【浦和vs名古屋】大熱狂の『埼スタ』に来ている外国人にインタビューしたら驚きの連発!!【ジャパフト! / JapaFoot!! 】#海外

for let’s go [Music] [Applause] [Music] um could you please uh briefly introduce yourself my name is khed I’m from the United Arab from Dubai yeah fed he’s my brother so how long have you guys been here in Japan this is the seventh or the eighth we’ve been like 3 days in Osaka Osaka and now like 5 days in to like how do you like it in Japan like really nice really nice I like it I like it it’s my first visit and I like it so where where did you go in Tokyo everywhere we can go we want to MH so what why did you guys decide to like uh watch this game so basically in every country we go we try to find a game that we watch the local team and we know they played in Champions League of Asia M they play against Sai clubs Al and stuff like that so we want to check it out do you guys like support any team like yeah we support our local uh League we are from Dubai so we support our local league but European I support Chelsea next week alen will play against Yokohama in the final Champions League of AJ yeah that’s going to be so EXC I want to ask you like favorite player Lampard Lampard in the UK Ronaldo me like yeah he’s my favorite as well he is the best yeah he is the best Messi and Christian Ronaldo no no nois team Cristiano terms of athleticism I think Cristiano is better but and overall Messi I think it’s like it’s he’s natural gifted yeah but Christiano works hard for it Talent he’s a like hard worker yes hard worker Messi is natural Talent from God I understand that thanks so much for your time hope you guys enjoy the trip in Japan thank you very much first question what’s your name and where you from uh so my name is Anthony and um I’m from Western Sydney um in Australia AIA oh so good I’m again nice to meet you nice to meet you man nice to meet you uh how long have you been here in Japan um about 6 days sixth day yeah I think so feeling yes yes today with my family how do like it it’s awesome we’ve had a really good time it’s a beautiful country teeny and and um and everything’s really really beautiful and um and the people are beautiful as well everyone has been really helpful here and the hospitality is amazing oh so nice uh only Tokyo um no so uh we went to Disneyland Disneyland and then we went to Kyoto and um we’ve just come back to Tokyo today my wife and my daughter of doing something else and I’ve decided to come to the football uh next question um why do you come this m or yeah um so um in Australia my club is Western Sydney wanders yeah we we had a famous Japanese player Shinji Ono T yeah and he played for Ora so when the chance to to come to or game come up definitely wanted to come you you love soccer football absolutely yeah okay f is most favorite player yeah all the time of all time yeah oh yeah um probably Z Zan J yeah not so nice this football legend okay what do you think today’s match squ prediction poor I’m not sure I haven’t really done heaps of heaps of research I know what Ur probably mid-table right now so yeah I think you’re a home team you want to win so I mean for me as a tourist I just want to see an entertaining match I’m looking forward to taking in the atmosphere I know we are famous for their atmosphere and and this stadium is amazing this uh just getting off the train and walking in here and everything else it’s um the football culture here is is is really amazing so um but yeah hopefully at Ora win possibly 2-1 I think that would be that’ be a good football schore entertaining yeah yeah yeah so exciting yeah I hope enjoying today’s match thank you so much app thank you so much thank you thanks so much for your time where you guys from New York New York all of you guys are from New York wow it’s so cool um I’ve never been to New York before so I yeah I want to go there oh yeah you should come yeah thank you so how long have you guys meet here in Japan uh like a week n days yeah how how do you like it about Japan oh it’s great it’s good we like it yeah we love it so which place did you go so far mostly Tokyo but we went to Kyoto and Osaka also for so why why did you guys decide to like uh come to watch this game uh we just wanted to watch a soccer game and this was the closest one so we came here oh really okay okay ra is so like CL are so passionate so I hope you guys really enjoy the game yeah sure will yeah we could hear the chanting from there really it’s so big and yeah exactly who is your like favorite player uh Sim Sim oh what are you guys uh atsuki yeah I’ll go as whatever you is the best in general oh in general in general yeah yeah uh kayin CLK kayin clar oh wow Marcus rashford uh Human song Human song yeah go Messi Messi yeah Classics yeah thanks so much for your time I hope you guys enjoy the game and in a trip in Japan yeah taking our time um first uh could you briefly introduce yourself yeah my name is Farin I’m from Singapore Singapore yeah I fly all the way to Japan and I know that today we got a match against Nagoya so I’m looking forward how long have you been here in Japan uh about 3 days 3 days 3 days how how do you like it Japan so far I love I love the food I love the people I mean the culture it’s totally different and uh I guess uh and also I’m a soccer fan as you can see I only bu this I don’t have the the normal Jersey I’m going to find the Jersey so I’m looking forward to see what’s the atmosphere how how the people how the fanes so fing ra R is they are very passionate you know yes so I I’ve been following them ra R for quite some time ever since uh when they they because they against Manchester United so every year menu will come to Japan I remember like maybe like a couple years ago like there’s a there’s a match between like ra R and Manchester United there there’s a lot of other reasons but that’s definitely one of them represent Japan which represent the UK so they have the similar the fans everything was fantastic okay so um who is your alltime like favorite player could it be yeah Japanese or like could it be you know Japanese def I love uh United uh Kagawa Kagawa Kagawa but Kagawa don’t play for so yeah but I’m just looking forward for for other plays I hope that some someday some of theur player eventually join Manchester United so yeah I hope yeah that’s going to happen in the future okay so I want to ask you like what’s your like score prediction for today’s match two Z ra R mhm yeah yeah thanks so much for thinking our time I hope you you enjoy that trip in Japan thanks so much for your time first uh could you guys introduce yourself briefly josua and Tatsu how long have you have you been here in Japan been here for 2 weeks now and uh first J League game today so very excited this is the fourth day of being here and uh yeah beautiful people love the culture all the food every having a mad time so here like today uh this time is just for s s or like it’s for just just for fun like just for just to come no just just to come watch the game see the experience of the J league and uh yeah showing me around obviously as well so okay so uh do you support like ra or like do you support any other team yes we do we who who is your like our favorite player in ra oh right now is it he he there is that how you say it uh yes that’s what same player yeah he he used to playing what’s your like score prediction for today’s match uh I reckon it’s going to be 3-0 to urwa uhhuh what you 21 21 Ur 21 okay thank you so much for your time you really appreciate problem hi to for [Laughter] [Music] that’s can’t watch [Music] [Music] n [Music]


今回は、#浦和レッズ vs #名古屋グランパス の

今回初めて #埼玉スタジアム2002 に



【ジャパフト! / JapaFoot!! 】

《Gen – J5アナリストと社長もやってます》
《Namiki – コミュ力お化け。2年間イギリス行きます》
《Sota – 独学で極めた英語隊長》

#Japafoot #ジャパフト #soccer #football #vlog #日本代表 #移籍 #プレミアリーグ #サッカー日本代表 #Jリーグ #味の素スタジアム #海外の反応 #イングランド #浦和レッズ #名古屋グランパス #urawareds #nagoyagrampus
#西川周作 #牲川歩見 #吉田舜 #酒井宏樹 #石原広教 #マリウスホイブラーテン #佐藤瑶大 #井上黎生人 #アレクサンダーショルツ #大畑歩夢 #伊藤敦樹 #岩尾憲 #小泉佳穂 #中島翔哉 #サミュエルグスタフソン #渡邊凌磨 #関根貴大 #オラソルバッケン #大久保智明 #松尾佑介 #安居海渡 #エカニットパンヤ #堀内陽太 #宇賀神友弥 #早川隼平 #武田英寿 #安部裕葵 #ブライアンリンセン #チアゴサンタナ #興梠慎三 #前田直輝 #ペアマティアスヘグモ #モルテンカルヴェネス #マリオエドゥアルドチャヴェス #池田伸康 #前迫雅人 #石栗建 #ヴォイテクイグナチュク #ジョアンミレッ #安藤智安 #林舞輝 #明本考浩 #荻原拓也 #木原励 #工藤孝太 #柴戸海 #鈴木彩艶 #髙橋利樹 #藤原優大 #宮本優太 #ダヴィドモーベルグ #ランゲラック #武田洋平 #ピサノアレクサンドレ幸冬堀尾 #杉本大地 #野上結貴 #ハチャンレ #井上詩音 #三國ケネディエブス #河面旺成 #行德瑛 #森壮一朗 #吉田温紀 #米本拓司 #和泉竜司 #椎橋慧也 #森島司 #稲垣祥 #倍井謙 #ターレス #久保藤次郎 #中山克広 #鈴木陽人 #内田宅哉 #小野雅史 #山中亮輔 #西森悠斗 #酒井宣福 #パトリック #山岸祐也 #永井謙佑 #榊原杏太 #キャスパーユンカー #杉浦駿吾


  1. 楽しみに待ってました!

  2. 今年は海外から観戦に来られている方もチラホラ見かけるようになって、海外の方にもJリーグが認知されるようになったんだなとヒシヒシと感じてます。

  3. こんなに外国人観戦者が来てるとは初めて知りました。

  4. 浦和はもっともっと世界に発信していかないといけない。

  5. 自分もこの試合見に行ってましたが、とても面白い企画ですね!



  6. 浦和サポーターです。この動画いいですね!

  7. ロナウドこそがベストさ

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