【本人登場ドッキリ】オタクが超人気曲の歌に失敗した時、後ろに歌手本人がいたら…? byよみぃ【♪チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室,Help me, ERINNNNNN!!,ニコニコ流星群…】

Don’t worry about the time Take your time and relax! Guests starting to leave ↑ A cold stare from the staff Someone who completely failed the song The next moment,, !? The famous singer of that song appears!? Until the end… Take your time and relax! Hello everyone, Yomii here I’ve come to the Nico Nico Chokaigi 2024! This time!!! Surprise amazing singers in cosplay at Nico Chokaigi Nico Chokaigi staff Staff: ‘The theme is the fusion of the internet and reality’ The event is a wonderful gathering of 2D enthusiasts With over 100,000 attendees, it’s one of the largest events in Japan Staff: ‘We want you to hype up the super performances’ Joining the super performance and super singing We’ve invited a guest Please go ahead!! This time’s guest Is a system engineer in Tokyo Likes technical stuff (Who?) ※ Mistaken for staff early on Do you know who she is by her appearance? I have no idea… I thought maybe I could be the main character here… (actual company employee) Only anxiety Let’s go GO!! Mission start Super dance High-level performances by participants Yomii also participating in Touhou cosplay Guest: Can I cosplay too? Yes… It was high quality ※ Touhou Project cosplay as Cirno Is it custom-made? Interviewing Touhou cosplayers Q. What’s your favorite Touhou song? Cirno!︎ Cirno!︎ ♪ Cirno’s Perfect Math Class (famous Touhou Vocal song) (Imitating voice) So cute~!! Of course, not noticed They didn’t notice even when singing (Thinking it’s a voice imitation) How did it feel? I’m grateful (nervous) www Even the cameraman who spoke to me didn’t notice anything. It felt like .. I was clearly unnecessary. www I’m usually a company employee, never sing in front of people No one notices and it’s getting scary Guest losing confidence↑ Should I go instead… Rush to the performance booth (Touhou cosplayer?) Is there anyone who can play or sing Cirno?? There was Excitement rises in the venue A wild pianist plays Amazing lol In the freezing room, the cool temperature ※ He is singing with all his might Don’t worry about the time Take your time and relax! People starting to leave Staff at a loss for words As expected of Nico Chokaigi, people who can sing and dance also appear (This song is tough…) The next performer is,, A 36-year-old system engineer Duf (Another strange person appeared lol) Start of the reveal !? The real deal starts now Wait, wait!? ♪Kero⑨destiny This 36-year-old company employee… Is actually the singer: miko (Cirno’s Perfect Math Class) (Applause started ww) Fast Touhou piano song ‘Native Faith’ arrangement People gathered A frog croaking, not losing to rain Hibernating when it’s cold, Mishaguji-sama destiny A frog hopping, not losing to wind Its tail wiggling, tadpole destiny Cosplayers gathered too !! (゚∀゚)o彡゜Eirin! Eirin! Guests adapting to sudden song changes (゚∀゚)o彡゜Eirin! Eirin! ♪Help me, ERINNNNNN!! Touhou Eiyashou ‘Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess’ arranged by Beat Mario From the Touhou Vocal Medley, Reimu’s high-speed ad-lib solo Next From the melody of Septette for the Dead Princess ♪Yearnings of the Wind – Chrono Trigger (Nico Nico Ryuuseigun is here!!) ♪Yuki, Muon, Madobe Nite. – The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya !! ♪you – Higurashi When They Cry Loneliness and despair tighten my chest Though my heart feels like it’s breaking Your smiling face in my memories Always encourages me The last song Sparkling diamond Shining like a star Glory, top school, let’s somehow get in Genius, prodigy, aim for the top, GO GO! ♪Cirno’s Perfect Math Class (sung by the original singer) Getting lively What’s this noise, you idiot!! \Idiot! Idiot!/ \Idiot! Idiot!/ A bus left from the Scarlet Devil Mansion with three people on board One got off at Hakugyokurou and only a half-person got on Two got off at Yakumo’s place, so how many passengers are there in total? Cirno sings the high-difficulty fast song live The answer is zero, zero, because There are no buses in Gensokyo If you have energy, anything is possible 1! 2! ⑨! Tick-tock, the clock’s hands go round and round, my head spins Because even though I have two innocent eyes, I can’t make sense of the three hands Questions keep coming, the class continues In the freezing room, with the cool temperature, without worrying about the time Take your time and relax! I get it! You’re just jealous because I’m such a genius~ (Original line came wwww) All the wisdom, all the wisdom, all the wisdom, all the wisdom, all the wisdom Gather, gather, gather, gather, gather Even if you bundle it up My, my, my, my, my, my strong Head, head, head, head, head Can’t beat it Perfectly handling the sudden call and response from Nico people \Twist your hand/ I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am perfect So-called, so-called, so-called, so-called \Perfect/ Hundred billion trillion perfectly People getting hyped with the piano 1! 2! ⑨! ☆Just now ☆Now Huge crowd at the Super Performance booth \Take your time and relax!/ Final spurt Even calls from cars passing by Idiot, idiot! Staff: Idiot, idiot!! Premium members: Idiot, idiot! Fine, call me an idiot, I don’t care! \Idiot! Idiot!/ \Idiot! Idiot!/ Performance ended Seems they really didn’t know it was her The first person to come play Cirno is shaking wwww↓ Seeing miko-san up close for the first time Got really nervous They’re shaking! Their hands wwww Just an ordinary company employee The introduction at the beginning was true w Did you always like Cirno? I liked her since Marisa’s (song) Is this happiness? Of course, because I always wanted to meet Ito%&’ (Word salad) Clearing up! Project ended!! Staff: That was amazing. Exactly as I heard wwww The sound came straight from her voice Prank successful! It was the best ☆The staff were pleased as well Today’s trivia When a famous internet singer appears They aren’t recognized until they start singing Thank you for watching Please subscribe to the channel and like the video




◆よみぃオフィシャルサイト 動画撮影裏話なども掲載中!





◆オリジナル曲「D’s Adventure Note」シリーズ配信中

▪2020年11月 ジャズフージョンベストセラー1位
▪2020年6月 ビルボードライブ東京 無観客ワンマンライブ(視聴無料)開催
▪太鼓の達人 全国大会課題曲公募2013 最年少受賞、世界大会課題曲公募2016 人気投票1位、オリジナル楽曲コンテスト2020 優秀賞(3連続受賞)等
▪TV出演「キスマイ超BUSAIKU⁉︎」「ミュージックステーション」「NHK 沼ハマ」「うたコン」等




  1. 前回の動画はこちら
    初よみぃのNG無し質問コーナーが放送事故すぎた【閲覧注意】(東方,太鼓の達人,年収,ストリートピアノ) https://youtu.be/zErf_F6fgw4?si=tbzTRtT2S4So5tCv

    【ピアノドッキリ】もしも新人カメラマンがプロのピアニストだったら、放送事故級の事案にも立ち向かえるんか? byよみぃ【♪ネットで流行った曲メドレー,ローリンガール,ロキ…】(ニコニコ超パーティー)

  2. チルノのパーフェクト算数教室の歌の人ってそれなりの歳だよね!?


  3. 流石SSA2回海外公演経験ありで銚子市特別観光大使、防災特別協定の仲立ちをしたりしてる一般会社員さん………

  4. 日本に生まれてニコニコに出会って東方を知って…………あぁなんて幸せな人生なんだろう……😇あれ?なんでだ?涙出てきた😭ほんとにこの世界に産まれて来れたことに感謝しなだめやね……😭🙏

  5. I'm from France, i've always loved her song and grew up listening to them so many times… I was grinning all along, i was very emotionnal as if i was there ! what an opportunity <3 thank you for making random people's dream come true, that was awesome !

  6. 超会議行ってたのに全然知らなかった……

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