超ときめき♡宣伝部 - 最上級にかわいいの! / THE FIRST TAKE

超ときめき♡宣伝部 – 最上級にかわいいの! / THE FIRST TAKE

Ready 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2 Hello Hey there Hello Here we go I’m putting my headphones on I’m putting them on Putting them on My heart’s racing a little I can hear everyone really clearly I can hear everyone Me too Yay We’ll start with introductions We’re going to Lock on to your heart We are CHO TOKIMEKI SENDENBU Nice to meet you OK, so the song we’re about to sing was written by koresawa-san and it’s a song about heartbreak that’s the cutest ever! Yes. We’ll sing in the cutest ever! Yes! Let’s give it our best OK? Are we ready?Let’s go OK Please listen to Ready saijyoukyuu Oh Let’s try again Please listen to Ready saijyoukyuunikawaiino! I’m now the cutest ever. After you dumped me I’m the cutest ever This is when the maiden strikes back! You may have just noticed, but I’ll say it You know, I’m now very cute You end the love you started Huh? I’ll cry, how cute You turned only notifications from me OFF A friend told me Am I contacting you too much? It’s because you make me worried I don’t mind now, but now After you dumped me, I’m the cutest ever This is the most thrilling moment of my life I’m the cutest ever Admit it, this is when the maiden strikes back! Indeed, right after a broken heart I’m a mess with tears, how cute You made me cry, we had a messy goodbye Huh? I’ll cry, how cute Even the story you told me that only two of us knows Why does she also know? Don’t make me think that I’m glad we broke up Because I liked you (sigh) After you dumped me, I am now the cutest ever Thanks rather a lot, I became the cutest ever Hey, say it, hear it That she became cute Hey listen After you dumped me, I’m the cutest ever this is when the maiden strikes back! After you dumped me, I’m the cutest ever This is the most thrilling moment of my life I’m the cutest ever Admit it, this is when the maiden strikes back! I’m the cutest ever After you dumped me, I’m the cutest ever It’s over My heart’s racing That was quick! So much fun Thank you very much! Saijyoukyu!

「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。

キャッチーな振り付けのダンス動画でもSNSを中心に話題となり、TikTokでは総再生回数8億回突破のバイラルヒットとなっている本楽曲を、「THE FIRST TAKE」だけのスペシャルアレンジにて一発撮りを披露する。

STREAMING&DOWNLOAD: https://cho-toki-sen.lnk.to/saijyoukyunikawaiino_240529

■超ときめき♡宣伝部 OFFICIAL
Web site: https://toki-sen.com/
X: https://x.com/sendenbu_staff
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tokisen_sd
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tokisen_official
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tokisen.official
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TOKISEN

Official site: https://www.thefirsttake.jp/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_firsttake/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/The_FirstTake
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@the_first_take
Playlist: https://lnk.to/sfhklx
THE FIRST TIMES: https://www.thefirsttimes.jp/


A microphone and a white studio.
And 1 rule.
You’ve got 1 TAKE.





Episode 443 welcomes the 6-piece girl group from Stardust Promotion , CHO TOKIMEKI SENDENBU, to their first appearance on THE FIRST TAKE.
They will perform “saijyoukyuunikawaiino!” a song about heartbreak epitomizing absolute cuteness. Written by singer-songwriter koresawa, the confidence-boosting, positive lyrics are bound to make a lasting impression on the listener. The video featuring their catchy choreography ignited a buzz on social media, and the song now boasts over 8 hundred million cumulative views on TikTok.
Enjoy the one-shot performance of this viral hit showcasing a unique arrangement exclusively for THE FIRST TAKE.


Director/Creative Director: Keisuke Shimizu
Art Director: Yo Kimura
Copywriter: Hiroshi Yamazaki
Director of Photography: Kazuki Nagayama
Technical Coordinator/VE: Yoshikazu Ando (lucky by lucky)
VE: Momori Harigae (lucky by lucky)
Camera Assistant: Risa Matsuzaki, Kotaro Yaiki, Ryoma Fujiwara, Kento Sangawa, Yume Chikaishi (lucky by lucky)
Lighting Director: Kazuhide Toya
Chief Lighting Assistant: Asami Oogami
Lighting Assistant: Yusuke Kawasaki, Yuki Ogawa, Shunsuke Kikuchi, Akio Morita
Stage Carpenter: studio noll
Offline Editor: Yurika Ishihara (FAB)
Colorist/Online Editor: Junya Akahoshi
Production Assistant: Kai Takaha, Nagisa Taki, Yurika Ishihara, Nanami Sato, Yuko Gomi (FAB)
Producer: Hazuki Hasegawa, Masato Kudo (FAB)

#THEFIRSTTAKE #超とき宣 #最上級にかわいいの


  1. はじめまして、超ときめき♡宣伝部です!「THE FIRST TAKE」に出演できて、光栄です!

    超ときめき♡ブルー:辻野 かなみ
    超ときめき♡パープル:杏 ジュリア
    超ときめき♡レッド:坂井 仁香
    超ときめき♡ピンク:小泉 遥香
    超ときめき♡レモン:菅田 愛貴
    超ときめき♡グリーン:吉川 ひより

  2. 電車乗ってる時、誰かわたしのスマホ覗き見して興味持ってくれないかな、仲間いないかな、とか思って通勤中ずっとこの動画見てる。毎日布教中。かわいい。

  3. 家帰ったらたくさん甘いもの食べるぞと意気込んでたんだけど、みんながかわいすぎて誘惑に打ち勝ちましたありがとう;;みんなとってもかわいい♡

  4. 小泉さん可愛いの代表格「ピンク」というイメージカラーなのに歌声芯あってかっこよくてめっちゃよい…

  5. フル尺で聴いたのはファーストテイクが初めてでした。こんなに歌が上手くて可愛い子たちが歌っているとは知らず、普段は男性グループばかり応援している自分ですが、一気に惹き付けられ今は公式YouTubeにあるライブ映像を見漁っています!素敵なグループに出会えて良かった☺️

  6. 最近のファーストテイクのせいで1番かわいいところに気づいたり最上級にかわいくなったりしてる

  7. 全員可愛いすぎるのに、みんな歌声は力強くてうますぎるのなに、!?バグ、!?一瞬で好きになる!

  8. ただきゅるきゅるしてて可愛いだけじゃなくて声量がしっかりあってパワフルで実力が伴っててすごい、、ほんと強くて可愛いプリキュアの具現化みたいな、、

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