Zoku aoi sanmyaku (AKA Blue Mountains Sequel AKA 続青い山脈) (1949) (English Subtitles)

A SUMMARY OF THE FIRST PART I… I clearly remember your face when we met the first time… Ah! That Sunday morning? I came into the shop saying “anyone there?” And you said, “Welcome! What can I do for you?” You were a bit taken aback!

Well, I hardly expected you had come to sell something to me! But you bought all my eggs, didn’t you? I was so pleased! Do year five girls know how to cook? Some can’t but some can! Which are you? I can – but I don’t like to! That’s a bit of a strange answer!

Well, it’s the truth! Can you make me something with these eggs? What? I’m starving! Are your parents out? My parents are off in the country. I’m alone looking after the place. I see! But I… Hey! Stop staring at me like that. I was just wondering what a kid with two mothers is like.

I’m 160 cm tall and weigh 54 kilos. My vision is 2.0/2.0. No, no! I meant your character! I don’t really know that myself! If I’d just gone home at that point none of this would have happened! You said you wanted to get your palm read… …so I thought you were a bit strange!

Girls with names like this… …are very much animal in spirit… If they get married they tend to dominate their husbands! You’d better change your name! Thank you. SOME DAYS LATER How about you? In this old, traditional town… I wonder what kind of thoughts and attitudes you really have… Me? Well I…

I took over from my father as a general practice doctor… I’ll end up with some rich farmer owner’s daughter – for the dowry of course… Good grief… I’ll buy myself some qualifications when I’ve got enough money… …and cause domestic strife by having affairs with my attractive nurses… Then I’ll become a local politician!

I’ll get elegantly fat and look every inch the gentleman! I’ll have a mistress of course – it’s good for my dignity… That’s my future I think… You…! Oh dear! And you think someone in the class wrote this letter? What makes you think that?

It’s the kind of thing people in the class are always saying! And what sort of thing is that? “I’m a high school boy”… They’ve written that twice by the way! And there’s stuff there about love scenes in films… It’s exactly the same as what the class was all excited about the other day!

This is unacceptable! And what about the invitation in the letter? To be in the grove of pines at the park at 4:00 tomorrow… You think people from the class will be there waiting to see if you turn up? I do. That’s their plan! I…

I admit it was wrong to write the letter… But… You’ve misunderstood the purity of our feelings and our love for the school! And being misunderstood like this is so, so horrible! You don’t yet seem to have understood… what I’m saying at all! Let’s leave it there for now.

This doubting of people and suspecting them and testing them… will cease! That’s all! Miss Shimazaki! There’s trouble! What’s the matter? Why are you so worked up? They’re saying you insulted all the 5th year! They’re going to demand an apology! They’ve gone to force their way in to the Head Teacher’s office…

The class is in uproar – they’re crying and shouting… Will it be OK? Miss Shimazaki’s way of doing things… …show she’s just a posh, naive know-it-all… She is a bit one-track to be sure! She may be something special at her women’s university… but she’s causing a lot of trouble for us!

Well, at a private girls’ school like this… …it’s difficult if you don’t have the support of the parents and directors… But this Miss Shimazaki… …is really pretty and so she’s incredibly popular with the students… I’m really sorry for causing you trouble… You’re involved too! At least a tiny bit! Of course I am!

I’m so grateful for this! It’s allowed me to get to know you! I see… OK. Let’s do this! We all agreed: We want you to withdraw from the school! That’s right… …we don’t want you staining the honour of the school! All this chaos at school… …is just because of a single individual! You!

I will withdraw… But, Miss Matsuyama… …will you take responsibility for writing me that nasty little letter? I’m sure you really liked getting a letter like that… She’s used to them I’m sure! Isn’t she, everyone! Miss Shimazaki! There won’t be anything wrong with my baby will there? It’ll be fine!

I’m glad you’re going to be OK! If you live you have some chance of revenge! But if you’re dead you’re dead and that’s it! She was made a plaything… She didn’t know she was pregnant! Those bastards Inoguchi and Akaushi! When will this meeting be held?

We’ll hold the governors’ meeting ahead of the parents’ one… I’ve managed to outwit them and I will destroy them! It’s all in hand! Hmmm – what about the press? We’ve left nothing to chance. It’s all in hand! This is terrible! It’s the reverse of the truth! Oi, wait! Come here! Stop that!

You nearly fell! What a dirty bastard! I’m sorry. I’ll get you on your back… Come here! Hey! Kazuko? Is that Kazuko? Stop! Bastard! Just because of my stubbornness… …all this fuss and trouble! You must fight! It’s only just begun! THE BLUE MOUNTAINS Red petaled amaryllis Blooming sweetly in the window

The spring wind is blowing in the breast too Open buds… flowers of love Almost a sister – you my teacher This night as love torments me Late at night as the flowers fall A bright lamp at a small window As dawn creeps into the sky It will not be extinguished DR. NUMATA’S CLINIC

I hate this dog! It barks every time it sees my face! Don’t be scared! He can be a a bit gruff but he’s sweet really! A bit like his master! No, that’s not the way to apply a bandage! Sorry! You need to hold it in place more firmly with your left hand!

Like this? Dr. Numata! Are you still alive? Just about! Hello! Hi there! Come in! How are your wounds? You’re useless! I award a fail mark! He does seem to be an awkward patient! He’s a doctor but he’s not very good when he’s injured himself! Such a quack! And not paying proper attention!

Come and sit down! What on earth happened to you? I cycled into a truck and fell off. So it would seem! I’ll certainly not be riding on your bicycle again! It’s completely fine! Dr. Numata, let me guess! Guess? Who did this to you! Eh? Was it an animal? It was!

Was it a human? No, that lowlife probably isn’t human! Well of course! It’s Akaushi! Well of course! It’s Akaushi! – Err… not quite! – Err… not quite! Well that bastard Inoguchi really gets on my nerves. It’s pathetic that some people in today’s world resort to violence!

However we will fight fairly, starting at the governors’ meeting. Really? This energy is not quite like you! I’m impressed! I’m sure if it’s for someone you love… …you wouldn’t mind having an arm broken, would you? That’s a very “Geisha” way of thinking! Stop avoiding the point and playing innocent! Apparently she’s very pretty!

Kazuko is always going on about her: “Miss Shimazaki this and Miss Shimazaki that!” And not only Kazuko! I can’t help it! She’s really cool! How can I put it…? She’s different from you! She’s beautiful even without her make-up… Stop trying to sound so grown-up! You’re making me sad! Ouch! That hurts!

What’s the matter? Mmmm? I’ve got a bad tooth at the back and it really, really hurts! Could you take a look and sort it out for me? I see you have no time for me any more! You’re rather cold! Especially recently! But I understand why! There will be more and more like her….

…more and more attractive amateurs… My business is going to dry right up! Even I don’t really feel this business I’m in… …is a good one! I won’t regret it at all when it’s time to stop! I’ve been wrong… I mean… In the bars and in the world outside…

They’re all so serious looking and stuffed to the gills with Confucius and Mencius… …but it’s more than flesh and blood can stand… …so men come to places like ours to drive away the blues! But women are tied by the children and the kitchen…

With no means of letting off steam and they get more and more stressed… …and that’s not a good thing! But they’re changing… …they’ll have this more classy sexiness… …they’ll make my business unnecessary! Sis… Sorry, sorry! I’m going on too much… He looks so sweet and innocent when he’s asleep! Ouch! Oh dear…

Hello Miss Shimazaki. Well… Ah, you must be Kazuko’s…? Your big sister? Yes, that’s right! Sis, this is my teacher Miss Shimazaki. Pleased to…! ….Pleased to meet you! Me too! I’ve heard lot about you from Kazuko and from Dr. Numata! Excuse me just a moment.

It’s funny how someone you’re talking about suddenly shows up! Should we go home? Damn it! This tooth is hurting again! Please excuse us. We’re going home! Goodbye! OK. Don’t worry, we’ll see ourselves out. Look! He’s gone happily to sleep! Ahhh how rude of me… What’s this about an elegant and classy sexiness? Eek!

Hello! Kazuko and her sister have just left. Wow, I thought I was dreaming! Oh? Dreaming? It doesn’t matter! How are you feeling now? Much better thanks! I’m so glad! They’ve decided the date for the governors’ meeting… Have they now! It will be the day after tomorrow! That will be fine.

Look, as you can see I’m fine. OK, OK, but please don’t overdo it. I’m sorry that I git you into this trouble… Stop right there! You don’t need to do that formal sick room visiting stuff for me… Oh! Those roses are beautiful! They must have been expensive. That’s an odd thing to say!

Sorry, that was rude! I’m really sorry to ask but I’d like to know… How much do these roses cost? 10 yen? A little more? Yes, actually they’re 100 yen each. 100 yen? Wow so 3 of them makes…. 300 yen! Hmmm… it’s not so easy to give a bouquet to your beloved, is it?

– Sorry? – Well… you mustn’t waste money like that! “Waste”? You’ll be no good at running the family finances when you’re someone’s wife… Don’t worry about that! I’m actually really tight with money! Tight? Actually, there’s something I’d like to ask you… So formal! I wonder what this can be!

What do you think about marriage? “Marriage”? Yes, marriage. Well… Firstly a couple should respect each other… No, no… I don’t mean that sort of stiff and obvious stuff… But I think the first thing is that the wife is accepted for who she is. Well to exaggerate a bit…

A husband should be solicitous of his wife at all times… …as if he’s holding a bomb that may go off! A bomb eh? I see… Which would make you an atomic bomb, I suppose? Umm… Tomorrow is the governors’ meeting! Let’s go early! We should pray for our complete and utter victory!

The enemy general is Numata, isn’t he? Huh! He’s a fool! He’s nothing to worry about. Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Yashiro are completely on our side, aren’t they? And Mr. Iguchi is the chairman! Even the head teacher has no authority in front of him. Oh! Do you like Miss Tera… I mean Shinko?

Well I don’t dislike her! But I’m trying to play it cool… Well…but she’s really great! When she grabbed that rock… …and she stood up like that… I was so amazed I trembled! The fireworks are pretty! Look! Fireworks! When they vanish it’s really sad. For a proper festival you need proper festival fireworks…

…masses and masses of fireworks… …going off “boom-boom” and “flash-flash”… You’re not really going to get that in these straightened times, are you? Hi, sorry to have kept you waiting. Thank you. Eh? What’s this? Takenoko Bamboo shoots. Idiot! “Takenoko” is Numata’s nickname They’ll make me think of him. I don’t understand!

She means Dr. Numata… the son of that old quack Dr. Numata… Silly girl! Thank you! Sis, are you really OK to go to the governors’ meeting tomorrow? It’s fine. All I have to do is be there, isn’t it? No, not just be there! So I just talk… I can talk…

I don’t know whether it’ll be teachers, or parents, or governors or greengrocers… …if they say anything they shouldn’t I’ll leap in heroically… leave it to me. I’ll shout at them for you! You will? I will! And what if, just what if Miss Shimazaki loses? She says that she’ll be forced to resign.

I really don’t want that! I really don’t! Whatever! Why should I have to go and make speeches for them… …for that Miss Shimazaki and Dr. Takenoko Numata, eh? You tell me why? What? Am I doing this for her? It’s ridiculous! It’s ridiculous! – Stop it! – Stop it!

Don’t worry! It’s just because she’s drunk! But adults often tell the truth when they’re drunk, don’t they? But she’s really pretty, that Miss Shimazaki… …cheerful… lively… No matter how much I don’t like it, I can’t compete with her! She’s pretty and attractive and she’s nice… She’s too good for old Takenoko Numata!

Isn’t she Dr. Takenoko? If she didn’t like you you’d be an even worse doctor! Oh lord! Your sister will be OK. She tells the truth when she’s sober. Ow! My tooth! Come on, you need to pull it out! I know it’ll feel better if I just whip it out but…

You don’t need to go to a dentist! If I just pull it out I’ll feel so much relief I know… Are we talking about the same thing? I’ll summon my courage up… I’ll do what has to be done. If I grasp the nettle it’s for the best…

Look at the pretty fireworks my little one! Look! Look! So pretty! Sis? You were arranged a marriage with a stranger… are you happy? Well… Do you get on well with your husband? Of course she does! It’s because they get on so well… …that this cute little baby was born!

You can have kids without getting on well with someone! Look here you… babies… You little monster! Come to Grandma… That’s better! There’s a good boy! You’re in a strange mood “uncle”! You really are! And what about you and that high school girl… …did she really come here and cook for you? She did!

What did she make for you? Very salty miso soup! Well well… Shocking! So what did you talk about when you were eating, just the two of you? Well… nothing special… Well you must have talked about something? Don’t press him for details! Listen Rokusuke! What’s done is done…

But what are you going to do now? I’m not sure what you mean… I am partly responsible… Depending on the outcome of the meeting tomorrow… …I’m going to do everything in my power to help her. But this is someone else’s personal matter… …and it’s creating a lot of gossip and fuss…

You really need to think carefully about this. I know and I already have. You and mum… …probably think… …it’s better not get involved in it. For me this is a special non-curricular course of study! Well, provided you keep to studying and do it properly I suppose it’s OK. Mr. Tominaga…

You know this girl, don’t you? What? Yeah… Is she sound in body? What? She plays tennis so I suppose she’s in good shape! But she’s not a tomboy I hope! A tomboy? Well I suppose she is a bit of a tomboy… But… what about embroidery? Embroidery?

Well I suppose western “sewing” is going to be more important from now on but… Well I think girls ought to know a bit about ikebana and tea ceremony… …but of course the really important thing is whether your personalities match! Mum… don’t talk about it, OK?

Hmm! Well I’ve had these troubles with your father and I… That’s enough! Stop this discussion right now! Look, Gan-chan… Women get daft like this when they’re older… She’s a really warm-hearted person! The two of you are always saying… …I’m stupid or say something stupid… But without a mother’s input into these conversations…

Look, I haven’t said anything about… …asking her to be my wife or anything! I… But you’re… You’re a bit too hasty mum… It’s a bit weird! Mum, it’s started raining! Really? What a shame, it’s the evening of the festival! I thought I could feel the humidity! That article is very exaggerated.

Yes, I can smell Iguchi’s handiwork! An announcement of a governors’ meeting because of girls’ “morality” and “behaviour”! GOVERNOR’S MEETING Today’s meeting… …is, as I am sure you are all aware from the newspaper…. …about a problem in the democratization of the school. We’ve seen that the students are quite worked up…

…so our objective is to investigate the events and come up with a plan… …in cooperation with the school authorities. The process of the meeting today… …I would like to leave to the school authorities. Head teacher, if you would be so kind… Very well. At the request of Mr. Iguchi, chairman of the governors…

And as he just stated… …I will be serving as Chair today. I would first like to apologize… …to those of you who, in your capacity as parents and guardians… …have been so troubled by these events. I am sorry that, as head teacher, I have to bring this matter to you…

…and I am conscious of my own shortcomings and responsibility. Head teacher! None of us feel that it is any fault of yours! Although we have brought this matter to the board… …we are all part of the same “family” …and will discuss things frankly, without concern for appearances!

We’d like the views of the governors… …clearly stated! Yes, yes. that’s a good idea! Very… “democratic”! Well in that case… Let’s a have a report from Mr. Yashiro on what happened. Mr. Yashiro, if you’d be so kind. Very well. Let me tell you what happened!

Earlier this month, on the first Sunday, in the morning… …at a shop on the road from the station… …Miss Shinko Terazawa from class 5A… …together with a certain boy from the high school had their names cast in a horoscope. According to her account… …the high school boy was just someone she knows slightly.

As for whether the two of them they asked for their “compatibility” to be checked… …she denies it. Of course I cannot vouch for that as the truth… According to some junior girls who were there and witnessed it… 3 Girls in Miss Terazawa’s class who knew about it, Asako Matsuyama…

Atsuko Noda and Shizue Tamura… SILENT STUDY PERIOD TEACHER IS ABSENT Rock, scissors, paper… Is it true that Terazawa has handed in a letter saying she wants to leave? No way! She’s just trying to hide from us! I think Matsuyama and the others are too harsh… I feel really sorry for Miss Shimazaki!

Me too! I know! Miss Shimazaki! As the proverb says: “Through adversity comes wisdom!” I’m your ally always. Kazuko That’s most of my report. This incident… with the prank letter and the insult and whether we stress the victim’s point of view…

…or take the view of those who tried to uphold the public morals of the school… …and emphasize their point of view… …will obviously alter the way we see the situation. So, from that point of view… …I would like to have your full and frank views. That concludes my report.

For the democratization of our town… As the proverb says: “Insult can be endured on the way to final victory!” As Goethe said: “The greatest damage caused by the truth… …is to the errors of the past!” Indeed! Miss Shimazaki we asked you to refrain from… You did… But no matter how severe the criticism…

…I believe I must state my position absolutely clearly. Of course you must. Please be seated. Well, how about… Firstly there is the matter of this problematic letter that started the matter… …perhaps you could read it to us? Yes. I suppose that would be…. Very well then. Let’s do that!

Mr. Okamoto, if you would be so kind… Very well. I will read you the letter. But first let me make it clear… …that as this is such an important document in this case… I would like to make it clear that I will read it word for word, exactly as written… Ahem…

“Strange oh strange Miss Shinko my strange person”… “I strange you from the bottom of my heart…” Mr. Okamoto, just a moment… This word… This “hen”- it’s a strange word! Is it English or…? Yes. It’s… The writer’s Japanese is childish and where they obviously wanted to write koi (love)… …they mistakenly wrote “hen” (strange)!

…so this sentence would correctly read… “Lovely. lovely beloved Miss Shinko” “I love you from the bottom of my heart” but… …as I said just now… …because it’s such an important document… …I am reading it exactly as written… I see. Of course! But… …not even knowing how to write the character “koi”…

…is due to them not being able to study adequately during the war… It’s rather embarrassing to admit it though! When you were young Mr. Yanagiya… …you wrote that character “koi” so much such you wore out your writing brush! I did, I did! Ah, when we were young… Ahem!

We were talking about the issue of not learning characters properly. But leaving that aside… As for dirty words to do with sex… …it was hitherto our policy not to teach them! We were trying to develop good character in our students!

As a doctor I’m opposed to seeing matters to do with sex as “dirty” or somehow polluted. If it is “dirty”… …then all of you have “dirty” marriages… …and having children was “dirty”… No, no I didn’t mean it like that… …but, from the point of view of morals…

…of course there is a medical point of view too… Anyway, I will carry on reading. “I love you from the bottom of my heart”… …I think that was where I’d got to! “Oh Miss Shinko. your eyes shine as beautifully as the stars”… …”and your lips are as fresh as roses”…

“my heart beats in my chest with excitement”… “I “soffle”, I “soffle”…. “I “soffle” so much I think I might die”… Oh dear, is this foreign language again? This “soffle”. Err… no. Here the somewhat similar characters for “nayamu” (to suffer) and “nou” (brain)… have been confused! Correctly read it should be:

“My heart beats in my chest and I suffer” “I suffer. I suffer” “I suffer so much I think I might die”… is what is intended of course but… …as I said, it’s so important that I am reading as it is actually written… What do you all think?

This letter so full of “foreign words”… …it’s word for word perhaps but… Perhaps Mr. Okamoto could… …would be kind enough just to give us the gist of it. Yes please! It’s very difficult to understand… It’s making me “soffle” too! Very well. Mr. Okamoto, just the gist please. In front of all these parents…

…having the low level of the students’ learning exposed like this… …is very embarrassing! Very well. Very simply… I will explain the content of this important document. “Ahh! I love you” “I’m so passionate I think I might die” “Please accept my feelings”… “and have pity on me!” “if you”… “can respond to my feelings”…

“let’s meet at 4 on Thursday, secretly in the pine trees at the park” “and we can talk together.” That’s about the size of it! “If you miss me, come to Shinoda forest in Izumi Province to see regretful Kuzunoha.” It’s brings to mind that classical poem… “Sonota no Mori”, in many ways…

So this letter was sent… in order to “test” the affections of this “loose” girl… It’s quite impressive as a ruse! It’s like in the tales of Tadasuke Ooka… This word “midarana” which you just used… Miss Shinko Terazawa is not “loose” or “improper”… But she’s had problems in boy-girl relationships before…

And she transferred here! This “problems” you talk of… Even if we accept this previous “problem” existed, to assume that she is always and for ever… …to be doubted and to be bullied… …is inappropriate and nothing to do with “education”! If it were so… Now look here…

It’s not just hat Miss Terazawa has previously had involvements… …there are rumours linking her to boys at the moment! It’s not really what one should expect of a High School girl… Excuse me, would you give me a light, please. This wording of yours, “previous involvements”… …is not appropriate for you to use…

…because you are a teacher and this girl is in your care. Dr. Numata said just now… …it’s not right to thing of everything to do with sex as “dirty” in some way. I too firmly believe… …that relationships between men and women are not “dirty”. Married couples are a powerful example of this…

And if you are saying that it’s wrong there could be no married couples! Well… Although their method may have been wrong… they did it because they were trying to make the school a better place. No. They just added this as a supposed justification retrospectively. Their real motivation…

…was that they wanted to try writing a “love letter”! and to justify this less than pure motivation they abused Miss Terazawa. “Dating” between girls and boys, if kept within limits is absolutely not a bad thing. Through this “dating” true love can come about and may even lead to a loving marriage.

I think that’s actually rather a splendid thing! But “testing” somebody with a fake letter… and deriving pleasure from it… Whenever and wherever it occurs it is a horrible thing to do! Just now one of the parents said that thinking up this letter as a “test”

Was like something in the tales of Tadasuke Ooka But Tadasuke Ooka never did anything this underhanded for his own amusement! I didn’t mean… It’s the abstract ideas you’re slinging at each other that makes it difficult! As Dr. Numata said earlier, we’re all friends and insiders here… …and should speak frankly.

So if I may speak frankly… Dr. Numata and Miss Shimazaki are covering up for Miss Shinko Terazawa who has been dating boys. That’s what it seems to me! Although I understand this as a parent, there is something else that I am not really happy about. Dr. Numata… I knew your father well…

And you are, like him, a very fine doctor. And that’s very good for this town. But your only flaw is that you’re not yet married. So your intimacy with Miss Shimazaki… …well, you’re both adults and so I have no objections… Actually I hope that your relationship bears fruit! However…

Letting the students see your closeness… I am not sure that it serves an educational purpose! Just the other day a lot of students saw the two of you on the river bank sniggin’! What? “Snigging”?? I was not “snogging”! Oh, you mean “snogging”…

There are certainly some interesting words being used at this meeting today! Well, well…Dr. Numata… It’s nothing to be so embarrassed about! You and Miss Shimazaki aren’t kids! Th… That’s… And you were so engrossed that your medical bag fell in the river! And it floated off downstream! That’s ridiculous! My bag is… here!

Oh, so you managed to fish it out again! I’m glad! I hope it has properly dried out now. We… that time by the river… I… hit…! Hit? Dr. Numata! Hitting a woman is not right you know! No, no! It was Miss Shimazaki who hit me! A woman hitting a man?

Shut up! Be silent! What on earth is this that I’m listening to? Well? Snogging, hitting, or being hit… People doing these kinds of dirty and shameful things in front of students… Are not fit to be teachers! Are they? It’s a disgrace to us here, involved in education …and these attempted justifications are unbelievable!

It’s utterly outrageous! You should resign your teaching post immediately! Resign! These kinds of people… …will not be entrusted with my daughter! I’ve never heard the like! Seneca says: “A wise man is not quick to anger…” Seneca says: “A wise man is not quick to anger…” Yes. I see! That’s right! That’s true.

About a woman hitting a man… I seemed to hear voices raised in criticism! But it’s certainly not anything unusual! Men… …are delighted when they are hit by a woman! In my line of work the ones with bad character… …when they want money and kimono they slap men’s backs…

…or slap them and pinch them on the cheek. And, speaking from my long experience, the ones with the most solemn faces at these kinds of meetings or at home… are the ones who would be most delighted to be slapped by a girl! So, cases of about women hitting men

Is in my opinion no rarity. That’s all! Miss Umetaro from Sakanya has just… Dr. Numata! Umetaro is my work name. For when I slap the backs of stupid men! I am here today under my real name, Tora Sasai. Please excuse me! You’ve just heard from Tora Sasai that…

In the course of her pursuit of an esteemed and “sacred” profession… …and based on her invaluable personal experience… that women hitting men is no rarity. And she was kind enough to give her opinion. So the problem is… …the curious mentality of the students who saw Miss Shimazaki and I “snogging”.

As soon as they see a young man and woman together they suspect something is going on… This is a “crippled” way of thinking and we should in fact feel sorry for them. When we think about how they came to be this way… …for a long time there has been this forcible separation

Of men and women which has become the norm. Proper dating between men and women provides relief for a quite natural need, and not being not able to do this has made frustration into a kind of poison. This has affected their thinking,

And makes them see a man and a woman together as somehow strange. The problem we are discussing at today’s meeting is of Miss Shinko Terazawa who has been the victim of this neurotic obsession from those around her. She was forced to transfer school once, and is now being persecuted again! That’s the problem.

Pure and clear morning Joy in seeing them Running to view Red red roses Wild roses Well, it seems everyone’s passionate debate has more or less concluded. And now we shall have that most democratic of events, a secret ballot… …and determine our stance as a school and as the governors.

Mr. Tanaka, would you prepare pens and paper please. This is not right! Dr. Numata, you’ve really made a valiant effort… …but don’t interfere in the decisions of this meeting. You’re not a governor. You are simply here as an observer! Very well… Just to be perfectly clear and make sure there is no misunderstanding…

…if you think the students are in the right please write “students”. If you think Miss Shimazaki is in the right please write “Miss Shimazaki”. If I could just ask the chairman a question… I… did a lot of training in my younger days… …but I’m not very good at writing.

I would like to speak and have someone else write. I trust you have no objection? Of course not. If you would be so kind… …please write “Miss Shimazaki”- in particulary large characters! I’m not sure it’s right to try to influence others… Red red roses Wild roses We will not break and pick them

Wild roses Mr. Okamoto… I am sorry to trouble you but would you read them to us? Very well. I will now read them… “Students” “Students” “Students” “Miss Shimazaki” “Students” “Miss Shimazaki” “Students” “Miss Shimazaki” “Miss Shimazaki” Thus the result is… …of the 18 votes cast… …those saying “Miss Shimazaki”… …are 12.

Those saying “student” are 6. Well, that is of course as expected. Even old people like us… …have really changed the way they think. Yes, completely! Well, whatever! At today’s meeting… …has 6 or 7 of the governors not present! A final decision on the governors’ position… …requires three quarters of the governors…

…and thus requires further discussion. That’s what it says in our constitution. Today’s decision is an indicative opinion which I will take forward for reference. I agree Mr. Chairman. It’s such an important issue! And we must consult more, just in case, mustn’t we? But I am quite busy and cannot easily attend.

Can I ask my sister Komako to attend in my place next time? She’s fully recovered now. Chairman… Today’s meeting must be declared null and void! There are some people here under false pretences! People who have sneaked in by pretending to be parents or guardians… You! Yes, you! You are here…

…as exactly whose representative, eh? I am here as a representative of Toshiko Iwata in year 3. Yes, that’s what you wrote on the attendance list. But when Mr. Nakao checked with Mrs. Iwata… …she said that you are neither a relative nor a friend!

.. and that she has no recollection of asking you to attend! Everybody! Today’s meeting… …is a very dubious proceeding! And is a clear insult to the governors! You! Get out immediately! Well I… I certainly…. …subjectively speaking… Yes, subjectively speaking I am her representative! “Subjectively speaking”, eh! Have you no shame? “Subjectively speaking”…

You are making trouble! and, depending how you look at it… …your faking this is more of an issue than the faked letter! I don’t know who put you up to this but… …pretending to play a representative is a peculiar job! Hey! You said a few good things… and I was rather impressed

But you’re a real villain, although you’re still only young. Now apologize to everyone… …and leave! And one more thing… …I don’t know who you did this for but don’t ever do something like this again! Right? Right? Excuse me Mr. Tanaka… …you should not be so suspicious of everyone! What do you mean?

I think it’s wrong for a student to attend this meeting… …but there are a lot of wrong things that people do… …for example a man being treated at a gynecologist… …unbelievable though it is… This means that you, during the war were a lieutenant in the army medical corps and served in northern China

And were decorated with some sort of “medal” No, no, excuse me for interrupting… No, no that’s not quite appropriate here… I errr… no… ummm… I think Toshiko Iwata did say she had a relative like this chap, didn’t she say something like that Mr. Nakao? Eh?

You know, she saw him from a distance so… …and she was not clear… that was all, wasn’t it? Eh? Wasn’t it! OK. OK! I… errr… She got muddled and made a mistake… She’s always been a bit careless I will tell her off… That concludes today’s governors’ meeting. Thank you all for attending.

As Thomas Carlyle said… “Is it not true that we live by our discussions” “and believe in something.” Are you OK? I’m dizzy… You mustn’t open your eyes suddenly… I was careless! I can’t deny it! When I think about myself… …it’s as if I’m standing on a dangerous cliff edge…

But you’ve walked without slipping! Thanks to friends! I have good friends! And I can count Dr. Numata and Miss Shimazaki among my friends. Having people who know and understand us well… …is something really important in life! Hey there! Oh you are so irresistible… Hey you…

You don’t have to do it in broad daylight! We can’t bear watching you! You’ve got quite a body but… …you can’t tell the difference between whores and schoolgirls these days! What the hell do you think you’re doing? Damn you! Right you bastard! You want some of me?

You’re so close and I’m so excited… …The two of us sticky and heaving Come love me and don’t forget me! They’re horrible. You get people like that everywhere it seems. I think they’re probably not such bad guys at heart… Really? They’re full of the energy of youth!

They just don’t know how to express it! So that’s why they pick fights, eh? It’s a way of letting off some of that energy, admittedly destructively! That faked letter you had is the same sort of thing really… Those guys… I’ve seen them somewhere before… It’s Matsuyama… Are you sure?

And I think it was Iguchi’s kid too! Whatever! Don’t worry about it, OK? Let’s dive in and refresh ourselves! Oh how I “soffle”! “Strange oh strange Miss Shinko my odd person” Right let’s attend to that matter earlier… Shit! Bastard! Who the hell are you? What are you going to do about it? Eh?

I reject violence. I reject violence! For god’s sake! Help me! Kaneya! Kaneya! Let him go! Let go! God it hurts! Gan-chan! I’m sorry! I really shouldn’t have done that! You’re a total idiot! And I… …I’m a hypocrite! Don’t touch me! I want to be alone. I don’t want to be seen by anyone!

Go away! I… I… I love you Rokusuke! I love you! I love you! Go away! Please just go away! I’m going home. I’m off. I love Rokusuke! I do… I do… Dinner! Sorry it’s so late. Not at all… Here’s your tea. Thank you! Hey! Look! The moon is beautiful… Mmm. Yes.

It’s a 16 day moon I think. Mrs! Here’s your tea. Is it OK… …if I play the harmonium? “Voice of the Steam Train” and “Moon Over the Old Castle”? You do seem to like those, don’t you? On Saturday nights even I relax. Please go ahead and play. When I come to the school…

…I remember all those songs I used to sing at school! The sound of the harmonium brings it all flooding back! Go on then! I brought you some cigarettes! It’s this way… Who’s that? Who are you? Who are you and what are you doing here? I grasped her shoulder and looked at her face…

…and the intruder was Asako Matsuyama from your class. Good grief! Asako Matsuyama! Miss Terazawa! You want something? Yes, I’d like to talk to you about something. I see… OK. I’m listening. Miss Terazawa I… Last night I broke into the head teacher’s office like a thief. What?

I was going to take that letter back and rip it up. Good grief! I wanted it back so I could burn it. But Mr. Okamoto caught me. She was shaking and crying… …and although she didn’t make much sense… …it emerges that after the governors’ meeting she has changed her views…

…and is embarrassed by the letter. She didn’t know what on earth to do but felt she had to do something so without thinking of the consequences she crept into the office. Oh dear! When I asked her why she’d done it when I was on overnight duty….

She said that I was the oldest of the staff and move the slowest. So I told her the reason that you’ve gone to such desperate lengths is because you are severely tormented by your conscience. And because of your motivation I’ll not blame your actions.

I told her that, luckily, you were on school duty today… and that she should come and see you and apologize in person. I told her this and then sent her home. I understand. But before I agree to make up with you I have a condition. Come with me… My condition is…

That you close your eyes and hit the post. How about it? OK! Not with a fist! A slap! OK? OK. Here, just here. No mistake. Close your eyes and count aloud to three… …then slap! 1, 2, 3… You did that a bit too hard. Ouch! But that makes us even.

I’ll make up with you. I’m sorry! I’m so sorry… I’ll try and make up for all the pain I’ve caused you… …that’s why I put so much strength into my slap. It’s OK. It’s fine! I was stubborn… and cheeky… and different! You don’t need to cry!

I’m so glad to hear it. That’s good! Poor kid… Asako Matsuyama is really timid so… …for her to go so far as to break into the head teacher’s office… When I realize she was driven to such lengths… I know! But it’s OK! She must have been in such torment.

Well, well! There you are together! Ah… Ah… If you don’t fish it out… Young and cheerful singing voices The snow has melted and the flowers have come Ah blue mountains with cheery blossoms breaking through… From the distance our dreams call to us! Goodbye old-fashioned clothes And goodbye to sad dreams

Blue mountains and rose coloured clouds The maiden is on the journey she has yearned for… The birds are singing! Your father and mother also had dreams… And there at the far end of the dream… Blue mountains… and these green valleys The bells ring for us as we. so young. enter the blue mountains

No! OK! Miss Shimazaki! Yes? What do you think of me? How do you feel about me? That’s a bold thing to ask so suddenly! You’re very honest. But I… is that all? But do you… By “honest” I mean… You speak openly about yourself and about everything else. Yes, I do.

And I want to marry you! What about you? Marry? Yes! Please do me the honour of becoming my wife! Wow. You really have… I think we will be happy together. I love you. More than anything! This is so sudden… and in front of everyone… You… But I really want to marry you!

Because I love you. You… …even after having observed me so closely… …and you feel that way about me… I accept. Thank you. I’m sorry everyone! But sitting here on the top of a hill with you all… The truest thing in my heart…

…and the words I wanted to say most just forced their way out! The truest thing. Something I can say in front of anyone! I thought you would forgive me! We do! I said… “I love you! I love you!” three times! At the top of my lungs! You did. And that feeling. It’s true!

But what troubles me is… Hang on! So if I shout it out it will all be OK, won’t it? I love Shinko Terazawa! I love Shinko Terazawa! I love Shinko Terazawa! OK? There we are! “Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother” “and shall cleave unto his wife:”

“And they shall be one flesh!” THE END

Directed by Tadashi Imai (今井正)
Written by Toshirō Ide (井手俊郎), Tadashi Imai and Yōjirō Ishizaka (石坂洋次郎)
Music by Ryōichi Hattori (服部良一)

Setsuko Hara (原節子), Ryō Ikebe (池部良), Michiyo Kogure (木暮実千代), Yōko Sugi (杉葉子), Ichirō Ryūzaki (龍崎一郎), Setsuko Wakayama (若山セツ子), Hajime Izu (伊豆肇)

In this sequel to Aoi sanmyaku (青い山脈) the focus is not on the students’, but the teachers’ life. When one day a love letter is discovered it escalates into case over which teacher and students clash. The incident blows up and there is a dispute about the truth leading to a parent-teacher association meeting. There is a vote on who is correct, which in turn leads to the teacher’s version winning out. A thief is soon caught at the headmaster’s office with the perpetrator being none other than one of the students trying to steal the love letter. This leads to a confession and an apology.

Part two of a two-part movie.
Part one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMFPsYpWXWg


  1. Thank you. I love watching these old films. I'm so thankful these classic movies have been preserved and could be watched for free on the internet.
    I also would love to see prewar Japanese films, but very few have survived in good condition and sadly, so many were lost during the war.

  2. Nice to see Ms. Hara outside the environs of an Ozu film. Its been suggested that MS. Hara found roles such as this closer to the identity she wished to project, rather than that of the "Noriko" trilogy strain.

  3. あたしの…生まれる前の大昔の映画ですけど…杉葉子さんのリメイクした映画でその役を継いだ…吉永小百合さん…原節子さんとリメイクした映画のその役を継いだ芦川いづみさん…どちらも大ヒットした…しかし…池部良さんと杉葉子さんのカップルが滅茶苦茶良いです…原節子さんも素晴らしかったし…杉葉子さんの役の後を継いだ吉永小百合さん…池部良さんの役の後を継いだ浜田光夫さん…そして原節子さんの役の後を継いだ芦川いづみさんが良かった…若山セツ子さんも良いですね…令和の今の世にもリメイクしてほしい…生徒役は広瀬すず…浜辺美波…小芝風花…永野芽郁…女先生役、芸者役はは新垣結衣…石原さとみ…深田恭子…女優は良い役者は沢山いらっしゃいます…しかし…この映画はメガネ役の女優が鍵を握っています…なんかややこしい長文すいません…以上。

  4. 杉葉子さん…当時21才…今の広瀬すずさんと同じ世代か…もし青い山脈がリメイクされるのなら…広瀬すずさんと浜辺美波さんははずせない…きっと吉永小百合さんもそう思っていると思います…?!メガネの娘さんは浜辺美波さんに演じてほしいが…女先生役と芸者役は…新垣結衣とか石原さとみ…芸者役は深田恭子さん…杉葉子さんが演じた寺沢新子役は…広瀬すずさんに演じてほしいです…長文すいません。

  5. 映画祭が行われるカンヌのプロマイド販売店の店主が日本人の俳優のフアンとの事

  6. 1947年の原作では恋ではなく、戀です。変は變。脳も腦、旧字だからこそ書き間違いが生きる。映画は1949年。戦後わずか2年のあいだに漢字表記が変わった。旧字の原作と比較すると面白くなります。1952年の新潮文庫は旧字です。ユーチューブのおかげで日本語の変遷がわかります。

  7. 木暮実千代さんの演技が映画を引き立て,青臭さを引き締めていますね。ところでPTA理事会の議論はあの流れでしたら,生徒の票が島崎先生の票を上回るのでは,思われました。また現実の話でも理事長,校長や体制側の突撃扇動隊としての若い男性線背の意見が大勢を占めることでしょうが,青春映画の醍醐味,大人社会批判,男女のあり方・夫婦のあり方など偏見と封建的体質への批判を爽快に滑稽に捉えて面白いです。1:00あたりまで。

  8. 理事たちの 恋文の議論の解決に 生徒の意見が反映されていなかったことに不満があったので,最後の生徒同士の解決はとっても清々しい。頑是。ところで,現代版青い山脈はどうでしょう。担任の先生はSNSでの生徒同士不仲に,ヤキモキするばかり,仲裁に入れないでいる。学校の体制は,今も戦後当時と変っていない,むしろ欺瞞と管理化は進んでいて救いようがない。生徒身辺は深刻さを増しているかも。映画は現代のあり方を問うてくれる,感謝です。青春に乾杯。失礼しました。

  9. It was just wonderful for lack of a better word being really prosaic, intead of poetic. I have loved this film, it is so pure and yet it shows so much of what is wrong even today. And this was made a godd 60-70 years afo! But it is an honest look at things, it is brave to tackle such a subject. And the problem had been resolved in the most satisfying manner. It also had a sweet happy ending. Sadly, in the real world these things often happen the other way around truth and honesty often stampeded down by hypocrisy and lies. People with double standards win. It is refreshing to see the old fashioned good win bad lose and is ashamed. Many people enjoy seeing films also for that reason, to satisfy our hunger for justice and righteousness.

  10. 観ていて思い浮かんだのは、例の旭川市の事件です。最初は生徒内の事件だったのが、最終的には全国的な事件にまで発展し、SNSで情報が拡散され、多くの大人や子どもが全く関係のない人を巻き込んで傷つけたところです。学校側が公的な措置で対処し、被害者のケアや加害者の今後について、警察と共に協力しながら事を進めていればここまで大きくはならなかったのではないのかと思います。

  11. 若い男女が公道で話をすことがはばかれた時代のお話。道徳観念が現代とは違いすぎる頃の映画。聞けば夫婦でも一緒に歩くのがみっともないと思われたようです。

  12. おそらく当時も今だって杉葉子の人気今一つだろうね。私はものすごく評価してます。それと水着透して乳先が浮かぶショットだけでも見ごたえある。ちょっと革命的だよ。日本映画初のキスや接吻はこの昭和24年の映画の翌年制作された「また逢う日まで」や「羅生門」だからね。彼女は姿かたちのシルエットがほんとうに美しい。戦後を象徴した女優さんです。デビュー後わずか数年で引退しアメリカ人の夫と共に渡米したそうです。向こうでもモテたと思う。

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