Immortal Movie Trailer 『 無分別(Indiscreet) 』 予告編 Trailer1958.

Don’t tell me you don’t like this one why he talks and everything mhm he’s all right he’s Interesting you love him terribly don’t you hope to marry him I’m a married man miss Carman I must say you’ve been ping yourself off as a single man what about that pretty good huh oh When Love Is Right everything is right oh how true could you possibly get a divorce and marry me why do you pretend to be a married man when you’re

Not how dare he make love to me and not be a married man D I wouldn’t marry any woman if you held a gun to my head I haven’t got any gun him so Charming so handsome so generous he’ll be a nightmare that he’ll remember the rest of his Life

Immortal Movie Trailer 『 無分別(Indiscreet) 』 予告編 Trailer 1958.
監督:スタンリー・ドーネン(Stanley Donen)
音楽:リチャード・ベネット(Richard Rodney Bennett)
ケン・ジョーンズ(Ken Jones)
出演:ケーリー・グラント(Cary Grant)
イングリッド・バーグマン(Ingrid Bergman)

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