been even a bit later I might not have remained unharmed Angered she had a confrontation with the person accidentally pushing him into the river He couldn’t swim and as he struggled in the river she had been ready to jump in and rescue him But under the moonlight she saw his face clearly – the scoundrel who had wanted to defile her daughter was Peter’s son Truly a case of fate playing cruel tricks That night she stood by the river for a long time facing inner conflict and hesitation but ultimately she didn’t jump in She let that lustful young man sink into the river under the moonlight In the latter part of the letter she revealed why she had chosen Phillip for me She had investigated and knew that Phillip and I had been together in the welfare home and had a good relationship She also knew about Phillip’s covert vigilance and protection over the years That was why she entrusted me to him As for using me for revenge against Peter she had never considered it My mother was as capricious and carefree as her writing The letter was several pages long and I could even discern her tone between the lines She wrote that all the enmities and disputes in their lives were none of my concern On the last half-sheet of paper with only one sentence written it made me burst into tears instantly Her writing was casual and hasty but that sentence revealed her every intention She had written I couldn’t bear children in this lifetime Thank you for being my child Holding the paper tightly tears streamed down my face The person to be thankful for was me Abandoned at birth I was grateful to her for raising me despite lacking any blood relation Before I was born I selected a mother from above I had chosen the wrong person and had been innocently abandoned Seven years later she brought me back home rectifying my past mistakes Also left behind with the letter was a bank card with my birthday as the password Inside were her life savings and the bride price that Phillip had given Untouched she kept them for me It was a coincidence that on the seventh day of my mother’s passing Peter also passed away He died peacefully in his sleep discovered by the housemaid already departed upon receiving the news Phillip remained silent He quietly hung up the phone quietly came to see Peter one last time and finally in silence carried out the funeral Peter had made preparations long ago and had left a will with his lawyer leaving all his property to Phillip Samuel and Fiona apart from being known as Peter’s adopted son and daughter did not receive a penny This action indeed aligned with Peter’s style of behavior throughout his life The merchant cared more for profit than parting ways Not only did he part coldly but he was also exceptionally ruthless He was the epitome of selfishness always self-centered Even in death he would not leave a single cent of his estate to his adopted children Not even a symbolic portion Hence Samuel and Fiona were nowhere to be seen at the funeral After the funeral the guests were sent off and Phillip’s wheelchair stopped in front of the tombstone He lowered his head and silently gazed at the black and white photo on it I stood by silent unsure of what to say Time passed A breeze blew by Phillip suddenly spoke a hint of sarcasm in his tone questioning why he had tried so hard to please me in the final years of his life Was it to make amends for something Phillip shook his head It was to make amends for his own shortcomings He had never ever loved me his biological son Even when he carefully tried to please me to make amends for me it was all for himself Throughout his life he had achieved power but the only regret he had was in terms of offspring he had lost his ability to bear children and his most beloved son died in an accident He should have grown old in loneliness but fortunately there was me his illegitimate son bringing him some consolation So he desperately tried to please me to compensate for me just aiming to make up for his own deficiencies so that his later years didn’t seem so pitiful Phillip smirked his face tinged with mockery But those eyes were slightly red He had always been fond of only himself Yet no matter how hard he tried to please he remained pitiful Throughout his life there was not a single person who truly cared for him his legal wife was loyal to him but was driven to depression by his coldness and infidelity and his mother loved him but was misled by him all her life If one day he were to go bankrupt no one would be willing to spare him a second glance and he would be alone and ostracized by all Phillip chuckled a bitter kind of amusement Nevertheless on that day a tear fell from Phillip’s eye in front of Peter’s tombstone He said that tear was his way of bidding him farewell of cutting off all the unbearable past All the grudges and hatred all the animosities and complaints were all extinguished with his death What he had left us was a brand-new future Our next plan was Phillip’s treatment The treatment went smoothly yet there was a slight unexpected turn Two lines appeared in the bathroom in my house Mine I was pregnant The sudden arrival of a child disrupted our plans but it also made us feel more hopeful It seemed that all the past trials had led to a new beginning Just like the new life growing inside me Since then Phillip’s favorite thing to do was to think of names Thanks to him I dreamt each night about names Later annoyed I held Phillip back telling him to stop thinking about it the name was already decided Phillip looked serious and asked What will it be I took a sip of warm water and casually said If it’s a boy let’s name him Felix and if it’s a girl let’s name her Floria how’s that I affirmed Floria such a meaningful name Phillip fell silent for a moment then abruptly pulled me into his embrace his warm voice whispered in my ear tickling me He suggested Or let’s have a third child one named Felix one named Floria and for the last one we’ll call them Gatsby what do you think I nestled in his embrace laughing my hands around his waist His low laughter was by my ear He tightened his hold on my hands looking serious and said If it’s a girl name her Joy The moonlight shone brightly His voice was softer than the moonlight Have a daughter like the little girl named Joy from the orphanage in those years who loved wearing white dresses and had bright crescent-shaped eyes when she smiled How does that sound Okay if it’s a boy let him be like the little boy from the orphanage in those years handsome and elegant with a fierce determination like a little wolf cub when he fights I lifted my head from his chest and caught a glimpse of the moon outside Many years had passed since Phillip’s and my childhood but the moon hanging high in the night sky remained the same as it was back then

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