
in the realm of second where inovation Sparks feel the energy sech in the El tries andark metal and code in a dance so Sublime and the ne unow where the future’s Prime electric PS where the wires align you and die in a techn rhm so fine to the m about The rhythms on the neon lights we grew through the binary in the electric [Applause] [Music] Delight in the fact Tre of Dreams where gears and Twi we build the future in a mechanical design secrets of the motherboard whispered in the breeze eyes reflecting Den streams without a tease down the progress Avenue where Android stride moving to the Rhythm in the AI guide electric pulse in this moment so bright underneath the lady sky where dreams take flight electric F where the wires andne you and I they the techm so fine to The Melody of Al the rythms on the neon light we Groove through the binary in the electric Delight [Applause] [Music] ELR B no see me SL in Christ life the great great this smoke bra name that may self all don’t the way go out deep electric pulse electric p with the wires inne you and I in a techn rhym so F to The Melody of algorithms of the neon light we Groove through the binary in the electric Delight [Music]

菅田将暉 虹,
菅田将暉 オールナイトニッポン,
菅田将暉 小松菜奈,
菅田将暉 歌,
菅田将暉 まちがいさがし,
菅田将暉 弟,
菅田将暉 さよならエレジー,
菅田将暉 メドレー

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