
Conan’s most mysterious woman This woman named Ruoxia Liumei Arguably one of Torari’s most mysterious characters right now Although the comics already know that she is shallow incense But there are still too many mysteries that have not been solved. Especially why he got the list of drugs. And come straight to Conan

Seems to have known from the beginning Conan is a new type of Kudo The debut of the new teacher’s skeleton incident I’m new here He showed great powers of reasoning. Kolaid has no clue many times Or does he give hints from time to time?

Explain that reasoning ability is in no way under Conan. And at the end, he also showed his superb ability to build that time. It was easy to solve the identity of the three strong bodyguards. It must be sitting down The second appearance of a woman with fair arms

This time he used Mia to test the stolen reasoning. It can prevent the case from happening. But he took it out and brought it to the scene of the case. The ending also shows his superb fighting ability. Officials have also publicly stated again The top three roles in column three

Third Monster in Burning Tent From the dark sky to see the sunset a shocked expression It can be seen that after Chang ‘an Avenue was impressed by him 7 years ago Ruoxia’s camper is the same as Kuroda’s shocked expression. Conan was also curious about Ruoxia for the first time in this chapter.

It’s not like he’s pure. The teacher also noticed a hint of a downgrade in his pocket And it was Haneda Haustan who was missing a shogi. Fourth appearance In search of Maria Because of the school trip incident Kudou Shinichi reappears in public view

If Xia also specially came to ask for information about the star. on the computer He looked at the list of drugs. The name of the nave Shinichi of the song of Hiroshi Hiroshi Yihang Fifth appearance Yu Cai also participated in the four-leaf clover. Officially revealed the injury to his right eye and 17

Young is related to Tian Ao San Hearing the voice three times caused a sharp pain in the right eye. Then he saw the clue when he came out of anesthesia reasoning. The high probability knows the operation of Conan’s anesthesia reasoning. Suddenly at the end of the attention he casually discarded

Not beautiful to send her clover I feel that this person is not good at coming. The sixth appearance in the falling pasture fire Good guy. This is a big deal. The direct real kung fu rabbit picked up the shogi he accidentally dropped. And to get his wife back

Luo Xia had to do something special in the basement. The dark room can’t even see through the perspective. He just knocked each other out. Take back the shogi Seventh appearance. Time capsule with Akihito Nakano Through the tone of Nakano Mingmei’s classmate His first member was Nakano. is to create doubt

Because Hiroshi Haneda died on a drug developed by his parents. After that, I went back to the case more than ten years ago in the cartoon. All kinds of characters and events involved in it have been explained. His unspoken identity is also revealed in this chapter. But even this

There are still many mysteries in this woman.



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