【ENG】中森明菜様の恋バナ&涙ほろりトーク #akina #akinanakamori #中森明菜 #engsub #80年代アイドル #涙ほろり

There aren’t many encounters that lead to dates, are there?
Excuse me, Akina-chan.
When your head is at that angle, it’s serious, OK?
Do you have an admirer, or rather, someone special to you?
That’s of course!
When I go near that person…
(audience: Sooo Cute!)
The proximity of the person means…
Detective, what do you guess?
Concert staff?
If the rhythm guitarist behind you plays gloriously,
you’ll casually send him a glance…
There might be something like that!
I can’t sing my songs if someone special is nearby.
Then it’s not concert-related.
Because you can’t be able to sing.
He isn’t a guitarist.
Then someone who works as a ticket-collector at the entrance!
No way!
This is the problem, isn’t this?
Anyway I want Akina’s love life to be fulfilled.
I hope so too.
I want you to have a baby.
I would like a girl who looks just like Akina.
I’m going to name her Wakana!
I’m deciding your everything!
There used to be a comedian with that name!
Like "Miss Wakana."
It’s good, isn’t it?
Akina and Wakana.
Hamamura Jun’s set phrase, isn’t it?
(Hamamura is famous radio announcer.)
I see.
It connected.
It is not luxury cosmetics that makes a woman most beautiful.
It is "Love".
I think you are being in love.
Is that so?
You’ll definitely find a love match!
I will find it!
You need to be proactive!
They say women should wait,
but these are outdated.
If you wait, it will never come.
You’ve got to make a signal.
Exactly you’ve got to make a signal.
I think it’s okay to say something like "I like you."
It’s not a improper behavior.
Do you think so?
What will you be like?
You can’t talk anything?
Will you not be able to speak,
when you go near that person?
No, Uh…, a-ha-ha
When you know that person is there,
once you will go to the bathroom and fix your collar by yourself.
"It’s OK today." or something.
You know…
I am the type of person who is a bit of a pretender of indifferent.
I think I might be the type of person who pretend not to care him.
It’s gonna be kinda of complex.
If you pretend not to interest him,
he will think you aren’t into it.
When he says, "it’s been a long time",
I will react to the extent of "Is that so?"
Oh my gosh!
But I can understand your reaction…
Is your special person older?
If your special person is older, he will understand.
I don’t know about …
But I think we are close in age.
He is not me…
Well then …
We ready to have an open questions.
This is unnamed and…
A lot of questions are written.
Please draw a card and answer the question.
I ate so many different kinds of candy,
my mouth tasted so many different flavors.
But let’s have another snack.
When sweets are in front of you,
you eat them, right?
Please draw one of the cards.
Can I just turn the card over?
Oh, it looks little bit hard?
I turned this card over.
Oh, I couldn’t help seeing it!
Which do you want your boyfriend not to be in the future,
bald or fat?
I have to choose one or the other, haven’t I?
Why are you pointing the camera at me?
Why the hell am I in the camera!
In my case, I don’t care which way he goes.
Actually, there is one more person I would like to project.
You don’t mind at all, do you?
Are bald and fat okay?
It is not the ultimate choice for me.
I don’t mind at all,
and I don’t care which way it goes.
This is about the future, you know.
Good for you,
fat and bald all over the country.
It seems that this was not the question
we really wanted to ask you, though.
Was this it?
Do you want to flip it?
If you had a fever of 40 degrees, would you ask someone to come over?
Or enjoy the fever alone?
I don’t enjoy it, but…
I don’t enjoy it, but I choose to be alone.
Really? Why?
Would you like to call it?
Even if it’s hard?
Forty degrees is hard, pretty much.
I have experience with it.
I’m already dizzy….
If it’s only 38 degrees or so…
I have experienced this about three times
since I became an singer.
40 degrees?
I am not good at making people to worry about me.
Why do you like to take care of people,
but you don’t like to make them worry about you?
I just don’t like it.
Even if you are in pain yourself.
Are you saying things like, "Oh my gosh. I need to drink some water."
Even crawling to the bathroom.
Are you going to work hard on your own?
So how can I say…
I am fundamentally weird spoiled child.
You are not a spoiled child,
because you always work hard.
I don’t want to give a call to them myself,
or make someone to come.
But how would you feel
if you were in the opposite situation?
if I were in the opposite situation…
I won’t ask nothing!
I would visit them without asking.
You would go, right?
You take care of others,
even though you don’t them like that when you’re having a hard time.
That is what my friends tell me.
Even though you take care of others…But why…
They say like "Why don’t you indulge on somebody’s kindness?"
They also say "If you were the other way around, you would want to be asked anything."
You’d like to be told to come, wouldn’t you?
I said "I want them to tell me to come."
Then my friend says, "They all do."
That’s right.
You can count on your friends.
My friend says like that…
In my thoughts…
From a young age,
I was not able to bring up with much pampering.
I don’t know how to be spoiled.
You are very thorough in doing your own thing, aren’t you?
Because I’ve been sickly since I was a little girl.
That caused trouble for my siblings and other family members.
That really stuck in my head.
You’re sorry for bothering them even now…
That’s why I can’t count on someone when I am hard.
Only you know the pain, right?
If I can only hold myself back, they’ll never know.
Because I have developed such a habit.
It’s okay, you can tell them.
It’s all right.
Because that’s what it means "close."
You are too hard on yourself.
You’re great, Nakamori-san!
Nakamori-san, you are great!
That’s not true.
My personality is twisted.
Don’t cry.
Why are you crying?
Because Kuniko-san is kind.
I shouldn’t make her cry on a Sunday morning.
Michael, tissue paper.
It’s hard to find someone who will say,
"It’s okay to say it."
You have to really get along with them to be told.
Like, if you’re not feeling well, you can tell me.
Even if it is just a cold.
If you have a headache, you have a headache.
If you’re not in pain, you might not understand.
But when it hurts, it hurts.
You have to say it hurts.
On the other hand, only you know,
If you don’t tell the truth,
no one will ever understand you.
If it hurts,
there are ways to deal with it.
My friend says that if I said "I’m fine"
even when you’re in pain like you,
no one would know.
And then I have to pretend you fine at work.
They tell me that
I’m just going to look like a foolish.
I still can’t.
The way I grew up when I was a little girl.
It’s hard to change even if I want to.
I’m trying, though.
How can I explain…
That part of me is boyish.
I don’t want people to think I’m saying it hurts just a little bit.
So I really feel…
It has to be enough that I can’t stand up.
I don’ say so.
I hate it when people think it’s not a big deal
and that I will be able to put up with it.
It shouldn’t air on Sunday mornings.
I’m sorry.
I have been in tears lately.
I cried too. I got emotionally involved.
Please call us, please.
He is right.
No more patience.
But hey, I am all right even if I have a 40-degree fever.
‘Cause I’ve been frail since I was little…
I can be strong by myself.
Even if I have a cold and my fever is 40 degrees…
I’ll cure myself properly by the next day.
Oh my goodness.
I am truly amazed by your mental strength.
I was surprised little bit.
They say sickness starts with the mind, and it’s true.
That’s True.
I’m OK.
Very well.
This may have nothing to do with what we talked so far.
Akina has released a new song.
May 21.
Oh, yes.
This single CD is the Double A-side, correct?
Oh, I forgot.
Ryuich Sakamoto composed this music and…
I had brought souvenirs for you guys.
Oh, there are three CDs!
Thank you!
Thank you very much.
You wanted her to hand you the CD, didn’t you?
I’ve been waiting for this!
This is her new song.
I forgot to put one out.
This is the most delicious one, isn’t this?
Can we all make noise with eating this at the end ?
Without politeness like a girl.
Let’s eat the whole shrimp crackers while making noise.
We make the audio staff cry, don’t we?
There will be shrimp crackers that will make the audio staff cry.
The first song on the single is "Everlasting Love."
This song has a rather slow and laid-back to it.
This song has a line at the end.
She is working, working!
She is neatly pulling the tissue under the cracker.
You are so homemaker, Akina!
You will say a line in English at the end of this new song, right?
In the "Everlasting Love."
I’m not fluent in English myself.
At the end of this song,
you say "For You" or something.
I’ll listen to this song with Michael next time
and let him tell me what you says in it.
The first song is relaxed…
The other song is "NOT CRAZY TO ME" is…
It is a fairly up-tempo song.
What a surprise, NOKKO wrote the lyrics!
(NOKKO is talented Japanese singer)
Cute, you guys.
How can we say it?
It is a blessing to eat the same food together like this.
I haven’t eaten this in years.
It’s yummy, this.
This is an addictive taste, isn’t it?
These are the kind of things that get me hooked.













  1. 明菜ちゃん、この頃から
    明菜ちゃんが風邪ひいて寝込んで、予定して居た家族みんなのお出かけが出来なくなると、お母さんに、、明菜さえ居なければ。 と言われた事があった、と言ってました😢

  2. 私も、明菜ちゃんと
    しかも真ん中で、母親だけだったので、甘えらることが出来ずに、来ました、、 だから明菜ちゃんが小さい頃の生い立ちが染み付いている、と言うのは、良くわかります😢 私も同じだから😂

  3. 邦ちゃんの優しい言葉に、明菜ちゃんが泣いたけど、、俺もつられて泣いてしまいました!邦ちゃんと明菜ちゃんの人柄が垣間見えました、、、、。邦ちゃんも明菜ちゃんもファンです。

  4. ごめんね水指すようで、他の番組で、松田聖子とか明菜の名前でたら、

  5. The interviewer has a fundamentally flawed idea of a spoiled child. YOU are a spoiled child if you value yourself and others because of what your minds and bodies enable you to do while gossiping and bullying those were not as spoiled to have been born with healthy and normal mind and body like yours.
    That is why I am constantly amazed by the weakness of weak people who struggle and give up while trying and failing to do the things that come naturally to spoiled normal people who are proud of the independence they were gifted with by nature and play the victim when they are asked to help a weaker person.

  6. こう言う昔の映像、本当にありがたいです。
    邦子さんのところで私も泣きました(T . T)

  7. お話の内容は、とっても、面白かったし、何が好きかって、明菜姫の声が好き❤ささやくような話し方も好き❤



  8. 中森明菜さん


    長文失礼しましたm(_ _)m

    by 10年以上好きな人が出来ない30歳独身男

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