
Good morning everyone it’s jerro today is my final day at the workplace normally my work starts at 9:00 a.m. but since I’m new to the company I go to the office at 8:20 you know you have to be at the office before your boss comes in the morning I generally struggle to eat

Solid food perhaps due to psychological pressure or rapid environmental changes so I hardly eat solids but I want to consume minimum calories so I usually swallow two roll eggs as they are when I tell this to other people most of them will be like dude that’s disgusting but

I’ve been doing this since high school so I don’t care I also drink a protein shake to help maintain my weight feels like creating a smoothie in my stomach but today I couldn’t even manage to drink eggs because I was feeling extremely guilty to towards my boss and

Co-workers as I should be okay now that everything is ready I’ll head to the office when it comes to commuting I really didn’t want to take the train so I decided to live close to the office I might be revealing my address by saying this but it should be okay since I’ve

Already been evicted takes about a 10-minute walk from my home to the office so there’s hardly any commuting stress but it was common to walk through the drinking District so seeing drunk people’s vomit was a pretty common thing also although I don’t use the Train the station is always crowded like this this

Is crazy and at peak times it gets to the point where you can hardly walk anymore oh I mentioned earlier in this video that I tried to arrive at the company around 40 minutes before the start time but since I told my intention to resign I’ve been cutting it pretty

Close to arriving at the company okay I finished my morning work and it’s time for a lunch break now um yeah it’s raining outside usually I don’t feel much appetite even during lunch break so I just buy one Rice Bowl protein shake and salad chicken from the

Convenience store but this time as it’s my last lunch break I went out for a fancy lunch and with this kind of routine not eating much in the morning and afternoon I’ve lost about 8 kills since joining the company two months ago it’s not because something bad or unpleasant

Happened at work obviously everyone at the company was really nice but I’m just a type of person whose appetite diminishes with environmental changes so guys please don’t worry too much I’m fine and for my last launch my talented and kind colleague organized A Farewell lunch party for me they’re so nice it’s

Truly an owner to have met such wonderful colleagues I come okay I finished my work and clocked out I returned all the devices that I had like my computer and employee card and headed home look at this expression on my face at this moment I was filled with Indescribable emotions normally

When you quit your job you’d feel something like yeah it’s over I guess but of course I didn’t feel that sense of accomplishment instead it was mostly a feeling of apology and a mix of complicated emotions needless to say there were no feral parties bouet or albums and I quietly left without a

Final word actually when I arrived at work in the morning my BS was like it’s probably better without any last words right and I was like no thank you honestly I was very grateful for that however since it’s a special day to me I’m planning to have a f real party for

Myself now so now I’m heading to the nearby supermarket to buy beer and snacks I came back home and I got this beer and cheesecakes when you work hard you should reward yourself so yeah I got these I usually don’t drink beer that much but today is a special day I’m

Having it a premium it tastes good I like this beer and I like this water as well and this coffee too these are so good and here I have my cheesecakes should I take off my suit I thought it might be better to keep it for the content but it’s very

Uncomfortable when I’m wearing it in the room so let me take off my suit okay I changed my clothes and now I feel free having beer and cheesecake after quitting a job is Just Pure Freedom so I’m living my free life now today is the day one of my free life

Okay so from now on let me talk about the reason why I quit my Job it’s already empty I’m getting a bit drunk or I don’t say drunk but a bit tsy and there are hundreds of reasons why I decided to quit my job but the biggest reason is that um there’s something I didn’t want to miss right after I started to work I came across

With of chance or opportunity that I wanted to pursue throughout my career I just didn’t want to miss that opportunity especially when you’re young like in your 20s that 3 to 5 years is very important period of time so I didn’t want to miss that opportunity so

It was easy for me to make this decision and of course I know that most people including my family say that oh you should keep doing your job at least 3 to 5 years to have a stable career but for me that’s painful can’t believe I already have five cheesecakes and it’s already

Empty okay so since I finish up this beer I want to finish this video but I don’t know how to finish this video For

#新卒 #留学 #英語勉強


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jiro.vancouver/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jiro_canada

JASSO給付型奨学金について: https://youtu.be/k1B94w3MK78



質問等は、コメント欄やTwitter, InstagramのDMに送っていただけると嬉しいです。


Artlist: https://artlist.io/
DOVA-SYNDROME: https://dova-s.jp/bgm/
効果音ラボ: https://soundeffect-lab.info/sound/button/
Dj Quads – It Just Makes Me Happy→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whGCTxuFOCg


  1. いつも思うけれど動画構成が上手笑笑

  2. お仕事お疲れさまでした( * . .)"

  3. おつかれさまでした!合わない、とかこれではない!と思って即決断できるのは素晴らしいですよ。自分の人生だから、悔いないようにやりたいことをやっていってくださいね。応援してます。

  4. じろうさん海外で働いた方が合うのかも?

  5. 一流企業に就職できて安定した生活送れるはずなのに自分のやりたいことを追い求めてまた1から挑戦していくのすごいなぁ

  6. 久しぶりに動画拝見しました。

  7. 就活中でじろうさんみたいにすぐ大手に内定とかじゃないので今とても心身ともにしんどいんですけど、じろうさんの新しいことになんでも挑戦していく姿勢に励まされてます😂 あと、SUNT◯RY志望なのでじろうさんのおかげで採用人数が一枠増えたのかなと思って有り難いです😂

  8. 公開していた初任給の月収を見ると、サ○ントリーホールディングスでは無くて、グループ会社に就職されたのですか?

  9. 2か月で辞めれば気まずい感じの最後になっても仕方ないかな。


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