【切り抜き】川村壱馬さん サイフィ志くんとランペ陣さんについて【インスタライブ】

Allow me to explain the statement made by our leader, Zin-san, while Kokoro’s self-introduction at the conference held yesterday. The statement had various contexts. While we were on that stage, perhaps cause of the sound system, I also asked… “What did you say?” It was hard to hear in that situation. Not the volume of Kokoro’s voice, It was the sound system. Then I became concerned about that because of the commotion on X, so I asked the staff to please show me the relevant part of the video. Surprisingly, the voices on the stream were clear. On that stage, we could barely hear most of the voices. But it’s likely that those watchng the stream couldn’t get the situation. …might have caused misunderstandings. The statement that Zin-san maid to Kokoro had contexts. Last year? Or the year before? We had a concert in JAPAN with our entire agency. Afterwards, each group had a greeting. I’m not sure if he meant to, but at that time, Kokoro greeted in Thai. There were 50 people or more. He greeted in Thai, and he also said, "Oh, I made a mistake" or something. Cause we have heard this greeting in the past, I was able to understand what Zin-san said this time. "HARUTO, of DUNG BEAT POSSE." is what Kokoro said during the conference. I only comprehend that when I saw the video. Perhaps it was more difficult to catch and comprehend the Kokoro’s word. because we are familiar with the spelling of the character name “BATTLE OF TOKYO” on the book, but we rarely hear it spoken. We had those contexts, so Zin-san said that word, which means, “Oh,I thought you’re greeting in Thai again, just like last time ! ” It was no one’s fault. It’s obvious that mocking someones is unacceptable. And, he definitely did NOT mock anyone that time. We have always appreciated and respected BALLISTIK BOYZ and PSYCHIC FEVER. Especially, Zin-san is the one who has shown his appreciation to them the most. We all agree on that as a group, for sure. Zin-san understands the most how hard they work. Never intended to mock them. He has persistently expressed his desire to do good for the world. We two always, always talk each other enthusiastically and share our dreams. That’s the kind of man he is. There’s no way he would say such a thing, right? No teasing, No mocking. The impressive moment when Kokoro greeted us in Thai is still fresh in my mind. I don’t blame any of you for being concerned. (But I can’t stand those who attack Zin-san, offend him, and hurt his feelings. ) You all have a sense of morality, and I believe it is indeed appropriate to feel something is not right. So, So, does Zin-san. He has a sense of morality in the same way. He has a good heart.


2024年5月7日行われたBATTLE OF TOKYO記者会見
PSYCHIC FEVER志くんの自己紹介、その後の陣さんとのやりとりについて


  1. 言葉って難しいかいしゃくの仕方も正に十人十色、陣さんガンバレー

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