Training W/ Real Life Vikings

these are the Vikings of Norway let’s go and for the next 50 hours I’ll be eating and training exactly as they do oh it says Viking one let’s go baby I didn’t know Vikings Drive Tesla it says Viking one so you’re the original Viking I’m the Viking this is Tom the head Viking and also my worst ever do you have legitimate cessors that are Vikings right yes of course I’m 24 by the way no not 24 are you what’ you think I was oh my God I think you were 12 it’s clear that I have a lot to prove to Tom but also to myself as I had to come face to face with death am I going to have to fight for survival this weekend sure you do you know you start being a wiking when you’re 3 years old okay yeah when you kill your first man you know I haven’t done that yet no that’s what I’m talking about today you you’re a you know you’re you’re a TR a TR what’s a what’s a TR it’s the it’s the lowest of the low you know and that meant that I had no choice but to go along with what would be my first challenge are you ready not really I see a giant man in like a cloak no way let go that’s Ken stores who’s a professional cliff jumper I don’t like where this is going at this point I know I’m not going to like what’s coming next pen stores hold the world record for death diving at the highest level are we jumping off of this uh not this one oh my gosh no it’s bit higher it’s bit higher they want me to Cliff jump right now so how do we know that it’s safe to jump into I’m checking okay you checked yeah let’s go but Vikings were known to be Fearless so if I was going to become one okay I had to as well we are on top of the cliff right now it is literally 30 m how many feet is that this is 10 m this is 10 m so was that 30 ft I I’m not really afraid of things but as I get older definitely become more scared of doing crazy things you scared at all it’s good for you that’s not promising my mom would kill me if she knew what I was doing right now and my fiance I’m supposed to have a wedding next year if I don’t die yeah I wish you the best of luck if you make it out alive I’ll jump oh my God it’s so high I don’t know if I can do it okay I have to do it the reality of what I’m about to do just kicked in guys this is insane Please Subscribe subscribe to me subscribe to Ken we’re on the road to 5 mil right now okay please hit the Subscribe button this is for you this is not for me so the safest way there’s a couple of ways to do death light what we are what I’m going to do is a classic you go out and you lay yourself like horizontally like you’re going to skydive and then it looks like you’re going to belly flop but in the last second you tuck in how does that not hurt oh it hurts a friend of mine he says like you have to beat up the water yeah from all the way up here we’re just going to beat up the water I’m jumping in like a little pencil okay Cross Your Arms cross your legs and go down the water slide that’s what I’m doing okay holy sh you want to be a viking you got to work baby let’s go see on the other side see you oh my God oh my God after mentally preparing myself I was in for one final surprise we told you see it’s a it’s a a small Cliff jump but actually 60 ft which is twice as high as I was made to believe holy F 3 2 [Music] one oh my God the pursuit of becoming a viking was now a reality time to move on to the next challenge I’m literally bleeding from that I understand a bit more about who I was dealing with it was time for some more competition to see if I could hold my own with these Vikings all right so we are about to do a workout competition Viking style we got strong man events May the strongest man win listen easy win verse Ken I’m I’m taking this win I’m taking it wait wa wait wait wait wait wait before you’re going to compete with him you have to beat our women your women oh no problem bro easy easy win I’m the woman you have to beat I’m I may have spoken too soon oh God okay first EV truck pull pull a 15 ton semi- Tru as far as you can whoever pulls A semi- TRU the farthest wins and of course I have to go against Norway’s strongest woman you want to go right now you want to go oh yeah just cuz you’re taller doesn’t mean anything I might be 510 and a quarter all right I’m 5’9 and a quarter then you know that you’re short okay easy this is ridiculous you ready set there I’m going to be a viking baby go go cat go geted he’s literally pulling a semi truck don’t trry let’s go beat our women wait I didn’t beat her you didn’t what if you think this challenge was difficult then you haven’t seen anything yet second event hercus hold starting up Ken Hercules hold one of the most painful strongman events where your arms are literally fighting not to be ripped off your body I want to see Blood Sweat and Tears you want to be the strongest Viking I am the strongest Viking whatever will my arms rip off probably great it’s happened intimidation aside I was determined to show them what I was made of okay maybe not first try and go W she’s shaking a little bit she’s shaking the day may come when the courage of men fails show me what it means to be a viking yes come on Jessie come on come on that’s all you got but it is not this day this day we fight I’m going to be aing Viking you’re going to be here all day how’s it feel I’m going to eat your soul hey Kiki how do I look we get a bik to eat oh what was it 50 1 minute 20 minute 50 I won I won that one I did it how’s it feel how’s it feel it’s terrible I hate to lose you need a fire extinguisher get back up okay what’s next last event who aell carrying the objective to carry this 80 lb sandbag to the flag and back as fast as you possibly can let’s go baby suns out guns out I might not have hair in my chest but I’ve got dignity somewhere Ready set [Music] go Vikings are so strong clearly so we have some more torture on the way hit me you have to be able to fight okay you know not just with weapons but with your hands bare hands you have this thing called gleum that’s the Viking spot you know there the Viking wrestling sport so we’re going to be doing some GLE that’s correct okay so the first one who has get away from the fight ohb the a the getaway get your weapon wow correct I give you a little head yep I mean yes Ken do you want to go at all listen even in your toughest moments just like these you got to have a good head space today’s video is sponsor my entire life I have struggled with things like anxiety and depression one of my goalss this year is that I want to take control of all my struggles so you fight I say fight you have to get out of the fight then you’re the winner ready do it yes okay fight so on heads space it offers focus music which is amazing because I use the Han Zimmer playlist it allows me to create a very stressfree workout and just environment and overall just I just feel good and calm I need that using heads space and practicing mindfulness reminds me to slow down in life’s hectic moments kind of like this I personally practice mindfulness by doing cold plunges now I integrate heads space into that routine and honestly it makes getting in the cold a lot easier heads space is a lifelong guide to a healthier and happier life meditation and mindfulness is an everyday approachable way to start caring for your mind which means that there is no right way or wrong way to do it everyone has a different routine frequency or even just favorite type of content and that’s totally okay just let me go if you want to see how heads space might be helpful for you you could try it out completely free for for the next 60 days all you have to do is sign up with the link in my description or scan the QR code on the screen let me know what you guys are doing to take care of your mental health in the comments down below don’t let him got them no no no see the [Music] biceps yes good work everybody the winner is Ken give it up for him you deserve it hey congrats congrats day one was filled with fear and pain I wish I could say that it would only get better from here because it doesn’t tomorrow is even more intense with only 24 hours left to unleash my inner Viking the Clock Was ticking though you’re not going to bury me right when do I get the the attire you have to earn it you know I haven’t earned it yet no you haven’t you steal my you know go me bun ask okay so behind us I see a bunch of Mounds what are those and what’s underneath them these are Graves Graves yeah and these Graves would contain something incredible ships like Viking ships are underneath them the most important Vikings would get buried beneath these Mounds along with their ships and treasures the bigger the mound the more important and Powerful they were who most important here that one that one in the Deep yeah because that one has a very special feeling what do you mean feeling just feel like when you go there yeah can we go yeah we can oh my gosh so yeah he’s standing on the grave no way maybe just hop off it’s not possible every single lump is a grave I’m star feel something we decided to do some grounding and pay our respects to the Fallen Vikings that are buried here a truly magical [Music] experience well thank you guys for bringing me to this we even Sav a spot for you in here I have no plans of of of being stuck here forever oh you aren’t the sa nobody survives life and I would barely survive the rest of this challenge but more on that later it was now time for me to continue the pursuit of becoming a viking let’s do this welcome to if you want to go into the village you need to have some viking clothes on you I get the viking clothes finally yeah you do finally let’s go you can see we have different stes yeah mine are kind of like smaller yeah they are why because you have a smaller and Viking attire not true to size by any means the armor a small guy so it never ends and you need to have something here so if you get hit with a sword stops it yeah what really stop it no oh I can feel it yeah you can or you just happy to see me you’re feeling me oh I look like Zelda yeah you’re more like Zelda you know girly all the way from body armor to actual weapons prob this was about to get real is it sharp yeah it is real and sharp you even got a sword a yeah careful I told you did I break it now that I look the part I’ve got to be the part here we go so we are at the blacksmith shop we’re going to be learning how to make weapons Bend metal you’re going to make needles oh yeah what so I could sew things yeah yeah yeah I wanted to make a sword blacksmiths were some of the most important and wealthiest people back in the Viking age I’m a viking now yeah yeah so to become a true Viking I had to understand what it means to be a real blacksmith wa start oh my and I made sure to ask all the important questions could this burn me yes oh okay sorry starts getting that one come on you like that don’t that’s [Music] that’s so this is what I can use in battle you come up and you go yeah sh boom blind can’t kill me now let’s go to to the to the battlefield you know and and have a little bit of training that’s right fight training and I’m ready for this I am born ready okay where you told me we’re going to do where your sword my sword the sword okay so we’re starting off training with a plastic sword that’s a axe but okay axe okay this is a Tomahawk a tomahawk I’ve used that in Call of Duty as well you have this Edge and I have this High po girl you know you’re going to hit me in the head just like that can you do that you want me to actually do it yeah oh okay okay I take this I step in yep oh going there right in the ear going around up straight there perfect then I can go here oh God oh my God you stopping so I’m here yes I pull yes take my arm take your arm yes hit you in the in the in the Johnson a nice one come up and I pull you with my sword you go right down there I go right down there yep I lay down you lay down and I chop you all over your body yeah leg knee chest neck can I see it at like at a different speed can you guys do it if if he wants wow and into the beard J don’t touch the beard you know listen bro don’t touch my beard you see these few hairs not really well there’s a few that’s one week grown in I’m coming yeah let’s go I got it all right skill one unlocked it was time to ditch the plastic for the Real Steel I’m a real professional we are in a controlled environment but don’t try this at home and it was a lot scarier than I initially thought oh my God you K me and then I’m going down on this side yeah yeah you’re worried he’s not a professional it’s actually like really frightening it’s really scary yeah a couple of practice rounds in and I think I’m red my producer literally just said try not to do it without looking terrified you want to go are working working okay Jesse slowly improving we have prepared something inside for you you have some real nice things to to eat and okay and to drink maybe please I don’t trust it after all that training we worked up a bit of an appetite time to Feast hands in how do you say one 2 3 in Norwegian in two in two three we going to have a feast a feast yeah wiking Feast yeah for you actually we have made it very far today is there is there a word for cheers in skull skull SK SK kind like juice yeah wait that’s good it’s my juice actually let’s get brother some of these oh it’s on a spring dude yes of course I made it myself as are you going to eat this of course but not the eye that is say for you I don’t want to eat the eye though oh dude it’s it’s oh my God this is teeth this teeth it has teeth and a tongue yeah you first come on you want me to do the eyeball yeah do the eyeball oh my God how do you get it out he’s really getting the socket out oh my oh you see oh yeah oh like it SW yeah little did I know this was just a classic Viking prank nobody else inside no of course not only stupid American I’ve never eaten Lamb’s head I’ve done way worse with liver King but eyeballs hit different I want to make a toast for you man you’re impressed me with you jump okay you barely hesitated kind of looked like a bit for a second but it was really good was really good thank you let’s go uh well you did your best that’s that’s for sure I tried it’s not good enough but you did your best almost a viking almost a viking almost a viking almost the Viking there we go this was one of the most remarkable experiences of my life I appreciate you all for educating me about Norway and the Norwegian culture of Vikings it was awesome to learn from everybody appreciate you guys taking me in and taking the time I know it was a a lot of things that we that we had to get done for me to try to be an almost Viking I’m very grateful that I got to experience as much Viking culture as possible here in Norway definitely something I’ll never forget so yeah if you enjoyed the video subscribe most importantly do not forget

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This video is for educational and documentary purposes only. Everything seen here was done under a team of safety professionals. Do not recreate.

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Topics: Norwegian vikings, real life vikings, dods dive sport, ken stornes, workout, fitness, bodybuilding, modern viking, norway

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  1. A Viking is someone who goes into Battle or Raids.. Nobody there is a real Vikinger. Maybe Norse, Norwegian, Icelandic, etc. But not Vikinger.

  2. In what way are these guys vikings? Cause they jump off cliffs and wear fantasy viking armor?
    Real vikings were seafarers who traded and sometimes raided.
    Stop with this Hollywood myth..

  3. Thirty three feet is something I did when I was seven years old. Are you serious thirty three feet ain't nothing. It's not really getting somewhere until about 75-80 feet. Then you're definitely high when you're at a hundred feet

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