[ENG SUB] [Clip] My Old Fling Has a New Crush?? | Senpai, This Can’t Be Love! | EP7

First, slide the XYZ peak over here. Good. Then… Kaneda, you can’t! That’s our… precious… Ah… This brings me back. Nothing changed. Oh, Mr. Yanase! Welcome back. Hey there. I’m back. Mr. Yanase, you haven’t changed a bit. Hey, are you Nakayama? I didn’t recognize you. See? I can change too if I have a year. Get a grip. Hello, everyone. I look forward to working with you again. -Welcome back! -Welcome back! Oh, here’s a souvenir. Oh, thanks! No way! I’m back. He’s so cute. "10 things I want to do with Kaneda." "Hug him tightly when I see him." Mr. Yanase. It hurts. That’s what I want! Have you been well? Yes. Did you cut your hair? Yes, several times. That makes sense. Did… Did you miss me? Um, did you– Mr. Yanase! You forgot this in the meeting room. Oh, thanks. Who’s this? Oh, sorry. I forgot to tell you. This is Furukawa. He joined us last Spring. NEW MEMBER TAKUMI FURUKAWA I’m Takumi Furukawa. Nice to meet you. Right, a new co-worker. Hi, I’m Yanase. Wait, that’s my… Kaneda is in charge of training now. What? We figured they should sit side by side, so we put Furukawa here. Then where is my seat? Right. Yanase, you’re over here. – Where? – Here. Huh? Here, this is your seat. Here? And take this, too. You’re our company’s shining star. Instead of Modeling Director, you’ll be called our Modeling Supervisor. Hey, Supervisor. Let me see it. Wow, it really says it. Sorry. Be more organized. Put your pens in too. What should I do with this folder? Put it over there. Hold it. Okay. We’ll be in charge of the Cretaceous Period​ graphic. It’s not much, so we’ll cover it in two teams. Team Yanase and Team Kaneda. What? Team Kaneda? Kaneda has grown. He’s a valuable member now. No, I’ve still got much to learn. Kaneda, you must’ve worked so hard. "I want to praise him…" Kaneda. You’re amazing. You must’ve worked hard. Not at all. "…on his year of hard work." What are we making specifically? It’s an iguana and turtle. What, Furukawa? I’m actually a huge "dorara". What’s a "dorara"? Someone who likes dragons. I started CG so that I could make dragons. So I love scaly reptiles. I love them so much, I have a pet iguana. An iguana? Wow. Is that so? Then Kaneda and Furukawa will do the iguana, and Yanase and Ms. Tomoyo will do the turtle. Thank you. That makes me happy. Reptile textures can be difficult, so learn from Kaneda. Mr. Kaneda, I’ll be in your care. Okay. Yanase, watch over Team Kaneda. Right, of course. Ask me anything, Kaneda. Okay. "When that happens, I’ll show him my new and improved skills." Mr. Kaneda, where do I put the first object? Over there. There. What? I don’t get it. Can you show me again? I guess I have to. First, slide the XYZ peak over here. Good. Then… Kaneda, you can’t! That’s our… precious… Ah… Ah… Okay. Got it now? Yes. Really? Yes. It doesn’t seem like it. Darn it, I can’t concentrate. Focus on your work. Forget about Kaneda for now, and focus. Huh? Did everyone go home? It makes me happier than any other star you’ve given me. Please…

About Senpai This Can’t Be Love
[Japanese Drama Series]
Yanase has worked as a 3D CG designer all across the world. Now back in Japan, Yanase is training a newbie by the name of Kaneda Yuki. There’s only one issue: Kaneda is super unfriendly towards Yanase, leaving Yanase frustrated and disappointed. With a new project where they will have to work side by side, how can these two overcome their different personalities?

Cast: Naito Shuichiro, Seto Toshiki
Director: Shinta Harekawa

About Queer Questv:
Discover LGBTQ+ stories, voices, and experiences through movies, documentaries, and dramas on Queer Questv, embracing love and diversity. 🏳️‍🌈

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