Definition of hypocrisy! David Cameron is an idiot.

a reckless and dangerous thing for Iran
to have done and I think the whole world
can see all these countries that have
somehow wondered well you know what is
the true nature of Iran it’s there in
black and white what would Britain do if
a hostile Nation flattened one of our
consulants well we would take you know
we would take the very strong action and
Iran would say that that’s what they did
well what they did as I said was a
massive attack so they were right to
respond but they overreacted is what you
say what I’m saying theack the attack
They carried out was on a very large
scale much bigger than people AC right
to respond well countries have a right
to respond when they feel they’ve
suffered an aggression of course they do
but look at the scale of that response
had those weapons not been shut down
respond but they just could have been
there could have been thousands of
casualties including civilian casualties
I think that’s a really important point
to take into account

David Cameron claims Irans response to Israel attacking its embassy and killing several Iranian diplomats and military personnel was not justified. Then he’s asked what Britain’s response would be in that case.
What a plank! #conflict #news #iranian

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