【おでかけ!】かすみんのオススメアイテム #石川佳純#kasumiishikawa#卓球

Ishikawa Kanakamin Channel Hello, I’m Kaka Ishikawa. Today I’m in Shibuya. I’m going to a certain place. I’m walking. This is the famous Spain Hill. I learned its name today. Here Haha, I came here once when I was a junior high school student and the All-Japan National Championships exam was over.Today

, I’m going to a certain place , and the other day, a friend from Taiwan sent me a photo of me at that store. I was really happy when they sent me a photo of it and said, “I’ve seen it.”

Today I’m going to the store for the first time, so I’m really looking forward to it.I wonder what it will look like today. No, it’s super difficult to put myself in. I’ve arrived. Today I’m going to visit you at the loft in Shibuya. I’ll go and see you there. I’ve arrived. It’s

Not open, it’s not open, it’s not open. Sorry, it’s downstairs. Well, I’m going to enter from the bottom.It doesn’t feel like this at all , but today I came to Loft Shibuya, and

Today I was allowed to take a picture of the video that was playing on this screen.This place is also a miracle. I’m here to introduce the products of Miracle Tech and Magical Tech Protection.I think it will be played here, so please come and see it.Try pressing the Estick here three times.It

‘s amazing. Hey, let’s go take a look at the store right away. Let’s go. Hello. Thank you. [Music] Okay, that’s not it. I made a mistake. I’m sorry. I ‘m sorry. I’m really sorry. I guess. YouTube-wise, it’s okay. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but this one

Can also be used as a parasol.There will probably be times when it rains all of a sudden, so you can just pop it out and use it like this.A notebook is heavy, but it’s really light and light. It’s smaller than a smartphone, but it feels like a lever

, so it’s easy to put away [Music] I think the Gaoxin Earthquake will probably be okay.Recently, I had the opportunity to learn Chinese, and I learned a lot about pronunciation from the teacher. It’s been a while since I’ve been to China, but I think it’s okay

. I’d be happy if you guys from China could check it out too. Yes, it’s my break time , so I’ve been using that bible lately. There is a book that I would like to introduce to you.It

‘s Jinko’s book, but it’s written by Miyako Urube, Tanaka, and it’s about how to prepare your mind like a top athlete. He was a medalist in the synchronized race , but since then he has studied sports psychology, and I

Have had the opportunity to meet him many times, and we have talked about various things, and this book is about sports. Of course, that’s true at times, but even after retiring as an athlete, I’m really active in my daily life , and even when I’m not, I’m really positive about

My mindset and things like that. Since I received this book, I have read it over and over again, so I recommend it as it is a book that everyone should try reading.I

Have loved the book 6 since I was quite young, and when I was in elementary school, I would read it during recess. I was reading that book for quite a while. I

Was the type of person who would read even when I went out to play, so when I went to the bookstore, the bookshelf in the library was mostly about my favorite things, like electricity, but I’ve already conquered it all. I feel like I did , so

This is the book that I recommend this month. Please read it. [Music] Next, I’m heading to a certain place. I ‘m on the move. When I think of umbrellas, I think of going out . Well, of course on rainy days, but also on sunny days.I always carry an umbrella.It’s an

Item I always have with me to prevent sunburn, but when I go out these days, this is what I do these days. I’m not going out, but in order to go out, I’m going to the driver’s license driving school

, and I’ve successfully obtained that second provisional license, and I’m currently in the second stage, cramming 4 or 5 hours a day. I’m taking a class there , and I’ve just started taking lessons on that road.I’ve been driving on the road, too, and the teacher praises me

A lot.[Applause] I still have a long way to go, but I keep slamming on the brakes a lot, so I try not to brake as much as I can. I want to drive without stepping on anything.I

Go to school in Tokyo, and there are so many cars, and the most difficult thing to do is change lanes, but I change lanes while checking signals like this.I go to school in Tokyo. I’m also working hard on driving.I

Think I’ll be able to get it by the end of March, so I’ll do my best.When I think about where I want to go after I get my license, I’m from Yamaguchi, and there’s a place in Yamaguchi called Tsushima, which has such beautiful scenery, and

There’s a beautiful place on both sides. There’s a place where the road goes on for a long time with a really beautiful ocean , and I want to go driving there.I have a goal, so I’m working hard to get my driver’s license by studying for four hours a day. So if I can

Go for a drive again, I’ll introduce it on the Kasmin channel, so please look forward to it [music] Today I came to the Hands Ginza store Let’s go right away Let’s go Hello Hello Thank you in advance Nice to meet you, I’m Sato from Pa Umbrella Bahia.

Thank you very much. I’m asking you to go beyond your own functions. I ‘m saying go beyond your own functions. [Music] Hey, when you talk. While looking at Mr. Ishikawa, I’m excited.I’m so transparent, so no, no, please.Yes, today, I’m at Ava.Oh, I’m sorry, yes, I’m sorry.I

Get embarrassed if I face you.I’m not usually this nervous. You see, it ‘s so compact that I have it in my bag right now, and it’s amazing. It’s got 60 bottles on one side. It can easily hold more than 100 bottles, right? It’s perfect for traveling in a suitcase like this.

It’s been an amazing month, and I’ve been overseas for 23 weeks, so I think it’s great to have goods that are familiar to me.It’s really important that travel goods are light and not bulky, and that’s what I choose. So, please use something that

Is not bulky just for an umbrella.It’s amazing how it floats, isn’t it?This conveys the lightness.Is it a balloon? Here it is.Today I went to Ginza with Loft in Shibuya. I visited a certain Mr. Han. If you have time, please come and see the store . Bye-bye.









  1. かすみんが、鶴瓶の🌈家族に乾杯🍻で、涙流されていたのを見て、心(しん)に好きになりました。男でのボクですが、ありがとうを、かすみんに伝えずにはと思い長文では御座いますが、🌈家族に乾杯🍻前半同様、後半も、楽しみにしてます。細やかに応援しています。

  2. 相変わらず、お美しい❤

  3. 皆さんかわいい☺️頑張ってのコメントばかりですが、やっぱりかわいいですね😆

  4. 언니 저는 한국팬입니다! 그 전엔 인스타에서만 보고 좋아요 눌렀는데 오늘 인스타 스토리 보니깐 귀여움 터져버려서 유튜브까지 넘어왔어요😊
    저보다 언니인데도 어찌 그리 귀엽나요ㅠㅠ
    내 마음이 번역이 잘 돼야할텐데…
    어쨌든 너무너무너무 귀여워요ㅠㅠ 탁구했던 거 보니깐 탁구할 땐 너무 멋지고… 학생들 가르치는 모습도 너무 어른스럽고 존경스러워요! 귀엽고 예쁘고 어른스럽고 멋있고 혼자 다하면 어쩌나요?

  5. 中国語がとても上手ですね。車の免許を取得する為に教習所に通っているんですね。運動神経は良いので早く取得出来そうですね。ありがとう御座いました🤗🙏

  6. 佳純ちゃん、お疲れ👋😃💦様でしたね!ますます饒舌に成りましたね!久しぶりにお顔を拝見したんですが、素敵さは相変わらずで!?フットワークも変わらず軽やか❗周りの人をドキドキ😍💓させて⁉️罪作りですよね❕今回の動画は自身のスポンサーの宣伝スカ?きのうをこえろ‼️や〰️!いいこと言うね!自己啓発ですかね!?カスミンはどうっすか?何か越えましたか?免許を取ってると云うことですが、楽しいですか?怖いですか?次回どこまで教習しているか教えてくださ~い⁉️👀👀へへ!それじゃまた次回までバイバイ➰👋😃

  7. 石川佳純チャンは傘☂️をさすことはないと思う。だってきっと素敵な彼がさしてくれるから❗

  8. 角島ドライブ良いよね〜

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