「ユズが生まれたころっ」第303話 | あたしンち | [ENG sub]

What is it, Yuzuhiko?
What’s wrong?
Well, I was thinking there’s no space for me.
Back When Yuzuhiko Was Born.
Yuzuhiko has been
sort of a difficult child since he was little.
He was shy and sensitive.
He didn’t like to be separated from me even as he grew older, and that was tough.
Yuzuhiko, time to sleep.
Rockabye baby.
Rockabye Yuzuhiko…
Now is the moment.
He finally fell asleep.
Oh my.
Yuzuhiko, you’re awake.
It’s a okay, there’s a good boy.
He refused to sleep in the baby crib.
Alright now, enough crying.
Enough crying.
And you liked high places.
High places?
Yes, you liked to climb his bed.
It became your bed later
and we slept like this every day.
Yes, it was cute back then.
You’re more of the family idiot now, though.
Family idiot.
You had a lot of fans.
The women of the neighborhood, for instance.
Oh, Mrs. Tachibana. Hello.
Shopping for groceries?
No, we’re walking because the weather is nice.
I see.
Hello, Yuzuhiko.
It’s nice to be out on a walk, isn’t it?
Oh my.
Sorry, Mrs. Tachibana.
It’s alright. I’m sorry.
He’s quite shy still.
He’s still a baby, so it’s to be expected I guess.
Mikan, say hello.
Here, I’ll give you this.
Oh, you don’t have to.
It’s alright.
Here, its caramels.
The neighbors really doted on you.
They gave you a lot of snacks, too.
I wonder why?
Did I seem like a child actor or something?
Or was I a good talker, like a celebrity?
You weren’t that smart.
You acted just like a baby, and that made you cute, I guess.
A baby?
You weren’t shy, either.
You got more fans at the bath, mostly.
The bath?
Yuzuhiko would never want to be separated from me.
You wandered about the showers
and made friends with the other women.
Oh my, Mikan.
Oh Mikan. How nice of you.
Please do me next.
You were like a tiny idol there at the bath.
I don’t remember that at all.
They gave you a lot of snacks, drinks, that sort of thing.
I see.
Everyone liked you.
They did?
Anyhow, you were very cute.
In the past.
Okay, I get it.
And what was more amazing was that you were good with your hands.
You could tie your own ribbon on your clothes.
You were three.
That was amazing.
We thought you were a genius.
Is that such an amazing thing?
Three-year-olds can’t tie ribbons?
You could even tie the ribbons on Yuzuhiko’s baby clothes.
Our landlord was shocked, too.
Oh my.
Amazing, Mikan.
You’re so small, and yet so skilled.
I might have super hands.
You could tie shoelaces, cake ribbons, and so on.
At three years of age.
No, actually you might have been younger.
Mother, isn’t there anything else?
I’m not sure.
You knew how to attach buttons when you were two and a half years old.
I used to do that for a little money on the side when I was pregnant with Yuzuhiko.
You would stare at me and say,
I want to do it too.
No, it’s dangerous.
You’ll get poked.
It’s dangerous for children.
I want to do it!
– I want to do it!
– Ugh.
It can’t be helped.
Wait, you trusted a two-year-old with a needle?
Yes, you were too noisy.
I was thinking you’d give up right away
but was shocked when you actually managed it.
Though all you did was push the needle through in one direction
and the result looked like this.
Though the fact you did that was amazing.
It was legendary.
It really is, isn’t it?
I might be able to tell this story if I become a famous
teddy bear artist someday.
[Tetsuko’s Room]
Mikan, you were able to attach buttons since you were two?
Yes, I was.
It wasn’t anything that special.
That’s amazing.
It was talent—no, fate.
I was really amazing when I was little, wasn’t I?
Yes, that’s it.
What do you mean, probably?
Did you just exaggerate your story?
Uh, well,
most of it’s true.
What do you mean?
Which part was the exaggeration?
How much of it is lies?
Anyhow, you were a cute and very nice child in the past.
In the past.
– So…
– But now you’re just bratty.
I wonder where things went wrong?
[Please subscribe to the channel, All 10 volumes of Atashin’chi’s Best available now!]

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「ユズが生まれたころっ」第303話 | あたしンち | [ENG sub]



  1. ちびみかん可愛すぎる…にしてもあたしンちのお母さんうちのお母さんと喋り方がほぼ同じ😂😂

  2. わたしも赤ちゃんの頃人見知りしなくって郵便屋さん来たらにこにこしながら出迎えに行ってたって親に教えられたな。昔は可愛かったんだなわたし…。みかんちゃんは今でも可愛いけど😂

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