Hi everyone, please enjoy this milestone match from Cincinnati 2019 between japanese n1 and n2. I remember how excited and nervous was Yoshi to face his hero (he used to call Kei like this).

Regarding the match Nishioka played is usual tennis, unfortunately Kei was suffering an injury so I hope in 2022 to see them facing each others again at 100% of their power!

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Enjoy 😀


  1. 錦織を庇いたい気持ちは分かるけどこの試合に関しては素直に負けを認めればいいと思うわ

  2. スポーツ系の動画って謎に上から目線なコメント多いのが気になる

  3. Seems only yesterday that Nishikori looked like a player who would win a grand slam. Well, I hope he doesn’t retire yet.

  4. 所々で届くボールとらなかったり、無理するべきじゃないところで無理したりで錦織舐めプしてないか?

  5. 錦織のプレー、やっぱり好きだ

  6. thank you for posting these edited matches, i really like that you include a lot of nishikori and yoshi. i was at the citi open almost every day this past week and got to watch most of yoshi's matches, and wow, he surprised me. i'm really happy to see another japanese pro playing so well, calm, incredible defense, not dropping a set and into the quarters. i agree with you, i think he is very talented and sadly not many people know of him, but i'm glad to say i think he gained some supporters in DC this week with his play.

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