再掲【神奈川・川崎】ヤクザが仕切る集娼地帯「南町」 神奈川県川崎市 Minamimachi, a red-light district run by the yakuza Kawasaki City

Minamimachi, Kawasaki Ward (Kanagawa Prefecture) Yakuza Yamakawa Family Headquarters Minamimachi, Kawasaki-ku. A city where prostitutes stand in the dark all night long. It is a heterogeneous area that is said to be particularly "dangerous" even in Kawasaki. Minamimachi is an entertainment district where prostitutes gather. The yakuza in charge extort money from old prostitutes and shops. Yakuza Uchibori-gumi General Headquarters Minamimachi’s night business is run by Mr. ●●. It’s been that way for a long time. The office is right in front of you. It’s not like there’s anything wrong with it, but the stores that do this business pay protection fees. because that’s normal… From red light districts to brothels for workers. Between Yakuza and Chonnoma. Walk through the present of "dangerous town". Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture In front of Kawasaki station where commercial facilities are lined up due to redevelopment. Liquor, customs, gambling – this is a town of workers who satisfy their desires. Minamimachi is a 10-minute walk from the south exit of Kawasaki Station. This area is a yakuza town where luxury cars are parked on the street and block the road. The nighttime lighting of buildings with intimidating signboards glares at passers-by walking in the dark. Here in Minamimachi, there are 18 special bathhouses, Korean beauty salons and striptease theaters. The history of Minamimachi has its origins in the Kawasaki red-light district. As it developed as an industrial city, an entertainment district was formed. Around 1956, just before the Anti-Prostitution Law was promulgated, Minamimachi had 110 red-light traders and 525 prostitutes. From the red-light district to the red light district. Minami-machi followed that trend, and until recently it was a town where the lights of ‘Chonnoma’ lit up the alleys. Chonnoma play, as the name suggests, is based on quickly performing actions in a short period of time. Guests are invited to the back room, where they sit on the senbei futon spread out. Of course there are no showers. Until recently, even in Minamimachi, there were scenes of prostitutes smiling at passers-by from inside the store and men disappearing into the store. Although the scenery has changed in Minamimachi, vague business masquerading as a restaurant continues today. Currently, there are about 10 shops doing this business. Play is 10,000 yen. If you introduce a thimble, you can get 20,000 yen. The number of stores where you can play directly in the back of the store or in the room has decreased. The police are noisy when it comes to managing girls. So now, when a customer who wants to play comes, there are more shops that have a girl come from the waiting area. There are many shops that ask you to use the hotel so that you will not be questioned for managed prostitution. Guests will have to pay for the hotel. There are quite a few customers who think that Ichizen-san, who doesn’t know the business of this Minamicho, is an "ordinary izakaya". But it’s not a normal izakaya, but there is Mr. ●● who has been running this place for a long time. The monthly protection fee is 30,000 yen for shops and 20,000 yen for girls. During the Obon period and at the end of the year, you pay twice as much. Standing pigeons have strict territories for each alley. You should also go to Minamicho Park. Because there’s a standing pigeon today too… "Ambiguous shops" have entrances covered with film or curtains, and many of them are very cautious about not being able to see what’s going on inside. Despite the fact that some stores are "ambiguous stores", if there are many general customers, they will not lose the attitude of being an ordinary izakaya. Minamimachi, a brothel run by the yakuza. Men are disappearing into shops that do ambiguous business today.





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路地裏さんぽ (@rojiura_sanpo) https://twitter.com/rojiura_sanpo?s=03

『色街をゆく』(監修/橋本玉泉 発行/彩図社)
『全国女性街ガイド』(著者/渡辺寛 発行/カストリ出版)

A brothel run by the yakuza, Minamimachi, Kawasaki Ward. Minamimachi where prostitutes stand in the dark all night long, is a unique area in Kawasaki that is considered particularly “dangerous”. A Yakuza who collects protection money from prostitutes and night stalls. The monthly protection fee is 30,000 yen for shops and 20,000 yen for girls. It is the rule of Minami-machi to pay twice as much during Obon and the end of the year. Men are disappearing into shops that do ambiguous business today.

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Back Alley Stroll (@rojiura_sanpo) https://twitter.com/rojiura_sanpo?s=03


  1. 南町の上州屋の前が、黒塗りエンブレム金色のお兄様方が多くて、家族が釣り好きなんで困りました😅

  2. こんだけ大きな看板の組になら金額にもよるが金払う価値あるよな

  3. バブル期ですが仕事が嫌になって横浜にあった会社の寮から脱出した事があります。

  4. 地元民だけど、小料理店は夜通ってももはやカラオケのがたまに聞こえてきてる感じ

  5. こんばんは!お疲れ様です

  6. 普通に歩道に乗り上げて停車(駐車と停車とは違う)してるよね。停車が可能な道路でも、歩道に乗り上げての停車は道交法違反。まあ、警察でも暴力団は怖いよねえw

  7. ほんのすぐ側の日進町にに住んでました。

  8. 同じ店、通りが何度も映るように、事務所付近がそれっぽいだけで男が付近を歩く分には何も起こらない場所。付近にコンビニやスーパーもある。歌舞伎町みたいな殴り合ってるお兄さんたちは見たことがないな。

  9. 子どものころこのすぐ近くに住んでました。

  10. 警察24時みたく近辺で職質の押し問答を見かけた。内◯組周りで短髪坊主ニキが「ゴルァ!いつになったら払うんだよ!56すぞ」とかスマホに向けて怒鳴っていた。

  11. 十数年前八丁畷に住んでいた頃、川崎駅周辺に買い物行くときに自転車で普通に通っていましたw

  12. 門前にプレジデント、奥の駐車場にアルファードがたくさんあるビル、怖い、怖いぞ

  13. 夜のお店は他の地域と同様に、中途半端なチャーニーズ、コリアンとその他アジアや中南米などいるけど

  14. 堀之内と比べると


  15. この辺は行きつけの店があるのでだいぶ慣れました。初めて行った時は確かに異様な感じがしましたね。

  16. ロック座の向かいのビルで働いてたことあるけど、ゾウガメだかリクガメってまだいるのかな?

  17. 特殊浴場の団体が2つ、80件ほどですか。まだ半分回ってませんが。

  18. 中学んとき、東京の足立から川崎引っ越してきて思ったことは、揉め事起きるとソッコーで本職出てくることに一番驚いたよなw

  19. 川崎市川崎市南町はあの[上を向いて歩こう]、[見上げてごらん夜の星を]などの大ヒット曲を歌った坂本九さんが生まれた場所ですよ

  20. 歩道に24時間駐車してる車とか一切警察は取り締まらないよね

  21. みかじめ料は毎日はらうんじゃなかった?横浜のちょいの間は1日3万円て言ってたよ。毎月は建物の家賃より安いから間違ってない?

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