

Denuma) I will make fried chicken. Garlic salt chicken powder Staff) How many kilograms are you making? Idenuma) Hmm, Denuma) let’s see.. Denuma) about 5 kilograms, maybe? Soy sauce cooking sake Staff) Last time you made it, didn’t you forget to add sesame oil? Denuma) Oh… sesame oil… Idenuma) That’s right

Idenuma) I forgot to add sesame oil Idenuma) I missed out on the sesame oil. sesame oil Chicken wings Staff) Don’t you usually wear long sleeves? Denuma) Well, I do wear them when I need to, but it’s not that cold Wakamiyabi) denuma, you can’t make it with wheat flour, right?

Denuma) I can make fried chicken with wheat flour Wakamiyabi) I don’t have potato starch Denuma) Don’t we have potato starch? Oh well, I’ll just use flour then. Denuma) There’s only flour, right? Denuma) All flour? Wakamiyabi) Yes, Denuma) Alright, then I’ll just use flour.

Kuwae) Should I go buy some flour?Denuma) No, it’s fine Denuma) I didn’t have enough sauce so I’ll add a little more Staff) It’s white Denuma) Salt and water Staff) Did you feel like the sauce was a bit lacking when you mixed it? Denuma) Well, yeah, I guess so

Denuma) But, well, if the flavor is too strong, oyakata will give us a warning, so… salt and pepper Staff) It’s all about the feeling since it’s an eyeball measurement, huh? Denuma) It’s a feeling Staff) When will the recipe book be released? Denuma) Undecided

Denuma) Whether to release it or not Staff) It may be released. Denuma) It may be released or not. Staff) You haven’t thought about setting up a stall yet? Denuma) It’s undecided, still. Staff) You should consider appearing on ‘Reiwa no Tora’ Denuma) No, no, no Kuwae) The Reiwa Tiger Denuma) Teppan

Staff) Seems cramped, doesn’t it? Kuwae) Yeah… Uh… Kuwae) oh,,, Kuwae) ahhh,,, Kuwae) Good job Kuwae) Good job Denuma) Thank you Kuwae) My butt is stuck Staff) Can’t you get out? Kuwae) That’s bad Staff) If you turn that way, can you go? Kuwae) Yes, that Kuwae) Oh, good Kuwae) My ass got caught

Staff) The front doesn’t get caught Kuwae) The front doesn’t get caught Kuwae) This is for someone who’s a little thin. Is it a characteristic? Flour Staff) Is potato starch really better for making fried chicken? Denuma) Potato starch gives it a crisper texture

Staff) Is it okay to use wheat flour when there’s no potato starch? Denuma) Either one is fine. Kuwae) Is that okay? Denuma) OK Staff) How does it taste? Denuma) Well, the taste is good, but… Denuma) I feel like it’s tastier with potato starch. Kuwae) Denuma-san,thank you for the meal!

Kuwae) The taste is really delicious Kuwae) But somehow… Kuwae) It lacks that crispy texture, you know? Wakamiyabi) No, you should definitely go buy potato starch. Denuma) Ugh, sounds like a hassle. Kuwae) Then I’ll go get it Denuma) Stop it, Denuma) Thank you, potato starch Denuma) Okay, this is it,

Denuma) It’s way tastier than earlier. Denuma ) After all, it’s potato starch, right? Staff) Is the coating crispy and well-done? Denuma) Yes, I can do it Denuma) It’s totally different. Denuma ) This is the power of potato starch. Denuma) It’s completely different. Staff) You can write it in the recipe book.

Staff) I don’t like wheat flour. Denuma) Next time, if we don’t have potato starch, I won’t make fried chicken. Wakamiyabi) Wow, I want to eat it! Staff) You should try one, Wakamiyabi) You’re making one less, aren’t you? Staff) Who is Denuma friends with? Denuma) I get along well with everyone.

Staff) You get along with everyone. Denuma) I get along well with the Chankoban members. Staff) You’re from the same background, right? Denuma) Ah, yes, things like that happen sometimes Staff) That’s nice Kuwae) Ugh, wow Kuwae) It smells really good Kuwae) That smell is making me hungry Kuwae) I want to eat it quickly

Kuwae) I hope the people watching can taste the deliciousness of,, Kuwae) this fried chicken. Kuwae) Whether Denuma will write a recipe book Kuwae) or open a shop, huh? Staff) What were your thoughts when you made this fried chicken? Denuma) My thoughts?

Denuma) I was just thinking of something easy to make. Denuma) With this fried chicken, you just have to dip it in the sauce, right? Denuma) Oh, I thought, ‘This is easy to make.’ Denuma) It’s just a simple thought. Staff) Simple memories. Denuma) Simple Thoughts Staff) There’s a Samurai

Staff) Denuma, Is there anything you’ve been into lately? Denuma) Ah~ Denuma) Lately on YouTube Denuma) I’ve been watching videos of gameplay, Denuma) like movies where only the game scenes flow. Denuma) You know, those kind of movies? Denuma) Videos of games Denuma) There are movies is not it? Denuma) It’s like watching a game.

Denuma) ‘Ryuu-ga-Gotoku’ you know? Denuma) Do you know it? Staff) I know the name Denuma) ‘Ryuu-ga-Gotoku’ ,, Wakamiyabi) Are you talking about the game story? Denuma) Yes,Game Story Denuma) I’ve been watching videos of game storylines. Staff) Isn’t it hard to understand those videos if you haven’t played the game?

Wakamiyabi) If you don’t understand, just watch the live video. Denuma) Just watch the live video. Denuma) I don’t like it when people’s voices are included in the live video. Denuma) I just want to watch the game videos as they are. Denuma) Without commentary or anything.

Denuma) It feels like watching a drama or a movie, you know? Staff) Did you empathize with it? Staff) Oh, yeah, do you see it? Wakamiyabi) I always end up watching the stories of games I’m curious about. Wakamiyabi) Like Harry Potter, for example. Wakamiyabi) And you know, when new games come out?

Wakamasa) I’ve watched those too. Ikkosha’s Tonkotsu Soup Staff) Was it left over from Kyushu-basyo? Wakamasa) That’s right, Staff) Ikkosha Denuma) Hot,, Wakamiyabi) Ouch, it’s hot! Staff) What’s so hot? Wakamiyabi) Let’s hang out, Wakamiyabi) The clumps of fat fall into the hot water and splatter. Wakamiyabi) I put in ten bags like this.

Wakamiyabi)Let’s just put in fifteen bags for now… Staff) Is there anything you’ve been into lately? Wakamiyabi) Is that something you’ve been into recently? Wakamiyabi) Reading manga. Staff) Is it through an app? Wakamiyabi) Yes, on app Wakamiyabi) There’s this baseball manga called ‘Diamond no Ace,’ and… Wakamiyabi) I’m totally hooked on it.

Wakamiyabi) I read it once before, but now I just feel like rereading it. Wakamiyabi) So, I’m starting from volume one again. Staff) You like manga, Wakamasa) I like it, Wakamiyabi) I really like the sparkling feeling of the main characters. Staff) What’s up? what up? Wakamiyabi) Do you want it?

Staff) You can’t cut through the vegetables, Kuwae) That’s right Staff) Try lifting it Kuwae) It really isn’t cut. Kuwae) I’ll take revenge with a new knife. Staff) This time it’s cutting fine, isn’t it? Kuwae) Yes. Wakamiyabi) Dark? Denuma) Yeah Wakamiyabi) Dark? Denuma) Dark Wakamiyabi) Add? Denuma) No,

Staff) There are a lot, aren’t there? Kuwae) Yes, Kuwae) There are a lot Wakamiyabi) Kuwae,Let’s pick up some cooking chopsticks. Staff) You’re good . Wakamiyabi) I’ve been here for two years, after all. Staff) What are your special skills? Wakamiyabi) My Special skill is,, Wakamiyabi) Returning omelette rice Wakamiyabi) Returning omelet

Kuwae) Boiling time for noodles Wakamiyabi) 30 to 60 seconds? Kuwae) Yes, Wakamiyabi) Are you kidding? Kuwae) Isn’t that roughly the boiling time for Ikkosha noodles? Kuwae) I’m sorry, it’s nothing. Wakamiyabi) What happened just now? Kuwae) It’s nothing, it’s fine as is. Wakamiyabi) It’s not raw noodles, right? Denuma) Ohashi Seimensyo

Kuwae) Dangerous, dangerous Kuwae) I was looking at Ikkosha’s website Idenuma) 3 minutes for thick noodles Wakamiyabi) These are thin noodles. Denuma) The thin noodles are about 2 minutes Wakamiyabi) These are raw noodles. Wakamiyabi) It’s like using chopsticks without any purpose. Denuma) Uses tongs to pick up the noodles.

Denuma) Doesn’t throw away the hot water. Kuwae) Are you actually counting the time with your fingers? Wakamasa) OK Wakamasa) Let’s go Denuma) If you give it that much, Wakamiyabi) Aaaaaaah… Denuma) That’s what happens sometimes, huh… Wakamiyabi) Ahhhh Wakamiyabi) Let’s just boil five servings for now.

Staff) What happened to that outfit? Did you buy it? Soma) Oh, is this it? Soma) I bought this Soma) I bought it at the Kyushu basyo Soma) I thought it looked cute Kuwae) Don’t lie, Soma) Why? Kuwae) You got someone to buy it for you, right? Wakamiyabi) From whom?

Staff) Huh? Did you buy it? Soma) Um, I bought something for Kuwae and Soma) Kuwae bought it for me Staff) Did Kuwae buy this? Soma) Yes Kuwae) Both Kuwae) It’s the Kirby I had. Staff) Kirby’s trainer Soma) Kirby’s trainer Kuwae wore it, right? Soma) I have that too, so

Staff) Do you have it? Soma) I have a matching Carvy hoodie. Staff) You two are close, huh? Staff) Will they suddenly start working on it? Soma) They suddenly initiated it. Wakamiyabi) This guy started it first. Wakamiyabi) This guy started it first. Wakamiyabi) Started off like this.

Wakamiyabi) Got some direct hits first,Morozashi Staff) Morozashi,What does it feel like? Staff) Is thisMorozashi? Soma) Yes, Soma) and, this is a Makikaeshi Soma) That would make it Yotsu Staff) What do you mean ‘Right Yotsu’ Staff) Is that ‘Right Yotsu’ Wakamiyabi) holding the loincloth in my right hand.

Soma) Opposite that is the ‘Left Yotsu’ Staff) Is this the ‘Left Yotsu’? Wakamiyabi) Yes Staff) Also… Staff) Do you mean ‘kokubou’? Staff) Black… Wakamiyabi) Kuwae knows more about it. Staff) Really? Staff) There’s something like, “Kokubou sashite,,, Soma) Isn’t it “Kurobusa?” Staff) Ah, Kurobusa

Wakamiyabi) There are tassels on the hanging roof above the ring. East “Aobusa (Seiryu)” West “Shirabusa (White Tiger)” South “Akabusa (Suzaku)” North “Kurobusa (Genbu)” ” Wakamiyabi) There are four Wakamiyabi) Generally, the last sentence is “I dropped it under Kurobusa” or Wakamiyabi) “I put it under Kurobusa” or

Wakamiyabi) When you get close to the tassel, you say “I dropped it under Kurobusa.” Staff) I don’t know about that. Wakamiyabi) It’s a tomato sauce hamburger. Staff) Huh? Wakamiyabi) Tomato sauce hamburger Wakamiyabi) Tomato sauce Wakamiyabi) Hamburger~~ Wakamiyabi) Hamburger ~~~~~~~~ Denuma) You can eat this Kuwae) Well,

Staff) That doesn’t make me go ‘Looks delicious~ Keiga) Fried chicken is delicious Staff) Is fried chicken delicious? Keiga) It was really delicious Nabatame) Gocchandeshita! Everyone) Gocchandeshita!


00:00 手羽元の唐揚げ
11:17 一幸舎ラーメン
18:39 トマトソースハンバーグ
19:39 食事開始







🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 募集 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸

🔳 二子山部屋では、新弟子(行司、床山、呼出し)を募集中。




🔳 後援会のご案内



【🎬運営 🎥撮影 🖥️編集確認 / 坂上祐生】



  1. おあずけだった唐揚げの沼が見られてよかった😊

  2. Denuma ahould absolutely do a recipe book! I'd order copies of it for sure. Good job tbis last basho guys…. Win or lose you guys rock.

    Also… Its really really interesting when you guys go into explaining techniques. As a grappler I'm fascinated by it, and would love to see more!

  3. こんにちは、私はアメリカ人です。下手な日本語すみません。二子山部屋のチャンネル大好きです。力士は私に笑いと喜びをもたらしてくれまあす。皆さんのおかげで私は相撲が好きになりました。これがらも頑張ってください!

    Hello, I'm American. Sorry for my bad Japanese. I love the Futagoyama-beya channel. The rikishi bring me laughter and joy. Thanks to all of you, I have come to love sumo. Please keep doing your best!

  4. 10:18 English comment but I hope we get more insight about what Denuma thinks about Ryu ga gotoku's combat gameplay and see what part of combat in that game can be transitioned into Sumo techniques, it would be interesting because RGG's combat is pretty sophisticated.

  5. 唐揚げの沼、待ってました!

  6. その唐揚げ食べたい😆

  7. 自分は普段30分近い動画って長いな…😥って思って途中からダレるんですが…




  8. 唐揚げの沼の出沼に沼る私。出沼さん素敵すぎる✨本当に雰囲気のいいお部屋で日々イライラしてても二子山部屋見てたら気持ちが落ち着きます😂

  9. こんばんは🌆ぬー様❤❤❤クールで笑うと可愛いギャップがたまりません🥹🩷🩷🩷ぬー様のからあげは見る度に食べたくなります🍗最近父が救急搬送され毎日気分が落ちててYouTubeも見れる状態ではありませんでした…でも昏睡状態から回復し来週辺りには退院し、元々施設に入所してたので戻れる事になりました😭ようやく、こちらに来る気持ちになり、久しぶりにゆっくり拝見しました🥹皆様ご自愛下さいませ。いつも応援しています🙇‍♀️

  10. 出沼さんの本の出版、実現したら絶対買いたいです。出沼さんがありがとうって言っておられるのも素晴らしいです!

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