【浦和vs町田】大白熱の『埼スタ』に来ている外国人にインタビューしたらサッカー愛に溢れてた!!【ジャパフト! / JapaFoot!! 】#海外

for [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks so much for your time so the the first question like where you’re from and uh I want to ask your the name as well uh my name is Marcus um and I’m from Austria in Europe in Europe Vienna Vienna Vienna nice to meet you how long have you been here in Japan I’ve been since the since January January and you have been there for two weeks now so you said your exchange student in Japan like yeah yeah no I have a working holiday Visa I am sometimes I’m working and sometimes I’m I’m just traveling right now I’m just traveling but I used to have a job in kushu ASU yeah next to kagoshima and I went there for farming and stuff like that so what major that come what major decide to come to Japan for the first time got interested for you the music actually I love to play music and there I got into the Japanese music and Jpop and some kind of stuff and then I watched uh some documentaries about Japan and got interested that’s why I came here so beautiful so what is your like favorite music in like ja I just went to uh a concert from Yama m yeah last week I went to the concert and I was looking forward to so maybe her I like to meet here Oru us I think more of the mainstream musicians are you said that you’ve been here for two weeks right in Japan yes um like how do you like about Japan it’s very beautiful yes I think and the eat is very good to eat is good my fa okay let’s move on to the Saka question so like you you guys wear like like red red shirts which reminds me of like the the color of ra Red so do you guys support ra R today yeah youting that’s why we rest up like that but I’m just wondering why like did you decide to support the ra RS um actually I love to watch football and since I got into watching uh into into Japan and I also watched some Japanese football and I have some favorite clubs here and I think y r is one of the biggest clubs in Japan and I also watched them a couple of times and now I wanted to see how is the atmosphere and the supporter in Rett is so you know massive and huge yeah thanks so much for your time yeah I hope you enjoy the game thank Youk you thanks so much for your time so uh first question is uh what’s your name and uh where you from James James hatrick fight from London from London yeah wow nice to meet you nice me too how long have you been here I might yeah I just asked you yeah so we got here yesterday um early morning so early morning yeah how do you like it about Japan so far it’s great yeah yesterday we were pretty uh sleepy cuz we didn’t get uh sleep on our flight but then today it’s been lovely yeah like how long was the the the flight from London to hours 14 hours we got like 20 minutes sleep so wow that must been so crazy yeah and we got here we got there at like 900 in the morning so we couldn’t check in till 300 p.m. so we had to wander around a little bit wow yeah so you you couldn’t check in like at 3 you were supposed to check in we could take put our luggage in but we couldn’t get in our room to sleep so oh so you you didn’t stay anywhere and then you you guys just wondered pretty much yeah very sleepy as well now are you guys sleeping now no we feel pretty good now yeah we had quite an easy night last night I went to sleep early so it would feel good for today nice to hear that let me ask you like what do you think about the difference between like the UK and Japan in general the food’s very different yeah food very different good yeah food’s lovely here England’s a bit so so with food we’re very good at other people’s food but not our own oh every heard the we as well but I want to try the the food in England I would only say try roast dinner M some the stuff you guys have is very good so don’t have your hopes too high for England in terms of food what what did you have in Japan what we had so far we had like Ramen last night R um we’ve only had like light stuff today cuz we were figing to get in some like carag and like beer like here um and then we had is it Tom catsu I think so for like lunch yesterday oh Tom Catu yeah that’s very nice that’s really really popular in Jaan so let’s move on to the football question yeah what made you like come to watch this game like ra Red um well we we’re just big football fans in general um so we were like oh whilst we’re here we might as well see if we can go to a game um so we’re checking which games in Tokyo were on we found out this one was on like this weekend wasn’t too far to go to and it seemed like they had well AA have sort of the best uh fan culture it seemed like yes and the biggest sort of stadium so we thought it’ be fun to check out true they they have like big Stadium yeah exactly and uh and the fans supporter is kind of very passionate and huge so that’s why yeah so who is your like favorite like football player I mean I I don’t I don’t really know any of the players here I’m I’m a kind of Billy sharp back at home for CH United well not anymore but uh yeah I’m not I don’t really know too many of your players I know Sakai uh saki yeah play for like Mar um but yeah I don’t really know what it was be honest I actually like him as well so what about like the the the football player like in general oh for me Alan Shir Newcastle yeah I’m a Newcastle fan so okay yeah right whatever you uh yeah very sharp a very sh yeah who’s uh I think he’s at ho now they might have let him go not too sure but he was with us for a long time so I’m a che United fan so last question is going to be like what do you think about the squad prediction for like today’s match well we were looking we didn’t really know the other team but we looked at the table and saw their first in the league even though they got promoted last season but then at home and obviously have a history of being a very good team so I think it’s going be a close game I’m going 2 I’m I’m going to go 31 to AA yeah all right all right thanks so much pleasure I hope you guys enjoy that trip in Japan and today’s game yeah yeah thank you cheers guys cheers guys cheers thanks so much for your time good good uh so the first question what’s your name and where you from uh Tom France Paris Morgan I’m from France John from France too okay nice to meet you guys you me too how long have you guys been here in Japan stay here one months it’s your first time first time in Japan yes first time in Japan uh how do you like about Japan uh the food food is very good and people people is very nice is very good wow what what did you have in Japan what did you have like for food uh we have sushi lot of lot of food street food we love go in little shop for street food and we right we go to k for a k be yes yes so you you guys went to KOB as well yes yes yes oh you speak Japanese Sosi yeah you you speak you speak Japanese so good did you study by yourself I started uh three months ago three months ago yes but now you can like speak Japanese that that much so good yes what is the most favorite team all the time Paris look look last Club fi Sakai oh yeah yeah yeah Sakai is Real Madrid Real Madrid all right oh wait you have like Osaka like Osaka Kyo okay you want to likea Andy so what Maj you that come to watch this game uh because we love football my friend play football and me all my family play football so what was the reason why you like decided to watch like ra Red’s game because there’s uh lot of like other other soccer other football team in in in Japan but why did you choose ra no because we see the fan of RA Reds are on fire are very hot and uh and the match don’t start and we can we can hurt the scream all and it’s uh we we just uh want to we want to show we want to uh to see football but also a show anded fans is is a better uh all so what do you think about the score prediction for today’s match win two Z two Z three Z 4 Z 4 Z okay we will be so exciting match in yes yes yes yes okay thanks all right thanks so much thanks so much for your time so let me ask you the first question uh what is your name and where you from uh France aen you’re from South the of friends okay how long have you been here in Japan 3 days two days so how do you like about Japan it’s beautiful mhm people are very kind I came here 10 years ago with my parents and what do you think of what has Chang like compared to two years ago I don’t know I was too young to to understand I think so for this time like what major come to uh watch this game like uh because I’m a mar fan Sak all right okay that’s why that’s why you came to oh you have the uniform of not not Sak not Sak but Mar best club in France wow so I love football and uh Sak play for for so I came to watch like what do you think about like the stadium like atmosphere and I don’t know it’s first time I I come so this is beautiful but uh I don’t know you know Mar have big uh big fan um Community maybe the best in Europe so I don’t know but uh I will see I hope you can you can like enjoy the game and the trip in Japan thank you thank for [Music] [Music] byebye bye-bye [Music] [Music] oh [Music]


今回は、#浦和レッズ vs #FC町田ゼルビア の



【ジャパフト! / JapaFoot!! 】

《Gen – 社会人サッカーアナリストと社長もやってます》
《Namiki – コミュ力お化け。2年間イギリス行きます》
《Sota – 独学で極めた英語隊長》

#Japafoot #ジャパフト #soccer #football #vlog #日本代表 #移籍 #プレミアリーグ #サッカー日本代表 #Jリーグ #等々力スタジアム #海外の反応 #イングランド #浦和レッズ #川崎フロンターレ #urawareds #kawasakifrontale
#西川周作 #牲川歩見 #吉田舜 #酒井宏樹 #石原広教 #マリウスホイブラーテン #佐藤瑶大 #井上黎生人 #アレクサンダーショルツ #大畑歩夢 #伊藤敦樹 #岩尾憲 #小泉佳穂 #中島翔哉 #サミュエルグスタフソン #渡邊凌磨 #関根貴大 #オラソルバッケン #大久保智明 #松尾佑介 #安居海渡 #エカニットパンヤ #堀内陽太 #宇賀神友弥 #早川隼平 #武田英寿 #安部裕葵 #ブライアンリンセン #チアゴサンタナ #興梠慎三 #前田直輝 #ペアマティアスヘグモ #モルテンカルヴェネス #マリオエドゥアルドチャヴェス #池田伸康 #前迫雅人 #石栗建 #ヴォイテクイグナチュク #ジョアンミレッ #安藤智安 #林舞輝 #明本考浩 #荻原拓也 #木原励 #工藤孝太 #柴戸海 #鈴木彩艶 #髙橋利樹 #藤原優大 #宮本優太 #ダヴィドモーベルグ #ランゲラック #谷晃生 #山口瑠伊 #福井光輝 #バーンズアントン #奥山政幸 #昌子源 #池田樹雷人 #ドレシェヴィッチ #鈴木準弥 #三鬼海 #チャンミンギュ #林幸多郎 #望月ヘンリー海輝 #青木義孝 #松本大輔 #仙頭啓矢 #宇野禅斗 #稲葉修土 #下田北斗 #奥山洋平 #芦部晃生 #高崎天史郎 #バスケスバイロン #安井拓也
#柴戸海 #髙橋大悟 #平河悠 #藤尾翔太 #ナサンホ #エリキ #ミッチェルデューク #沼田駿也 #藤本一輝 #中島裕希 #荒木駿太 #桑山侃士 #オセフン


  1. 浦和の名前使ってチャンネル伸ばすならそれなりに浦和にお金を落として欲しい。

  2. 私はマークスです。あなたのインタビューはとても楽しかったです!

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