令和6年度 せんだん祭 浜松修学舎郷土芸能部 校内発表


00:39 実り・魂
04:46 烈火
06:04 遅れ咲き
08:53 雷神(和太鼓グループ彩)
11:00 雷雨(DRUM TAO)
12:45 空 Sora(作曲:吉井盛悟)



This is a performance by the Japanese drum club at the school presentation of the “Sendan Festival” held at Hamamatsu Shugakusha High School on Friday, June 7, 2024.

Thank you very much for all your support on the day.

I’ll do my best to give a good performance at tomorrow’s public event!

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