MORE MEDIA LIES & AWKWARD POLO YOU HAVEN’T SEEN #meghanmarkle #princeharry #sussex #sussexes #fails

hi everybody welcome back to another video today we have so much to discuss let’s begin with these hilarious headlines straight out of Team Sussex that really indicate just how threatened Prince Harry has been feeling lately as you know Prince William hosted a gorgeous but rainy garden party at Buckingham Palace recently and yes there is a garden party fashion Edition coming up because Zara was stunning but Prince William invited all of his cousins to join Jo him and they showed up we had Zara and Mike some of the absolute favorites we had princesses Eugene and beatric even Peter Phillips were all there in attendance to support him to support King Charles it was great it was a beautiful show of unity it was wonderful it was happy and joyful all looked great but immediately following this I noticed a slew of headlines stating that Prince Harry was closer than ever with Eugene but the headlines went even further further and included Megan Markle and Princess beatric as part of this forum that was closer than ever before which is exactly what gave it away as a complete and utter Lie from the sussexes it’s fairly well known that Eugene has been basically the closest from the royal family with Harry and Megan even before things blew up with Harry and Megan and they left stormed out stomping their feet eugin had had ties to Harry and Megan and growing up by most people’s accounts eugin and Harry were quite close out of all the Royals Eugene is the one who has spent the most time with Harry and Megan since leaving as well she was the only one to go and visit them in California for example and host them at her home allegedly at some point as well but the same cannot be said for beatric she has never as far as we know gone to visit them in California or hosted them at her home or anything like that and there’s never been that same level in terms of their history of connection between beatric and Prince Harry necessarily which makes it an unbelievable statement beatric in particular has been in the last few months supporting Prince William and King Charles more and more and euan seems to be following suit with that perhaps the fact that Fergie their mother has gone through two cancer scares in recent years and now King Charles and Princess Catherine are going through similar situation that it has brought them all much closer and that e if she was ever like on the fence this sort of a situation would probably encourage her to be more supportive of King Charles and her royal family members over Prince Harry due to her deeper understanding of just how important family support and connection and keeping away the drama is during times like this because she has just been through it twice over with her mother whom she is by all accounts very close with and along with prin princess beatric they were very supportive of Fergie during that time and so it would make sense that euan would want to step towards the royal family groups and Prince William and be there for him because she has seen all of these struggles first hand with somebody she loves and cares about very very much and her mother has alluded to this very idea recently she made comments about how important it is in fact she’s made many comments over the last few years about just how important family connection and family support is during times like that how important it is to have family unity and stay close stick together stuff like that especially in light of something as serious as a health struggle so when Harold and Meg saw all the cousins unified and happy together even youan who they thought they had claimed ownership of or Allegiance from showing up to support Prince William they were extremely threatened by this and they simply couldn’t let it be the public cannot think that Prince Harry has zero royal family relationships thriving or doing good at all they can’t think that he has zero connections to the royal family they can’t think that if the public thinks that then who are Harry and Megan just big fat nobody’s trying to do nothing and failing at it all the time so out came the petty press release sources close to the sussexes claim that beatric and eany are closer than ever to the couple how how what what is happening we know this is just not true just like how Harry and Megan clearly don’t know how friendship Works they obviously don’t know how family works either remember the in the wedding Wars video I’ll link it for you here the evening reception Harry and Megan made clear it came out in the press that Harry and Megan were making the evening reception for just their new circle of friends and the lunch reception was for their old circle of friends so if you were invited to the lunch reception you knew that your friendship was now closed if you were invited to the evening reception you were to get the hint that you’re part of the new friend Circle and should now be inviting Megan and Harry to make friends whether you want to or not this revealed them to be super toxic and also bad friends and similarly people who are high in narcissism or are rather toxic in their Tendencies like we have seen with Harry and Megan just based off their behaviors and comments alone they sort of seem like the type of people who don’t necessarily tend the garden of relationships very diligently except for when it suits them if they have something to gain then they will be very very nice and friendly and attentive to a relationship but they’re not genuine in their desires for friendship or strong relationship they’ll try some of the time but it’s usually to create an image or to gain sympathy there’s some sort of other motive or like in this case to get a Public Image across that Harry has a strong bond with eugin that that he doesn’t have have no royal family members talking to him perhaps Eugene has been dropped so to speak hasn’t really maybe she hasn’t hardly heard from Harry and Megan for a long time now for all we know the point is perhaps Ean hasn’t necessarily been treated perfectly by Harry and Megan either at least not recently because she served the purpose when she came and visited them in California and got them some press she was included in some Paparazzi shots probably unwillingly and that created this image that Harry does still have alliances within the royal family now that task was accomplished perhaps she has been ghosted to some extent perhaps she hasn’t regardless we have zero evidence that her bond has grown at all because we’ve seen her and Harry together not at all recently there’s been no stirrings of them meeting or talking or anything like that just all of the sudden out of the blue long time since they’ve even been around one another they’re bond is stronger than ever there’s no evidence that their bond has grown let alone beatric is what nonsense but clearly all of this got under Prince Harry’s skin and he and Megan Markle clearly thought that they had eugeny on their side so to speak because they’re mad at Prince William and the monarchy in general and like everybody I guess then yugan shouldn’t be out there being nice Prince William either because Harry won’t be nice to Prince William so why would youy that’s what we just witnessed happening here so we know this press release is false it was only released to try to correct the narrative or the Optics that basically Harry is the only Royal who is sort of outside the circle of trust so to speak Harry and Megan have a serious problem not only with leaks but with PR not doing them any favors at all repeatedly making them look small and Petty weak and childish but moving on let’s take a look at a few of your comments recently a couple of you spotted that this palm print dress by Johanna Ortiz is the same design as the New York City faux car chase dress and it is indeed it’s the same designer the same design of dress it’s just a different fabric choice and one of them obviously had the straps removed people at the time thought that Megan removed the straps on her own that the dress was meant to have straps it was meant to have straps I recall the pictures this one looks so much heavier and hangs so much more stiffly than the print in part due to the fabric but also because the palm print creates more movement to the eye to kind of contrast that heavier design more boxy rectangular shape and cut of the dress the diagonal lines help to reduce that sort of square appearance of the dress so that’s why I think a lot of people didn’t pick up on the fact that it is the same style and same designer dainty Dena said that in the UK one publication claimed Prince Harry requested to stay at Windsor and was denied because of its proximity to Adelaide Cottage and that makes perfect sense would also make sense that if Prince Harry couldn’t get his way and stay in the spot that he had requested specifically then he would pout and just be like well then forget it I’ll stay somewhere else rather than being flexible and normal he would get mad so I could see that happening but I haven’t seen many other Publications stating that so what do you guys think Teresa Bashford has an excellent point several other people mentioned this as well that Prince Harry wanted to bring his own private security or Netflix Crews or a photographer from people along with him and that wasn’t going to be allowed so the offer to stay at a royal residence was for just him Andor him with his children rather than like all these extra people that he was bringing along and that might have been why he didn’t stay either way it none of those circumstances change the pettiness and unnecessary comments that he made about oh well I have to stay in a hotel and my dad doesn’t have time to see me he was just being a moody teenager just super immature and rude and manipulative with his comments regardless of the reason and if he did think he was entitled to bring security and Netflix Crews and all these other things into a royal residence that wouldn’t make sense either and it just goes to show the fact that he’s so not genuine it was never about trying to see his dad if he was concerned with bringing all these other like staff along with fly on the wall thinks that Prince Harry is afraid of his father and that’s why he always comes up with a stupid excuse to not see him perhaps he’s just avoiding consequences of his actions really I mean a lot of people think that Harry got way worse when he got with Megan but that he was always kind of this petulant and rude but even still I could see just due to the fact that he’s gotten such negative reactions from people people that he knows the general public people are like like dude what you’re doing is just not right it’s not okay I could see a part of him understanding that he made poor choices and despite how much he can rationalize it or the Meg can explain it away for him part of him may very well recognize how bigly he screwed up he may recognize the irreparable damage he’s caused and feel a tinge of regret for that so perhaps he is avoiding facing the music just facing these people as much as possible he’s just trying to avoid the whole thing who knows knows Karen Lynch thinks it’s ridiculous for a child to have to put in a request to meet with their parent and I agree but only to an extent I think a minor child a young child of course should never have to go through any Hoops to see their parent because they’re not an adult yet but we’re talking about an adult here and the king of the UK he apparently has never had a cell phone never ever so this isn’t necessarily new for Prince Harry to need to go through staff or like make real phone calls or send a letter over because King Charles has always been that way not liking to have a cell phone around him or do emails and stuff like that but also as King Charles has a schedule and his whereabouts managed by staff for very real reasons there has to be security and drivers and stuff like that in place and staff at the ready for him so I think that in this scenario being the king or a queen in a different country you if you’re the monarch of a country that’s one of those times that the children just have to accept that they’re going to have to put in a request because that Monarch is serving a huge huge role a huge duty to the country so they sacrifice as well extraordinary circumstance so I think that if it weren’t such an extraordinary circumstance it would make sense for Harry to be sort of spiteful or bristle at having to request to see his parent but in this this scenario I don’t think it makes sense for that to be a problem please keep your comments coming in they are always insightful and make for great discussions but now let’s move on to this here clip of Prince Harry and Megan marle at the polo match in Nigeria so what do we have here it is another instance of Megan trying to get into the middle just like in this clip where she’s not a polo player she is not the patron of any Polo charity or Polo places or anything like that she has nothing to do with Polo she won’t even dress sporty she is not a sporty person she’s not a horse person like none of this makes sense why she always wants to insert herself into the middle of these things it’s crazy there was so much discussion around this one where Megan wouldn’t let the lady stay where she was standing next to Harry and wanted her to move over under the trophy to be next to her instead and a lot of you pointed out it was so that Megan would be in the middle of the picture and I think that this example right here in Nigeria proved you guys right so great job I think you were totally right when you called it she wanted to be in the center of the picture then and she got her way but now it’s clear that Harold was not having it this time and did not let her into the middle of the polo stage as you can see by his face as they walked to the stage he’s already not looking thrilled and then he gets on stage without her kind of leaves her behind and it appears that the other guy motions back towards her like as if to say do we want to help this lady up cuz she you know she wears shoes that don’t fit so Megan margel always looks like she can’t handle walking but Harry dismisses it like no she’s fine she can do it herself she’s not even invited but she’s coming anyway that sort of a Vibe then she comes up on stage and at first she seeks to stand on this guy’s left like true in the middle and it’s blocked she’s not about to try to interfere between him and I think it was his wife who was coming up next so she goes behind him and tries to go in between Harry and this man who is clearly kind of one of the hosts of this moment she takes aim at getting in between Harry and this guy in the middle of the stage and she motions her arm in this sort of ushering move that she does all the time to sort of motion to Harry to scooch down so that I can be in the middle and he completely ignores her she needs to stop doing this motion with her arm anyway it makes her look bossy especially when people don’t listen to her right away and ignore her she just looks foolish like she’s trying to be bossy and nobody cares nobody cares Meg it’s unfortunate and that’s exactly what we discussed the last time that by trying to boss people around you just end up looking bossy so just don’t maybe don’t boss people around at least not when you’re on camera but anyway Harry is simply not having it in this situation he has zero interest in letting her push her way into the center of the stage and why should he she has no role here but anyway then she’s clearly wearing a dress that’s so poorly fitted that she operates the entire time one-handedly she can’t release her skirt or else it’ll fly open and Flash all the children before her so she pointlessly passes medals from the woman on her right to Harry which she didn’t need to do that the lady could reach and give it to Harry just fine she’s just pointlessly passing along for no reason injecting herself where she doesn’t belong and then doing it badly once again when will she learn to stop doing this sorts of nonsense she really should have just stayed out of this one recognizing that her dress was inadequate to be on stage with a breeze she should have been like no you know what I think I’ll sit here so she got shut down she didn’t get a stand where she wanted to perhaps that’s part of why they were so sour who knows they were already souring towards each other regardless it was embarrassing it was unfortunate I had to share the clip with you guys leave in the comments what you think but let’s move on to this piece of news the palace deleted the ill-advised controversial statement that Prince Harry issued early in his relationship with Megan Markle where he accused the press and the public of being unfair towards her when there really weren’t any other examples of this it was a completely irrational um statement to make and it was allegedly quite upsetting to the other people within the royal family due to the unprofessional and unreasonable approach that he took I really do think that it’s wise for the royal family to delete some of these sorts of statements from Prince Harry and Megan markle’s time with the royal family if for no other reason than the fact that they’re no longer relevant to the monarchy at all they’re not representatives of the monarchy like their nonsense their drama does not need to be found on the website these personal emotional fueled dramas don’t need to be tied to the monarchy they are solely Harry and Megan’s nonsense so it makes sense for to be removed the statement was a bad idea from the start we discussed it in our three-part engagement special I’ll link that for you guys it has a clip of the statement so if you want to see that statement you can go and check it out in those videos but it has come out since the time that the statement was issued way way back that Megan fabricated many of these stories of alleged harassment even the police in her area that she called had no evidence found of any sort of the claims that Megan Markle had of being stalked or followed or harassed by Paparazzi like it just wasn’t happening at all and the police dismissed it as a false claim but the motivations Beyond just the fact that it’s irrelevant some people are theorizing perhaps Harry and Megan are indeed separating perhaps the royal family is aware of this and thus doesn’t want as much of the relationship drama on their website I’m not as confident in that theory because a lot of times people who are higher in narcissistic traits don’t want to let a relationship like this fail something this high-profile they wouldn’t want to let it fail Harry wouldn’t want to let it fail and he very much thinks that you know his mother or the memory of his mother is intertwined with this relationship and he’s thrown everything away for it so now it’s kind of this he has to make it work while Megan she she didn’t have that successful of a career she hasn’t acted in like a decade she’s just Prince Harry’s wife so without that marriage you know her prospects for future endeavors would be very slim pickings so I don’t think necessarily that they are full-blown separated I don’t think that their relationship is Peachy but I also don’t think that we’re looking at a divorce anytime in the immediate future either but an interesting angle to this entire Saga is that part of Harry’s discontent has to do with wanting approval for his choices for and for their choices and actions together it would not necessarily be surprising for somebody hire in narcissism things like disapproval or criticism can lead to things like holding grudges believing that it’s all malicious and really digging in the heels because his family all warned him of how quickly he moved with Megan everybody encouraged them to go slower to ease into public duties slower for Megan to maybe continue acting he and potentially she as well felt personally criticized by all of this and because of that he has developed this mission to get the public to like Megan to make people like Megan more than Catherine which hasn’t worked at all in fact the opposite has happened and the more Harry has made wildly outrageous claims like Meg was better at the job than everybody else the more people pushed back against that and said actually no the public or who decide is best at the job anyway but the more he said that and tried to push that narrative the more the public showed him that she wasn’t not to spite him but because it was plainly true Harry is upset because he wants people to like and celebrate his choices with Megan and Beyond he wants people to agree with him to take his side which is sort of sad but it’s also just immature it’s something that we all have to grow out of and have grown out of at some point and that’s good we’re supposed to grow out of it because in the real world you’ll never be everybody’s cup of tea you are going to fail at some things you are going to be rejected some of the time there will always be people who don’t agree with you and you’ll never agree with 100% of things with any specific human even your spouse so we’re meant to learn that it’s okay to disagree it’s okay for people to not take our side this theory is that Harold has missed this lesson or doesn’t grasp the concept and is hellbent on trying to get everyone to agree with him and all of his choices including Megan he’s frustrated at all of the criticism and the criticism of him of her of them together it’s it’s just upset him more and more rather than him taking a minute to look at it and think perhaps there is some degree of truth to this criticism or value in the criticism and this has manifested in him trying to control and monitor the press control the narratives not allowing real Journal lists anywhere near them only those who will exclusively report positively that’s not how press works and that’s not proving anything anyway that’s showing that you behave so poorly that you can’t just let the press report on your engagements because then they’ll be like bad things coming out that you need to hide if you’re confident in yourself and in your role and you know you do a good job then you would know that the Press would be grossly misrepresenting you if a negative story were to come out of an engagement or an event but Harry can’t trust that because he and the Meg do make bad choices and mistakes so they can’t just let the press report factually because then there’ll be bad stuff coming up but I do think that this Theory makes some degree of sense there was even some headlines recently that said Harry is disappointed and frustrated that his family didn’t recognize his good work in Nigeria it’s just he didn’t do good work in Nigeria he looked cranky he did a bunch of private events he wasn’t there in an official capacity he didn’t dedicate time to charitable work he didn’t get his hands dirty so to speak what is there to be proud of it’s sad to think that he just wants recognition and that he has always been so plagued by being the spare but at the same time everybody has to just get on with with where they’re at and what they have some people are dealt far more challenging circumstances than Harry or Megan ever have been it’s obvious they do not have physical disabilities or health problems that are very severe and challenging they don’t have these sorts of real struggles that most people go through at some point they don’t have those types of challenges they could have done so much good and that is why people people are so keen on rejecting them because they had all the potential people know how much easier they have had it than most people out there and so for them to be constantly complaining and whining and fixated on well I want everybody to like me and everything I do is just childish and unacceptable but what do you guys think do you think that this is fueling part of Harry’s rage that he’s not getting the approval or attention that he wants as we’ve discussed previously had he and Megan stayed and just invested a little bit more time and patience then they would have taken center stage and been so hugely valuable by now during this year where they really could have been helpful and and showcased instead they wanted too much too soon and have now dug themselves into a terrible hole as for the rumors that Harry and Megan are looking to go visit Ghana next I am not so sure how official this is some of the headlines and articles read like it’s already been decided and it’s going forth no matter what but as of right now there’s no actual press releases or signs of this happening for sure at all from Ghana especially they have not actually been invited I think this is another case of Duchess Dior syndrome Megan has put this out there hoping that it’s sticks and hoping that Ghana gets the hint and will then reach out and invite Harry and Megan the problem is they have zero excuse or Reason to show up there and this is the exact Corner they’ve painted themselves into unless they can claim Invictus they have no reason to go to any of these places unless they go there and do real work like help with wildlife conservation or working with a charity out in the field doing real field work that’s really the only thing they could do at this point to boost their PR too but as we’ve all seen the going under the guys of Invictus was completely ruined by Megan’s Antics for Nigeria so any other country thinking well we’ll have them come for Invictus saw how that played out and I don’t think they’d be too keen on doing that in the future either so they kind of ruined the chances of continuing to do trips that were Invictus connected because Megan completely stole an overshadowed Invictus news with her nonsense that is exactly why it was a problem please leave your thoughts in comments below I cannot wait to read them thank you so much for joining me for this update I hope you have a happy day ahead and I will see you next time bye

Yet another super awkward Polo Match moment courtesy Meghan Markle, you probably missed it! What’s the truth behind the headlines claiming that Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice are closer than ever to Harold and Meg? Why is Prince Harry so fixated on censorship and controlling the media? Today we look into the Sussexes’ purported next destination on their “Vanity Tour” and address some of your most important comments. Join us as we delve into the latest royal gossip and speculate on what the future holds for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
I hope you enjoy today’s bonus video & royal update! There are timestamps/chapters for your viewing pleasure!

Videos referenced (Since linking in the video doesn’t always work!):
Harry & Meg’s Wedding Wars:
Engagement 3 part series:

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0:00-4:55 York Sisters Closer than ever to Markles
4:56-8:20 Harold & The Meg don’t get how it works
8:21-13:39 YOUR top comments
13:40-17:13 ANOTHER Awkward Polo Moment?!
17:14-19:15 Palace Statement Removed
19:16-20:20 Divorce Horizon?
20:21-23:00 Approval Driven Rage
23:01-25:50 Press Control & Censorship
25:51-27:40 Ghana Not So Fast


  1. O
    Harry could see his father privately if he really wanted to. Instead he makes it a headline.
    She rang the police so often in Toronto that they told her she’d be charged with wasting police time. This came from the wife of one of the policemen.
    Also there was a back alley behind the house the studio probably rented for her – very common for out of towners. The alley was used by locals on their drunken way home after dinner or clubbing.
    Maybe SHE’s paranoid like Harry OR she wanted column inches which she didn’t get hence the Wild about Harry article- forcing Harry’s hand .

  2. It’s painfully apparent, both H & M are the 180 opposite of “value added”. They believe that their mere presence should be applauded, coveted and super special. 🤣 …it’s just so cringe.

  3. Harry's "ADULT" development was arrested before he entered puberty.
    His behavior since his Mother's death has been that of a spoiled-rotten Man-Baby, eternally throwing his toys out of the pram. Since his marriage, his behavior mirrors his big Nightmare Wife's.

  4. It is very likely the Ghana trip won’t happen, Ghana isn't planning on an Invictus in near future, and if they are going to expense of a Royal Visit, likely they would prefer the genuine articles. Think the Ghana trip was another markle blast of hot air. But I could be wrong. Thing is , if they talk about going, then people who aren’t paying attention will think they actually went, and Markle will weave it into her narrative

  5. I heard that his dad did want & was willing to see him & that he was indeed offered a place to stay at the castle or at one of their royal residences! He shares the same truths as the wife. They are perpetual victims!!!!

  6. What really amazes me is that these two seemed to have forgotten that their children are high enough in the line to NEED permission from the sovereign for most things. They're not only making things difficult for them as people, they are putting their children in a far from desired situation regarding public and Royal opinion. Until the Wales children are adults and have children for themselves, the Sussexes are in a position of seniority within the family, much like the siblings of King Charles today. They need to wake up to their reality and realise it, before William ascends to the throne, and fix their ways altogether. You deal with a situation before it will be dealt for you, that's basic survival.

  7. One of the Royal docs I watched some time ago had a story in it about how Beatrice had a boyfriend in her 20's that she was really in love with that didn't treat her very well, and was saying stuff behind her back about using her for her connections to her family. Prince William heard about it and warned the guy off. Eventually Beatrice found out what William had done for her and she was really touched by that. Their relationship got a lot closer after that. Beatrice really looks up to and admires William and looks at him almost as a big brother after this.

  8. It wasn't Meghan's plan to stay. If she couldn't turn the monarchy into a celebrity cash cow, she was heading for California – probably always planning to head there anyway. Why else would she bring along her California lawyer, agent, etc. to England? She wanted the title and got it. She wanted the money and found out there wasn't as much as she expected. On to greener pastures…..

  9. He Harry is a spoiled tit. He used to have his shoe laces ironed daily. The tooth oaste was out on the toothbrush for him His bath was "drawn" at a certain temperature and depth in the bath tub.If it was not for their Mother they would know nothing of narmal life. jShe took them to Mc donalds and insisted that they wait in line just like everyone else. She was an awesome mother. I miss her to.

  10. Your analysis keeps getting even more deep and searching. However, at the same time you are retaining that twinkle in your eye and I especially love that "Whhhhhat?" Keep it up Beebs. You often take a more considered and unrushed view of events than some other YouTubers and it makes me feel that you have your own family to consider, they no doubt come first and this gives you time to sort things through. I also tend to be very much on your wavelength especially about morals and human feelings so it's always pleasant to listen to you articulate so many things that I'm thinking. It also is good to hear you being firm in your ideas and standing up for them even if your audience may disagree. Finally, in this video I adored and I LOVE "Nobody cares, Meg. Nobody cares…" Stay well. Love from NZ, Px

  11. – I think the messy meg wants to stand in the middle to be sure that if the picture is cropped-she will still be included. She is SO vain and SOoooo horrible.

  12. How beautiful is that lovely Nigerian lady in the green with blue polka dots dress behind Meghan in the palm print dress photo!

  13. Harry not letting her stand in the middle on the stage was awesome! He physically blocked her with his arm. I bet that’s why he ran on stage before her – he knew what she was going to try to do. When he uses his authority to put her in her place (which is rare), her contempt clearly shows on her face. She can’t hide it. It’s great!!!

  14. I think now that there is something seriously wrong with Meghan. She jumps from one unfinished thing to another that she will not finish or even properly plan. She makes me think she has an Affective Disorder like Bi-Polar or ADD. And Harry doesn't have a clue how to act or to plan around all this. I really feel bad for those kids, provided they actually are theirs. How on earth will this turn out????

  15. Hello Beebs. I am a Nigerian and I wanted to let you know that a very popular Nigerian artiste called Tiwa Savage performed at the celebrof The King's coronation. And it was a big deal. H/M are trying to run on the sails or hijack the BRF's success to work it into their PR. Also, I think she might have used the Nigerian Trip for one or two episodes of her lemonada podcast content.

  16. I have never ever known such a childish petty tit for tat middle aged couple 5 years later and they are still banging on.

  17. I think MM mistook all the interest and attention as down to her personally when the same attention and welcome would have been given to whoever PH decided to marry. Despite the reality of their poor choices they both seem totally unaware of the wrong calls they have and continue to make in Public. Most of all they will never rival the RF and all that it does.

  18. Great show 👏 Beatrice isn't involved. Eugenie is – an early connect for MM/Harry – the whole 'I didn't know about … ' was the most blatant of MM's many lies. I think William is reeling Eugenie back in, and Harry's in a right murky mess. If the RF are keeping up high walls, I don't blame them 👑

  19. That was a very insightful analysis. I particularly liked your comments on their body language when they stepped up on the podium at the polo. You are very talented at spotting the little nuances.

  20. Both Eugenie and William attended the wedding last week of the Duke of Westminster and Olivia Henson. it’s said Olivia attended Marlborough college as did Eugenie and Catherine and both of her siblings.

  21. They should be adult enough to like themselves and what they do, to just get on with it. It's obvious don't like what they do or themselves, and worse still they blame everyone else for them being unsuccessful. They need to stop lying, and pretending to be 'Royal', when they are not.

  22. I do not blame Eugenie for staying close with her cousin, let’s be real, even if he’s rude to the whole family, they were REALLY close before everything started and I don’t blame her for staying close to him. It’s someone that has been there since they were both young, I’d understand if she wanted to still keep a bond with him.

  23. Nice video Beebs. I haven't seen your videos lately. Probably my fault, must put you back on my Radar. Keep up the Great and Lovely Work. Sincerly…..Great Video. Thank You & Cheers from NYC

  24. The dirty mattress and her handbag have decided to align themselves with the dark, corrupt, evil, greedy, shady side of celebrity and Hollywood. P Diddy, sleazy E, Oprah, the thugs of Nigeria and the people that are trying to take away our free speech. Somehow, I doubt the A-listers, i.e. the Clooneys and all the others that they claim are "friends" want nothing to do with that element.

  25. Shmeg's came out like a Bull in a China Shop…..or Not? "It's my opinion only"…..but from the Start, like the bloody house was on fire, she became an Expert in Everything. She continues to act on such minor thoughts, never looks at the big picture, and makes such a big deal about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING…that she never concentrates on JUST ONE THING. No one could possibly succeed at anything the way she acts. – She's become a very sad joke.

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